Transmigrated As The Perverted Young Master

Chapter 125 Coning Her!

After washing Aviora, he had applied some oil on her feathers, a type of oil that is used for pets to shine their mane.

·ƈθm Now the once wonderful raven looks even more majestic than before. Like some artisan crafted her with care and love.

The light shines off her black plumage giving her an angelic glow.

He picked up the mirror and examined her from afar.

The bird cocked its head curiously. What is wrong, human? You're looking at me weirdly. She asked something like that on his mind.

He laughed quietly and told her to stay put. He walked over to her and gently brushed his fingers against the feather tips.

They feel soft like silk. "Good," he said. "Now when you are with her make sure you act all mighty and high, make her feel blessed just from a touch from you. I know you're just a dumb chicken with large wings but don't show her that." She pecked his head for that remark making him call her that again.

Since she sees chicken as a livestock, comparing her with it made her feel something. Something she can't name it as of that moment and he didn't help her at all with her vocabulary.

As the once radiant ball of gas slowly starts to set at the ocean, Damien made his way to the sanctuary.

He didn't outright walk towards their meeting place but rather, looped around the place and hid behind a large oak tree.

Since the sun was low and the area was bursting with trees, it was dark where he hid. The only opening was the space above the small pond, where he sat near earlier.

Aviora was nowhere to be seen. He had told her to wait until he says so.

After a few more minutes, he saw the princess's silhouette. Elegant, even in darkness.

The way she held herself, the gracefulness of her steps and posture, everything screamed royalty. Her dress was simple yet elegant, fitting her well.

He admired her beauty and watched her walk closer to the water.

She was alone. Aviora had told him. She asked his permission and he said not yet.

He wanted her to wait a little. To make himself busier and less available to her. So she'll be forced to wait. That was the plan anyway.

She was nervous. The way she tapped the back of her one hand on the other palm repeatedly was a sign.

Damien observed her from his hidden spot, taking in her nervous demeanor. He couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that he had such an effect on her. It fueled his confidence further, making him believe that he could win her over with his charm.

He watched as she reached the water's edge and glanced around, likely searching for him. The anticipation in her eyes was palpable, and Damien savored the moment, relishing in the power he held over her emotions.

Damien wanted to create a sense of mystery and intrigue before their encounter. He wanted the princess to yearn for his presence, to long for the moments they would share together.

Lost in his thoughts, Damien absentmindedly touched the hairpin that Aviora had brought for him. He wondered about its significance and why his bond had insisted he keeps it with him.

She was getting restless and it was the perfect timing. He gave the silent nod, the signal that made his bond fly high in the sky, making a perfect cinematic scenery as it descended to her as the sun sets behind the orange sky.

Aviora made a shrill sound, graceful and melodic, similar to a songbird. It echoed across the vast land, drawing attention from nearby creatures that were asleep.

Damien heard the noise and chuckled, amused at his bond's antics.

The princess turned around and looked at the source of the sound. When her gaze fell upon the bird, a wide smile spread across her face.

She extended her hand, and Aviora gracefully landed on the ground, rejecting her. Damien watched their interaction, his heart filled with satisfaction and a tinge of jealousy. He wanted to be the one to bring that joy to her face, but for now, he would let Aviora take the spotlight.

The princess gently stroked Aviora's feathers, her eyes sparkling with delight. She seemed mesmerized by the bird's beauty and grace, completely unaware of Damien's presence lurking in the shadows. He relished in the anticipation, knowing that soon he would reveal himself and captivate her even more.

"Oh my, how beautiful you are," the princess said. The raven didn't squeal in response. Instead, she stared back at her intently, her head tilted slightly as if trying to figure out what this creature meant by words.

A few minutes later, Aviora began preening her own feathers.

This made her a bit sad and disheartened as she regarded that the bird had no interest in her. Even though she could stroke it there wasn't much reaction on the bird's side meaning it wasn't interested in her at all.

This was a first. All the other birds loved her. Even the new ones did so. Yet why is she the only one disinterested in her?

Damien watched as the princess's expression shifted from delight to disappointment. He understood her longing for a deeper connection, for the bird to show some interest in her. He couldn't let her feel disheartened for too long.

Seizing the moment, Damien stepped out from behind the oak tree, he slowly came behind her.

"You have to let go of that high status if you want her to notice you," he said just behind where she was squatted on the ground.

Hearing the sudden sound coming just behind her ears made her startled. She tried to stand up and turn around but he suddenly said. "Shhh....look at that. She's looking at you."

The princess stopped in her tracks and looked at the raven and sure enough it was looking at her, tilting her head a little and watching her.

He gently ran his hands along her hands and grabbed her palms. A shiver runs down her spine. "Relax, I know her. Just lose your hand and look at her like a friend, not as a princess," he extended her hand, welcoming the raven.


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