Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife

Chapter 130 A Coconut Dessert

With the creation of city hall and the many departments with skilled heads, Scarlet found herself with a bit of free time after her work outs. To fill in the gaps, she stayed inside the kitchen, reading Maddox's journals. The more she read, the more she understood the functions of some of the things in the storage bracelet. That's how she came to learn about the satellites. Grabbing a packet of spiced peanuts from her storage space, she sat down crossed her legs and started reading. 

"My father said that our ancestors were the original creators of the star net, despite what he said, nowhere is it written in the history of this empire that the Varakas did any such thing. When I was ten years old, I randomly mentioned this fact to a classmate and that same day my grandfather almost shot my head off with a laser gun. It was the tears of my mother Lenora which saved life. Our family was one with many secrets I learned that day, and most of them were dangerous. Secret one for example was the fact that our original family name was not even Varakas, it was London. I always wondered why that name sounded so familiar to me and when I grew up to finish the sophisticated sky eye, I finally found out why, it is the name of the ruling family of the Lunar federation. I was never meant to hear this name, I was playing a game of hide and seek with my siblings when I overheard it, I never gave it much thought until my entire family perished but now it sits at the very top of the list of my enemies, London!!!!!.

I have been monitoring and waiting, I have made allies, built the weapons and the day is soon coming, patiently I am waiting, the Varakas house will be avenged."

She closed that journal because she had skipped ahead by a lot, she did not know what happened to his family yet. Judging from what she could put together so far, Maddox and his family were probably royalty that escaped from the Lunar federation. Why, she did not know just yet. She also had more questions like which allies had Maddox made and where did he find them? He had been living here for over one hundred years, he hardly communicated with anyone. Could it be the secret satellites in the sky?

"Alex, which journal entry is this?" she asked the AI.

"Entry six hundred ten." 

Yup, she thought, I definitely skipped ahead, "Alex, I need the journal entries rearranged in order from the first to the last. 

"Yes master."

"Alex what is sky eye?" she asked curiously. 

"It's an interconnected web of hacking software that the master used to access and communicate with others on the Lunar net."

She pushed her head slightly forward, "Lunar net as in Lunar federation!!"

"Yes," Alex responded, "The Lunar net is what star net is, just for a different empire. The former master completed sky eye sixty years ago, it was the work of his grandfather, father and elder brother."

Scarlet tapped her fingers slowly against her thigh thinking that their could have been some truth to Maddox's ancestors claim that they created star net. If they could create sky eye then they could create star net.

"Can I access sky eye and Lunar net?" she asked curiously. It could be interesting to see what the enemies of their Sun star empire were up to. "Also, I need to know how your former master was communicating with his allies. Analyze the content of their communications and break it down for me." She had promised him that she would make his enemies pay but she did not promise to kill anyone. So she could pass off some of the things he created and send supplies or things like that to help them in their fight. 

"Do you want to all this right now?" Alex asked. 

"No, I want to read journal entry three." It was more important for her to know who his enemies in this empire were. 

  "As children, we dreamt of bringing glory to the empire and to our family, we assigned what roles we would play in this greatness as soon as we were old enough to understand. Sven was extremely good with with writing code so he would join our father in the communications department of the empire. Elora was excellent fighter, the best among us. Her skills could put any man to shame and she amassed a following of over one hundred underlings. Her goal was to be a mecha warrior, and she had climbed up the ranks with skills and hard work. I on the other hand was good at crafting and designing everything, if you could think it, I could make it. I even crafted a self thinking fighting robot for Elora but my father destroyed it. He said that my clever hands would get me into trouble one day because I would create something that I could not control. The superior intelligence of anything other than human was a threat to us all. He likened it to a mutated beast that could think beyond the kill, such a beast would be unstoppable because it could plan, calculate and command others. I asked him if he had ever seen one such beast because the general assumption is that they are simply thoughtless brutal animals and he said that the universe was a big place, they had to be coming from somewhere and someone or something other than instinct had to sending them otherwise why do they disappear completely after the cold month, leaving only the injured or weak ones behind."

"Alex, did Maddox ever figure out where mutated beasts come from?" 

"No master, the only theory he had is that is they come from a separate continent through an invisible temporary crack in space. Before the crack closes the clever ones return."

"A crack in space." Scarlet hummed, "Could that be it?" 

"Is it possible that they hibernate here on our world and simply wake up to hunt and fill their bellies or store food. That's the habit of an animal like a bear, although, bears hibernate in winter, they do not hunt during that time."

She looked at the time and closed the journal, she had promised Rodney that three times a week she record a lunch time show on preparation of deserts and sweet things.

She was driven to one of the empty floors above the supermarket which was being used as a temporary television station. Preparations had already been made so she sat down, a little make up was applied to her face and she put on a black chef's gown and hat. 

"Ready?" Rodney asked. 

She nodded her head. 

"Three, two ,one." the camera man counted and the recording started. 

"Hello everyone, welcome to my new show Scarlet's sweet treats, I will be coming to you three times a week to teach you how to prepare the simplest and sweetest deserts right in your home kitchen. Today I will be teaching you how to prepare a desert from a special fruit named a coconut. I can't see you right now but show of hands, who knows what a coconut is?"

Whe this show aired, coconut powder, coconut milk and coconuts themselves would be on the shelves in the Bluemart, these recipes would come in handy for many people at that time. They would be able to make these sweet treats in the comfort of their own homes.


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