Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife

Chapter 123 I Have My Reservations

She had been on her way to meet Mr. Rodney and he on his way to his last and only class of the day when they both received messages that Cecily and Etienne Wu had arrived on the blue star. Not only were they allowed in without the usual act of seeking for her permission or Esong's but they were driven straight away to the Su family's house and given refreshments. By the time Scarlet and Esong showed up, Cecily Wu was playing with two kittens while her husband observed the Buddha statue curiously.

Having arrived at the same time, Esong had taken Scarlet's hand and led her inside while assuring her that everything would be okay. 

But would it? Scarlet wondered. In the midst of the daily busy schedule that she shouldered while shuffling a life between two realms it had skipped her mind to call Cecily Wu as she requested. As a matter of fact, she had not even done the simplest thing which would have been text the woman back!! Now, she was in quite a conundrum as her mind pictured nothing but ugly scenarios. 

Esong practically dragged her into the house as her unwilling feet budged very slowly and hesitantly. If she could dig them deep and bury them in the ground to stop the movement of her body, she would. But not long after, she found herself on her knees in the presence of these two elders. 

"Why am I on my knees?" She asked herself. "Why is he on his knees?" she thought when she saw that Esong was just the same as her. Had they committed an offence for which they had to atone? "Is because we had sex!!!!, how did they know?" she gasped, drew her head back and her eyes widened in shock. 

A few pillows started flying around the room in different directions and Esong tightened his hold on her hand. "Relax." he told her, "Control your mental strength." 

"Oh!" she gasped. 

"So she is not as useless as they say, thank you for telling us about that Esong." his grandmother said sarcastically. 

"I have been lax in my communications with the family grandmother, I apologize." he responded. He was polite, calm, reserved and he sounded different, almost his entire demeanor had changed.

"Why is he speaking like that?" Scarlet looked at Esong Wu as if he had grown two new heads suddenly. 

"You have become lax in many things," his grandfather sat down next to his grandmother and he said. "When did you last call your father?" 

"I communicated with him three days ago, he inquired about the well being of my son and my training. These questions were followed up by an update about how the blue star is faring. He informed me that he would be putting in a formal request to be appointed as the official royal liaison between the blue star and the emperor." 

"Who speaks to like this?" Scarlet yelled in her mind? "It was almost as if he was addressing a stranger.

"Your father has made up his mind then, it is a good thing for your child. He will grow up in the ways of the family. Where will we dwell then? We can't forever be in a space ship" hid grandmother said. 

"I am already taking care of it." Esong replied. 

 "Excellent," his grandmother smiled and then her eyes turned to Scarlet who squirmed like a worm. "How are you doing young lady? I have heard that you have made tremendous changes to your behavior. My advice to you was not wasted it seems." 

'Ah, she is one of those people that uses words like tremendous and superb or felicitations. This must have been what her mother said about the difference between their family and other noble families. The normal nobles behaved so formally and spoke like well learned individuals."

"It is quite rude of you to travel in thought when holding a conversation with someone else." Cecily Wu added when Scarlet took a while to respond as she was thinking. "You are going to need formal training in sufficient behavior and proper mannerism if you are to govern this planet appropriately."

Her behavior needed training!! Was she a monkey? Even if they were Esong's grandparents they were too presumptuous. What was so inappropriate in the way she had been governing so far?

Scarlet smiled stiffly and she said, "Justin's grandmother, thank you for visiting us, I apologize for the delay in communication, I have been quite busy. I also apologize if my silence has been perceived as rude by you however please understand that your arrival still has me in shock. I was not expecting to see you here without so much as a heads up. I do not mean to offend you but my behavior will not be going through any training, I have been governing the blue star well enough with my mannerisms. So thank you for your kind advice, I will take it into consideration." 'And throw it out of the window.' she did not say this last bit out loud, just within her mind. 

If they thought she was meek and desperate for their approval like the old Scarlet then they were in for a rude awakening. Whatever mist or fog was veiling their eyes, they should throw it out of the window because on the blue star, noble or commoner, they were one and the same. 

"So you finally have a backbone." Cecily commented. Her voice was filled with surprise, this response was not what she expected. She had been expecting Scarlet to address her as 'grandmother' and say yes to everything she was told. 

"It's made of steel and Iron." Scarlet replied. 

"You realize that those are not the strongest metals in the world." Cecily smirked.

"It depends on the type of steel." Scarlet replied. 

"Rackite is stronger than steel or iron." 

"I wouldn't know, we do not have Rackite here, I can only be as strong as what I know."

They were speaking with their lips and eyes, it was as if a gauntlet had been thrown down and the two women were engaged in a weird war of words. Esong looked at his grandfather questioningly but Etienne shrugged and replied with his eyes, 'I don't know what they are doing either.' He also shook his head, cautioning Esong not to interfere. 

"Iron and steel can bend." Cecily said. 

"It doesn't make it any less sharp, it still cuts." Scarlet smirked this time around, "Deep." she added. 

"You don't know when to stop, do you?" Cecily asked her. 

"I stop when I win." Scarlet responded. 

"I am Esong's grandmother, I have reservations about you being his wife. No matter how much you have changed the past is not something that one can erase simply. You may have apologized to him but you have not apologized to me or the rest of my family for what you put us through. You dragged our name through the mud and made us look like villains in the eyes of the world because we would not accept you with open arms." 

'Oh shit!' Scarlet thought, 'She was destined not to have the upper hand with these people.' All she could do was simply say sorry in the briefest of words because no matter how she framed it, things would not change. The train of apologies would have to be restarted when his father, siblings and probably mother came. His grandmother was right, Scarlet had offended that entire family. 

"I apologize, I was muddleheaded back then. There is no changing what I did back then but I am in a better place now. I have apologized to Esong too and even asked him for a divorce." 

"Divorce!!" Cecily said in a stunned voice.


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