Transmigration: Children of The Plane

Chapter 139 Power Of The Soul Sublimation Golden Lotus, Group Breakthroughs

Power of the Soul Sublimation Golden Lotus, Group Breakthroughs

Minor Change, Huo Long, Xue Bai, and Zhu Que aren't half human, half demonic beasts. They are just humans with demonic beast bloodlines. I have fixed this for Huo Lon and Zhu Que, but I couldn't exactly find the chapter where I mentioned this for Xue Bai. But still, note that he is not a hybrid, just a human.

Also, not to confuse, but they do have hybrid forms, which is when they will their bloodline core and gain the powers of the demonic beast bloodline they have.

If someone can find the chapter where I call Xue Bai a half-human half demonic beast, that would be great. I don't like having mistakes.


Xue Bai's guess was right, and after he entered the land of dreams, he soon entered the body of the young Soaring Sword Sect Founder.

This time he was seeing the middle ages of the founder when his Sword Law was in the Small Success stages.

Most Sword Cultivators would only reach the Small Succes stage at the Dharma Idol realm, and since the Soaring Sword Sect Founder started cultivating late, his being so old yet only at this realm wasn't very odd.

In the dream, Xue Bai also indirectly learned that while having a deeper comprehension of your own Sword Law would make it increasingly stronger, it would also make it much more costly to summon.

That was the reason why Yue Zifeng wanted Xue Bai not to focus too much on his Sword Law since, even now, Xue Bai could barely summon his Sword Law at the cost of half of his Spiritual Qi. If Xue Bai reached 30% or even higher, he might not even be able to manifest it.

Cultivation required a balance, and not one thing was superior to the other. Xue Bai had a comprehension talent that far outmatched his current cultivation base, and at first, he thought that it was a cheat, but now he realized it wasn't. Without a matching cultivation base, his Sword Law would do more harm than good.

Seemingly aware of Xue Bai's current problem, after indirectly instructing him not to focus on his Sword Law anymore, the dream ended, waking Xue Bai up in the middle of the night.

Indignant but without anywhere to vent his anger, Xue Bai just planned to start cultivating. It was deep into the night, and no one on the peak was outside of their courtyard. Xiao'er and Zhu Que were both most likely cultivating.

So after kicking off the sheets that covered him, Xue Bai got out of bed and pulled out the Soul Sublimation Golden Lotus.

'This thing better be as good as it was advertised.' Xue Bai angrily mumbled as he sat on top of it.

The other two items he got were heaven-defying yet were completely unusable to him currently. So all he hoped for was that the Soul Sublimation Golden Lotus was at least usable.

However, before he could grumble anymore, his entire mind went blank. Like a deep cleansing of his entire being, every negative or contradiction in his head vanished completely.

It was like he was rid of all mortal bindings and ascended to a new height of mental clarity. Different from when his soul reached the Qi Sea realm level or when he became enlightened after seeing Zhu Que cry, this time, it was different.

He had been rid of all self-demeaning shackles. His mind had become clear. It only had one goal, and it was to cultivate. No distracting thoughts were in his mind but cultivation.

The feeling was amazing, but before Xue Bai got drunk on it, he quickly focused his attention and started cultivating.

Xue Bai also noticed that the Soul Sublimation Golden Lotus did, in fact, produce a lot of Spiritual Qi. In fact, it created so much that a fog of Spiritual Qi started to manifest in his bedroom. However, this phenomenon only happened when he sat on the lotus, meaning that before he could refine the treasure as his own, it was touch activated.

However, he was sadly only in the Bone Strengthening realm, and since this treasure was of such a high grade, unless he used an underhanded tactic or an unorthodox method, it would be impossible to refine it as his own.

No one could steal it from him anyway, so whether he bound it to himself or not didn't matter much in his mind.

The only thing that did, however, was how much Spiritual Qi was produced in his room.

Not even bothering to use his Martial Veins to slowly absorb the Spiritual Qi in the air, Xue Bai just started taking in huge gulps of air to cultivate.

This was something anyone could do, but since the Spiritual Qi density in the air was low, the efficiency of this tactic was awful, so no one did. But now, with there being a viscous fog of it in his bedroom, breathing it in manually was many times more efficient than cultivating the normal way.

But very soon, his expression changed.

"No, this can't continue." Xue Bai thought as he jumped off of the Soul Sublimation Golden Lotus and also turned off the Spiritual Qi Gathering Array.

While he was absorbing Spiritual Qi faster than he had ever before, he couldn't refine it at the same speed. So instead of advancing his cultivation as fast as he thought he would, Xue Bai was merely absorbing more than he needed.

The Spiritual Qi in the air was different from the ones in natural treasures. In natural treasures, the Spiritual Qi was not only pure, but it was also safe to use immediately. However, with the Spiritual Qi in the air, he needed time to refine the Spiritual Qi he gathered in his Dantian before running it along his skeleton and tempering it.

Not only that, but the Soul Sublimation Golden Lotus was producing more Spiritual Qi than he could even absorb at this unproductive rate, making the Spiritual Qi fog in his room thicker and thicker to the point where Xue Bai felt suffocated.

"Damn that dragon," Xue Bai cursed, "Everything he gave me had a fine print,"

The body tempering art needed a draconic type natural treasure to even start, the Nine Serenities Jade was stuck in an unusable shape, and now the Soul SUblimation Golden Lotus was too strong for his own good.

While Xue Bai was still grateful for everything the Azure Dragon God gave him, especially since the god had little to no time to prepare, unlike with Zhu Que's gifts, it was still extremely inconvenient to have such good items but not to be able to use them to their full potential.

"I should get Xiao'er and Zhu Que." Xue Bai thought.

He would most likely suffocate should he continue using the mediation mat alone. This is because there was too much Spiritual Qi being produced in comparison to how quickly he was using it.

However, with three people?

Finding the idea plausible, Xue Bai left his courtyard and brought the two girls over to his own.

Xiao'er was, of course, extremely confused after seeing another person on their peak, but after Xue Bai told her Zhu Que's tragic backstory, Xiao'er was completely fine with her, even going so far as to tearfully hug her saying that she'd take care of Zhu Que.

Zhu Que could only nod at this. While Xiao'er was Xue Bai's personal maid, she was also much stronger than her. And being taken care of by someone four realms above her didn't seem too bad.

Going into his bedroom, Xue Bai then told his plan to the two girls. And since it was only something beneficial to them, they agreed.

Hopping back onto the Soul Sublimation Golden Lotus, Xue Bai quickly started cultivating once more.

The two girls, at first, were confused about what Xue Bai meant when he said there was too much Spiritual Qi for him to use and thought it was an excuse to get them into his bedroom.

But after seeing a thick fog of Spiritual Qi manifest in front of them, the two put away any skepticism they had and followed suit by cultivating as Xue Bai did.

And while all three of them couldn't waste all of the Spiritual Qi produced by the Soul Sublimation Golden Lotus, their pace matched how much was produced, making the fog stay the exact same density.

The night passed quickly, but since the trio were cultivating in such a perfect environment, neither of them woke up at the usual sunrise but instead stayed deep in the cultivation state until noon, when their veins became sore.

However, when they all opened their eyes and looked at each other, they were at a loss for words.

They had all broken through!

Xue Bai had the smallest reaction since it had been more than a week since his last breakthrough, and his entering the 6th stage was close even without the Soul Sublimation Golden Lotus. However, to Zhu Que and Xiao'er, it was massive.

Zhu Que had the largest since she had directly broken through 2 stages, reaching the 3rd stage of the Vein Transformation realm. At the same time, Xiao'er had a similar level of shock since she had also broken through, even though her last breakthrough was only a few days ago.

"Little Brother!" "Young Master!"

"No!" Xue Bai quickly cut them off.

"I don't want to hear praise about this thing." Xue Bai explained, "Also, don't tell anyone, not even Master. Just in the night, come over to my courtyard and cultivate like yesterday. This has to be kept a secret."

The two girls obediently nodded and swore never to tell a soul.

Xue Bai had two reasons for this. One, the Soul Sublimation Golden Lotus was too good a treasure for anyone to find out. And two, having a secret kept between the two of them would allow the two girls to get closer.

Xiao'er was his future lover, and apparently, he was fated to marry Zhu Que. However, before any fantasies of a harem sprouted in his mind, he needed to at least make sure the two girls liked each other's presence.

And while Xue Bai thought he was thinking too far ahead, it didn't hurt him at the end of the day, so he stuck with it.

Following his instructions, the two girls bid each other farewell, each going to do their own business. Xiao'er wanted to go back to the Training Pagoda (She liked being in there a lot), and Zhu Que went back to her own courtyard without giving too much information.

However, Xue Bai knew she was going to start digesting the full inheritance from the Azure Dragon God. Since mutating her bloodline back in the cave, Zhu Que hadn't had a chance to look at what exactly she was given.

Now was the perfect time to do that since Zhu Que couldn't cultivate anymore, and there wasn't anything else to do.

Xue Bai didn't care what they did and merely left them to their own devices. However, he did follow Xiao'er and went to the Training Pagoda.

While he hadn't been in the Soaring Sword Sect for long, entering that building once a day was almost a ritual for him at this point, and if he didn't, he would start feeling rusty.

So after climbing up to the second floor like usual, Xue Bai turned on the array and readied himself.


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