Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife

Chapter 115 Who Is The Hound?

Scarlet's victory was picked up by different media houses in the Sun star empire, as little clips were shared on the star net by some viewers that saved the fights more people picked interest in the fight. Like lightning, articles were quickly written by sharp witted journalists who did not even attend the fight describing it in picturesque and grandeur ways. 

Majority of the first articles that went up had one question, "Who is the hound?" 

"The appearance of a new division one star, the hound, who is she?" 

"The birth of a new female mecha fighter, who is the hound?" 

"Will the hound go far or was this just beginner's luck?" 

"She started with eighty on the champion roll and now she is at seventy, is the hound coming for sixty next?"

 Rodney who was yet to return to the capital sent a message to the president of the star daily to make one last plea for them to offer Scarlet the contract she wanted. The female president of star daily picked up her phone and replied in a dry tone. 

"Mr. Rodney as an employee of the star daily your duty is to find deals that are beneficial to the company. I don't care if she is a governor or the only cook in the empire, if she wants to sign with us she has to obey our terms. What kind of ridiculous terms is she asking for, an assistant that works for her, a one year contract, liberty to broadcast at her will. We might as well carry the entire company and hand it to her, the more the food culture spreads the more people will attempt to cook, we find someone else." 

Rodney felt extremely frustrated, the president of the company was arrogant and she simply refused to see the vision he saw. 

"She is Esong Wu's wife, just now she defeated..." 

"I told you no." the president said sternly and she hung up. 

Rodney sat down and huffed his cheeks, feeling extremely frustrated. If the president was saying no then he might as well tell the governor then pack up and return to the capital. There was nothing else for him to do here after all. 

Right now, he could see that the governor was celebrating with her family so he figured he could talk to her about it tomorrow. 

In the capital, Cecily Wu and her husband had watched the fight in the privacy of their bedroom. When their grandson told them about it they did not have much interest in the fight but out of curiosity because of her relationship with their grandson they watched it and found themselves being pleasantly surprised. 

"She is quite talented but her skills are not refined." her husband commented. 

"She needs a good teacher." Cecily replied. "Maybe I should take her in as my student, I have not passed my skills on. In case you need a reminder in my youthful days I was the one of only five women that have ever held the title of queen of the mecha fights." 

"I remember," her husband said. "I fell in love with you when you were just a division one fighter, you were so magnificent. He closed his eyes and remembered the memories of those days. The magnificence of his wife in the ring was unmatched back then. To him even to date nobody could match his Cecily's brilliance in the ring. "Dozens of families have brought their daughters here begging you to take them in and teach them your skills but you turned them down. I wonder how they will react if they find out that you are choosing to teach her, I mean she has never been to any combat academy. It's amazing that she has any fighting skills at all." 

 "She has not called me back though, I reached out to her and told her that I want us to speak but it's been days. I am not sure if I should be patient or offended by her actions." 

"Esong did say that she has been extremely busy between work, training and family things. The development of the planet cannot be delayed, they need to move into proper housing before the cold season begins. The heat from the sun is dropping everyday, my sources in the academy say that the cold season might be on us faster this year than before. Perhaps we should go to the Blue star and help the children a bit."

"You think so." Cecily cheered up. "Will I finally be able to see my grandbaby. I will put him to bed and send him to school every morning, Esong also said that they are now selling clothes on their planet so I can buy him as many clothes as he wants. Tomorrow, let's leave tomorrow." she urged him. She was desperate to give all the love and affection she had left to her grandson. 

"What about Esong's father, our son?" her husband asked her.

"He is a minister with duties, why are you bringing him up?" she gave him a puzzled look. Their grown up son could take care of himself but their four year old grandson was different. 

"You are right, tell the maids, our guards and assistants to begin packing. We should also take robot butlers and gaming equipment, young children like games. What else should we take?" 

All of these plans were made outside of Esong's knowledge, he was facing his wife after all the festivities and celebrations ended. Their son had fallen asleep because of the excitement and Adler took him to the house. Right now, he and a giddy Scarlet were facing alone in the control room of the space ship. 

She was vibrating with so much energy and it looked like she had no idea what to do with all of it. He would have thought that she would be too exhausted and perhaps fall asleep soon but she was humming and watching clips of other competitors she would fight in the future. 

"Do you want to go out for a run?" he asked her. 

"No," she put the hologram away. "I want to celebrate in another way, I have made a few realizations today, no more waiting."


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