Transmigrated as the Mother of the Abused Male Lead in a Tragic Novel

Chapter 67: The Wedding

Chapter 67

The boys looked casual yet distinctive, seemingly young in age. Xiao Jun greeted everyone familiarly before introducing Ding Sha and Little Ping An.

The guys chuckled lightheartedly, greeting them in a friendly and polite manner.

After chatting with them briefly, Ding Sha and Little Ping An quietly went to the side as to not disturb them further.

The guys gathered around Xiao Jun. "Not bad, Brother Jun. Your wife is so beautiful and your baby is so cute too - your family is perfect!"

Xiao Jun cockily smirked a little, his expression very punchable.

Little Ping An had woken up and was staring out curiously, in particular ogling unblinkingly at Xiao Jun. Ding Sha was dying of curiosity.

Was Little Ping An looking at his dad, or simply staring blankly at a moving object?

After playing a couple rounds, Xiao Jun came over. "Let's go back."

"You're not playing anymore?" Ding Sha was startled for a moment, as Xiao Jun would usually play for much longer.

"No, I just brought you guys to meet everyone, so they don't keep asking me if the kid is fun to play with all day long." Xiao Jun was sweating a little, his body heated up.

He first covered Ding Sha’s icy cold hands before scooping Little Ping An into his arms. The two of them headed back home together.

Unable to sit still, Xiao Jun drove to the market again to buy New Year's goods for everyone.

Ding Sha sat in the house baking egg tarts. She had covetously smelled the fragrant aroma when passing by a cake shop a couple days ago, and today decided to try making some herself.

Du Rourou was video editing while cradling her laptop, awaiting the egg tarts.

Ding Sha’s blogger career was also slowly getting on track. Unable to handle it alone, she had Du Rourou take charge of that aspect, giving her a separate salary.

Du Rourou felt like she had found a professional job fitting of her skills, extremely elated every day.

The New Year came early this year, the Spring Festival arriving not long after New Years Day.

Xiao Jun had given the employees vacation and benefits, leaving only their family of three plus Zhuang Auntie, Si Le and the others.

The few of them sat together wrapping dumplings, frying dishes, baking cakes, preparing to celebrate Little Ping An’s first birthday during the New Year festivities.

A table full of fine wine and food, Xiao Jun sitting at the head but not uttering a word for a toast.

Xiao Jun hesitated for a bit. "Today is New Year’s, wishing everyone a happy new year."

Everyone joyfully raised their glasses.

After drinking one cup, Xiao Jun lifted another.

"This cup is to thank Zhuang Auntie for her help. Without you, I might not have been able to see Ding Sha again."

Even left unsaid, the fact that he wasn't there when Little Ping An was born is something he would never forget his whole life.

Raising the third cup,

"With this cup, I'd like everyone to bear witness." Xiao Jun looked towards Ding Sha. "April 3rd is a good date. Shall we have our wedding then?"

Ding Sha was startled for a moment. "Okay."

She didn't cry this time, just smiled and held Xiao Jun's hand that had been trembling under the table the whole time.

"I've prepared several plans, Chinese and Western styles, see which you like." Xiao Jun said.

Ding Sha murmured in agreement, suddenly starting to anticipate April 3rd.

But before the romantic wedding was the long and tedious wedding preparation. Ding Sha was tired trying on dresses and getting things ready, making her want to call the whole thing off at one point.

Xiao Jun was even more energetic, eagerly hurrying her out of bed every day to prepare. Ding Sha decided to just let him handle the preparations while she focused on some menu planning and other tasks at the shop.

Xiao Jun was constantly darting in and out every day, not looking tired at all.

Little Ping An happily ate his solids every day, even babbling and flailing his limbs excitedly after an especially tasty meal.

He was growing quickly, his features increasingly resembling Xiao Jun's, a mini carbon copy of Xiao Jun.

Ding Sha wondered sometimes, people say boys resemble their mother and girls resemble their father, so why does Little Ping An look so much like his dad?

Ding Sha secretly pulled out a diaper to double check. "He's definitely a boy..."

Zhao Auntie smiled knowingly as Ding Sha acted silly. "Don't worry, you'll see the resemblance to his mother as he grows up more."

Ding Sha stuck out her tongue.

The scale of the wedding wasn't big, with not too many invited guests, all intimate ones.

As Ding Sha slowly walked towards him in her pure white wedding dress, Xiao Jun couldn't hold back his tears.

"You fool, what are you crying for," Ding Sha wiped his tears.

"I'm just happy." Xiao Jun's voice was hoarse.

Not knowing what to say, Ding Sha gently wiped his tears.

"We voluntarily come together as husband and wife. From this day forth, we shall share the responsibility and duty that marriage bestows upon us: to be filial to parents above, teach children below, respect and love one another, place trust and encouragement in each other, understand and accommodate, share weep and joy, cherish for a lifetime! From now on, whether in good or bad circumstances, in riches or poverty, in health or illness, in youth or old age, we sail the same boat, sharing bitterness and sweetness, till death do us part as lifelong companions! We shall abide by today’s vows, as we surely can abide by today’s vows."

What they recited wasn't the commonly known wedding vows.

Xiao Jun had deliberated for a long time before solemnly selecting the wedding oath recited when obtaining a marriage certificate.

Even though they couldn't get registered yet, it felt as if they'd gotten their license this way.

The wedding ended, but Xiao Jun didn't rest with Ding Sha. After showering and changing, they secretly snuck out to drive somewhere under night's veil.

Xiao Jun had brought her to the only mountain in Nanjiang City.

The sparse vegetation at the peak revealed a vast sky, stars studding the horizons beautifully.

The two of them sat atop the car whispering sweet nothings.

Leaning on his shoulder, Ding Sha asked "Will we be together forever?"

"We will."

"Will you love me forever?"

"I will."

"Would you abandon me and our son?"

"I would not."

"Which preschool do you think would be best for our son?"

"....I don't know."

Xiao Jun said helplessly, "Isn't it a bit early to be looking at preschools?"

"It doesn't hurt to plan ahead." Ding Sha didn't really want to enroll their son yet either, just blurting it out randomly.

"What do you think our son will grow up to be like? More like you or more like me?" Xiao Jun suddenly asked.

Ding Sha fell silent for a bit. She obviously knew what the original male lead was like.

"He'll be great: sunny and cheerful. He'll love yummy food and poking around the kitchen too. He'll love skateboarding and basketball, with lots of good friends. A huge gang will follow him around playing every day. He'll definitely grow up handsome, popular with all the girls. As for his personality, a bit mischievous, a bit quiet, like you and like me too."

But Ding Sha believed Little Ping An would not turn out that way. Her little one would not grow up lonely and encounter life's bitter hardships alone, but rather be surrounded by love and warmth.

He would surely become a sunny and cheerful boy.

"Yes, he surely will." Xiao Jun held Ding Sha tightly, speaking with conviction.

At the end of July, Ding Sha and Xiao Jun finally stepped into the civil affairs bureau and obtained two brand new red booklets.

They recited the marriage oath once more.

Resolute and blissful.

The sunshine was just right, breeze not scorching.


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