Transmigration: Children of The Plane

Chapter 136 Coming Back To The Sect

Coming Back to the Sect

"Yue Zifeng, I said stop!" The woman's voice came once again. But this time, it was filled with even more anger. It most likely saw that Yue Zifeng not only ignored her command but even sped up a level in response.

"Master, it seems that woman hates you." Xue Bai couldn't help but comment.

Xue Bai didn't know much of Yue Zifeng's past other than his wife had died, so hearing this female voice full of anger, Xue Bai was slightly confused.

"She does Bai'er. She does." Yue Zifeng simply spoke, not intending to dive deeper into the subject.

Yue Zifeng would continuously pour more and more Spiritual Qi into his flying sword, and as they grew close to the Soaring Sword Sect's territory, Yue Zifeng would sense more familiar auras close in behind him.

And while the woman's voice became increasingly angry and barbaric, he never stopped flying.

Should a battle take place, while Yue Zifeng was confident he would survive and escape with his life, he also knew that one of the people there would take the chance and kill Xue Bai in the ensuing chaos.

Xue Bai was too talented for any of the other powers to feel safe, and while Xue Bai would most likely leave the Southern Continent in the future, who could say that before he left, he would wipe out their sects?

There was too much of an unknown with such a prodigy around, and no one dared to gamble with it.

Knowing this, Yue Zifeng didn't slow down but instead only increased his speed to the point where his usually rosy face started losing its color.

Seeing just how determined Yue Zifeng was and knowing just how close they were to the Soaring Sword Sect, every powerhouse but Sect Leader Zi eventually made the hard decision to stop chasing and leave, returning to their own forces.

Since they couldn't stop Yue Zifeng from getting the treasure, they could only go home and try to plan how to further suppress the growth of the Soaring Sword Sect.

It was at this moment when Yue Zifeng knew he was in the clear, Zhu Que had woken up.

But after she groggily wiped her eyes and stretched, she soon noticed her surroundings.

Instead of being inside the cave she had been in when she was mutating her bloodline, Zhu Que was now on top of a 5-meter-long and 3-meter-wide sword, shooting through the air.

"Little Brother!" Zhu Que shouted out in a panic.

Looking around for Xue Bai, thinking she had been kidnapped, she eventually found him sitting next to a man in a set of snow-white robes and two swords strapped onto his back.

Following her shout, both Yue Zifeng and Xue Bai turned around to look at her.

"Sister Zhu, you're awake," Xue Bai said as he turned around, "While you were unconscious, my Master came and picked us up."

And after pointing toward Yue Zifeng, Xue Bai became quiet. Yue Zifeng was silently appraising Zhu Que.

Even though most people took time for their personalities to fully morph after taking in a demonic beast bloodline, it would still show in minor ways during the early stages.

For example, they would become angry quicker, have less patience, etc.

But looking at Zhu Que right now, Yue Zifeng couldn't see anything wrong with her. She looked like a normal 15-year-old village girl. She even was starting to blush at being stared at for too long.

"I won't accept her as a disciple," Yue Zifeng coldly said, but just as Xue Bai was about to raise a commotion, he continued, "Yet! It's too early to see if she has been affected by the new bloodline, but you can allow her to stay at your peak since you're so confident she is fine. However, if she does end up creating chaos, you'll be punished accordingly."

Finishing speaking out his thoughts, Yue Zifeng closed his eyes and turned back around, not wanting to answer any more questions. He had already given Xue Bai a foot. Any more, and he would start to lose his patience.

Scooting over to Zhu Que, Xue Bai spoke, "While I do know I promised that he'd take you on as a disciple, this is still very good. Before reaching the Qi Sea realm, there isn't much that Master can teach you anyway. So you can take the few years before that to give him a good impression. Also, since Master is allowing you to stay on my peak, that means he's indirectly letting you become a Core Disciple."

Zhu Que nodded expectantly at his words. She didn't know why Yue Zifeng looked so calculative toward her, she was sure she could eventually become the disciple that he wanted.

But just as she was about to stand up, she felt the extra extremities on her body.

"AH!" Zhu Que was stunned.

She had a tail, wings, and a pair of horns!

"Sister Zhu, don't panic," Xue Bai spoke in a calming voice, "Focus on your bloodline, and it'll go back into your body."

While Xue Bai meant to say bloodline core, he knew he couldn't say it aloud, so he only said bloodline. Thankfully either Zhu Que knew what he meant, or she was extremely talented, but it didn't take long for Zhu Que to hide her draconic features.

However, now there was one problem.

"Little Brother, my clothes." Zhu Que embarrassedly spoke as she hid her back from Xue Bai.

Unlike Xue Bai's much more expensive robes that allowed his tails to come out freely, Zhu Que was dressed in a pain set of pants and a shirt that were not only worn out from excessive washing but also made of extremely fragile mortal fabrics. So after her wings and tail came out, it basically shredded the back of them.

Nodding, Xue Bai gave her a large robe to wear over her own ripped clothes.

"I'll give you better clothing when we get to the sect. But, for now, just wear this. It'll cover you well." Xue Bai said as he handed it to her.

Nodding shyly, Zhu Que put it on quickly. Having her back bare near Xue Bai and his cold Master made her feel so embarrassed that she wanted to hide in a hole.

After making sure, Zhu Que was okay with both her situation and understanding of where she was, Xue Bai went back over to Yue Zifeng.

"Master, is that woman still chasing us?" Xue Bai asked curiously.

Xue Bai had a feeling about who the woman was, but he wasn't 100% sure, so he didn't say anything about it. But that didn't stop his curiosity to figure out why she seemed so angry at Yue Zifeng.

"She's still behind us, yes, but she won't catch up. Not only is my cultivation higher, but my flying sword is also much faster than her flying speed." Yue Zifeng confidently spoke without opening his eyes.

He still had his entire focus on the formation that controlled how fast his flying sword went. So even though Yue Zifeng was near the home stretch, he didn't plan to get complacent.

Interacting with that woman was a worse outcome for him than fighting all of the other heads of the great powers.

"Master, can you tell me why she hates you?" Xue Bai curiously asked.

To this question, however, Yue ZIfeng opened his eyes and gave Xue Bai a glare.

"Children should worry about children's problems. And leave the adult things to the older generation." Yue Zifeng obviously didn't want to talk about the woman chasing them.

"Master, you're such a powerful and righteous man. Surely it couldn't have been that bad." Xue Bai continued.

He did move back a little in response to his Master's glare, but he still asked for a follow-up. Yue Zifeng was a great Master to him and wouldn't do anything to hurt him.

Seeing Xue Bai look so rebellious, Yue Zifeng had a strong urge to spank the child, but after remembering a promise he made to a certain someone, he sighed and decided to give a half answer.

"Bai'er, you're a young and handsome youth, but don't take advantage of this. Don't be a skirt chaser," Yue Zifeng said, "It will come back to bite you in the future."

Nodding somewhat blankly, Xue Bai didn't know how to respond to such advice.

Thankfully before the atmosphere got awkward, they arrived.

Standing up, Yue Zifeng first grabbed Xue Bai and Zhu Que with a conjured hand of Spiritual Qi before storing his flying sword in his spatial ring.

Yue Zifeng would then fly casually toward their mountain, and after dropping off the two youngsters, he left a message for each of them.

"Bai'er, I don't want you to leave the sect until you reach the Qi Sea realm," Yue Zi said. "And you, dragon girl, while Bai'er has told me you're extremely talented and a diamond in the rough, I don't fully believe him. So take these few years before reaching the Qi Sea realm and make me believe him. I don't like having a liar as a disciple."

After speaking, Yue Zifeng once again disappeared, leaving only a lingering lighting aura in the air.

"Well, Sister Zhu, welcome to your new home?" Xue Bai spoke with a wry smile.

Yue Zifeng didn't even give Zhu Que an introduction to the sect but instead left like a mysterious immortal. It seems he still didn't think Zhu Que was immune to the demonic beast bloodline.

Xue Bai would then give Zhu Que a quick guide around his peak, showing her the various facilities and buildings.

However, along the way, Xue Bai noticed that he didn't see Xiao'er, which did manage to raise his eyebrow, but he didn't mention it aloud. He was with Zhu Que now, and bringing up that rebellious maid would just be odd.

They would meet each other soon enough. The peak wasn't that large after all.

"Little Brother, is there a way I can get a new set of clothing? This robe is a little tight." Zhu Que spoke embarrassedly.

The robe he gave her was his own, so it didn't have the stretchiness in the front that a normal female robe would have, especially for a female as well-endowed as Zhu Que.

"Sister Zhu, just choose one of the courtyards. There will be a large wardrobe there for you to choose from. You can also take the time to adjust your new room. Find me after that. I will be in the Training Pagoda." Xue instructed as he waved her goodbye.

He wanted to test just how strong his Small Succes stage Sword Law was!


I am releasing a side chapter later today, and sadly it's not the Xiao Mo awakening chapter. That'll be out sometime next week. This one is something rather important to the story but not vital. So instead of making it a normal chapter, I am only making it a side one.

But I can guarantee it's extremely interesting so don't worry.

It'll be released at 5 PM EST.


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