Transmigration: Children of The Plane

Chapter 120 Iceberg Beauty Senior Sister

Iceberg Beauty Senior Sister

Xue Bai would reach his First Senior Sister's Peak just shy of 6 pm, but since he knew that Jiang Xiaorou was a woman of few words, it was fine. Unlike Ye Rou's Peak, where he stayed there for almost 2 hours, Xue Bai didn't think he would even be able to stay on Jiang Xiaorou's Peak for more than 10 minutes.

So after putting on a polite expression, Xue Bai started making his way up her stairs.

But before he could reach the top, Jiang Xiaoru appeared in the sky above him.

Sensing her appearance, Xue Bai looked up, and after seeing the door-sized sword on the back of a heavenly beauty coupled with the signature phoenix mark on her forehead, Xue Bai instantly knew it was his First Senior Sister.

"Why are you here, Junior Brother?" Jiang Xiaorou spoke coldly.

Of course, she didn't hate Xue Bai or felt any negative emotions towards him, but rather she spoke in this manner to everyone, even Yue Zifeng.

"I came to greet you, First Senior Sister." Xue Bai answered.

"There is no need for that, Junior Brother." Jiang Xiaorou spoke, shaking her head.

And without any more pleasantries threw a Spatial Ring at Xue Bai before disappearing again.

However, before leaving Xue Bai to his own devices, her cold, indifferent voice drifted into the air, "This is my greeting gift for you."

Starstruck at the quick encounter, Xue Bai almost fumbled the Spatial Ring.

"First Senior Sister, is there anything else? I thought you would like to talk to me." Xue Bai asked the air to no response.

Seeing that Jiang Xiaorou really left, Xue Bai merely sighed before leaving her Peak.

'I spent so long getting her and left before I could talk to her.' Xue Bai thought.

Walking back to his Peak in resignation, Xue Bai took the moment to appreciate the scenery that Yue Zifeng so arduously created over his long tenure as the Soaring Sword Sect's Sect Leader.

As desolate as it was, the Sect Leader's Mountain was easily the most beautiful landscape Xue Bai had ever seen. From the serene walkways that ran through the various valleys and hills to the clear and beautiful lakes and ponds scattered throughout, Xue Bai was more than happy with his new home.

The only thing that Xue Bai was feeling regretful of was how few people there were. Other than Yue Zifeng and his disciples, no one was allowed onto the Mountain.

Even servants and maids were only allowed temporarily and were required to leave before nightfall.

This feature was something appealing to Jiang Xiaorou and Yue Zifeng, but to Xue Bai, Xiao'er, and Ye Rou, it was rather torturous.

Staying on a Mountain far away from anyone else made the newest additions to the Sect Leaders Mountain feel isolated.

Ye Rou had also brought this up to Yue Zifeng, but he had waved it off with two simple sentences.

"Being isolated and lonely can not only help build character but also take away any distractions and allow you to cultivate more diligently. And there are too many secrets on my Mountain that no one, other than you all, can see."

And without being able to try and argue further, Ye Rou could only try and slowly accept her new life. Thankfully she was allowed to have some servants and maids to attend to her during the day and pass on various gossip from the outside world.

Xue Bai eventually decided that he had looked around enough, and since nightfall was soon, he went back to his Peak, planning to end his day.

Starting tomorrow Xue Bai would have to start cultivating diligently and persistently until he reached the Qi Sea Realm.

Yue Zifeng said himself that he didn't plan on teaching Xue Bai much until he had reached that Realm, as there wasn't a great deal that he could.

The five physical realms were something that could be rushed through and didn't even require a Cultivation Technique, so besides some basic tips on Spiritual Qi and how to absorb it more efficiently, Yue Zifeng couldn't teach Xue Bai anything.

And while Xue Bai was definitely slightly disappointed about that fact, it was something he knew was reasonable.

He had holed up for six years already, so continuing to do so for another year wouldn't be too bad.

Xue Bai was currently at the peak of the 3rd stage of the Bone Strengthening Realm while only 13 and a half. And with his current cultivation speed, reaching the Qi Sea Realm in a year wasn't something unreasonable.

Wang Yu only reached the Qi Sea Realm at 17 and 7, so Xue Bai reaching it more than three years faster was definitely much better. Coupled with the rate at which Xue Bai was advancing, he predicted that he and Wang Yu's cultivation would even out at around the Law Engraving Realm.

But since Xue Bai was invincible in whatever realm he was in, he guessed that he would most likely be able to fight Wang Yu head-on during his Dharma Idol Realm.

However, that was still years into the future, so before he put his horses before the cart, Xue Bai stopped his train of thought and started focusing on the present.

'I got to show off enough already. My value and potential should already be well known throughout the continent.' Xue Bai consoled himself as he finally made it to the top of his Peak.

But as he did, he noticed Xiao'er seeing off almost a dozen female servants, commanding them as a boss would his subordinates.

"Young Master, you're back!" Xiao'er shouted excitedly, dropping the activity as she ran over and gave him a hug.

"Xiao'er, what are all these people here for?" Xue Bai asked with a guess in mind, reciprocating the hug.

Xue Bai, over the years, had grown to almost 1.6 meters, and so while he wasn't all tall as the 1.7 meter-tall Xiao'er, he could now hug her without suffocating in her deep valley.

"Oh them? It's because of how plain this Peak is, so I hired them to design it to my liking." Xiao'er explained.

"No, I know that, but how did you get so many people here so quickly? We just got this Peak a few hours ago." Xue Bai reiterated.

"Oh, that? Master helped me" Xiao'er looked enlightened.

However, her sentence just confused Xue Bai even more.

"Master? Who is your Master?"

"Your Master, the Sect Leader," Xiao'er answered before going into more detail.

Apparently, sometime after Xue Bai left Yue Zifeng's Peak, Xiao'er left their Peak, wanting to find servants to help her design the Peak. But after she reached the bottom of the Mountain, she realized that she was locked in, and without one of the Sect Leaders tokens, she couldn't get out.

So naturally, she went to Yue Zifeng's Peak and asked for one, and he eventually gave her one. But before she left, Yue Zifeng made the decision to accept her as an indirect disciple and allowed her to call him Master.

And while an indirect disciple was a lower standing than Xue Bai, a personal disciple, it still gave Xiao'er enough standing to hire a lot of servants to help construct the Peak to her liking.

Xue Bai guessed that Yue Zifeng only accepted her as an indirect disciple because of him, but since it didn't do anything but bind him closer to Yue Zifeng, he didn't care.

Xiao'er, while talented to the Southern Continent standards, she didn't reach the standards of a Core Disciple. She only had a Peak Yellow Grade Martial Vein and didn't even take the Sword Law affinity test.

However, there would only be benefits from this decision, so Xue Bai couldn't complain.

"Xiao'er then, now that you're a disciple of the Sect Leader, you have to live up to your title. So no more lazing around." Xue Bai reminded as he pinched the girl's nose.

Xiao'er, ever since she had reached the Organ Tempering Realm, had been cultivating less and less, slowing down cultivation speed by more than a level, halting her cultivation at the 1st stage of the Organ Tempering Realm.

And since she was already more than a year older than Ye Rou, who was about to advance to the Qi Sea Realm, her cultivation didn't seem worthy of her new position.

"I know that, Young Master. That's why I was getting the servants to leave now. I wanted to cultivate tonight." Xiao'er humped as she jumped away from Xue Bai's pinch.

"Then good! I'll be in my courtyard. Goodnight, Xiao'er." Xue Bai said as he waved the maid goodbye.

Xue Bai planned to break through to the 4th stage of the Bone Strengthening Realm tonight and didn't want any distractions. So no matter how much Xiao'er meant to him, he wanted to be alone for the night.

"Goodnight, Young Master!" Xiao'er replied before going to her own courtyard.

She hadn't cultivated in a long time, and she wanted to get back into the habit of doing so, and today was the day for her to get back into it.

So after the two entered their respective courtyards, the once lively Peak descended into a deep silence.


The revision is still going strong, and right now, I have reached chapter 6. I will most likely finish up all the chapters until chapter 10 by tonight.


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