Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife

Chapter 51 Smoothies

When she was coming to the fortieth minute, her legs gave up and she crumbled. Esong had to help her out of the forest just as the sun was coming out. 

When they were leaving the forest, they bumped into her brother Adler and the group of young men that were part of the first Blue star military. They were just about to begin their training. 

Adler jumped away from the others and he approached them. He looked at Esong suspiciously and at Scarlet worriedly.

"Why are you coming out of the forest and why is my sister holding you like that?" He attempted to retrieve her from Esong's arms. 

Esong spun her effortlessly to his other side, away from Adler. 

"Why do you care about how my wife is holding me?" he questioned Adler. 

Scarlet stretched her neck so that Adler could see her head. "I went out to exercise and he followed me." 

Adler frowned at his little sister who seemed to have no sense of self preservation. She was sweaty, her face was flushed and her outfit was disheveled. She was leaning lazily in a mans arms. Even if this man was her husband she should be more careful about her appearance in public. 

"Wait," Adler said as if he was coming to a sudden realization. "You went out exercising alone in the woods!!!" he shouted. "Are you crazy?"

"That's what I said." Esong added. "Your sister has no sense of danger apparently." 

"Why didn't you drag her out of the woods the moment you laid eyes on her?" Adler asked Esong. 

"When has your sister ever taken my opinions in? Your family has raised her to do as she wishes whenever she wishes." he replied. 

Scarlet was feeling energized enough to push herself out of Esong's arms. Standing up straight she declared, "I am neither a child nor an invalid. Both of you should stop treating me like that. I am a grown woman of sound mind and I had Severus with me."

She huffed and walked away from the over protective men. She could understand why Adler was doing it but Esong!! Why was he behaving like that? Was it because he thought that if she was killed then it was bye bye to all of her knowledge about plants and mutant beasts identifications. It had to be it, nothing else could explain his bizarre actions.

As she thought about this, she tied five punching bags on different parts of some low hanging branches on different thorn trees. 

"What are you doing?" Again, for the second time in the day, Esong sneaked up on her. 

"I am going to do some boxing." she replied. 

"On this puny thing." Esong hit one of the punching bags and his fist went straight through. The sand, rags, and other things it had been stuffed full of came pouring out. 

She glared at him unhappily and he rubbed the back of his neck as he looked at her with a guilty face. 

"Oops." he said. 

"Oops." she repeated in a questioning voice. 

"I told you that it was weak." he replied self righteously. "I am guilty of ruining it but the blame is not entirely on me. What kind of punching machine is filled with soil?" he asked judgmentally.

She rolled her eyes and replied, "One it's not a machine, it's a bag and two normal people box on this. Not everyone has abnormal strength like this. What kind of food did you grow up eating to possess such brutal strength?"

 She walked to a different punching bag took on the proper boxing stance and started punching.

"Have you received training before?" Esong had followed her and he asked this from behind her back. 

She put her fists down and turned around to face him. "Are you stalking me or is it your aim to make me uncomfortable today?" 

Esong scoffed and chuckled. "Woman, a man like me does not need to stalk anyone." 

"Then why are you following me around?" she asked. 

Esong also did not know why he was following her around. He just found it interesting to be around her now. He found himself drawn to her and he could not explain it. He also wanted to observe her eyes a little more because the gold ring he had seen in her eyes earlier was fading the brighter the day became. But he would not tell her the truth and instead he said, "It's a free planet, I can go anywhere I want. And in case you have forgotten I am part owner of this planet, your co-governor." he replied. 

"Hmph." she replied. "If you will not go away them make yourself useful, hold the bag and please try not to distract me."

Looking at his handsome face was distracting enough.

"Breathe in and out then concentrate, ignore the distractions." Severus told her.

She did as Severus said and for the next thirty minutes, there was nothing allowed to get in between her and the sand bag. She punched hard until her knuckles turned red. 

"Thank you." she told Esong when she was finished. 

"No time to waste, the two suns are emitting energy, now is the best time to harness it and absorb the little aura it gives off." 

She climbed up a few rocks and sat cross legged on top of the largest one and closed her eyes. 

In and out she slowly breathed, channeling the aura to her infant soul where it was absorbed into a whirlpool. She blocked everything out that she did not see the small crowd gathering or hear the whispers. 

"What is the governor doing?" 

"I don't know." 

"Is she sleeping?" 

"That's the smell of porridge, I should run, I don't have time to watch the governor sleep. Our team has to start digging the path for roads today."

Esong too was wondering what she was doing. Now more than enough after seeing her boxing stance he wanted to dig deeply into that mysterious teacher of hers. 

The crowd of on lookers stayed on until she opened her eyes, jumped up and stretched her arms. All of the soreness in her body was gone and she felt extremely good.

"Time for smoothies." she said.


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