Transmigrating over ten thousand years late, I was forced to become a mighty presence

Chapter 116 - 43: Lead Troubles Eastward_1

Chapter 116: Chapter 43: Lead Troubles Eastward_1

With the Sainthood Attainment Enlightenment Array Formation fully formed, the giant phantom Bodhi tree at the center of the Secret Realm dissipated, replaced by an awe-inspiring starry sky.

Under the cover of the Sainthood Attainment Enlightenment Array Formation,

Shen Yuan could clearly feel as if his thoughts had broken free from some kind of shackles, with various ideas constantly rising in his mind.

With a bit of experimentation in operating the “Purple Clouds Elemental Qi Refinement Method”, Shen Yuan was able to clearly feel that with each cycle of exercise, he could gain a deeper understanding of the technique.

And this was merely an experiment with the method of cultivation. If it was replaced with spells, divine skills or hundreds of other skills of cultivation, the effects demonstrated would surely far exceed mortal comprehension.

However, the ‘enlightenment’, which Shen Yuan valued the most, did not trigger during this time. Nevertheless, the Sainthood Attainment Enlightenment Array Formation was a continuous formation, there was no need to rush.

“Wait a minute, it seems like I’ve forgotten something.

Far in front of the River Ji Dragon Sovereign Temple in Cang Province, Sunn

Lanyu eagerly awaited Shen Yuan’s response.

The Dragon Palace Edict had already verified the information that the Secret Realm, where the River Ji Dragon Seal was located, was high in Spirit Energy. This increased his confidence in finding the River Ji Dragon Seal.

He had already prepared to continue questioning Shen Yuan, hoping to fully confirm the whereabouts of the River Ji Dragon Seal with this third question.

Who would have thought, Shen Yuan ended up disappearing.

He didn’t blacklisted Sunn Lanyu on the forum, nor made any other sort of movement, but despite how many messages Sunn Lanyu sent, he received no reply.

This reaction led Sunn Lanyu to suspect at one point that he had been fooled.

However, the Dragon Palace Edict had given Sunn Lanyu a positive response, which left him somewhat undecided.

Feeling increasingly frantic, Sunn Lanyu started to contact his connections in

Cang Province to see if anyone knew the identity of this guy called Falling Clouds.

But none of the gifted individuals in Cang Province could give him an answer.

Only one forum member who also took notice of Falling Clouds reminded him specially.

“That Falling Clouds only appeared a few hours ago. However, in such a short amount of time he has successively solved several questions on the forum that had been troubling a bunch of True Beings for months.”

“This Falling Clouds, is very likely to be some reclusive old monster in the grotto heavens sacred ground.”

To this piece of news, Sunn Lanyu sneered.

Even if Shen Yuan was a True Being who was concealed and did not come out, he still had no right to be considered on par with River Ji Dragon Palace.

Right now, he represented River Ji Dragon Palace in searching for the Dragon Seal. Even when facing a real secluded celestial sect, he need not be cautious, let alone an old creature whose identity is in doubt.

There are two possibilities for Shen Yuan providing important leads about the

River Ji Dragon Seal twice in Sunn Lanyu’s view.

The first is that Shen Yuan is in possession of the exact whereabouts of the

River Ji Dragon Seal.

But Sunn Lanyu felt that this possibility was the least likely, because if Shen Yuan had the exact location of Dragon Seal, by directly informing the River Ji Dragon Palace, he could surely gain unimaginable benefits.

Keeping the information in hand is useless and once the fact that he concealed valuable information is revealed, he may incur the wrath of the River Ji Dragon Palace.

This act of pushing oneself into disagreement with the River Ji Dragon Palace contradicts common sense.

The second possibility is that Shen Yuan likely possesses a special deductive method, able to deduce relevant clues about the River Ji Dragon Seal, and the secrets he solved were answers he actively deduced.

Only this way can it be explained why Shen Yuan was able to provide some of

the information so accurately.

Of course, to Sunn Lanyu at present, retrieving the River Ji Dragon Seal was the most important thing, he was not interested in Shen Yuan’s secrets.

Shen Yuan silence for such a long time made Sunn Lanyu increasingly


He even sent a message to a friend who worked in the Imperial Astronomical Bureau, asking him to secretly help to investigate the real identity of the account named Falling Clouds, only to be told that the forum was controlled by the headquarters of the Imperial Astronomical Bureau in the Imperial Capital.

Even the chief envoy of the headquarters did not have the right to investigate the real identities of the members of the forum, which made Sunn Lanyu even more infuriated.

In his heart, a hint of hostility towards Shen Yuan began to rise, and his thoughts started to shift.

After Sunn Lanyu had been waiting for several hours, the forum backend finally received a response from Falling Clouds.

Falling Clouds: Everything I know has been told to you.

Sunn Lanyu’s face suddenly changed. Obtaining clues about the River Ji Dragon

Seal from Shen Yuan was originally like a broad avenue, but Shen Yuan s refusal to answer was like a sudden interruption of the clues, and his high hopes were dashed.

This dramatic change made it somewhat hard for Sunn Lanyu to accept.

Sunn Lanyu: Impossible! You must be hiding other information. 1 still have four thousand points left here, and as long as you provide clues, I can give them all to you.

in the Courtyard Secret Realm, Shen Yuan looked at Sunn Lanyu’s anxious remarks, and couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows.

The Sainthood Attainment Enlightenment Array Formation had already been obtained, and Shen Yuan no longer needed points to download the cultivation scriptures to build the scripture depository. Points held no value for him anymore.

Considering that Sunn Lanyu had contributed six thousand points, Shen Yuan had no intention of snatching away his remaining four thousand points.

As long as Sunn Lanyu was not greedy, the two leads he provided could suffice for Sunn Lanyu to report to the River Ji Dragon Palace. Thus, neither party suffered a loss in this transaction.

However, seeing Sunn Lanyu’s comments, Shen Yuan began to realize that Sunn Lanyu seemed to be dissatisfied with just the leads he had.

Falling Clouds: I no longer need points, and I am not obligated to continue answering your questions.

Sunn Lanyu: Think carefully, once you have provided information, you should take responsibility for it. The consequences of refusal are more than you can bear!

Sunn Lanyu: The River Ji Dragon Seal is linked to the lifeblood of the River Ji Dragon Palace; as early as half a day ago, the Dragon Palace had issued an order to all members of the Aquatic Tribe: anyone who hinders the search for the Dragon Seal shall be executed without mercy!

Sunn Lanyu: I believe Mr. Falling Clouds understands what’s at stake and would not go against the will of the River Ji Dragon Palace.

After sending several messages, Sunn Lanyu felt an indescribable satisfaction.

This was the first time he had used the power of the River Ji Dragon Palace to intimidate others; even if Falling Clouds was an elder monster from the grotto heavens sacred ground, he wouldn’t dare to disregard the will of the River Ji Dragon Palace.

Meanwhile, in the Courtyard Secret Realm, Sunn Lanyu’s blatant threat made

Shen Yuan narrow his eyes.

Originally, he just wanted to create some ‘real’ news to gain some points, but he didn’t expect Sunn Lanyu to be dissatisfied with the information he provided. Instead, Sunn Lanyu began demanding more information through threats, which irked Shen Yuan.

After some thought, Shen Yuan sent a message.

Falling Clouds: I can provide you with more information, but this will be the last time.

Sunn Lanyu smiled at Shen Yuan’s response, muttering under his breath, “A good drink is not appreciated, only when punished with a bad drink do they comply; 1 should have threatened him from the start, I could have saved my six thousand points.”

Sunn Lanyu: Be clear, I’m not haggling with you. If you can provide accurate information about the River Ji Dragon Seal, I won’t ask for anything else and would even speak well of you to the Dragon Sovereign. But if you can’t provide accurate information…

Sunn Lanyu didn’t try to disguise the threat in his words.

In Sunn Lanyu’s view, this speech of his should be enough to deter the other party.

However, what he didn’t realize was that Shen Yuan was completely ignoring

his threats at this moment.

Holding the River Ji Dragon Seal, Shen Yuan walked over to the Natural Spirit Pool. Bai Xue was lazily lying by the pool, looking at the changes in the starry sky brought about by the Sainthood Attainment Enlightenment Array Formation. Her beautiful heterochromatic eyes seemed to be counting the stars in the sky.

The pangolin was also copying Bai Xue, flipping its belly up in the pond and looking aimlessly at the sky, continuously blowing bubbles from its mouth.

Even when Shen Yuan approached the pond, it failed to elicit any reaction from the two little creatures.

Shen Yuan didn’t pay it any mind and casually tossed the River Ji Dragon Seal

in his hand into the pond.

The next moment, the River Ji Dragon Seal plunged into the water like a flood dragon entering the sea. The divine dragon carved on the seal seemed like it could take flight at any moment.


A crisp slap sounded; the curious pangolin sent the newly dropped River Ji Dragon Seal flying into the bottom of the pond with a flick of its tail.

After doing all this, Shen Yuan was about to return to his room when an idea popped into his mind. He felt that what was currently presented would not be enough to surprise Sunn Lanyu.

With a wave of his right hand, a large piece of stone left over from the courtyard renovation fell next to the pond. Using his finger as a pen, Shen Yuan easily wrote two words on the stone.

Only after all of this did Shen Yuan send a message under the eager eyes of Sunn Lanyu.

Shen Yuan: The secret realm where the River Ji Dragon Seal resides has a 1 rue Dragon.

While sending this message, Shen Yuan spared a glance at the pangolin, who was entertaining itself by striking the River Ji Dragon Seal with its tail.

“True Dragon!”

“Apart from the Four Waterways, could there be True Dragons in any other place in this world?”

Such shocking words had thrown Sunn Lanyu into confusion. He subconsciously looked at the Dragon Palace Edict in his hand and realized it was vibrating gently, much like him.

This affirmative response left Sunn Lanyu feeling as if his brain was trembling; he felt as though he had been swept up into some terrifying conspiracy.

“It must be coincidental. It must be!”

Sunn Lanyu hurriedly sent another message.

Sunn Lanyu: Only one True Dragon? Are there no other clues? Like the color of the water, geographical features or perhaps some textual records?

Shen Yuan glanced at the huge stone by the Spirit Pool with two vigorous style characters he just wrote, which he casually typed and sent.

Falling Clouds: Beside the waters where the True Dragon resides, there seems to be a huge stone with two words carved on it.

Yellow River!


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