Transmigrating As The Insane Villain: Wait, I'm The World Savior? [BL]

Chapter 68 - The Extremely Amusing Group Of Bents. "Hey, You Guys Have To Start Thinking Abnormal."

"Oh yeah! We are finally back on the mainland! After the thrilling experience, I don't want to see the ocean for a long time!"

Wu Changpu, Tan Xue, and Wu Long basically jump out of the motorboat and landing in the dock before running away with a happy expression on their faces.

"Although it was a fun journey but I really miss the civilization! For example, the amazing internet full of treasures! Beverage drinks, potato chips, and fried chickens! I wonder if Li Jun has also arrived at the base? I have to let him cook all the delicious oily food I have been craving while stranded on the Island…"

While Shen ming was faithfully following behind his excited fiance, he couldn't help but pause on his footstep for a few seconds after hearing his fiance mentioning another man's name before continuing to walk ahead with his gentle smile becoming wider.

"Honey, I'll be able to cook all of the food you want to eat."


"Yes, I have been living outside my family home before so I am quite a good cook."

Wu Changpu was happy to be able to learn something new about his fiance while at the same completely being ignorant at the hidden possessiveness brimming hidden deeply in the usually gentle young man's eyes.

While standing next to them was a busy Wu Long walking back and forth while holding a phone in his hands.

"Why is no one answering my call? My manager? My assistants? Even my Agent is not answering! Damn, I really want to drink my red wine collections…"

"My gorgeous man, no need to worry about it. I have already personally sent all of your red wines to our Future Base. I also bought a winery in a hurry after learning about the apocalypse, so there is already a large number of old oak barrels send in the future base."

Yao Bingwen has gently taken the phone from the frowning Wu Long, completely remembering the words that the crazy young man has spoken in the motorboat before skillfully making the man quickly forget those certain people by trying to eat some of his tofu, which is something he usually does if given the chance.

"Hey! You can't just take advantage of me as soon as you made me happy! … Well… I will allow you to hold my hands for now…"

After Yao Bingwen was finally able to openly hold Wu Long's hands after so many years of hiding his feeling, Tan Xue next to them was being gently coaxed and pampered by a smiling Wen Jianguo who was showing a completely harmless and innocent expression on his face even though he was completely black inside.

"Brother Xue~ Baking tools! Baking ingredients! Different sweet snacks have already been sent in our future base~ So, there is no need for Brother Xue to worry about having a relapse on sweet addiction even if it's the end of the world! Am I doing good?"

"Hmm, at least, the years of taking care of you hasn't been for nothing."

"Of course! I have to pamper my Wife!"


While Wen Jianguo was being chased by an angry Tan Xue because of the slip of tongue, Teddy was desperately trying hard to push away the clingy and sticky tall man who wanted to embrace him.

"Evil pig stop being clingy! I need to drive the car so get away and please behave!"

"My adorable cabbage, I'm different from those guys who only know to prepare their lover's favorite foods and drinks. I have also ordered my people to prepare all kinds of sharp knives and those practical swords for you to use. Don't you love stabbing and chopping people the most?"

"Huh… for once you are being quite useful."

Shen Ling smiled brightly while his sharp eyes being blocked by the eyeglass in his face has quickly darkened before gently leaning over and whispering in a hoarse voice, which has caused the babyface, Teddy, to blush in beautiful red color although it also quickly darkened with anger after hearing the shameless next words of the young man.

"Oh yeah, I got a lot of lubricants, condoms, and medicine in case you got hurt later after we are unable to control ourselves in bed… aren't I being thoughtful? Those guys are still too naive and didn't even consider and prepare for their future happiness."


Wu Changpu, Shen Ming, Wu Long, Yao Bingwen, Tan Xue, and Wen Jianguo couldn't help but showed a dumbfounded expression on their faces since they are still able to hear the shameless words that Shen Ling has just spoken.

Before the Top lovers have quickly shown an enlightened look in their eyes after the man's words have registered in their mind before shooting their bottom lovers an apologetic expression in their faces for really not thinking ahead.

Of course, the supposedly bottom lovers couldn't help but grit their teeth after they receive the expression that made them want to beat them all up, although one of them was nodding his head in acceptance, which was the usual shameless and open-minded Wu Changpu.

"Fuck… this group of men only has love in their brain! They are really doing all their very best to please their soon-to-be lover… and I didn't know my second brother has this kind of side… really shameless!"

Shen Fa inwardly curses after watching the group of people shamelessly flirting with their soon-to-be lover a bit distance away from them, before secretly glancing in the corner of his eyes at the smiling Liu Shanyuan that continues to gently care the sleeping red fox on his arms.

Should I also speak about the medicine and tools I have prepared specially for him? Or am I being too straightforward? Should I restrain myself a bit? Damn… I suddenly miss those not so helpful users online...

"... Shanyuan, come on. Ignore this group of people and let's go choose a car to use."


I dont want him to be scared… what should I do if he runs away after knowing that I got my eyes on him??? Honestly, why am I the only normal person among my siblings? Just look at their shamelessness!

"Ah, alright, let's go Brother Fa. After all, we really have to hurry up and arrive at our Base before the Apocalypse start."

Liu Shanyuan has shown a normal calm smile on his face while walking a bit closer to the tall older man who still has a steady and solemn expression on his face despite watching the other group of people flirting with each other.

… Shanyuan… take it slowly... Don't scare your Brother Fa, just wait for the apocalypse to start before the plan of chasing your future husband can finally begin.

"These bent guys are always so entertaining to watch…"

"Well, I'm also surprised… I didn't imagine that most of them will end up together when I collected them in my rebellious time."

Xiao Wei watches in amusement as the group of bent guys continues to show their own 'love' with each other while being carried by a sighing Shen Hao who was walking to the already prepared cars they are going to use to travel in the base.

And after finally carrying the other items they have gotten from the abnormal Island in the only truck among the cars park in front of them, everyone has finally gone to their assigned car,s which is Teddy and Shen Ling driving the only truck around while Wu Long, Wu Changpu, Yao Bingwen, and Shen Ming are staying together in one car.

Then Shen Fa, Liu Shanyuan, Tan Xue, and Wen Jianguo in another one, and when everyone was ready, all of them have finally started their journey to their Future Base.

However, after three hours of driving on the road, everyone can only stop their cars when they couldn't continue on because the road ahead of them was being blocked by a landslide that has happened a few days ago after a quick observation.

"What to do next? Should we take another road?"

Yao Bingwen who has gotten down from the car to check the road has taken out a detailed map before showing it to Shen Hao with a serious expression on his face since if they plan to take another road, there is the great problem that the Apocalypse would start before they managed to arrive int heir future home.

"Hey, guys… you have to stop thinking in a normal way..."

Letting out a sleepy yawn, Xiao Wei has gotten out of the red car before shaking his fingers at the group of people who has a worried expression on their faces.

"You have to get used to the fact that soon there will be no common sense in this world and everything would turn abnormal, which meant our action is also going to be abnormal."

While calmly walking to the road that was being blocked, a white mist has gradually appeared on Xiao Wei's body before a thin layer of ice has slowly formed underneath his feet, which then has quickly advanced forward.

"Consider about the use of special powers when dealing with the normal circumstances. Of course, later on, everyone can't have a special power but you don't have to worry too much since base on my observation, I can help you out."

There is also Black who still refuses to answer his call...

Shortly, in just a few seconds, a beautiful road made of ice was created.

"See? No need to consider taking another road anymore."

Letting out another sleepy yawn, Xiao Wei has slowly blink his crimson eyes toward a smiling Shen Hao who was patiently waiting for him to take action, appearing to have already considered the use of his ice elemental power.

"Brother Blue let's go."

So, for the rest of the day of driving, no other trouble, and unexpected sitaution has occurred before everyone has finally reached their destination.


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