Transmigrating into the Male Supporting Character’s Ex-wife

Chapter 14: Ruan Jiu Jiu was shocked.

Ruan Jiu Jiu was shocked.

Her first reaction was, “Did it get out that I’m a whale with absolute scrub skills?”

White Dragon sent the link to the gossip thread. Ruan Jiu Jiu clicked it open and skimmed it. The gossipy thread already had tens of thousands of page views in only a few hours.

The thread was titled “Gossip: The manipulative bitch ‘J’ that wants to steal my bestie’s BF.”

The post was written in first-person and described the scenario at hand.

It said that originally, her bestie and her bestie’s boyfriend were going strong. They were acknowledged as a couple in the guild. But then a manipulative bitch named J came along. J would play hard to get and use different methods to attract the attention of her bestie’s BF.

From that point onward, the manipulative bitch J started fooling around in a two-faced way. On the surface, she quit the guild. But behind the scenes, she asked to party with her bestie’s boyfriend. Her bestie was a kind girl that only knew how to take it. As a good friend, the thread poster couldn’t take it anymore.

Thus, she decided to come to the forums to expose J, the manipulative bitch. She wanted to let J know that she shouldn’t flirt with other’s boyfriends, and that she should behave herself.

Ruan Jiu Jiu: “…”

Behave my ass. She should say that to Reminiscence!

When Ruan Jiu Jiu quit the guild, it was talked about by some. Moreover, Eight Thousand Clouds and a Moon was a big guild with all sorts of people in it. The thread poster had dropped many vague but identifying details. It didn’t take too long for people to figure out that J was a fairy immortal with the IGN Jiu Jiu Jiu. With that, it soon became clear who the bestie and the bestie’s boyfriend were.

Though Light Breeze Bi Ying never publicly said that she was Reminiscence of the Past’s girlfriend, their conversations were rather intimate. In their conversations, it was often apparent that the two were close childhood friends in real life. Fangirls didn’t dare step out of their bounds.

But the who the hell was this Jiu Jiu Jiu? She dared to even make moves on their Rempai, and her methods were so despicable.

Ruan Jiu Jiu received many friend requests with many vile curses attached. Some advised her to keep to herself. Others told her not to ruin herself, in case it turned real. She deleted all with a swift keystroke and disabled all incoming friend requests. Only then did her inbox stop flashing.

Anyone would be upset when having a bomb dropped on them.

White Dragon Horse had urged Ruan Jiu Jiu to keep calm and report the thread to have it taken down on baseless claims.

Ruan Jiu Jiu logged on. She calmly let White Dragon Horse add her back to the guild. Then she calmly typed out, “I am Jiu Jiu Jiu.”

With this, the chat exploded. There were hundreds of people in the guild. Many of them relished in the popcorn. Soon, a new thread popped up in the forum titled “[Live] Miss J is about to have a cat fight with Light Breeze Bi Ying”

The thread was full of people waiting for the livestream.

Many people were howling and begging to be added to the guild. They desperately wanted a taste of the freshly popped popcorn. Unfortunately, the contents were only privy to guild members. Everyone quieted down and waited for Light Breeze Bi Ying to make her appearance and for the two to face off.

Many people cried out, “I’m so jealous of Rem! He’s got two girls fighting over him!”

Ruan Jiu Jiu waited patiently, and in a moment Xu Bi Ying appeared.

Her tone was of total innocence: What’s up? Sorry, has something happened? I only logged in just now

Jiu Jiu Jiu: It’s nothing much, I just wanted to tell you something. Don’t let your boyfriend harass me anymore, I really don’t want to add him as a friend

Light Breeze Bi Ying: …

Light Breeze Bi Ying: Do you think you mean something special to him? How could he possibly be harassing you

Jiu Jiu Jiu: Do YOU think you mean something special to him? Why on earth would I be the one harassing him?

Light Breeze Bi Ying: …haha

Light Breeze Bi Ying: Rem gege isn’t that kind of guy, maybe you took something he did the wrong way

She very clearly was insinuating that Ruan Jiu Jiu had made the first move and deserved to be scolded.

Light Breeze Bi Ying: I know that everyone likes Rem, he has boatloads of fangirls. If there’s some kind of misunderstanding, let me just apologize first on his behalf. I didn’t write that thread, you can check if you want.

She obviously wasn’t the one who posted the thread. It was the work of her best friend.

Ruan Jiu Jiu thought that Xu Bi Ying sure had a silver tongue. No wonder she was able to climb so high. She couldn’t be bothered to bicker with Xu Bi Ying. Today, Xu Bi Ying had rambled on. Most people understood who was right and who was wrong.

At this time, there was a knock on the door and Cheng Jun’s languid voice sounded. “There’s lobster.”

Ruan Jiu Jiu’s mood suddenly lifted. “Wait for me!”

Jiu Jiu Jiu: Up to you, my husband’s calling me.

Light Breeze Bi Ying’s bestie “World’s #1 Pwincess” mocked: Who knows if you even have a husband? Someone with a husband would do online dating? Shameless.

With this, the guild members couldn’t hold it in anymore and all jumped in the battle and crusaded against the two. They said that the two were pushing Jiu Jiu Jiu too far and were blabbering without any proof.

World’s #1 Pwincess was up for the fight. She not only shielded Light Breeze Bi Ying from the verbal attacks, she also continued to curse out Ruan Jiu Jiu. “Harasser.” “You only know how to be a weak @ss binch.” “Other people game with their hubbies but does your hubby even know what you’re up to?” “Probably doesn’t even know if you’ve ckkked him”…

The brazen curses were thrown out line after line. They didn’t contain any censored words and there was no way to report it.

Jiu Jiu Jiu’s name was lit up, but she hadn’t responded for a while. Everyone thought that she had been scolded to tears. But after a while, out of the blue, a new world announcement appeared—

[Player “Jiu Jiu Jiu” has placed a bounty on players “Light Breeze Bi Ying”, “World’s #1 Pwincess” for 100 kills with the highest reward tier. Deadline, 1 month. The player who achieves the highest number of kills will be bestowed, in person, a set of the highest-quality equipment.]

The large, scarlet letters flashed repeatedly on the screen and immediately the entire server exploded.

Bruh she’s loaded! It’s a real whale guys!

The two targeted players’ names immediately turned red, and their faces turned green.

Most of the time people just scolded each other back and forth, how come this Jiu Jiu Jiu didn’t follow the rules of the game?

Ruan Jiu Jiu went silent. It was so troublesome to fight with others. Didn’t the two women care a lot about this game. Within the next month they could either play on alts or just hide in the guild and be unable to walk the talk, not doing any quests.

A few players on her friends list messaged her “damnnnn”, totally kneeling in admiration of Ruan Jiu Jiu’s move.

After she did that, don’t even mention Xu Bi Ying and her friends, even the other players who had hurled abuse at her were a bit scared that she would remember their IGNs and place bounties on their heads. They all resentfully shut their mouths.

In a good mood, Ruan Jiu Jiu went to the dining room to eat lobster. Cheng Jun was very obedient today. Probably because he knew what the outcome of angering a woman would be, he followed the rules and didn’t say a single peep. As Ruan Jiu Jiu peeled the shell she said, “I just dropped a bunch of money on my game, my wallet feels a bit sore. I think I’ll cut back on my spending for the time being to save money.”

Cheng Jun said, “If you don’t have money I’ll transfer some.”

Ruan Jiu Jiu was a little shocked that he came around so quickly. “No, that’s not what I meant.”

But Cheng Jun’s offer still made her pretty happy. At least they cared for each other as roommates.

Cheng Jun slowly said, “That’s good. Don’t scrimp on our food.”

Ruan Jiu Jiu: “…”

Can you say something nice at least?

Ruan Jiu Jiu shamelessly stole a shrimp he had just peeled. She chewed and said in between bites, “Why don’t you ask where I spent the money?”

Cheng Jun silently pushed a plate of shrimp he had peeled in her direction. “Hm?”

“Ah man, I was cursed out and dragged through the mud in a game. I was even the star of a forum post. People said I was cheating on my husband. I felt so wronged.”

He blinked his eyes.


Ruan Jiu Jiu: “… Isn’t the key point that I feel wronged? It’s just that one of those pro players keeps hitting me up.” Moreover, the two didn’t even have anything going on. There wasn’t any cheating to begin with.

Ruan Jiu Jiu was a little down and said, “Too bad I’m such a scrub. Or else I’d challenge that girl Light Breeze Li Ying to a battle and thrash her real good.”

Cheng Jun was silent.

“Are you mad?”

“I wouldn’t say mad. It’s just that I don’t like being falsely accused.” Ruan Jiu Jiu cocked her brow. “But I’ve already taken my revenge and shut her up.”

Cheng Jun looked at her with a thoughtful expression.

After the huge meal, Cheng Jun cleaned the table and Ruan Jiu Jiu went for a shower.

When she put on her sheet mask and exited the room, she heard a familiar song play from Cheng Jun’s study. Ruan Jiu Jiu was taken aback and scooted to the doorway. She asked, “What are you up to? Are you playing the game?”

Cheng Jun calmly made a noise of assent.

“I want to see who that other guy is.”

Ruan Jiu Jiu: “…”

She walked over to Cheng Jun and stood behind him, noticing that he was controlling a warrior named “Moon over the West River”, slowly repeating the same set of movements. With a sudden realization, Ruan Jiu Jiu asked mischievously, “You haven’t played this kind of game before, right?”

Cheng Jun responded: “My skills aren’t that good.”

Ruan Jiu Jiu nodded: “Me too, my controls aren’t that good and I can only play as a sight-seeing scrub.”

At that, Ruan Jiu Jiu, placing a hand on his shoulder, scooched forwards to take a closer look at the map on Cheng Jun’s screen. She remarked, “In a sec I’ll add you and take you questing. As long as you don’t mind people gathering around wherever we go.”

All of her attention was on the game and she didn’t notice that she was pressed quite close to him. Her soft fingers were icy cold, so he could feel the difference in temperature through the fabric of his sweatshirt. Her black hair was slightly damp and he caught a whiff of her shampoo. As she spoke, warm puffs of air brushed past his ears.

For a moment Cheng Jun’s mind was shaken, but on the outside he didn’t move a single muscle and his expression was as calm as ever.


Ruan Jiu Jiu immediately returned to her room, logged on, and added Cheng Jun.

Jiu Jiu Jiu: I’ll do quests with you… Wait where are you going?

Moon over the West River: Go buy yourself some clothes and have fun first

Jiu Jiu Jiu: ???

Ruan Jiu Jiu gloomily looked at his character vanish. She entered the guild chat and everyone was pretty cheery. All of them called out “loaded” and “whale” nonstop. Xu Bi Ying and her friend didn’t dare show their faces. If the two hid like turtles for a month, then Ruan Jiu Jiu could claim victory without even spending a single cent.

Ruan Jiu Jiu nearly patted herself on the back for her brilliance.

White Dragon Horse: Where’d you go just now?

Jiu Jiu Jiu: Oh, my husband wanted to play so I’m bringing him along

When the word “husband” came out everyone was shocked. Everyone muttered and asked for her husband’s IGN.

This was the perfect opportunity to prove herself. She proudly typed “Moon over the West River.” She wasn’t ashamed if Cheng Jun was low leveled. After all, most of her levels were bought with money. The two could just happily be whales and all would be well. She didn’t care what others thought.

Suddenly, a silence fell over the chat.

Hoofs to the West: Um… is it that Moon over the West River that’s on the world channel?

White Dragon Horse: your hubby is craaaacked

Bumbledore: An alpha among men! What a chad!

Jiu Jiu Jiu: ???

She muddle-headedly unmuted the world chat, only to be met with the sight of line after line of scarlet letters popping up, each quickly drowned out by floods of discussion.


[Moon over the West River has challenged Reminiscence of the Past to a duel.]

Ruan Jiu Jiu nearly jumped out of her seat. “!!! Cheng Jun what the hell are you doing!!!”

A door away, Cheng Jun’s voice slowly floated over. “Training.”

Author’s Note:

Cheng Jun: I’m a scrub.

Jiu Jiu: No worries, I’m also a scrub. Let’s just pay to win~

Today’s meme:

Chads among men


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