Transmigrated as the Mother of the Abused Male Lead in a Tragic Novel

Chapter 72: Another Dream

Chapter 72

"I know you probably think I'm crazy, but I really feel fine," Su Li said helplessly.

Zhou Wenyu frowned as he looked over the psychiatrist's certificate showing a clean bill of health.

Su Li took him to the small courtyard and slowly told him about himself, about everything that had happened to him.

Zhou Wenyu listened with furrowed brows at first, then with eyes and mouth wide open in astonishment. Finally he fell silent. "Maybe it's not a bad thing after all."

Su Li patted him on the shoulder. "You get me, brother."

"I wish you all the best," Zhou Wenyu said.

Zhou Wenyu stayed with him for a week.

The day Zhou Wenyu left, Su Li found a cat at his front door. The cat was a bit chubby, with ginger fur that truly suited his color.

Curled up in a trembling ball by the door, he was still just a kitten.

Su Li picked him up. "Where did you come from, guest?"

The ginger kitten nuzzled his palm and let out a soft, tender mew.

"No place to go? Want to come with me? I definitely won't let you go hungry." Su Li wrapped him in a scarf and took him to the vet.

The kitten was very healthy. He was probably just looking for a long-term meal ticket. Su Li bought a pile of things and took him home. As soon as he was put down, the ginger kitten started frolicking all around the house, perfectly at ease.

Su Li believed what the vet had said, that the cat was looking for a permanent food source.

Zhou Yao came back holding a stack of documents. "Boss, the boss of Qibing Company is also in Nanjiang. He said he wants to take you out for a meal."

"You can arrange it," Su Li said in a good mood.

"I met a weird guy today. Looked totally normal, but the moment he opened his mouth, he sounded like a psycho," Zhou Yao complained.

"Oh? What happened?" Su Li was a little curious.

"Some guy waving around a project proposal, saying his studio could research time travel and parallel universe theories and stuff. Total nutjob." Zhou Yao grumbled.

"No idea where he got his information, but he knew you were here and kept calling me. Raving lunatic. If he keeps this up I'm calling the cops."

"Find out everything you can about his studio and theories and get me his information," Su Li suddenly said.

"Boss?" Zhou Yao couldn't believe his ears. "You can't actually believe this stuff?"

"What era is this? You gotta believe in science, boss!" Zhou Yao was on the verge of another meltdown.

"I told you to do it, so do it," Su Li said. "I want to see everything as soon as possible."

Zhou Yao took a deep breath and left, hands clutched over his heart.

In Su Li's mind, however, a bold and outrageous idea was gradually taking shape, madly making his arm hairs stand on end.

Two days later, Zhou Yao reluctantly came in holding a folder. "You really wanna see this crazy stuff?"

"Give it here." Su Li was eager to the point of impatience.

Su Li carefully read through all of the man's guesses and theories. "Set up a meeting. I want to see him."

The man turned out to be slightly younger than Su Li expected. Like Dr. Akebono, his face held an excited, fanatical smile.

"Mr. Su, I know you're a visionary leader. Only someone like you can see the feasibility and monumental significance of my project. With your investment and support for my research, I will surely deliver satisfactory results!"

"I'll be direct. I can invest 20 million for starters, and up to 200 million more afterwards." Over his coffee, Su Li went straight to business.

The man rubbed his hands eagerly. "What are your requirements?"

"I want to see results for that initial 20 million," Su Li said with a faint smile.

Two days later, Dr. Jing's account received a 200 million wire transfer.

Dr. Jing started working day and night.

Su Li sat in his yard staring blankly at the Chinese parasol tree.

He didn't know if this was the right thing to do, or what meaning it held. He just thought that if by some chance it succeeded...

The ginger kitten waddled over unsteadily and jumped into his lap, the hairs by his mouth and whiskers still wet with milk.

Su Li couldn't help smiling slightly. He took out a handkerchief and wiped the kitten's mouth, then went back for a comb and nail clipper.

The weather was so nice. He should give the kitten's fur a combing and trim his nails.

Su Li happily decided.

After being combed all neat and tidy, the clueless ginger kitten was placed belly-up on Su Li's knee. Su Li held the kitten's paw and started clipping his nails.

The kitten yowled twice in protest before being suppressed. Once Su Li finished trimming his nails, he gathered the cat in his arms and gently stroked him. Unnoticed by either, the ginger kitten started purring and nodded off. His two front paws were tucked against his chest.

Su Li slowly closed his eyes as well.

He was dreaming again.

In the dream he had grown up, waking up in class.

The teacher frowned at him to answer a question. Unhurried, Su Li stood up, glanced at the problem, and stated the answer.

The teacher's expression lightened somewhat. "Sit down. If you're tired, stand up next time, understand?"

"Understood, teacher." Su Li sat down and opened his book. The first page had a name written on it.

Xiao Sijin.

So those were the three characters.

Su Li carefully copied the name with his pen on paper.

The end of class bell rang quickly. An unfamiliar boy came over and slung an arm around his shoulder. "Damn Xiao Sijin, I saw you sleeping but you were still listening to class? Badass! Teach me, how do you multitask like that?"

Su Li shook his head. "Natural talent."

"Whoa! It's so bright I'm blinded! Oh wait, it's just you showing o-!" Before the boy could finish teasing, Su Li smiled mildly and said no more.

After school let out, Su Li hesitated for two steps before someone took his book bag from him.

He looked up to see a wide-eyed boy pulling him along. "Have a safe trip home."

The boy didn't seem to have changed much. He still liked to stare wide-eyed at people like when he was little.

Su Li gave an "Mm" and took his bag back from Xiao Shitou's hands. "Let's go."

Xiao Shitou looked blankly at his now empty hands for a beat, then reached to take the book bag again. Su Li dodged. "I can carry it myself."

Xiao Shitou slowly mumbled an "Oh," and trailed after him.

After two steps Su Li stopped and regarded Xiao Shitou. "You walk in front."

Xiao Shitou halted and took Su Li's hand instead. "Together. Going home."

It was a little odd for two grown boys to hold hands, but after a moment's thought Su Li didn't let go. He obediently followed him back to the familiar little shop.

The shop was still bustling with customers. Su Li carefully observed every corner, determined to commit each detail to memory.

Ding Sha brought over a plate of snacks. "Tired? Hungry? Dinner will be ready soon, this is just something small first."

Seeing Ding Sha made Su Li's nose suddenly sting with the urge to cry.

She had aged a little, gained some wrinkles.

"I'm going to do homework." Su Li took the plate with a murmur and headed to the backyard.

Finding his room, he sat at his desk in a daze, staring at the plate of snacks. Slowly he picked one up and put it in his mouth.

Very sweet.

He blankly regarded the plate, gazing out the window at the yard until called for dinner.

At dinner he saw his father.

Xiao Jun had more charm now, handsome and dignified. Su Li thought to himself that he resembled his grown-up self.

As he ate, Su Li carefully observed every detail, determined to commit it all to memory.

"Xiao Shitou is so well-behaved today, how odd," Zhuang Auntie remarked with a smile.

"Nothing much, just a little tired," Su Li answered.

When getting ready for bed, Ding Sha came.

"Were you unhappy today?" Ding Sha asked, concerned.

"No, I was very happy," Su Li said sincerely.

"I've never been this happy before."

Ding Sha stroked his head. "Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Your mom and dad are here."

"Mm." Su Li smiled and nodded.

As Ding Sha turned to leave, Su Li called out, "Mom, I love you so much. I love Dad so much too."

Ding Sha froze for a second, then smiled. "We love you too."

Lying down, Su Li kept smiling. He thought that even if he never dreamed again, he would have no regrets now.


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