Transmigrated As The Perverted Young Master

Chapter 197 Player Unknown!

At the same time, somewhere in the Autumn Kingdom, more precisely in the Duchy of Ferel.

In the Duchy of Ferel, the atmosphere buzzed with frenzied activity. Men and women, dressed in mismatched armor and wielding weapons of varying shapes and sizes, hurriedly gathered in the main courtyard. Horses neighed and stamped their hooves impatiently, as wagons laden with supplies creaked under the weight.

Blaire, the Duchess of Ferel, paced back and forth, her brow furrowed with worry. She fidgeted with the edges of her cloak, feeling the weight of responsibility on her shoulders. "Hurry up, we don't have all day!" she called out, her voice tinged with urgency.

Sir Allister, a seasoned warrior with a grizzled beard, stood at the forefront of the troops. His weathered face bore the scars of battles fought and won. He bellowed orders, his voice rough like gravel. "Form up, you lot! We need to get this show on the road. No time to waste!"

After giving orders to the troops, Sir Allister approached the young duchess. "Are you sure about it, my lady? Perhaps, we can station some more soldiers in the castle. Just to be sure. Say maybe, sixty or eighty--"

Blaire stopped him with a hand. "That's enough, Sir Allister. I understand your concern, but my life is safe here. But what about the people in that city, where unholy creatures of dark magic are roaming the entirety of the city even as we speak now? They need this number more than I do. ," She loosened her face and smiled tiredly. "The Midnight Consortium is sending a message through this attack and the creatures, and we could not afford to be a mere messenger."

"Yes, My lady. You are right," Sir Allister replied, his voice softening. "But they tried to kill you two weeks ago and if it wasn't for the young master, who knows what unthinkable could have happened?" He shook his head.

"Yes, and that savior of mine is there also, defending his people like he defended me." Blaire's expression softened, her gaze turning towards the horizon where the Four Border city lay. "Damien.. He has grown into a remarkable young man. I owe him my life, and now it is our turn to stand by him and his people."

Sir Allister nodded, his eyes reflecting both admiration and concern. "He is a fierce warrior, no doubt. But this battle... it's like nothing we've ever faced before. The Midnight Consortium's reach extends far, and their dark magic is formidable. We must be prepared for the worst."

Blaire's voice carried a steely determination. "We will be prepared, Sir Allister. We have trained for this moment, and we will fight with all our might. Our troops are skilled and courageous. We will not falter." She patted his shoulder. 'Come back, Sir Allister. I'll be waiting here with a glass of wine for our victory against the Midnight Consortium."

"That would have been nice if you weren't drinking all day every day now, my lady," he shook his head in disappointment.

Blaire chuckled at his remark. "I don't know Sir, its just there is something special about the wine that kid gets me. I believe it's her magic or something." He giggled again. "Lilith, honey, please bring that wine!"

Sir Allister's brow furrowed, concern etched on his face as he watched Blaire's carefree demeanor. "My lady, this is no time for indulgence. We are on the brink of war, and your responsibilities as the Duchess demand your full focus and sobriety."

Blaire waved her hand dismissively, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Oh, come now, Sir Allister. A little wine won't hurt. Besides, it helps calm my nerves. Lilith's wine has a way of making everything seem a little less...dire."

It was evident in her voice that she was indeed drunk a little, and Sir Allister vowed to first fire the wine girl once he comes back from the battle.

Aaron, a young soldier who had recently joined the ranks, nervously adjusted the straps of his helmet. He turned to his comrade, Emilia, a fellow novice in the art of combat. "Do you think we're ready for this, Emilia? I mean, we've trained, but this is real...a real battle."

Emilia's fingers trembled as she tightened the grip on her sword. She glanced around at the sea of armored faces, each one brimming with a mixture of determination and apprehension. "I hope so, Aaron. We'll just have to trust in our training and rely on each other."

A priest, draped in flowing robes and clutching a holy symbol, approached the soldiers. He spoke with a gentle yet resolute voice. "May the blessings of the gods guide you in battle. Remember to fight with honor and protect the innocent."

Madison, a young mage with fiery red hair, stood among the troops, clutching her spell book close to her chest. She offered a reassuring smile to her companions. "Don't worry, everyone. We'll be right there with you, wielding our magic to turn the tide of battle. Together, we'll be unstoppable."

Priscilia, Madison's best friend, joined the conversation with a determined expression. "We are allies in this fight, united by our cause. Let's show them the strength of our unity and protect what we hold dear."

Blaire, the Duchess, stepped forward, her eyes shining with unwavering resolve. "Listen up, everyone! We march to defend our land, our families, and our way of life. The enemy may be fearsome, but we have something they lack: the heart, the courage, and the love for our kingdom."

The soldiers, now assembled in ragtag ranks, nodded in agreement. The tension in the air was palpable, but so was the camaraderie and shared purpose among them.I think you should take a look at

With a final rallying cry, Sir Allister raised his sword high. "Onward, brave warriors! For the Autumn Kingdom, we fight!"

The soldiers roared in response, their voices merging into a chorus of determination. As they set off on their march, the clatter of armor and the rhythmic thudding of hooves filled the air, creating a symphony of purpose.

In that moment, they were not just soldiers or nobles, but a united force marching to defend their homeland. Each step forward was imbued with hope and determination as they embarked on their arduous journey to the distant neutral city. Their resolve burned bright, even amidst the uncertainty that lay ahead.


At the same time, on the battleground, three people were running in a dark tunnel.

"Where are we going?" The Winter King asked, seeing the congested tunnel that was pitch black on every side.

"This is a tunnel that leads to the Judicial building directly, something that was built around the time of the Golden Hero." His guide, someone he doesn't even know, was leading him. The man had similarly white hair with red blazing eyes and a black sword. He was not alone, there was Raven in front of him showing him the way.

The King looked back at his wife. Despite all the distractions and massacre she saw minutes ago, her veil was still on her face like she refuses to even take it off on this dire situation.

"Are you a Judicial Knight?" The King asked again.

"No." He said. After pausing for a moment, he continued. "Not a knight, but an apprentice."

"What is the reason that you would guide us to the Judicial building, and why should I trust you?"

"You are here, your highness and that is the evidence all I need." the man laughed.

It was true, the only reason the king was even following the young man was because of his skills. Because if he wasn't there, then he and his wife would've died just like all his people died on the residential building and for some reason the King decided to trust this complete stranger. A small warm hand squeezed his shoulder.

"I believe him, my husband." She said, a little muffled from the veil. For some reasons, the Winter Queen felt same and warm seeing the young man.

"I am not sure..."

"Do not worry, your highness," the man giggled again. "I also know your daughter, too!"

Both the King and the Queen raised their eyebrows at the statement. "What...did you say?" The king asked, his voice was laced with concern and anger. His daughter, his pride, who doesn't leave her castle, has a friend? That too, a human. How's that possible? He wanted to know. He wanted to know the truth and why this young man knew about his daughter and where she was.

The man laughed. His voice was not crude or arrogant, but there was a touch of lunacy on it.

The Winter King gives a side eye to his wife, where in she just turned sideways as to not meet him like she just regretted saying she trust this man.

"Follow me, my king and queen," he shouted, his voice reverberated through the length of the tunnel. "We are just a few hundred meters away to the safe house."

At that moment, both the king and queen regretted ever trusting some strange man and following him to a dark cave.


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