Transmigrated As The Perverted Young Master

Chapter 190 The Predicament Of The Hero! (2)

The street was a mess. civilians running for their lives as the armored soldiers clashed against the allied forces of the Four Kingdoms and the judicial knights. It was a clamoring heap of mess.

Calen dodged the falling debris of a collapsed building as he ran through the streets, towards the city gates.

"Where's Celeste? Where is my sister?" He yelled as he ran, hoping that she might hear him.

Like carnival fireworks, magic spells flew across the sky, leaving trails of smoke and fire. The screams of the dying echoed through the city, like a sickening melody.

Calen's grip tightened around his sword as he faced the twisted sight of his fallen comrades turned into mindless abominations. It was a heartbreaking sight, their lifeless eyes now filled with an eerie blue glow.

"Aah, help me!" His head snapped in the direction and saw a young knight impaled from his torso, slowly crawling with his hands and screaming for his life. The knight saw him and for a moment, the agony and pain were replaced with hope.

Calen saw four or five undead-previous judicial knights- surrounding the young knight. He gritted and shook his head, turning away from the young knight.

The young man's hopeful eyes were replaced with dreadness as he turned back to see his friends, people with whom he trained, now with soulless eyes preying on him. "No, please don't kill me," he whimpered and crawled, praying for his life.

Calen didn't know how long he spent running around the city, searching for his sister. He searched every corner of the city, but there was no sign of her. He even used his Night Crawler to track her down, but it was futile. He tried everything he could think of, but nothing worked.

All he wanted was to find his sister. "Aaarghhh...." He punched on the wall, he was leaning against in frustration. Breaking it. There were people inside, huddled together and whimpering at the sight of the broken wall of their house. He looked at them apologetically before turning away and running again.

They are going to die!

He has to find Celeste.

His eyes scanned the ground, searching for something. A piece of paper, anything that would lead him to her. Nothing. There is nothing.

Calen's heart sank as he realized the futility of his search. The chaos of the battle engulfed him, the cries of the wounded and the clash of weapons drowning out his own thoughts. He felt a deep sense of helplessness, knowing that his sister could be in danger, but with no leads to follow.

His mind raced, desperately seeking a solution. He couldn't give up. He wouldn't give up. There had to be someone who knew something, someone who could provide a clue to Celeste's whereabouts.

He spotted a group of civilians huddled together, seeking refuge in a nearby alleyway. Their faces were filled with fear and desperation. Calen approached them cautiously, his voice filled with urgency. "Please, have any of you seen a young woman, blonde hair, carrying a sword? She's my sister, Celeste. I need to find her."

One of the civilians, a middle-aged man with a weary expression, stepped forward. "I saw her, lad. She was headed towards the Eastern District, towards the cathedral. Said something about finding survivors and regrouping there."I think you should take a look at

Relief washed over Calen. "Thank you, thank you so much," he said gratefully, before turning to resume his search.

He sprinted through the chaos-ridden streets, fueled by renewed hope. The sounds of battle surrounded him, but he pushed through, his determination unwavering. Every step brought him closer to finding Celeste, to reuniting with his sister, and facing whatever dangers lay ahead.

As he reached the Eastern District, he saw the towering spires of the cathedral, its grand facade marred by smoke and fire. It stood as a beacon of hope amidst the devastation. Calen's heart pounded with anticipation as he made his way toward the entrance.

Inside, the cathedral was filled with survivors, seeking solace and protection within its hallowed halls. Calen scanned the faces, his eyes searching for his sister among the sea of people. And then, he saw her. She had white hair, not blonde, and it was not Celeste. It was Daenys Von Zadkiel along with another white-haired man.

Calen's heart sank as he realized his mistake. His hope flickered for a moment before he shook off the disappointment.

Daenys caught sight of Calen and approached him, concern etched on her face. "You are Calen, right?"

Calen's voice wavered with a mix of relief and frustration. "I thought you were my sister... I've been searching for her everywhere. Have you seen her?"

"Your sister is Celeste, right? Blonde hair...?' Daenys asked, not sure if she was right.

Calen's eyes widened in happiness, "Yes, yes! Celeste! Have you seen her?" Calen's voice trembled with hope.

Daenys nodded, her expression filled with empathy. "I did. She was here, and we together saved these people before she left. She said she will be helping people in the western part of the city. She's been leading a group to evacuate and find safety."

Relief flooded through Calen's veins, and his spirits lifted. "Thank the gods! Do you know where exactly in the west she might be?"

Daenys hesitated for a moment. "There's a refuge center in the old marketplace. Many people have sought shelter there. It's possible she may be there, organizing the evacuation efforts."

Calen's heart raced with renewed determination. "Thank you, Daenys. I owe you my gratitude. I will find my sister, and we will fight our way out of this nightmare together."

He turned and was about to run, but Daenys stopped him. "Wait a minute," she said. "We'll be coming with you."

He looked confused. "What about these people? Shouldn't someone be here to protect them?"

"That's alright," said the man. Daemon brandished his sword and smiled at him. "That shit heads out there can't enter this cathedral. They crumble the moment they touch its wall. Looks like they can't enter holy places at all."


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