Transmigrated As The Perverted Young Master

Chapter 131 The Power Of A Slap!

The air froze as the two brothers looked at each other. One with contempt and murder and scream, the other with rage and calmness. Daenys felt the shivers run down her spine, looking at her elder brother. 

Something is wrong with him. This was not the way the old Damien reacts. He would've avoided confrontation with anything at all but this...

Then images of him saving her from the frenzied mob played in her mind. He had used ice magic at that time and she never got the chance to explain how he was awakened. She felt odd and wondered why.

Then Daemon screamed and lunged at Damien.

It was so fast; it was hard even for her to keep track of him, but she saw it. She clearly saw the way Damien casually sidestepped, grabbed Daemon's hand, and throw him into the air. 

Daemon crashed on the ground. He lay there for a moment, before repeatedly pounding hard on the ground in frustration. He screamed, and yet Damien was calm.

Daemon flipped around and now looked like a tiger ready to pounce at his prey. Damien stood there waiting for his brother's next move.

The little brother again pounced on the elder brother, but this time there was nothing else but a simple slap across the face that stunned the tiger.

Daemon staggered backward, feeling the pressure of the slap. He was stunned by the slap. It was cold, and he felt numb on his cheeks.

Four fingers imprinted themselves on the cheeks of the little brother.

"You dare again! You dare again!" Daemon shivered, clutching his cheeks. He had been screaming and using his full power from the start and yet Damien only slapped him, that too twice.

He saw the hundreds of eyes looking at him, sneering at him for his inability to even touch the one he called useless and disgraceful for his entire life.

"Is that you all got?" Damien asked, there was no change in his demeanor from the start. "If this is your extent of power...screaming and pouncing, then I advise my dear brother to just go back to your hole and stay there. Don't humiliate yourself."

A tremor ran through Daemon.

He's looking down on me, Daemon thought. His mind spiraled out of control.

All the eyes...they are laughing at him. They want to see his defeat at the hands of this useless fucker.

"Daemon, stop it." He heard his sister's voice from the crowd. She was behind him. She was sneering, too. His sweet sister is now with this useless bastard.

She was supposed to cheer for him. But now, she's saying to him to just lie low and accept defeat. What does she see him as?

He can feel his magic flowing out of control. He was trembling with rage. He wanted to kill someone. He wanted to kill everyone. He wanted to tear them limb from limb and feed their flesh to the dogs.

"Shut up!!!" His voice pierced through the corridor. He could hear the sound of teeth breaking and bones cracking.

The people started to step back, not because of his loud voice but because of the aura he was emitting. It was dark and murderous.

"How dare you!" With a loud cry, he formed a magical blade using his mana, it was dark and dark auras spread about it like a mist in the wind.

People exclaimed and some of them fainted, as the aura was too much for them to handle.

"Brother, this is madness," she said, her voice coming near him. It made him more angry. He can see someone walking towards him.

He smiled, and with quick precision, he slashed through the air.

He heard a loud clank sound and a scream of a lady, the scream of his sister, but he didn't see her. The only thing that he saw was the ice sword blocking his dark sword.

A whirl of mist surrounded where the blades clashed.

"Get back," he heard that wretched voice. Without wasting any time, he slashed again and again. But each time, his blade was blocked like it was just a wooden sword.

His breathing got hard and haggard as he slashed the blade with all his mana pouring out.

But it was not enough, he needed more power. He wants to kill him.

Daenys felt her whole body trembling, the shock was that much.

She thought she could stop this madness, but she would've died if it weren't for Damien.

She saw Damien dancing with his sword like it was an art. If he was a dancer then Daemon was a barbarian.

There was no artistry or finesse in his attacks. It was pure brute force and nothing else.

He was relentless. He kept on attacking and Damien was just simply blocking it all.

This was not Daemon at all. He was gracious and majestic when he fought, but this was just like a savage beast.

"Enough." Damien's voice was cold and calm.

A powerful punch flew towards Daemon, who was unprepared and took a hit straight to the stomach.

The dark sword shattered into pieces and the dark aura around it vanished.

Daemon fell to the ground, coughing up blood. His hands clutched his stomach as he couldn't breathe.

It was like his lungs were filled with water.

"A piece of trash like you defeating me impossible!" He screamed. "I trained my entire life. I'm the prodigy. How can I get defeated by someone who only trained for a year? What does it make me?"

He stood up and spat on the ground. "I refuse to be dragged down by you. You should die for your crimes."

He lunged at Damien again.

Damien sighed. He also lunged at Daemon but this time, he tackled the little fucker and pinned him on the ground. He straddled him and said, "Your madness has peaked to another level, brother. This is simply ridiculous. Just like you said, I'm better than you. I don't need years of training to beat a kid like you. I'm the chosen one." Those words were true. He was the chosen one. He was transmigrated here. He was brought here by some entity. He's special. His was the song of glory and he'll embrace it.


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