Transmigration: Children of The Plane

Chapter 205 Feng Hui’s Message

Feng Hui's Message

As Xue Bai expected, Lin Fu wasn't giving this lecture out of the kindness of his heart but rather because of the orders he had gotten about 2 hours ago.

Earlier in the day.

Feng Hui wasn't a very strong cultivator, being only in the Law Enrgaving realm. However, he had a special quality that not many cultivators of his strength had, or rather, did have.

He lacked a spine!

To put it simply, Feng Hui was an opportunist. In his mind, nothing mattered to him except profits, not even his dignity. The self-centered lifestyle that Feng Hui lived also meant that his loyalty would change with the wind.

Living a life sucking up to nobles and powerhouses also treated the old man rather well over the years, and now, just before he reached the end of his life, it could be said that Feng Hui had reached the pinnacle of the Houtian Great Realm, even if his cultivation base hadn't.

He was well-connected, rich, and had enough influence to intimidate the Royal Family of the Gen Empire.

With his deep pockets and connections, Feng Hui had access to many tools far beyond what someone of his strength should have.

One of these tools was a set of low Black-grade talismans known as the Mother-and-Son Spirit Transmission Talisman.

This talisman was special in two ways. The first was that in order for one to use it, one needed a set: a Mother Spirit Transmission Talisman and a Son Spirit Transmission Talisman, with two different people having one each.

The other special part of this talisman was that it could even travel through dimensions!

Sadly, despite their dimension-crossing capabilities, they had one downfall. They could only send messages in a one-way manner. More specifically, the Son Spirit Transmission Talisman could only receive messages from the Mother Transmission Talisman and not reply back.

It was a great way to send urgent plan changes to disciples or subordinates across great distances, but other than that, it didn't have much use. After all, communication was the most important factor in a war, fight, etc. Only being able to receive messages and not reply back was a huge downfall that the Mother-and-Son Spirit Transmission Talisman had.

Because of its huge downside yet equally huge advantage, the Mother-and-Son Spirit Transmission Talisman was an expensive yet niche tool. So, while it was useless at some times, it worked well beyond its rank at others.

The current situation was one where the Mother-and-Son Spirit Transmission Talisman was even more useful than a middle Black-grade talisman.

On the outside, Feng Hui and his Kun Empire rival managed to reach a compromise.

"So, to finalize our agreement, in exchange for your students helping Lin Fu kill Xue Bai, not only do you want a middle Black-grade Spirit Enlightenment Pill, but you also want Lin Fu to help your students win the trial?" Feng Hui spoke as he tried to restrain his bubbling anger.

After almost half a day of negotiations, Feng Hui's original offer of ten high Yellow-grade Meridian Cleansing pills had managed to escalate to a middle Black-grade Spirit Enlightment Pill! Even he, after all his years of sucking up and swindling, only had two of such treasures!

Moreover, he could never bear to eat them and kept them for Lin Fu when the boy reached his level.

Yet now, for a mere Xue Bai, a Bone Strengthening realm pup, he was forced to cough one up. How could Feng Hui not be angry? But no matter how angry he was, Feng Hui had orders from above that he had to follow.

Between his life and a Spirit Enlightment Pill, Feng Hui would choose the former any day of the week. No matter how valuable the treasure was, Feng Hui, the spineless man, would also choose to live a bit longer.

All he could hope was that the Grand Duke would reimburse him.

The second part of the deal was also rather aggravating, but Feng Hui wasn't too angry about it. Lin Fu did have some attainments in formations, but at the end of the day, it was only a side profession he picked up to heighten his status in the Gen Empire. He could do without the inheritance that the secret realm contained as long as the benefits were enough.

"Feng Hui, a person who is begging for help, should have a much more humble bearing. Anger is not the sign of someone who needs help." Zhou Yi, the Kun Empire leader, spoke calmly, ignoring Feng Hui's anger.

The two were of equal strength, so no matter how much the old man looked like he wanted to drink his blood and eat his flesh, Zhou Yi wouldn't be scared.

Seeing the man's overwhelmingly irritating facial expression, Feng Hui had a strong urge to blow the deal right and exchange blows, but this matter was above him. He couldn't make such a move, no matter how much he wanted to.

Without an outlet to vent his anger, Feng Hui snorted, acquiescing to the exchange. After confirming the deal, the two sides shook hands.

Slightly happy, Feng Hui pulled out his Mother-and-Son Spirit Transmission Talisman, planning to send a message to Lin Fu, who was still inside the secret realm.

"Zhou Yi, is there a special code you told your students that could help Lin Fu transfer this message? Without it, it would be rather difficult for my disciple to convey your message without being suspected of lying." Feng Hui asked before he sent the message.

While not common, sometimes teachers would give their disciples a sort of password. This word would be kept a secret between the master and disciple their entire lives unless a situation like this occurred. Where a foreign, sometimes even enemy cultivator, needed to tell the master or disciple a message without being ignored.

Feng Hui and Lin Fu had their own, but he wasn't sure that Zhou Yi, his rival, had one. After all, the man didn't have a disciple, unlike him, so it was basically a shot in the dark. Thankfully, his shot in the dark hit the target.

"I do, in fact. At the end of your message, send, "Once the heat subsides, a white blessing will cover the earth." That's the code." Zhou Yi said, surprising Feng Hui.

It was a completely nonsensical statement that made absolutely no sense, but that's what these passwords were supposed to be. They were supposed to be a statement that, under no circumstances, would be uttered by any man.

Zhou Yi's poem obviously referred to the changing of seasons, going from summer to winter. However, not only was that not how the seasonal changes went, but also seasons weren't a thing in most of the Baishen Plane.

Spiritual Qi was in every part of the Baishen Plane, only in lesser or higher amounts. Moreover, Spiritual Qi had an innate peaceful air to it, meaning that as long as there weren't any outside forces interfering with it, Spiritual Qi would stabilize the plane's temperature, making it room temperature.

However, there were exceptions to this, for example, in the Barren Lands, where there was little to no Spiritual Qi in the atmosphere.

There, the weather had a seasonal cycle and would follow a pattern similar to Earth's own seasonal schedule.

Of course, none of this was set in stone, as sometimes nearby places with much more Spiritual Qi could influence the seasonal changes in these Barren Lands.

Still, no matter that, the seasons had an order. Winter, spring, summer, fall, and finally, back to winter at the end of the year. Yet Zhou Yi's poem talked about the seasons in a different order than what actually took place in reality, making his sentence sound like the drivel of a madman.

Overall, Zhou Yi's poem was a string of nonsense. But still, it didn't cause much of Feng Hui's wrinkled face to change, as he, too, had a password with a similar amount of gibberish.

Nodding, Feng Hui sent his own message, which was addressed to Lin Fu and the Kun Empire students, followed by Zhou Yi's cryptic password.

Once Feng Hui was done sending the message, he looked up only to see Zhou Yi edging closer to him with a curious expression.

"Feng Hui, you really don't like this boy. Who exactly is he?" Zhou Yi couldn't help but ask.

Feng Hui didn't speak immediately and instead took a moment to think about his answer. But once he did start to conjure up a response, he also started to ponder it for himself. Who the hell was Xue Bai?

Back in the present, inside the secret realm, Lin Fu finally started to wrap up his seminar.

After receiving his master's message, Lin Fu played it carefully, as what the message entailed could alarm Xue Bai, the mysterious gigolo. So, instead of saying it aloud, he instead sent a spiritual transmission to all of the Kun Empire students, telling them their teacher's password.

Only after he managed to transmit Zhou Yi's message to all of his students did Lin Fu start to spread his knowledge of the Illosury Garden Formation to everyone inside the secret realm.

Of the 20 remaining participants, excluding him, the finished Xue Bai, and the unconscious Ling San, only two were from the Gen Empire. The rest were from the Kun Empire.

So, while this lecture might give way for some Gen Empire students to triumph over the Kun Empire ones, what could Lin Fu do? The ghostly emperor made his stance known that any violence would be met with extreme punishments. Forcing out the remaining two students was impossible.

Left without an option, Lin Fu could only pin his hopes on the Kun Empire students and pray that they had better talents than his fellow citizens.

Lin Fu was a man who followed in the footsteps of his master. All of his master's traits, good or bad, were inherited by him.

Feng Hui and Lin Fu weren't from the capital. They were from a much more remote region of the Gen Empire. So, without a large background or heavenly talent, both Lin Fu and Feng Hui were forced to suck up to various higher-status forces in the Gen Empire in order to climb the ranks.

Going from a baron out in the sticks to a Border Marquis all the way to the Grand Duke's faction, relying on Lin Fu's extremely good talent and Feng Hui's unrivaled glib tongue, the two made their way all the way to the top of the Gen Empire.

Now, as one of the strongest Black-Robed Students in the Gen Empire Academy, Lin Fu was like his master and was now feeling what only the apex geniuses of his generation should feel.

Yet before he could truly enjoy the feeling and make his mark on the Gen Empire, an obstacle appeared in his path.

Xue Bai.

Being beaten into the ground for little to no reason and having his arm severed, Lin Fu suffered more in the short stint that Xue Bai has been in the Gen Empire than he had in almost the past decade!

It was a horrible, stifling feeling, but Lin Fu couldn't do anything to stop it. Xue Bai's combat ability was far too unorthodox for him to do anything against him. What could he do against a person who could phase in and out of reality at will without any warning?

For a mid-tier genius like Lin Fu, this was something far out of his reach to contest. Even someone like Ling Yi, one of the strongest Black-Robed students in the entire academy, had been subdued in one move.

However, just because Lin Fu was weaker than Xue Bai in a head-on fight didn't mean that he couldn't pose a threat to him.

Especially now that Feng Hui had told him to collaborate with Kun Empire students.

'No matter how weird your powers are, you're still in the Bone strengthening realm. How can you handle ten geniuses at the peak of the Qi Sea realm? Lin Fu menacingly thought.


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