Transmigrating over ten thousand years late, I was forced to become a mighty presence

Chapter 61: Dream of the Dragon Sovereign 1

Chapter 61: Chapter 61: Dream of the Dragon Sovereign 1

Translator: 549690339

In this standoff, Shen Yuan was like an observer, witnessing everything that was happening before him.

The betrayal of the Twelve Water Gods and the Thirty-six Angry Waves Generals, which was revealed by Yu Changliu when he set foot in the Dragon Sovereign Temple, didn’t surprise Shen Yuan in the least.

From the Yunmeng Dragon Monarch killing Water God Wo Xuan, to the launch of the Great Sun’s Gold-refining Array Formation on the Taixu Ship, to Prince Ji Du making his entrance with the power of the water realms, all of these grand events had nothing to do with Shen Yuan, a visitor from a millennia later.

He felt like he was merely watching a part of history that had already happened.

But when the raindrops fell from the sky, Shen Yuan finally felt the extraordinary nature of the history being reenacted before his eyes.

Rain Invocation!

This name might sound like the most ordinary spell, directing the rain to fall. It is just one of the authorities held by the aquatic deities of the Aquatic Tribe. Even the Pond Dragon King, transformed from a carp, could have a similar ability.

Yet this rainfall authority utilized by the aquatic deities essentially guides water from the area they control into the sky, raining down onto the mortal world.

Only the Heavenly Court, who rules all immortals and deities, truly dictates rainfall in this world.

From when and how long it rains to how much rain falls, all these are subject to the Heavenly Court Decree, and errors were unacceptable.

However, while the Heavenly Court dictates the rainfall, they can’t completely control everything. Some of the Great Divine Powers left over from ancient times could even manipulate clouds and rain against the decree of the Heavenly Court.

Among these, the most famous is Wind Summoning and Rain Invocation, ranked fifth among the thirty-six divine skills of the Heavenly General.

In Shen Yuan’s understanding, although Wind Summoning and Rain Invocation was ranked fifth among the divine skills of the Heavenly General, it seemed inferior compared to other skills of the same level.

It seemed like ordinary summoning of wind and rain could hardly be included among them.

But after witnessing all that was happening before him, Shen Yuan’s thoughts had completely changed.

It was as if the heavens and the earth were collapsing. The Waters of the Heavenly River poured down onto earth, and suffocating rain swallowed the land. In an instant, hills and valleys were transformed into chaotic water realms.

Rivers within thousands of miles flooded, indiscriminately destroying cities in their path. Sturdy city walls and array formations crumbled like nothing before hundreds of millions of tons of floodwater. Countless beings trembled under this celestial might.

One divine skill was enough to affect billions of lives.

Yet this was only the beginning. The floods from above followed the will of the Yunmeng Dragon Monarch. The giant turtle carrying the Dragon Palace was forcibly suppressed to the riverbed. The generals born in the water realm watched helplessly as they were swallowed by the infinite water.

The flood deprived them of their spirit energy and constantly pounded against their physical bodies, completely destroying their massive form.

Eleven Water Gods tried to escape, but the lands where the heavy rain fell were all under the control of the Yunmeng Dragon Monarch. Where could they escape with such a deluge?

The heavy rain disconnected their spirit energy and stopped them from flying. The raging waves shattered their bodies, and the murky flood drowned their spirit souls.

Until their last moment, they were unable to make any real resistance against the Yunmeng Dragon Monarch.

Under this divine Rain Invocation skill, being able to withstand for a moment is already considered lucky. The hordes of shrimp and crab soldiers had been crushed at the first instance of the flood’s arrival.

Under this celestial might, even the cultivated individuals of the Aquatic Tribe were indistinguishable from ordinary fish and shrimp.

In the end, under this completely purged sky, only Prince Ji Du survived.

He held a turquoise seal in his hand. A dragon was carved on it, and rivers were depicted around the seal, appearing to correspond to the water realms in this world.

The seal invoked the power of River Ji to maintain a domain, barely allowing him to survive under this fragment of Heavenly General’s Great Divine Power.

Yet even so, his previous arrogance was nowhere to be seen. His splendid clothes were soaked with dirty water, and his crown had been lost in the raging flood.

“Wind Summoning and Rain Invocation! How could you possess such a Heavenly General’s Great Divine Power?”

Prince Ji Du’s eyes were filled with horror.

Thirty-six Heavenly General’s Divine Skills, also known as Great Divine Skills, are known to the world.

Unlike the Earthly Destroyer Divine Power which is still known among mortals, the Thirty-six Heavenly General’s Divine Skills are truly divine techniques, almost unseen in the lower world.

Not to mention that the Wind Summoning and Rain Invocation, which ranks fifth among the Thirty-six Heavenly General’s Great Divine Skills, still causes a scramble for this supreme spell in the Upper World.

He came this time without underestimating Yunmeng Dragon Monarch, even specially borrowed the River Ji Dragon Seal from River Ji Dragon Sovereign to suppress Yunmeng Dragon Monarch with the River Ji water area, one of the Four Great Ancestral Veins.

What he never expected was that the Rain Invocation of Yunmeng Dragon Monarch caused the rivers to flood, the River Ji water area was greatly affected, and the River Ji Dragon Seal could not mobilize the power of the ancestral veins at all.

Without the support of the River Ji water area, he was just a Void Refining True Monarch, how could he resist the Yunmeng Dragon Monarch who has shocked the world for thousands of years?

Yunmeng Dragon Monarch did not speak, slowly walked through the rain. He was slowly heading towards Prince Ji Du.

“Wait, I am the heir of River Ji, having the blood of the Eastern Azure Dragon, my status in the True Dragon lineage is highly revered. You can’t attack me!” Yunmeng Dragon Monarch seemed to not hear, but just kept walking at a leisurely pace.

Prince Ji Du kept retreating, with a vicious look on his face.

“As Yunmeng Dragon Monarch, you used Heavenly General’s Great Divine Skill for your own selfish desires to unleash the Waters of the Heavenly River, causing the lives of several states to be thrown into disorder.

Even if you possess Heavenly General’s Great Divine Skills, you cannot escape the retribution of destroying countless lives! You are bound to perish!”

“As long as you let me go, I can protect Yunmeng Dragon Palace and choose your descendants as the new Yunmeng Dragon Monarch!”

At this point in his speech, Yunmeng Dragon Monarch paused for a moment, Prince Ji Du’s face lit up with joy.

But the next moment, Yunmeng Dragon Monarch’s cold words shattered his illusion.

“Since you’ve already turned my Second Deputy Turtle Minister, the First Deputy Turtle Minister guarding Dragon Palace must also not have escaped your scheme.

From the moment you appeared, you must have taken action against Yunmeng Dragon Palace, so why bother threatening me with it?”

Prince Ji Du looked terrified, and the River Ji Dragon Seal beside him erupted with powerful light, as if prepared to carry Prince Ji Du away from this place.

However, a large hand had already crossed the space and landed on the River Ji Dragon Seal.

“Rivers, break!”

As the River Ji floods, the last trace of water territory’s power is easily suppressed, and Yunmeng Dragon Monarch grasps the valuable River Ji Dragon Seal.

The next moment, Yunmeng Dragon Monarch slammed the River Ji Dragon Seal in his hand onto Prince Ji Du’s skull.

Space collapsed in this instant. This seal carries the vast power of one of the Four Great Ancestral Veins of the Aquatic Tribe, thoroughly annihilating Prince Ji Du’s body and Spirit Soul.

The sky cleared, the rain ceased, the dark clouds swiftly retreated. It was as if the terrifying rainstorm never came.

However, the once lively land has turned into a stagnant marsh, with floodwaters submerging all visible land.

Standing on the broken corridor of the Dragon Palace, Shen Yuan is protected from any flood damage by the power of Yunmeng Dragon Monarch, making this area the only pure land in this marshy country.

Yunmeng Dragon Monarch descended from the sky and casually threw the Dragon Seal, just used to kill Prince Ji Du, to Shen Yuan.

Shen Yuan caught the seal stained with dragon blood. As he held it, it seemed as if the roars of the rivers were ringing in his ears.

Playing with the River Ji Dragon Seal in his hand, Shen Yuan glanced at the devastated water area in front of him. He then turned to speak to the Yunmeng Dragon Monarch, who had a smile on his face.

“This, is the dream of His Majesty Dragon Monarch, isn’t it?”


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