Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife

Chapter 107 The History Of House Varakas

The sun rose everyday and it set, five days passed by with each passing second bringing Scarlet closer and closer to the beginning of a day that she could not push away any further. This morning she pushed the thought back as she toured her planet slowly, taking in the beautiful scenery of this once plain land. Today was another day of harvest, the tomatoes were ripe, the cabbages were fat and green, the garlic was white, it's smell so rich and potent. The onions, green, yellow and red papers, peanuts and even the rice had sprung. It had not yet grown ears but in two days she guessed it would. Diluted purified water had brought many changes to the blue star. As soon as these crops were harvested more would be planted to keep the cycle going.

She was walking with Justin in her arms, listening to his chatter about this and that. Mostly he was telling her about the cool things Jovi Esong's AI could do.

"Are we going to see the animals mummy?" He asked her.

"Yes, they are going to be released to graze on the pasture today. But you can only stay for ten minutes or you will be late for school again." Justin had trouble waking up for school in the morning. He would roll around in bed, wrapping himself in the blankets like a roll of sushi and then wriggle away from her like a caterpillar. It had become Scarlet or Esong's routine to chase after the wriggling caterpillar for five minutes every morning before snatching him up and giving him a bath. The little boy who attended school from 8 a.m. to 1p.m missed the carefree days he used to spend running in the fields and playing all day. According to him, school was not fun because all they did was read and write all day.

When they reached the barns the animals were being released and they got to see how the excited cattle run around the pasture, letting out excited sounds before munching on the green grass.

"I should have recorded this." Scarlet said to herself after a moments realization. She had not been able to do her daily live broadcasts because she spent her morning hours training for the underworld fights. Her trainer was a very strict and merciless hound.

"The baby fell down mummy." Justin pointed to a calf on the field that was trailing slowly behind its mother.

"It's called a calf Justin, it probably doesn't want to go to school like you." She replied.

Justin crinkled his nose and looked at her doubtfully. "Animals don't go to school mummy, we don't sit with them in class. Miss Pounds said that if we bring another frog to class again she will put us in a timeout. Billy has got four time outs so far, he has to face the wall."

"Be a good boy and do not get any time outs." She told him.

"I am the bestest boy mummy." He giggled.

"Are you sure about that my brave little caterpillar?" She asked him as they walked back to the car and set off for school immediately.

"Music, let's sing old McDonald mummy." He pestered her endlessly. Scarlet thought that if she sung old McDonald one more time she would turn into one of the animals on his farm. She sung it on day one of school and somehow it became routine with the song repeated a total of three times during the five minute car ride.

"What if I teach you a new song today?" She asked him.

"But I like old McDonald mummy, it teaches us animal sounds."

"The new song teaches you something too, let me teach you and you can teach your friends at school."

"Okay." He smiled eagerly. Scarlet smiled because she knew he loved appearing smart and knowledgeable to his friends just as his father did.

"Row, Row, Row your boat....." she sung cheerfully. The song was simple and easy to learn by the time she dropped him off at the school he was singing along expertly. She smiled fondly as she watched him running off to meet the teachers and his friends. He stopped to talk to the warriors that guarded the entrance to the school, probably mentioning the song. She could easily see how the rest of the day was going to go, her baby worked faster than any press or media.

She waved to the warriors who bowed respectfully and then she drove off, looking for an isolated area where she parked and watched the online virtual fights for the next one hour. These fights were as popular as the real life fights, with a lot of competition, skills, spectators and money to be made. These fights just like her training ground were the perfect place to hone her fighting skills and signing up for them had been Severus's idea, her first fight was at around noon, only a few hours away.

When she was finished with watching, analyzing and saving interesting parts of the videos, she decided to read Maddox's journals for the first time. These journals were not physical copies but soft copies saved in a hidden software that only she could access.

"Read to me." She told the storage bracelet AI.

"My name is Maddox Varakas, I am the third son and only remaining true child of house Varakas. A once proud and strong noble house, now diminished and destroyed because we trusted the wrong people. My father was Igor Varakas and my mother Lenora Varakas. They had three children, my older brother Sven, my sister Elora and me, Maddox, our family was a small but happy one. My father spent his days researching and expanding the star net continuing the work his father and grandfather did while my mother crafted the strongest mechas and ships to ever exist. My siblings and I learned from them, being taught that our skills were of utmost desire to the empire. My family was one of the first of the first noble houses on the Sun star empire, having escaped from the Lunar federation in 1365. My father says that our family came with nothing but the clothes on our backs, the gift in our minds and the skills of our hands. Everything that house Varakas owns, my ancestors earned with their very hands. The Sun star was different back then, it could not be compared to the Lunar federation for it was small and backward, a planet with only one star which was about to be conquered by the Lunar federation until my family changed things."

"Stop reading," she instructed the AI. "Is the search engine secure?"

"Incredibly." The storage bracelet AI answered. "I work off an independent server hidden....." it explained terminologies she could barely grasp.

"Search for history of the house Varakas."


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