Transmigrated into the Gacha Game I Abandoned for 10 Years

Chapter 85: Precursor (4)

Chapter 85: Precursor (4)

Merba looked at the Absolute Ruler of Darkness and Merilda, who showed joy upon seeing him, with an incredulous expression.

That was because he had never before seen heroes express such emotions in his presence.

Thus, the bewildered expression on Merba, who was infinitely puzzled, began to turn into anger as time passed.

Merba realized why joy was evident in their eyes.

“Ha… These insignificant creatures…!”

Thus, as Merba frowned, about to attack the half-demon hero and Merilda, who underestimated him.


Merba had no choice but to release the magic power he was gathering and stand there with a dazed expression.

“This is mine!!”

“It is mine, you lunatic!”

The reason was that, before Merba could attack, the two heroes, who were looking at him with joyous expressions, suddenly attacked each other.


A massive explosion occurs, and suddenly Merba’s vision is obscured.


Even Merba, who couldn’t follow the two heroes that disappeared in an instant, unknowingly tensed up, gathering his magic power.


“Hey, don’t you have any sense of kinship!? They are your kin!”

“How can you say such a thing that he is my kin!!”

“You’re also half the same as those guys!”

“Don’t you dare treat me on the same level as those irredeemable trash, you bastard!!”

From the beginning, the two of them exchanged attacks furiously as if they had never been interested in Merba in the first place.

Bang! Kwagagagak! Bang!

Thanks to that, in the middle of a town already turned to ruins, now nothing was left intact.


Merba let out an incredulous laugh.

He had never before been treated like this.

Even a hundred years ago when he descended to the human world, all creatures trembled in fear just by his presence.

Numerous heroes despaired at Merba’s overwhelming power and begged for their lives.

Even in the demon world, no one dared to ignore Merba except for the legion commanders.

He was Merba the Slaughterer, such was his existence.

Such should have been his existence.

But then.


The events unfolding before his eyes were more than enough to enrage Merba to his core.

Thus, Merba said-

“I will kill you both.”

With a mercilessly furrowed brow, he began to scatter his magic.


At the same time, his body began to twist.

Kwadeuk-! Kwadeudeudeuk! Kwadeuk!

With a chilling sound, the body that began to crackle rapidly transformed from its human form into Merba’s flesh.

First, into the form of a gigantic, unidentifiable egg.

Then, into a form resembling a chimera, as if composed of various monsters.

Then, into the form of a giant human.

Next, into the form of Merba the Slaughterer, with six arms and two horns that exceeded 1 meter, he gathered dark magic into all his eight arms.


The torrent created by gathering magic power sucked in everything nearby.

Flying dust, rolling stone fragments, remains of buildings, corpses of people-

All those remains corroded and disappeared too quickly whenever they came into contact with the dark magic.

At the moment when a massive orb of magic gathered from all eight arms,

the orb, capable of disintegrating everything upon contact, was fired towards the two heroes engaged in battle.


The orb shot at the two heroes, erasing everything it touched.

However, just as the total of eight magic orbs were about to hit the two heroes.


Merba saw.

The figures of the two heroes disappearing before his eyes.



Merba smiled.

Naturally, he was well aware of this situation.

He had roughly gauged the extent of their powers from the brief glimpse of the heroes’ battle earlier.

‘These guys are different from the heroes I’ve seen so far.’

Merba clearly recognized that the two heroes were strong.

Even considering that he hadn’t fully materialized, his eyes couldn’t follow the two heroes.

But Merba was smiling because he had prepared his next move.


As soon as he caught sight of the two heroes, Merba, with a smile, shot the two magic orbs he hadn’t thrown earlier as if he had been waiting for this moment.

Magic orbs shot from practically zero distance.

Seeing this, Merba twisted his smile.

After all, the two heroes were about to be completely obliterated by the magic orbs he had thrown.

But the next moment.


Merba, unknowingly, felt a chilling sensation.

Surely, this situation seemed like it would end with Merba’s victory.

The magic orbs had almost reached the faces of the two heroes, and the next moment, the heroes were supposed to be lying on the ground, bloodied and pulped, which was the outcome Merba had anticipated and was virtually certain of.

Yet, the reason he felt a clear aura of fear was because of the eyes of the two heroes.

Eyes containing the color of blood, crimson.

And eyes containing the color of the demonic sky, purple.

Those eyes looked at Merba without any change in emotion.

The next moment-


Merba, didn’t realize.

By the time he came to his senses, the two heroes had disappeared.

Similarly, the magic orbs launched towards them had also disappeared.

“This bastard! Blocking the attack at the last moment! Wasn’t my sword supposed to reach first!!!”

“So what?”

“This damn lunatic–!!!”

When Merba looked behind, the two heroes were attacking each other and exchanging words as they had been doing all along.

And then-


At that moment, Merba remembered.

The movements they showed in a fleeting moment.

The coordination where the half-demon sliced through his magic orb, and the beastfolk, with a simple wave of her hand, dispersed the core of the magic orb, nullifying the attack.

At the same time. Merba realized-


That he had been split in half.


As the thought completed, Merba, split in half, began to disperse into dust, turning a grayish color as he sprayed purple blood.

Merba, a high-ranking demon and one of the leaders of the 10th legion who would have killed many heroes had he descended onto the Continent, perished.

“Oh. Done. Done! The color. The color has turned a bit blood-like now!”

“I will beat you like a dog on Boknal…!!!”

Actually, those two, as if they had no interest in Merba, were merely expressing bright smiles and anger, respectively.

And then.

From afar, Kelva, who had been observing Merba’s battle-

“…What on earth is that?”

-was just looking at them with an incredulous expression.

The First Clue

The First Clue. You can obtain a clue when the first high-ranking demon that descended into the middle realm is dealt with

Kim Hyunwoo, upon entering the world of Arteil for the first time, forgot about making the Magnifying Glasses and stared blankly at the altered quest window.

It’s understandable since Kim Hyunwoo had never once thought that the quest window would change.

Thus, Kim Hyunwoo, looking at the quest that appeared without his knowledge, soon muttered,

“When the first high-ranking demon that descended into the middle realm is dealt with, you can obtain a clue… huh.”

After a moment of thought, he said,


[Yes, My Lord]

“Did you display this quest?”

[No. I do not display some of the notifications]


[It is likely to be the system, I suppose]

Kim Hyunwoo stared intently at the notification window after Loria’s words.

‘…Demons, demons… Were there demons?’

He pondered while looking at the quest window and soon let out a low exclamation,

“It seems like there were some before, surely…”

The reason for Kim Hyunwoo’s ambiguous expression was that there were very few events related to demons when he played Arteil ten years ago.

The only time he could see demons during his gameplay was during special events that lasted about a week during summer or winter vacations, and even those were merely ‘Deal with the remnants of the demons’ type of events.

Therefore, Kim Hyunwoo, with a face full of questions,

[Since the first demon that appeared on the Continent has been dealt with, you have completed 'the First Clue']

[The First Clue: You have fallen into this world as an 'Extraterrestrial']


Before Kim Hyunwoo could even think, he wore a bewildered expression at the quest that was cleared in an instant.

The Second Clue

The Second Clue. You can obtain the Second Clue when you raise the development level of your territory to 2000

Before Kim Hyunwoo could even properly read the clue, he was left staring blankly at the notification window that appeared before him.

And at that moment, near the secondary walls of Lartania, where the Blacksmith Guild branch was being constructed for quite some time.


“Huh? Who are you?”

“Oh, I’m Elena. The first hero of Lartania.”

“Ah… Is that so?”

Reneide River and Elena.

“Please take care of me?”

“Yes, please take care of me too.”

They were exchanging greetings with a smile towards each other.

…Both were only smiling with their mouths.


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