Transmigrated As The Perverted Young Master

Chapter 113 The Beauty And The Beast!

The grand procession had been a spectacle to behold, with the High Lord's arrival casting an air of anticipation and excitement over the courtyard. The townspeople had gathered along the path, peering through the castle gates with eager eyes, hoping to catch a glimpse of the esteemed guest and his entourage.

As the carriage came to a halt, a hush fell over the courtyard. The clatter of hooves and the rustle of fine garments ceased, giving way to a tense silence. The High Lord of Esteria emerged, stepping down from the carriage with a regal poise that left no doubt of his authority. His presence alone commanded attention, and all eyes turned toward him.

The King, Lumiere's father, stood tall at the foot of the grand staircase, flanked by his advisors and courtiers. His eyes locked with the High Lord's, and in that moment, an unspoken understanding passed between them. It was a recognition of the weight they carried as leaders, and the significance of their meeting in forging a lasting alliance.

With measured steps, the High Lord approached the King, and they exchanged a firm handshake. It was a gesture that symbolized respect and camaraderie, a signal that the kingdom was ready to work together towards a common goal.

"It's been a while since you've been here, High Lord Esteria," the King's voice resonated with diplomacy and respect. "It is an honor to have you and your son here."

The High Lord's deep, resonant voice matched his imposing figure. "The honor is mine, Winter King," he replied, his tone carrying a hint of admiration. "May our meeting strengthen this kingdom and bring prosperity to our lands."

With the formalities concluded, the King turned his attention to Lumiere, who had descended from her chamber to join them. A sense of anticipation tinged with apprehension filled the air as Lumiere descended the staircase with grace and poise. Her heart fluttered, for she knew this encounter held immense significance for her future and that of her kingdom.

The Winter Queen was absent, as always. The High Lord wasn't bothered by it as this was normal.

As Lumiere reached the bottom of the stairs, the King stepped forward, a mixture of pride and concern evident in his eyes. His long pointy ears were steardy, like he was determined or something. He gently clasped Lumiere's hand, guiding her towards the High Lord and his son, Derick, who stood nearby.

"High Lord Esteria, may I present to you my daughter, Princess Lumiere," the King introduced, his voice laced with a touch of fatherly affection.

Lumiere curtsied gracefully, her movements fluid and elegant.

A veil concealed her face, a tradition followed by the royal women to prevent their beauty from instantly captivating those who beheld them. Though this was just a tradition, it is now a mandatory for the Queen and the princess to wear it, as their beauty was dangerous itself.

It was a precautionary measure, for Lumiere's allure had been the subject of many tales and legends whispered among the people.

"High Lord Esteria, it is a pleasure to finally meet you," Lumiere greeted, her voice steady and composed, the hint of nervousness hidden beneath her composed exterior.

The High Lord's discerning gaze swept over Lumiere, examining her with a mix of curiosity and appraisal. His eyes lingered on her obscured features, assessing the person behind the veil. A subtle nod of approval escaped his lips before he spoke, his voice laced with authority.

"Princess Lumiere, the pleasure is mine," he replied, his voice carrying a respectful tone. "You are even more radiant than the rumors suggest."

Derick, who had been standing by his father's side, couldn't help but fix his gaze upon Lumiere. His eyes danced with curiosity and admiration as he took in her grace and presence.

Though he had heard tales of her beauty, seeing her in person stirred something within him—a desire to know more about the woman who held the fate of their kingdom.

The King and the High Lord exchanged pleasantries and engaged in a polite conversation as they made their way towards the castle's inner chambers. The King was eager to discuss matters of politics and alliances, while the High Lord showed a keen interest in the kingdom's resources and potential trade opportunities.

They talked about the upcoming tournament held by the Grand Magic Judiciary as a sign of unity among the four major kingdoms.

Their conversation flowed smoothly, filled with diplomatic language and carefully chosen words. They discussed the current state of affairs, the challenges faced during the near broke out war and the potential benefits of a strong alliance between them. The King spoke of his admiration for the High Lord's leadership and his hopes for a prosperous future.

Meanwhile, as Lumiere and Derick walked along the castle's lush gardens, their conversation took a different tone. Derick, known for his stoic and blunt nature, seemed disinterested in engaging in small talk. Lumiere, ever the diplomat, attempted to find common ground between them.

"So, Young master Derick, what are your interests? Do you have any hobbies or pursuits that you enjoy?" Lumiere asked, her voice gentle and curious.

Derick glanced at her, his expression impassive. "I have little time for frivolous activities," he replied curtly. "My responsibilities lie in ensuring the prosperity and security of this kingdom and my land."

Lumiere nodded, understanding the weight of his obligations. "I see. It must be a heavy burden to bear," she remarked, trying to strike a chord of empathy.

Derick shrugged nonchalantly. "It is the duty of a future ruler," he stated matter-of-factly. "There is no room for personal indulgences."

Lumiere couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. She had hoped to find some common ground, a shared interest or passion that could bridge the gap between them.

However, it was becoming increasingly clear that they were indeed worlds apart in their hobbies and likings.

As they continued to stroll through the garden, Lumiere's gaze wandered to the vibrant flowers blooming around them. She admired their beauty and delicacy, finding solace in their presence.

"You know, young master, I find solace in nature. These gardens, the flowers... they bring me a sense of peace," Lumiere shared, her voice filled with a gentle warmth.

Derick glanced at the flowers briefly before returning his attention to Lumiere. "Peace is a luxury I cannot afford," he replied, his tone guarded.

Lumiere's heart sank, realizing the vast differences that separated them. She understood the weight of Derick's responsibilities and his stoic demeanor, but she couldn't help but long for a connection, a glimpse of something beyond duty and obligation.

Lumiere took a deep breath, gathering her courage before broaching the subject that had been on her mind. She glanced at Derick, his muscular form and strong presence commanding attention.

"Young master, I heard rumors about a tournament that will be taking place soon," Lumiere began, her voice tinged with curiosity. "Are you planning to participate?"

Derick's gaze shifted to Lumiere, his intense amber eyes meeting her own. He remained silent for a moment, seemingly contemplating his response. Then, with a subtle nod, he replied, "Yes, I will be partaking in the tournament."

Lumiere couldn't hide her surprise, her eyes widening slightly. "That's incredible! I've heard tales of your strength and prowess," she exclaimed, genuine admiration evident in her voice. "You must be a formidable competitor."

Derick's lips curved into a faint, almost imperceptible smile. "Strength is an inherent part of who I am," he replied, his voice low and tinged with a hint of pride. "As a werewolf, my physical abilities surpass those of ordinary men."

Lumiere's curiosity grew, her interest piqued by his statement. "Tell me more," she urged, her voice filled with eagerness. "What is it like to possess such strength? To be a werewolf?"

Derick's expression turned thoughtful as he considered Lumiere's question. "Being a werewolf grants me enhanced senses, speed, and agility," he explained. "I can hear sounds from great distances, move swiftly across vast expanses, and possess strength far beyond that of a human. It is a gift and a responsibility."

Lumiere listened attentively, her fascination with his abilities evident in her eyes. She couldn't help but feel a mix of awe and trepidation at the thought of facing him in the tournament.

"I can only imagine the challenges you've faced and the battles you've won," Lumiere mused, her voice tinged with admiration. "It must be quite an experience to harness such power."

Derick's gaze softened, a rare glimpse of vulnerability crossing his features. "Power comes with its own burdens," he responded, his voice carrying a hint of weariness. "It is a constant struggle to maintain control, to keep the beast within at bay. But it is also a reminder of the strength and resilience that lie within me."

Lumiere nodded, her understanding and empathy evident. She knew that behind his stoic exterior, there were layers of complexity and struggle.

She couldn't help but admire his determination and the way he carried the weight of his supernatural abilities.


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