Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife

Chapter 62 Another Talk With Esong

She assured the manager of the live stock department that the animals were doing just fine and then she stayed around a while longer to ease his fears. Indeed, after every animal satisfied itself on the sweet refreshing water, they settled down quite easily. 

She went to the empty side of the barn and opened the storage pod where the boars and sows were. She let them out and the boars eyed her with hostility in their eyes. The largest one that seemed to be the head of this small herd looked ready to pounce on her but one howl from Severus forced him to calm down and retreat. 

Just like on the end of the cattle, water ditches had been dug this side too and she asked one of the workers to bring release some water into the ditch. When he was gone, she added crystal water and the pigs could not resist it. 

The feeding areas had been separated from the winter drinking areas, she sighed and dumped cabbages and corn in the feeding ditches. On top of this food she dumped more concentrated crystal water to ensure that the pigs would eat. She had to speed up the growth of vegetables and corn further if the pigs were to grow healthy and multiply quickly. 

After leaving enough food for three days, she left the barn and toured other places to see how work was fairing. 

In some places workers were out for lunch and in others work was ongoing. Those who were on road construction duty were going strong under the hot sun. It seemed as though they were completely unaffected by it. 

The roads were being built to accommodate at least three cars in each lane.  She had no plans to accept flying cars on the Blue star. All cars had to drive on the ground just like it was done on earth. She preferred the sky above to remain free and clear. 

She would also prefer it if the cars were locally manufactured. This planet needed a self sustaining economy and they could not just depend on food alone. 

She was looking up at the sky as she thought about this. There was not a single bird in sight which to her was so unusual and her mind traveled back to the old days on earth before everything went to shit. It was normal to see birds flying  about in the sky. In fact, it was so ordinary that they expected it but here, it would probably attract everyone's attention to see a bird in the sky. They would all think a mutated beast was attacking. It would even make the news all over the empire.

'Breaking news, bird seen flying in the sky.'

She scoffed and thought that maybe if flying cars and one thousand level sky scrapers did not occupy the skies, ordinary birds would have a chance to fly as they were naturally meant to. The ecology system of this empire was completely unnatural and it needed to be set right. 

She went back home, got in her car and went looking for Esong. Along the way she momentarily fiddled with the radio to listen to music. Static was the only sound it made and she slapped it lightly twice before it came to mind that earth and the Sunstar were on different frequencies.

She drove on in silence having given up on music.

When she finally saw Esong he was standing alone, looking above at the sky again.

Those silver wings were standing still behind him. If she had not seen the metallic shimmer when he first released them she would have thought that they were actually part of him because they matched his hair perfectly.

She parked the car and honked. He had probably seen her coming but he cared more about what was up there.

Was it space pirates again?

The honking of the car caught his attention and he looked her way. The wings on his back retreated and he walked toward her.

She leaned over and pushed the car door open.

"Get in." She said.

He knocked on the car door as he listened to the sound it made and then took one tentative step inside. "It's not going to break apart like the punching bag, is it?"

She rolled her eyes first before replying, "Try your best not punch my car."

He closed the car door gently because he was afraid to break it.

As she drove off in no particular direction she asked him, "Why were you looking up again?"

"I asked Folsom to install a shield and a barrier for this planet. I should have done it the moment you moved here. What kind of car is this?"

He was touching everything and pushing every small button he saw like a curious child.

When the wipers moved he leaned back as if he had been startled. His fists were already in the air.

"If you punch my car I will punch you." She threatened.

"They look like flying bug beasts." He commented. "Where are you taking me? Are you trying to kidnap me?"

She laughed and replied, "Hmm, I could get a lot of money for you if I sold you."

They had been driving around for a while and she would have kept going if he did not ask her that. Frankly speaking she had no preplanned destination in mind.

When she saw a part of that river which was still unnamed she parked the car.

Both of them remained cordially silent for a while with their eyes gazing at the flowing water.

She was wondering if her words would make him furious and he was just relaxed because he was sitting so close to water.

He could hear the ripples it made as it travelled so clearly. He would have loved to spend the night here.

"We should talk Esong, about that proposal which you made earlier. The one you made about having me anytime and in anyway you like."

She was trying hard not to make visualisations about that statement.

He turned his head toward her slowly, looked into her eyes and asked , "What about it?"

As those black eyes stared into hers, she wondered what was behind them. They were like that blackhole in space which just sucked everything in and she had no intention of becoming the unlucky pilot of that ship today.When one went into a blackhole they did not survive and if they did, they came out battered and bruised.

She took a deep breath and answered."I will not do it, not on those terms anyway."


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