Transmigration: Children of The Plane

Chapter 97 Wang Xiang’s Death

Wang Xiang's Death

Following Xue Bai's shout, an overwhelming force suddenly engulfed Wang Xiang and forced him down to the ground. Xue Bai had activated six flags making the gravity in the array formation only 6x.

Though this wasn't nearly enough to instantly kill Wang Xiang, Xue Bai still needed the man alive to interrogate him. After which Xue Bai could do with the man as he pleased.

Ignoring the Azure Winged Wolf, who was still enraged, Xue Bai walked into the gravity field and to the prone Wang Xiang.

The Azure Winged Wolf was never a true threat to Xue Bai, but now that the gravity field was activated, it mattered even less now. So now, inside the array formation, Xue Bai was safe. And if the demonic beast still tried to attack Xue Bai, it would collapse the second it entered the array formation.

As the creator of the array formation, it naturally didn't affect Xue Bai, so he could walk into it with no fear.

Looking at his stalker, Xue Bai recognized the man surprisingly. In the future, Wang Xiang, along with Wang Lin and Wang Yu, would be the Three Demon Children of the Wang Clan.

Wang Mo wasn't a part of the Three Demon Children, as, in most playthroughs, he would die to the female protagonist. Either because he lusted over the girl's beauty and tried to force himself onto her or being killed by her in a fight over a Natural Treasure.

Either way, Wang Mo was never a potential enemy like his other fellow Wang Clan descendants.

So while Wang Xiang looked slightly younger than his Demon Child's future self, his appearance didn't change much. After all, Wang Xiang was currently already 19. Therefore, any further appearance changes would be more mental and temperament rather than actual bodily changes.

"Wang Xiang, I never thought it would be you who would be sacrificed. I thought it would be one of those other Cannon Fodders. Did you piss off Wang Lin earlier?" Xue Bai amusedly asked as he squatted down to Wang Xiang's head.

As Xue Bai was speaking, however, rather than wanting an answer, he was looting the immobile Wang Xiang. After all, what if the man had some type of defensive or offensive artifact that could help his counterattack?

It was better to strip the man of his belongings than to take that risk.

"Xue Bai! What the hell have you done to my body!" Wang Xiang grunted.

The Space Element and its application weren't very well known in this primitive continent. Other than teleportation and spatial folding, any other aspect of space might as well be a myth.

So naturally, the gravity field that was currently pinning Wang Xiang to the ground was just extremely confusing to the ignorant youth.

Xue Bai, seeing the youth's confusion, smiled. He, of course, wouldn't explain it, so instead of answering, Xue Bai continued to loot the man for everything he was worth.

"Xue Bai, have you no shame! My shirt is only a Middle Yellow Grade Defensive artifact!" Wang Xiang shouted as Xue Bai began to take his outer robe off.

Laughing awkwardly, Xue Bai stopped his shameless actions. He just wanted to know if there was something under the robe, not the actual robe. But to Wang Xiang, it seemed like Xue Bai wanted to strip him nude.

After looting Wang Xiang for what he was worth, Xue Bai wiped his hands on the immobile youth's robe, and he then started to speak.

"Wang Xiang, so are you going to tell me where your buddies are or do you want me to force it out of you." Xue Bai spoke as he tried to act domineering by placing his hands behind his back and raising his chin.

"I don't know where they are, you fool!" Wang Xiang berated. "I was supposed to stalk you while they tried to complete the trial! So how would I know where they are."

"Then how would you contact them?" Xue Bai was feeling awkward now.

He was trying to be the domineering interrogator, but he now just looked like a kid trying to have fun.

"Why the hell should I tell you? Your bastard of a father had mine killed!" Wang Xiang bursted out angrily as he tried to regain his mobility.

"Why do you think my father had yours killed?" Xue Bai amusedly asked.

Hearing the outburst from Wang Xiang, Xue Bai was curious about the opinion of the Wang Clan and the death of Wang Yin. Though Xue Bai knew the Wang Clan could never guess that Xue Feng and Li Rou had broken through to the Xiantian Great Realm, they must've been able to guess something similar.

After all, Wang Yin, even if he couldn't kill Xue Bai, he could've surely gotten away with his life. The man's survivability was something ranked at the top percent of people in the Southern Continent. So even if he were caught in an ambush by Li Rou, Li Huo, and Xue Feng, Wang Yichen was confident in Wang Yin's ability to escape.

If it weren't for that fact, Wang Yichen wouldn't have ordered for that to be his punishment. He needed Wang Yin's strength and contributions to the clan. And to send him on a suicide mission benefited nobody but his enemies.

But with the bizarre death of Wang Yin, the Wang Clan surely must've had some odd guesses about what truly happened.

"How else would my father die if not for Xue Feng hiring some Xiantian Great Realm expert" Wang Xiang snorted as he managed to slightly lift himself off the ground.

"You're in my palm now. Stop struggling." Xue Bai snorted.

And activating another formation flag, Xue Bai amplified the gravity another fold slamming Wang Xiang back into the ground. This time much more violently than before as blood spurted out from his limbs.

"How are you supposed to contact Wang Lin and the other two? I still have five more formation flags I can activate, and the more I do, the more this is going to hurt. So rather than you dying painfully, you can die easily now." Xue Bai emotionlessly spoke.

Wang Xiang was raised to be an assassin like his father, so Xue Bai knew that lying that he would let the youth live wouldn't work. So instead of saying that, he just threatened to give him a much more painful death.

After the threat, Wang Xiang soon confessed. With the array bounding him to the ground, he could tell that he was a turtle in a jar. Nothing could save him unless they were in the Qi Sea Realm. However, the only powerhouses in the Qi Sea Realm were the demonic beasts in the forest.

But Xue Bai was too far away from where the Qi Sea Realm beasts were located, and even if they were, Wang Xiang would only die a brutal death to one of them.

With Wang Xiang confessing, Xue Bai eventually found out that in Wang Xiang's spatial ring were three communication tokens that, when broken, would send a different message to Wang Lin.

One of them, Wang Xiang, had already broken, and it meant that he had found Xue Bai and was stalking him. Another would be in the case Xue Bai found his presence and was forced to fight. And the final one meant that he had killed Xue Bai and needed Wang Lin to come over. The last of which would send the location of where Wang Xiang was to Wang Chen.

After the confession, Xue Bai went into the Spatial ring and found the aforementioned communication token. And after shattering it, Xue Bai killed Wang Xiang with a stab to the neck and moved the corpse into the center of the array formation.

People in the Baishen Plane placed great importance on the corpses of their fallen brethren, and the cruel Wang Clan was no different. And Xue Bai was, of course, going to take advantage of that.

His plan was simple. He would have the corpse of Wang Xiang in the center of the array formation, and once Wang Lin and the others entered the radius of the formation flags, he would activate it, killing all 4 in one go.

"1 down, four more to go!" Xue Bai excitedly spoke before finding a good hiding spot.


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