Transmigrating over ten thousand years late, I was forced to become a mighty presence

Chapter 169: 88 Gong Buyu_1

The door of the courtyard behind her opens and a thick aura of Spirit Energy immediately spills out.

Gong Buyu, with sharp senses, detects the unusual intensity of the Spirit Energy and promptly stands up in astonishment, looking behind her.

The first thing she sees is a small black-and-white cat standing at the door, staring at her.

They lock gazes – a girl and a cat, both curious and studying each other.

Gong Buyu was not born to this world. Born after the Great Schism, she is the legitimate daughter of Gong Buhuo and a True Monarch of Rongcheng’s Fine Jade Grotto Heavens, and was doted on from childhood.

As early as the age of five, Gong Buyu shows startling cultivation talents and is hailed as the favorite to become the first prodigy of Rongcheng’s Fine Jade Grotto Heavens.

Yet Gong Buhuo, her father, isn’t happy with these external appellations. For in his view, Gong Buyu who had inherited his talent, should one day return to the sect and become a member of it.

However, the sect has vanished without a trace, even the Immortality Ascension Token can’t locate its whereabouts.

When everyone in Rongcheng’s Fine Jade Grotto Heavens thought Gong Buhuo was approving Gong Buyu’s entry, Gong Buhuo taught her the Cloud Mist Breathing Method, and sealed her within the ancient profound ice when she was nine years old.

The ancient profound ice is a supreme treasure from the Great Cold Palace of the Moon. It can freeze a cultivator and protect them with secret methods, preserving their lifespan through disasters.

Only characters at the Ancestor level of Rongcheng’s Fine Jade Grotto Heavens have the qualifications to use the ancient profound ice.

Gong Buhuo, going against the general opinion, forcefully used his exceptional status to successfully seal Gong Buyu within it, hoping to wait for the day the sect reappears in the world.

That day did not come, but it instead helped Gong Buyu pass several Spirit Energy Tidal Surges.

Gong Buyu was sealed in the ancient profound ice for more than nine thousand years until it melted a few months ago, giving her the chance to return to the world.

Such a long period of freeze, even the ancient profound ice cannot completely seal her lifespan. Gong Buyu looks about eighteen years old, but her heart and experience are still at the age of nine.

And because of the passage of her lifespan, Gong Buyu’s hair turned silver, and even if her cultivation level breaks through, it would be hard to make up for it.

The only blessing in disguise is that Gong Buyu, with her youthful body in contact with the ancient profound ice, has been transformed by it, showing strong compatibility with frosty and moonlight-oriented divine skills.

This also allowed her to ascend directly to the peak of the Qi Training Stage in a few months after reincarnation, becoming a stand-out prodigy.

Learning of her father’s awakening, Gong Buyu did not show any emotional fluctuation. The profound ice had frozen not only her lifespan, but even her emotions.

Thousands of years of freezing had left even her affection for her own kin faintly bleak.

However, when she returned to Rongcheng’s Fine Jade Grotto Heavens and learned from Gong Buhuo that she would soon become a disciple of the Supreme Taoist, a ripple finally stirred in Gong Buyu’s frozen heart.

From childhood to adulthood, Gong Buhuo instilled her with the exploits of the sect in hopes that she would join it in the future.

However, since all traces of the sect left in the world had been erased, Gong Buhuo himself was unable to record much information.

In order to cultivate Gong Buyu as a loyal member of the sect, Gong Buhuo could only tell her about the only person he could remember clearly: the Supreme Taoist.

Stories and facts about the Supreme Taoist were a constant part of Gong Buyu’s childhood.

Gong Buhuo even often took her to different places to witness the traces left by the Supreme Taoist, this influence continued until she was frozen.

And now, after thousands of years, she hears this name from the legend once again, even having the chance to become the disciple of the Supreme Taoist.

This made Gong Buyu, who had almost lost all emotion, suddenly interested.

Later, upon hearing the True Beings and True Monarchs in Rongcheng’s Fine Jade Grotto Heavens witnessing the divine might of the Supreme Taoist, and personally seeing the Ten Thousand Year Profound Yin Wood Mountain God, which was ordained by the Supreme Taoist, Gong Buyu felt as if she had returned to the scene of witnessing the legend of the Supreme Taoist thousands of years ago.

In the end, Gong Buhuo gave Gong Buyu a storage ring and a map.

Since this matter was crucial, Gong Buhuo did not want anyone else from Mount Laojun to come into contact with the Supreme Taoist. But since the True Beings and True Monarchs cannot leave Rongcheng’s Fine Jade Grotto Heavens,

So Gong Buhuo decided to let Gong Buyu go to pay respect to the master alone, and gave the presents and the address of Shen Yuan’s courtyard to Gong Buyu.

The reason why he could get Shen Yuan’s address naturally had to do with the laws of Rongcheng’s Fine Jade Grotto Heavens.

Rongcheng’s Fine Jade Grotto Heavens were able to lock in the position of the laws, and although secret realms obstructed them from confirming the exact location, they could trace the location based on the disappearance of the laws.

Undoubtedly, this would be offensive to an Almighty Earth Immortal, but Gong Buhuo, who was eager to let Gong Buyu pay homage, didn’t care about it.

However, from another perspective, it would be easy for an Earth Immortal to prevent Rongcheng’s Fine Jade Grotto Heavens laws from interfering. Not doing so implicitly meant consent to Gong Buhuo’s move, which also gave Gong Buhuo some confidence.

Before coming to Wenn City, Gong Buyu prepared extensively.

She referred to the books in Rongcheng’s Fine Jade Grotto Heavens about Immortal disciples for the etiquette of meeting the Supreme Taoist and possible tests during becoming a disciple.

It was because she held reverence for the Supreme Taoist, a present-day Earth Immortal, that Gong Buyu did not use her Divine Sense to investigate when she first found the courtyard. Even though she saluted and received no response, she considered it a test from the Supreme Taoist.

After all, stories of this kind were recorded in abundance in ancient books. It’s not uncommon to want to become a disciple of an immortal, and even after many hardships become an old man from a young boy.

Gong Buyu arrived here with the thought of enduring extensive tests.

However, what’s happening now seems to be a bit different from what Gong Buyu had imagined.

Realizing that something was amiss, Gong Buyu’s delicate little face turned solemn, and she hurriedly took out the map her father had given her from the storage ring.

Comparing it repeatedly with the roads around and even releasing her Divine Sense to examine the courtyard where she had just paid her respects, Gong Buyu finally confirmed that she had indeed come to the wrong place.

There was no response to her obeisance overnight, it was not a method of testing one’s determination to become a disciple of an immortal as recorded in the ancient books, but simply a case of her not finding the right place.

A hint of imperceptible blush appeared on her ice-cold face, Gong Buyu swiftly walked to the opened courtyard behind her.

Bai Xue, tilting her little head, was curiously looking at the pretty girl in front of her with her heterochromatic eyes. Bai Xue sensed a comfortable aura from her.

Gong Buyu did not rashly enter the open door, but stopped in her tracks and courteously bowed to Bai Xue, saying:

“Gong Buyu, the daughter of the renounced disciple of the Sect Master, seeks an audience with Uncle Master Shen. I ask that you, Lord Immortal Beast, pass on the message!”

“Lord Immortal Beast?” Bai Xue’s eyes widened in surprise, her little face filled with delight.

From her birth till now, this was the first time Bai Xue had been addressed so highly, which immediately elevated her good feelings towards the young girl by several notches.

Thinking of this, Bai Xue couldn’t help but stretch out her white gloved paw and pat her chest, striking a pose that said, “Leave it to me.” She then turned and jumped back through the door.

Gong Buyu stood still, cautiously observing the courtyard said to be inhabited by the legendary Supreme Taoist.

A mere glance gave Gong Buyu a sense of astonishment.

The courtyard seemed to exist in the present world, but its appearance was merely a reflection of this world. The real courtyard had metamorphosed into another space, isolated from the present world.

Gong Buyu had seen many grotto heavens sacred grounds since childhood, but this was her first time seeing a courtyard stripped from the world.

“It’s worthy of being the residence of the Supreme Taoist.”

Thinking of this, Gong Buyu subconsciously looked at the plaque above the gate, which was made of Thunderstruck Wood.

Where the pattern of thunder and Sword Qi intertwine, seven naturally formed large characters were written with clarity.

“Far and Wide Splendor Grotto Heavens”

Gong Buyu was momentarily taken aback, momentarily in a daze.


Shen Yuan was awoken from deep sleep by the cat’s meow.

After several failed attempts to absorb the Elemental Qi last night, Shen Yuan was quite exhausted. Uncharacteristically, he chose to sleep in the room.

Who knew that Bai Xue’s meowing and knocking would be heard from outside the door early in the morning?

Shen Yuan reluctantly got up from the bed, casually put on some clothes, and opened the door.

The kitten was waving her paws at Shen Yuan anxiously, tugging at his trouser leg, pointing to the outside of the courtyard.

Shen Yuan took a long time to understand Bai Xue’s meaning.

“You’re saying that there’s a little girl outside the door who wants to see me?”

The kitten nodded repeatedly.

Shen Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly and turned his gaze to the outdoor courtyard, making use of his control of the secret spatial realm.

Gong Buyu’s figure came into Shen Yuan’s sight immediately, but his gaze paused slightly in the next moment.

Because he could clearly feel that Gong Buyu was enveloped in a substantial amount of Elemental Qi, a sign of reaching the Refining Qi to Spirit Transmutation Stage.

Such intense Elemental Qi was indicative that the girl had reached the Peak of the Qi Training Stage and was just one step away from Spirit Transmutation.

With such power, she could easily be regarded among the top in the present world.

“With such strength, she should be from some grotto heavens sacred ground. But why would she take the initiative to come to me?”

A strong doubt flashed in Shen Yuan’s heart.

If he were outside the secret realm, where his faux Primordial Spirit was damaged and unable to use the Earth Fiend Sword Art, Shen Yuan would avoid any encounter with this girl.

A difference of one whole realm, even the Imperial Decree of Truth might struggle to affect her.

Shen Yuan, having lost the Earth Fiend Sword Art as an attacking tool, would undoubtedly place himself in danger by confronting this Qi Training Stage Peak girl.

But this was the Courtyard Secret Realm, Shen Yuan’s home turf.

As the master of this secret realm, Shen Yuan could freely control the space, and the Pot’s Heaven Divine Power could be unleashed to its extreme. Even a Great Cultivator of Transforming God’s life or death could be controlled by Shen Yuan’s will.

Thinking of this, Shen Yuan took a step and crossed the space to appear in the courtyard.

With a gentle wave of his sleeve, the courtyard door opened directly, and Shen Yuan’s voice came out calmly.

“Come in.”

Hearing this, Gong Buyu stepped through the door without any hesitation.

The space shifted, and Gong Buyu appeared directly in the courtyard. Shen Yuan sat at the stone table, his gaze full of scrutiny as he looked at the cold young girl before him.

Before Shen Yuan could speak, he saw the girl kneeling down solemnly before him. Her cool voice echoed in the courtyard.

“Gong Buyu, the daughter of the renounced disciple Gong Buhuo from the sect, pays respect to the Supreme Taoist!”

“Buyu, acting upon her father’s command, holds the Immortality Ascension Token, and earnestly requests to pledge herself to the Taoist!”

The young girl raised her hands, and what she held was indeed the Immortality Ascension Token that Shen Yuan was all too familiar with.

A flash of light appeared before his eyes, and Shen Yuan suddenly saw a string of words pop up on his system interface.

System: Detected Fallen Clouds Sect’s Immortality Ascension Token, triggering side quest.

Side Quest: Take Gong Buyu as your disciple.

Reward: Guru’s Gift..


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