Transmigrated As The Perverted Young Master

Chapter 43 The Heart Of Darkness! (3)

"Seems like your little lover is coming here to rescue you, just like the tale of the valiant knight rescuing the princess." Augustus mockingly laughed out loud, gazing through the window. He found great pleasure in seeing the people killing themselves.

Blaire was simply sitting on the bed, covering her ears with her hands, trying not to hear the sound of wailing and sobbing, the sound of skin piercing and bone-crunching. Even if she was able to lessen the sound, which she can't, there was something else in the air. The smell. The damned smell of flesh burning.

It's all gone wrong. She felt a sharp pain in her chest. Her heart ached. Her heart throbbed. She felt like crying. But she won't. Not in front of this monster.

Damien. Her heart ached more as she thought about him.

Though she literally only met him two days ago, the connection she felt with him was something unexplainable.

"I wonder how much longer he'll take. Oh well, my dear, you should start praying for his life." She heard his sarcastic sound as if everything happening around the castle was nothing more than just some sick game of his. Maybe it's just a game for him.

A sudden rush of wind blew into the room, carrying with it the stench of charred flesh. "Ah, smell that," he said. "The smell of freedom and victory."

Blaire fought a sudden urge to throw up, swallowing whatever threatened to come up from her stomach.

Augustus pulled a chair closer to the bed and sat down on it with his legs crossed. "Come on, Blaire, don't be like that. After today, you're the Duchess of this castle and I, your dear husband, will be the Duke. Aren't you happy?" He leaned closer to her, his face was only inches away from her face.

She could feel him on her, his hot breath.

Her skin crawled and her heart screamed. Just the thought of her father and sister going mad and getting charred sent her entire body trembling.

I can't be like this. She thought. I'm not going to give up now, not now, I can't.

She remembered what Damien had said. "If you want to be the ruler, then you must take it with your own hands." I can't just sit here and do nothing. She thought with the utmost resolution.

"Hey, Blaire," she heard his damned voice near her, she forgot how close he was to her.

Blaire's heart pounded in her chest as she heard his voice. She had to keep her wits about her and not show any fear.

She slowly turned her head to look at him, keeping her expression blank.

Augustus's face was twisted into a malicious grin as he leaned in closer to her. She could feel his hot breath on her face, and the scent of burnt flesh was making her nauseous.

"You want to know a secret..." He said, leaning closer to her, as to whatever he was going to say is of utmost secrecy.

But just as Augustus leaned in even closer, Blaire suddenly lashed out and punched him in the face. He stumbled backwards along with the chair, clutching his bleeding nose in shock.

Blaire took advantage of the moment and ran towards the door, desperate to escape. But as she opened the door, she was met with a group of frenzied servants, their eyes red and wild like zombies.

They pushed her back into the room, causing her to stumble and fall to the ground.

Augustus laughed maniacally at the sight of her defeat. Blaire's heart sank as she realized her attempt to escape had failed.

She got up slowly, her body aching from the fall. She looked around the room, trying to find something, anything that could help her escape.

"Ha- ha- ha," his frenzied and maniacal smile reverberated throughout the room. "Wow, sucker punch. Didn't thought my wife had it in her, but seems like I was wrong. What else has he managed to teach you in this shot span of time, dear?"

"More that you ever could." She sneered.

Her eyes suddenly caught the knife lying in the corner of the room, covered in his blood. Augustus seemed to notice her gaze as he also saw the cold knife that drew his blood, laying at the corner.

They dashed, together.

Blaire's heart was pounding in her chest as she and Augustus raced towards the knife, each one determined to get to it first. She could feel the adrenaline surging through her veins, and her body felt like it was on fire.

As she reached for the knife, her fingers barely touching it, Augustus grabbed her by the hair and yanked her back with all his strength. Pain shot through her scalp, and she cried out in agony.

Blaire's eyes met Augustus's, and in that moment, she saw the true depths of his depravity. His eyes were dark and cold, devoid of any humanity. He was enjoying this, she realized with a sinking feeling.

But she wasn't going to give up that easily. She couldn't let Augustus win, not after everything that had happened. She struggled against his grip, but he was too strong.

Suddenly, Blaire felt a surge of anger rise up inside her. She was sick and tired of being a victim, of being pushed around and abused. It was time to fight back.

With a fierce growl, Blaire summoned all her strength and lunged forward, sinking her teeth into Augustus's hand. He howled in pain and released her, and she quickly grabbed the knife.

Turning around, she faced Augustus, who was clutching his wounded hand and glaring at her with a mixture of fury and mockery. She could feel her heart racing as she stared him down, her grip on the knife tight and unyielding.

The room was filled with a tense silence as the two of them faced off, each one sizing the other up.

She could feel the weight of the moment pressing down on her, and she knew that everything hinged on this one pivotal moment.

Slowly, she advanced towards Augustus, her eyes locked onto his. The air was thick with tension, and Blaire could feel her pulse pounding in her ears.

At last, she was standing right in front of him, the knife gleaming in her hand. Augustus's face was twisted in a snarl, and Blaire could see the hatred in his eyes.

As Blaire lunged forward, knife in hand, Augustus moved quickly.

He darted to the side, narrowly avoiding the blade as it whistled past him. Blaire stumbled forward, off balance, and Augustus took advantage of the moment. With a swift motion, he grabbed the knife from her hand and slammed her face down onto the ground.

Blaire cried out in pain as her nose smashed against the hard marbled floor. She could feel blood streaming down her face, and her head was spinning.

He loomed over her, his eyes burning with hatred. "You stupid bitch," he snarled. "Did you really think you could beat me?" She struggled to get up, but he was too strong.

He grabbed her by the hair and yanked her head back, exposing her throat. "Now you're going to pay," he hissed.

Blaire's heart was pounding in her chest as she braced herself for the worst. But suddenly, there was a commotion at the door.

The door burst open with a loud bang, and Blaire and Augustus turned to see who it was.

In the doorway stood Damien, bloodied and battered, but still standing. His one arm hanging limp at his side.

For a moment, he stood there, swaying back and forth, trying to get his bearings

"You're not going to hurt her," Damien growled, his voice hoarse with rage.

·ƈθm Augustus sneered at him. "And who's going to stop me? You?" He laughed cruelly, tossing Blaire's body aside like a rag doll.

Damien felt a surge of fear and anger seeing her, laying there with a battered face.

But before he could act, Augustus turned his attention to Damien. He raised the knife, his eyes gleaming with a dangerous intensity.

Having Augustus touch him would be a grave danger and a foolish mistake. He just has to take him down without letting him touch his body.

Damien deeply and rapidly inhaled until he was able to feel the familiar cool air, refreshing his lungs.

'I can't take him. Not like this. I just have to hold on until someone comes here.'

Augusts made the first move. He lurched at Damien, knowing full well that the little young master will be dead in a few seconds.

Seeing this, with a burst of adrenaline-fueled strength, Damien lunged forward. He tackled Augustus to the ground, knocking the knife out of his hand.

Augustus snarled and struggled, but the awakened Damien, though beaten and battered, was too strong for a normal human like Augustus. He pinned Augustus to the ground, keeping him immobile.

"Get out of here," Damien gasped to Blaire, who was struggling to get up. "Call someone. Get help."

She didn't reply. Her mind was racing and her body was trembling uncomfortably. All the blood was the only thing she can see now, the blood dripping from her broken nose, the blood covering Damien's entire body.

Stand up! She said to herself. Come on, stand up now, help him. End this madness.

Augustus quickly turned, slipping through Damien's clutches. He reversed the situation, pinning Damien to the ground.

All the little power Damien had in within him was gone, he felt tired and lethargic. He also knew it was over. Augusts was touching him, the cold hands clutching his wrist were the mark of his end.

'So this is it, huh?' So much for transmigration and banging beauties. Well, at least I'm not dying a virgin.'


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