Transmigrated As The Perverted Young Master

Chapter 104 It's Your Fault!

Her skull exploded.

The bludgeon drove itself through her brain, and Emily died instantly.

It happened so fast, Damien didn't know how to react. He just stared at his sister's lifeless body. Blood spilled out from her mouth, covering the table cloth.

Brain matters oozed out from under her shattered head, and it stained her white dress red.

Blood dripped on the ground, leaving trails on the floor.

The man threw the bludgeon aside, letting it fall to the floor.

Deep in the depths of Damien's tortured mind, a scene of unspeakable horror unfolded. His family, once vibrant and full of life, now lay lifeless before him, their bodies surrounded by a crimson pool of their own blood. The weight of guilt crashed upon him like a tidal wave, suffocating him with remorse.

Tears welled up in Damien's eyes, blurring his vision as he fell to his knees, his voice cracking with each anguished cry. "No... no! How could this happen? What have I done?" His heart shattered alongside the shattered remnants of his once happy home. 

The two figures responsible for the unspeakable tragedy turned toward him, their eyes burning with malice and accusation. They pointed their bloodied fingers directly at Damien, their voices dripping with venom. "This is all your fault! You did this!" 

Their words echoed through the desolate room, carving deep into Damien's already tormented soul. The weight of their accusation bore down upon him, threatening to crush him under the burden of his guilt. "No... it can't be! I never wanted this! Please, forgive me!" Damien pleaded, his voice trembling with desperation.

But the figures were relentless, their accusations growing louder, their voices merging into a deafening chorus of blame. "It's your fault! Your fault! Your fault!" Their words pounded in Damien's ears, driving him to the edge of madness. 

As their haunting voices intensified, Damien's mind teetered on the brink of collapse. The darkness consumed him, drowning his thoughts in an abyss of despair. The room spun, and he felt as if he were being pulled into an endless void of self-loathing.

Then, in a final horrific twist, the figures began to morph and meld, their bodies contorting and merging until they transformed into a monstrous entity—a towering, grotesque mushroom. Its cap pulsated with a sickly glow, casting eerie shadows on the blood-stained walls.

The mushroom figure loomed over Damien, its voice booming with an otherworldly resonance. "This is all your fault! You cannot escape the consequences!" 

Damien's heart pounded in his chest, his breath ragged and shallow. His body shook with fear and despair as the enormity of his perceived guilt bore down upon him. The weight of it threatened to suffocate him, to extinguish the last flicker of hope within his soul. 

But then, as the mushroom figure's accusation reached its crescendo, Damien's world shattered once again. He jolted awake, his body drenched in cold sweat, his heart racing in his chest. Confusion enveloped him as he realized he was no longer in the blood-soaked room. Instead, he found himself in the depths of a dimly lit cave, its rocky walls closing in around him.

As his eyes adjusted to the faint light, Damien noticed a baby crow perched on his chest, its curious eyes studying him intently. The sight of the crow amidst the darkness filled him with a strange mix of wonder and trepidation. He wiped away his tears, his voice quivering as he addressed the avian companion. "You're"

The baby crow let out a soft caw, its tiny beak opening and closing as if in response. Damien could sense a glimmer of understanding in those dark, beady eyes. It was as if the crow had witnessed his torment and sought to offer solace in its silent presence.

Damien's trembling hand reached out to stroke the baby crow's sleek feathers. "You saw everything, didn't you? You saw the darkness within me, the weight of my guilt. But why are you here? Why have you chosen to stay with me?"

The crow cocked its head, seemingly contemplating Damien's words. Then, with a gentle flutter of its wings, it hopped closer, its ebony feathers brushing against Damien's trembling fingers. The warmth of the tiny creature brought a glimmer of comfort, a spark of hope in the vast darkness that engulfed him.

It hopped off his chest and perched on a nearby rock, its gaze never leaving him. Damien took a moment to collect himself, his mind still reeling from the vivid hallucination that had plagued him.

He glanced around the cave, its walls adorned with ancient symbols and moss-covered stones. It was a place of solitude, a sanctuary far removed from the chaos of the outside world.

There was no crazy walking tree nor angry mushroom anywhere. He sighed deeply and shook his head.

He felt his hunger being satiated. But the scene haunted him.

He should've been more careful, especially someplace strange and dangerous like this. He could've died if the mushroom was poisonous. It was moments like this that devices the future and yet he was acting all foolish.

"I can't afford to be like this. It was just hunger that made me do this. How am I gonna survive in this world if it's like this?" He looked at his hands, it was still trembling.

Even though he knew the visions of his family were just an imagination, like a mirage in the desert, his mind was so happy to be finally accepted and loved by those horrible people that he forgot to warn himself.

Though, certainly he was happy to be loved by them even if it was just a hallucination, he didn't want to try it again.

With renewed determination, Damien rose to his feet, his hand instinctively gripping the hilt of his sword, Monke. It was a constant reminder of the path he had chosen and the battles that lay ahead.

As Damien ventured deeper into the cave, the baby crow fluttered ahead, guiding him with an air of confidence. Its small wings beat with purpose as if saying, "Follow me, I know the way!"

Step by step, Damien followed the crow's lead, navigating through the winding tunnels and narrow passages. The cave seemed to twist and turn as if playing a mischievous game with their sense of direction.

But the baby crow was relentless in its determination. It cawed and hopped, ensuring Damien stayed on track. Its ebony feathers glistened in the dim light, a beacon of hope in the darkness.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they reached a set of stone steps. The crow perched on that very step, its eyes gleaming with a sense of accomplishment.

Faint light swept through the small entrance. He had to cover his eyes momentarily to adjust to the natural sunlight.

Damien approached the stone step, curiosity and anticipation filling his heart. He glanced back at the baby crow, a grateful smile forming on his lips. "You led me here, didn't you? To the exit?"

The crow let out a contented caw, as if affirming Damien's words. It was as if the little creature had known all along where they were headed.

With a surge of excitement, Damien took a deep breath and stepped into the entrance. Instantly, a gust of fresh air filled his lungs, carrying with it the scent of freedom. He emerged from the cave, blinking in the sunlight that bathed the world outside.

The cave had released its grip on him, and he stood at the threshold of a new adventure. The baby crow hopped down from the step, joining Damien in the outside world as if signalling that their journey together was far from over.

"The third step!" He marvelled at the vast merry land ahead. He could hear the sounds of animals and birds here. Not beasts, animals like cows and sheep.

Damien turned his gaze to the vast landscape before him, a mix of awe and determination shining in his eyes. With the baby crow by his side, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, armed with newfound strength and a hint of comedy in his heart.

"Let's go, my feathered friend," Damien said, his voice brimming with excitement. "We've got a world to explore and laughter to bring. Onward we go!"

Together, Damien and the baby crow embarked on their next chapter, ready to spread joy and comedy in a world that sorely needed it. Their bond forged in the depths of darkness would guide them as they weaved through the whimsical tapestry of their fantastical journey.

The majestic mountains stood as silent witnesses to his steps, their peaks piercing the heavens above. The crisp mountain air filled his lungs, invigorating him with each breath. He relished the freedom and the opportunity to explore the uncharted territory before him.

"Third steps, here I come!" He clenched his fist and raised above his head, with a determined expression and a strange bird, he started his travels.


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