Transmigrated As The Perverted Young Master

Chapter 93 A Silver Egg! Could It Be A Dragon?!

Damien stood in front of the cave entrance, admiring his newly acquired sword. The sword felt like an extension of his arm, and he couldn't help but smile at the thought of wielding it in battle.

As he was admiring the sword, a sudden thought occurred to him. He needed to give the sword a name, something to distinguish it from other swords. He thought about it for a moment before deciding on "Monke," after the monkey, he had just fought to obtain it.

"Monke, my trusty companion," he said, sheathing the sword to his leather belt. "Let's see what kind of trouble we can get into."

As Damien stood there with the newly-named Monke in his hand, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and adventure coursing through his veins. He had always been a fan of epic quests and ancient treasures, and now he had a sword that looked like it belonged in a fantasy novel.

The cave in front of him was dark and ominous, but he couldn't resist the temptation to explore it. He stepped forward and soon found himself engulfed in pitch blackness. He fumbled around for a while until his eyes began to adjust to the darkness, allowing him to make out the shapes of stalactites and stalagmites looming overhead and below.

The air was damp and chilly, and he could hear the sound of dripping water echoing through the cavern. It was eerily silent, except for the sound of his own footsteps and breathing. Damien had always been afraid of the dark, but he tried to push his fear aside as he moved deeper into the cave.

As he walked, he couldn't help but wonder who or what had created this mysterious cave. Was it the work of ancient civilizations or a natural formation? The more he thought about it, the more he was certain that there must be something valuable hidden within these walls.

The floor of the cave was rocky and uneven, making his journey slow and treacherous. He tripped a few times, almost losing his balance and dropping Monke. Luckily, he managed to catch himself each time.

He groped his way along the wall, trying to find something to hold onto. His fingers brushed against something cold and hard, and he recoiled in surprise. It was a skeleton!

"Oh, come on," he muttered to himself. "First a monkey with a sword, and now a creepy skeleton? What's next, a dragon?"

As he walked deeper into the cave, he began to notice strange marks on the walls. They looked like claw marks, but they were too big to be any animal he knew of.

"What could have done this?" he wondered aloud.

He continued walking until he came across a large chamber. The walls were lined with gold and jewels, and there were piles of treasure stacked everywhere. It was clear that this was the hoard that the monkey stole the "Monke" from.

But as he looked closer, he realized that something was off. There were empty spaces where objects had been stolen, and the remaining treasure was covered in dust and cobwebs.

"Who could have done this?" Damien thought to himself.

As Damien looked around the chamber, trying to figure out what had happened, he suddenly heard a loud rumbling noise. His hand went to the hilt of Monke, ready to defend himself against whatever creature was making the noise. 

He saw a glimmer of light up ahead. His heart raced with excitement as he moved towards it. He wondered if he had stumbled upon a hidden treasure or something equally amazing.

As he drew closer, he saw that the light was emanating from a small rock podium, and atop it sat an egg. It was unlike any egg Damien had ever seen before. It was the size of an ostrich egg and glowed with a soft blue light.

He reached out to touch it, but just as his fingertips brushed against the surface, the egg started to shake violently. Damien stumbled back, startled, as the egg began to crack open.

A bright light spilled out, blinding him temporarily. As he strained to see in the blinding light, he was suddenly startled by a small, fluffy creature that appeared in front of him.

It was a baby crow, barely able to walk, let alone fly. Damien let out a sigh of relief, feeling a little silly for getting so worked up over such a tiny thing.

"A crow? From an egg like that? I thought it would be a dragon or something like in the novels. What the fuck am I gonna do with a crow?" he thought. He was really hyped as he thought about the recent events. Losing his arms and launching off of a cliff and surviving. He thought the world was finally accepting him, but this...this was just plain humiliation.

"I know this would've been a dragon if I were Calen." He looked at the sky, well, the ceiling of the cave.

The baby crow let out a pitiful squawk, and Damien couldn't help but laugh at the comical sight. He knelt down and reached out to pick up the small creature, but as he did, the baby crow suddenly flapped its wings and took off into the air.

Damien's jaw dropped in surprise as he watched the baby crow fly awkwardly around the cavern, knocking into stalactites and bouncing off walls. It was a hilarious sight, and Damien couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey, little guy, you're not so small after all!" he called out to the baby crow, who continued to flail about in the air.

As Damien laughed at the tiny crow, the bird suddenly flapped its wings and launched itself towards him, screeching with all its might. Damien was taken by surprise, his laughter instantly turning into a gasp of shock as he stumbled backwards.

"What the--!" he cried out, ducking and dodging as the tiny bird tried to peck at him with its beak. "Why you little--"


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