Transmigrated As The Perverted Young Master

Chapter 172 The Forbidden Confession!

The fun session didn't continue anymore as Lucy was unconscious from the pleasure she felt during her carnal desire energy distribution.

Viper had to drape herself with a curtain piece as Damien had torn the only dress she had. Though it had earned him a smack on the ass, she had promised more fun sessions with Lucy once she was okay and can continue.

So he wasn't all disappointed rather he was the happiest since was able to bang two total babes.

One of his bucket lists of pleasures is complete. He had a threesome and if the old office Damien had heard about this future, he would've laughed his ass off, ridiculing the speaker.

But this is the truth now. His reality.

After they left, the lights were completely turned off at the gallery to calm the raging bunnies, which again raged after the trio stopped their little session.

Viper had warned him that there might be a summon from one of the Inquisitors or the GrandMaster himself and he should be well prepared for that.

It was night outside, and it seems like they had been there since the evening.

His new acquaintances were nowhere to be seen.

"What a day..." He said to himself, leaning against the wall. "Should probably go back to the room. The little one should be there already."

On the way, he bought two chocolate ice creams and a bunch of sweets along with some fruits.

The last thing he wants is to wake up the little one with the growling of his stomach.


On the top floor, where the highest-ranking Spring Kingdom officials stay, Damien's room was in one of the corner rooms, located near the staircase.

He walked over to his room, feeling the tingle of the wards which were set up by the staff.

In the corridor he saw Luther thumping rhythmically on the bench he was sitting on. His face was anxious like he was worried about something.

"Something wrong, Luther?" Damien approached his loyal knight.

"Oh thank god, sir, you're here." He stood up and bowed down, relief washing over his face as he saw the young master.

"Why are you nervous, Luther? Is something wrong?" He asked again.

"Err..the young lady has been in your room since the evening, Sir. I was catching up with some acquaintance when she came by and every half an hour she comes out and asks about your return, Sir.

"I've been here since I felt something was amiss and I didn't want to contradict your orders to stay here or else I would've fetched you earlier."

"That's...good." He didn't know what else to say. He didn't understand why Danielle would be so worried for him.

"You can go back to your room, Luther," he said, touching the worried man's shoulder. "I'll handle this."

Before Luther can protest, Damien walked past him and twisted the door knob.

He was worried her yandere character is manifesting. If so, he's doomed.

The room was dark, except for the night light coming from the carnival through the large glass walls.

It was eerie and dark, and the sense was the most nervous part.

He slowly snapped his fingers and the magic lamp in the hall lit up.

His crimson eyes searched for any life and there was none in the room.

'She must be sleeping,' he thought as he walked to his bedroom.

He called again and the lights came again and this time there was indeed a sign of life as she was lying sideways on the bed, facing the window.

Damien approached quietly, hoping that he wouldn't wake her up.

He sat on the bed and watched her for a moment before moving down and taking off his shoes.

He was glad she was sleeping, or he thought.

"Did you fuck her?"


His heart leaped out, beating vigorously inside his rib cage.

"Geez, you scared me Dany." He held his chest, panting from the shock.

She didn't move from her position as she asked.

"When did you come?" He asked her, knowing full well she wasn't going to let him out of this hook.

"After our brief meeting," she replied. "You haven't answered my question. Did you or did you not?"

He took a deep breath, collecting himself. Calming himself.

Lying is of no reason, she has to know about his harem. Or else it will be extremely dangerous in the future.

And not to mention, she could identify when he was lying like she has watched him so much that she could identify the minute facial expression and change in his voice.

"I did." He sighed.

"How was it?" Her voice was cold, her face blank.

"It was..." He began, thinking about how to describe the encounter with Viper and Lucy. "Dany, I..."

"No, need to explain yourself, brother," she said. "You're a man and you have desires to be taken care of. I understand. I'm not bothered. I mean, I'm only your sister, right? How could someone like me even..." Her voice trailed off.

He could hear her sobs and he felt an immense pain in his chest. Images of her and him playing together when they were kids flashed into his mind. Not his memory but someone else memory. Some whose soul was replaced with his.

For all the vile and deliberate things Damien Von Zadkiel has done, he had loved this girl truly.

And it hit him, the one true love of the original Damien was not Maelys, nor Lily, or any other woman, it was this girl.

The others were only like flush toys for him. Use and discard, but she was always with him, through thick and thin.

And that must be the reason office Damien had felt that warmness and love whenever he was with this girl.

Even though the original Damien is long past, his heart still belongs to him. And his heart is shattered to hear this girl's, this silly little love-struck girl's sobs.

How climbed on the bed and crawled to her end, gently grabbing her shoulder.

"Dani, I..." She jerked his hands off.

"Don't touch me." Her voice was muffled as she wiped her tears with the back of her hands.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize," she said, sitting up and looking at him.

He was struck by how beautiful she looked despite her puffy eyes and red cheeks.

"I'm not angry. I'm happy for you, brother. If you want to vent out your carnal pleasure, you can. You can fuck any street whores, for all I care."

"No, I don't want to do that," he said, grabbing her hand. "I don't want any other girl."

She didn't speak as she stared at their entwined fingers.

"Dany, I'm sorry," he said, staring into her eyes. "I'm sorry for making you wait for me. I'm sorry for being selfish and ignoring you."

Her eyes widened as she gasped.

"Dany, please don't cry." He used his free hand to wipe her tears away.

"You're crying too." She laughed, wiping his tears.

"I have desires, that's true," he said. "I have needs that I want to fulfill, and I'm not going to deny it anymore. But I have something more important to protect."

"What are you saying?"

"I have a harem, Dani," he said, "but it's not what you think. I won't bring them here and I won't have anything with them while I'm with you. I'll treat them as my own. They'll be my mistresses and I'll be their master. And I will protect them with my life."


"There might be more women in the future. Some I may love, some I just keep for pleasuring myself but none of them are as beautiful as you are, Dani." He caressed her cheeks. "I love you. I really do."

That wasn't part of acting.

"If you still want me- I know I want you- then say it, sister. Say it with your mouth. I'll give you anything you want, even if you want me to leave, just say the word, sister. I'll run off, I swear. I'll be gone from the mortal world. Just tell me what you want."

"I..." Tears rolled down her cheek again as she hugged him tightly.

"I love you, brother," she said. "It's just, the idea of you being with someone else, them making you laugh and happy is just..."

He tipped her face and leaned in, planting a soft kiss on her lips.

Her eyes widened as she felt him on her lips. Like some distant dreams that suddenly came true.

"Br-brother?!" Her cheeks flushed as she looked up and down, to the bed and ceiling- anything other than him.

"I love you. That won't ever change," he said. "No matter whomever I fuck, you'll be my top priority. You'll be my love. Will you accept me as it is?"

His crimson eyes stared at her purple eyes.

She grabbed his face and planted a kiss. "Always, brother," she repeats. "Always."


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