Transmigrated As The Perverted Young Master

Chapter 67 The Hunt For The Food!

"My lords," announced the Duke, standing at the front, to his sides his son and commander stood. "It seems the gods have cursed and abandoned us as we're, at this moment, at a war!"

The duke then proceeded to say the matter.

The room went silent for a second, then the outburst started. People yelled in shock, pointing out at the Duke while some began to panic.

"War? Is that true, my lord?" Edward, a vassal head from the north asked with a slight quiver in his voice. He was the youngest among the heads.

"I'm afraid so." The Duke replied. "We're to be prepared for any eventualities and I hope you're all ready for the war to come."

"W-war?!" Another Vassal head said, looking terrified. "B-but...why would they suspect us for the assassination of her majesty, Queen Serielle?"

A valid question. Something the Duke himself was having a hard time understanding. He saw the Queen himself and talked with her.

Damien was a hero who saved her.

His mind wandered to the funny smell he felt from the wagon. He shook his head. That was not important. She's gone now and they are at a war.

"Honestly, I have no idea why they think we're the culprits, but we have to prepare ourselves. We're going to be fighting against one of the strongest armies!" The duke said. 'What am I supposed to say to that boy?'

·ƈθm His mind raced as he imagine reporting this news to Damien. 'Would he be angry? Or would he be sad?'

"But aren't they just a small island?" One of the bald lords said. "Is there that much to fear them? We're the Spring Kingdom, one of the strongest four in the entire world. Why are we even afraid of a little island like them?"

"A small island?" The Duke scoffed. "A small island? This "small" island was the leading contributor to the extermination of the northern beasts. There is nothing small about them. They may be small in size but their training and affinity towards magic is something that makes them dangerous. They are a formidable opponent. It will take a toll on the kingdom if it's an all out war."

War is war, it was not exciting nor was it scary anymore, instead it was a burden upon the entire country.

He have seen what it was capable of doing. No one knows what was at risk provoking a war until they taste their own medicine.

Famine, death, destruction, it was terrifying how things like these were considered normal.

It can leave the Kingdom in shambles for a longer period, and if the surrounding kingdoms took advantage at that time then only the gods can help them.

The Duke sighed. 'All this for a woman who is already gone.'


Damien felt the scorching heat of the rocky terrain as he trudged up the mountain. The sun was directly above him, pouring the divine rays of hell at him like it was the most normal thing to do.

He scanned around for any signs of danger as he climbed up the mountain.

'Fuck, fuck, fuck!' He cursed as he climbed the rest of the way.

All of a sudden he felt life was meaningless. It was nothing more than a hot mess created by the stupidity of the men themselves.

He was exhausted, he was hungry and he was feeling miserable.

With each step, his exhaustion grew, and his hunger pangs intensified. Hunting was the only way to survive for now, and he desperately needed to find prey.

He scanned around him as he walked, searching for prey.

'What is that?' He heard a small creature moving in the bushes. 'Please be something that I can eat and not something that can eat me!'

Damien quickly surveyed the area and saw a nearby tree with a thick, sturdy branch. He searched for some vines and found a long one that he could use to make the trap.

He tied one end of the vine to the branch and started to make a noose at the other end. He remembered seeing this in a survival show once, and he hoped he could remember the right technique.

After a few more attempts, he managed to create a decent noose. He carefully placed it on the ground and covered it with leaves and twigs to make it blend in with the surroundings.

He sat and waited patiently, hoping that a prey would come along soon. Minutes passed, but nothing happened. He tried to stay calm and focused, but his stomach was grumbling, and he was getting restless.

Finally, he heard a rustling sound, and he saw a small rabbit hop into view. He held his breath and watched as the rabbit sniffed around and approached the trap. Suddenly, the rabbit's leg got caught in the noose, and it started to thrash around.

Damien quickly ran over to the rabbit and grabbed it by its hind legs. He was relieved that his trap had worked, and he could finally eat.

He thrashed the rabbit to the tree trunk, breaking its head and neck. With one final shrill, the rabbit went limp.

He quickly made a weapon using a sharp rock and started to skin and gut the rabbit. It was a messy and time-consuming process, as the rock was jagged and uneven around the edge.

Once he had cleaned the rabbit, he started a fire using some dried twigs and branches he had collected earlier. He skewered the rabbit and roasted it over the open flame, feeling the heat radiating on his face.

The smell of the cooking meat made his mouth water, and he couldn't wait to sink his teeth into it. Finally, the rabbit was cooked, and he devoured it hungrily, feeling the warm juices and flavors fill his mouth.

As he ate, he looked out at the stunning view from the mountain range, feeling grateful for the food and the incredible scenery.

He knew that he had to keep moving and find a way to survive in this harsh world, but for now, he was content with his meal and the breathtaking view.


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