Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife

Chapter 105 Snakes And Ladders

In the evening, just before dinner Mega Su mentioned how bored she was and Scarlet gave her a game of snakes and ladders. Who knew that when her mother suddenly played the game outside it would attract the attention of many others and now people were looking at Scarlet with expectations in their eyes. 

"Hey Carolyn, can the machines replicate the game? I have only one left and all of you are looking at me gluttonously."

"Let me see what can be done." Her sister said. She answered eagerly because she too wanted to try her hand at the game. None of them had ever seen a game like this, one that was simple to play. If Carolyn could say it out loud she would say that it was fun and silly.

"Has everyone gathered?" She asked Beord. She wanted to address the new population along with the old ones because it was expected of her as the governor.

"Yes madam governor." he replied.

"Did you have to dress up so fancily just to address the people?" Fey asked her.

"Of course she does, have you ever seen the emperor address the citizens of the empire with an ungroomed appearance?" Their father responded.

"Why does she need gloves?" Fey asked.

Scarlet smiled, very much in love with her appearance. She was dressed in a long black dress, around her neck were black pearls and on her hands were white gloves. Her hair was tied up in a perfectly bound bun and she looked extremely beautiful.

"Attention sister, don't I look good?" She asked Fey proudly. By the time she was finished with her speech the gloves and her look would be trending on star net.

"You look more than beautiful, aren't glad that you took after me? "her father asked and this brought smiles, guffaws and laughter to the siblings.

Mega Su hissed at her husband unhappily. "Why would you say that your daughter? Which girl wants to look like a man?" She asked him.

"Men can be beautiful too, what's wrong with my daughter looking like me? She is mine after all." Dorian answered proudly.

Adler stood up and extended his hand to Scarlet. "It's time for your speech sister, make it as memorable as the last one."

"Break a leg." Elroy said.

"You silly boy." Mega slapped Elroy her playmate in snakes and ladders on the head. "Why do you want your sister to break her leg?"

"She said it means good luck." Elroy explained in a whiny voice with a very aggrieved look on his face.

Mega looked at her husband and he shrugged, both parents were very confused. Someone needed to explain to them how breaking a leg made one lucky.

"Let's go and watch her give her speech." Dorian pulled his wife up. To the dismay of the siblings who were waiting for a turn at the game, she rose with it and walked out of the house.

"Does she have to guard it like that?" Elroy asked.

"One might think that we are thieves, unbelievable, mother is simply unbelievable." Beord commented.

Outside, the screen was playing a propaganda video which showed the achievements of the blue star so far. The fields of green, however little it was were vividly clear on the screen. The buildings whose construction was ongoing, the factories, the animals, the pastures , the oat harvest, pets and even Scarlet's car had made it to the video. The view of the large ocean, the blue forest and the valleys were also included. Scarlet's female voice was elaborating on all these things but she was quite certain that she had not lent her voice in the production of the video.

"Where did this come from?" She asked Adler.

"Your husband, his ship AI can do almost anything." He whispered back.

"Oh, okay." She nodded her head. Esong was working hard for the growth and development of the blue star in his own way. She was glad not to bear some of the burdens on her own.

On stage, Blad that had been appointed the official speaker of the blue star presented Scarlet and Esong. The old man looked dashing in the black and white suit which had been tailored to fit him.

"Citizens of the blue star, I present to you your governors Scarlet Su and Esong Wu."

A loud applause followed his announced as Scarlet walked up to the stage a lot less dramatically than Esong who landed on the stage while floating down slowly. The silver wings of his armor were spread out and he was holding his broad sword in his hands.

The audience loved it, screaming loudly as if they were witnessing the descent of a God.

When his feet touched the steel floor of the stage, the wings retracted the sword was put away, he reached his right hand out, held Scarlet's and raised their united hands in the air. The women screamed so loudly that a few men had to cover their ears. What did the women find so exciting about this they wondered. It was just hand holding for crying out loud!!.

"This has you Folsom written all over it." Markay commented as he shook his head with a smile. Esong was like an entirely different man up there, so smooth and certainly dramatic.

"My PR skills are certified." Folsom said proudly. "You give the people what they want Markay, always give them something to talk about and always leave them wanting more."

Mr. Rodney was in the audience observing this and he took a picture and sent it to his higher ups. "Keep recording he told his assistant, this is still news for us."

"Good evening people of the blue star." Scarlet said into the small microphone and the audience cheered while others loudly or silently greeted her back.

"How are you all feeling tonight beautiful people?" She asked. She asked this with an additional energy as if she was a host at a concert.

More cheering ensued, especially from women.

Esong took over from there and he said "As the forever General of all the newly arrived men here that have selflessly served and sacrificed for the empire, I welcome you to the blue star. This lovely planet of ours is not yet developed and its still lacking but it will not be this way always."

A lot of hand clapping interrupted his speech and he paused.

"My wife and I are working hard to give every citizen of this planet a good home and we promise that someday you will be proud to call the blue star home. What I want from you all right now is a promise that you will work hand in hand with us. Do I have your promise?"

Chants of yes, yes, I promise and I love you were heard from the audience.

"To welcome you all, tonight we feast." Scarlet announced and the people cheered extremely excited. 


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