Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife

Chapter 268 Meeting People From Another Empire

"At least they are decent," she thought, when she saw the Xenoans. 

It had been her expectation that they would be dressed as horribly as princess floozy. But instead, they wore full bodysuits, and carried their guns and weapons on their backs. 

The woman leading them at the front probably held the highest position among them all. She wore a white bodysuit with a long cape at the back. In fact, some women had capes and others didn't. All the capes matched the color of the bodysuit. While they were body hugging bodysuits, they covered every inch of their bodies their necks to the legs. 

The shoes covered the rest, high heeled boots which were mostly black. The woman in white wore red boots. 

The closer they came, the more Scarlet observed them. No man, she noticed, there was no man in the group at all. 

The group came to a stop in front of Scarlet and her welcoming committee. 

"Sister," Floozy squealed and launched herself at the woman in white. 

The woman in white stepped aside and glared at floozy and just like that like, floozy wilted her head like an embarrassed dog caught stealing meat and she returned to her position. 

"Hmph." Scarlet brimmed with a smile that she hid by looking down. 

The leader of the Xenoans was not finished, she nodded at her people and four of them crowded floozy, blocking all eyes and when they stepped away, she was fully dressed in a silver jumpsuit. The leader was satisfied but floozy was scowling and unhappy. 

'How did they do that?' Scarlet wondered. 

She could hear the sound of Fey chortling from behind and Adler guffawing. 

All three groups stood still, each waiting for one to move first. Scarlet did not know if she should welcome the empress first or the visitors. 

The empress stepped forward first and held out her arms wide, with all intentions to embrace Scarlet it seemed. 

"Governor Scarlet," she said, and pulled her in a for hug. 

BSTV drones circled the area, RGB officers patrolled the area and enthusiastic citizens who had come out to get their first look at royalty cheered from behind the shield that prevented them from from coming close to the space port. 

The first picture of the governor being embraced by the empress circled star net immediately. 

"Your highness, what an honor." Scarlet said as she accepted the warm embrace of the mother of the nation. 

"Thank you for accepting to take on the momentous task of hosting the Xenoans. I know that it could not have been an easy decision for you to make given past events."

"I am simply fulfilling my duties your majesty, it was not a hard decision to make." she said. 

Esong coughed, to cover up the laughter which threatened to escape his mouth. His wife was quite the excellent liar. It was not a hard decision to make!!!, his body was full of red bruises from the little spots she had pinched and kicked him for each hour that the unwanted princess was on their planet. 

And when she found out that the Xenoans were coming, she refused to host them without being paid. The money had come out of Markey's account. 

"Esong, dear, I am so happy to see you." The empress let go of Scarlet and hugged Esong briefly. 

She let go of him quickly and walked two steps toward the Xenoans and smiled, "Please Princess Carana, meet the governor who has been looking after your sister, you can see with your own eyes that she is healthy."

"I can see that." the woman in white answered. She came closer to Scarlet and mimicked the actions of the empress by embracing her. 

"Oh," Scarlet was stunned. 

"Was I not supposed to do that?" Princess lifted upper body away from Scarlet, looked her in the eyes and asked. "I was under the impression that this was how people in your empire shared greetings."

"Not always." Scarlet answered, "We also shake hands, curtsy, bow or simply nod with a polite smile."

"I will take note of that next time." the princess said. 

Scarlet pulled herself away from the princess and stepped back, as she did, she wondered if it was her imagination that the princess had held her a little bit too tightly to simply be sharing a greeting. 

"This is the other governor, Esong, he is the one who rescued your sister princess Keziah from danger." the empress took the princess Carana to meet another person on the welcoming committee. 

The princess extended her hand this time, and she said, "It's a pleasure."

"You are welcome." Esong responded with a nod of his head. 

The empress continued, introducing her to five more people before those formalities were done. When they were finished, two little girls who were wearing white dresses, Halley and Sia came forward with bouquets of flowers which they handed off to the empress and the princess. 

The empress hugged both little girls, and she said, "Aww, aren't they sweet." 

"Thank you." Princess Carana smiled at the girls as well. 

BSTV shared those pictures on star net immediately, arousing a series of 'ooh,' 'so cute,' and 'how adorable' responses from the citizens everywhere. 

Scarlet smiled at the guests and said, "Please come with me, I have prepared a feast in the castle in your honor and later, if you are up for it, we can give you a tour of our blue star. I would also like to hear more about Xeno." 

The group was led by RGB officers and personal guards, they bordered cars and were driven away. The empress insisted on sharing a car with the two little girls, another scene which was captured by the drone cameras and shared.

In the palace, the third princess sulked and complained to the emperor, "You should have let me go with mum, look at those adorable babies." 

"Get married and have your own babies," he answered. "Sapphire, you are my old daughter, please stop fighting with me over my food, in my palace and eat freely in your own home." 

"Tch, which man is worthy of me in the empire?" she replied. 

The emperor did not pull back for a single second, he sent his daughter a list of the most eligible bachelors from all the noble houses immediately. 

"Not my type." the third princess replied. She did not even bother to look at the list. 

In the governor's castle, the maids were running around like headless chicken in every direction. 

"Fast, fast, fast," Gertrude was yelling at the others to clean up the mess created when the white cat was chased by Severus. "The guests are almost here, chop chop." 

They youngest maid, Coral, thought to herself, "If you join us instead of shouting orders, we will be much faster."

Still, the job was accomplished by the time the guests arrived.


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