Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 90: New Storm has Already Appeared

Chapter 90: New Storm has Already Appeared

Chapter 90 – A New Storm has Already Appeared

Taking out a broom and dustpan, Chen Yu cleaned up all the debris on the ground. He then looked at Little Peach and asked, “Can you constantly maintain your invisibility?”

“There’s a time limit. What’s wrong, Mr. Chen?”

“Then go change your face back. I’m getting goosebumps looking at you.”

“Okay!” Little Peach said, her eyes glowing with excitement. She immediately ran up to the Interstellar Portal, called out its console, and established a spatial link.

“You seem very happy.”

“That’s right! Even robots have a love for beauty.”

“Oh.” Chen Yu nodded expressionlessly to Little Peach’s words. Once Little Peach ran into the warehouse, he promptly shut the door and disconnected the spatial link, cursing, “To hell with your beauty standards.”

Afterward, Chen Yu walked up to the mirror and looked at his own reflection, muttering, “The aesthetics of the future truly is frightening.”

Bang! Bang! Bang!

At this time, someone suddenly knocked on the door to his room.

Chen Erke’s voice came from outside the door, “Brother, you have a delivery.”

“Leave it outside the door,” Chen Yu shouted. After taking one last look at the mirror, he moved up to the door and perked his ears. Only after hearing Chen Erke’s footsteps growing distant did he relax and open the door.

Before he had his room repaired, he definitely could not let any of his family members find out about his room’s state.

Picking up the package left outside his door, Chen Yu walked into the living room. While tearing open his package, he asked, “Second Eldest, where’s your elder sister?”

“After sending me back, Big Sis left with mom to shop for new clothes.”

“New clothes? What for?”

“It’s for the new years.”

“Isn’t it a little too soon for that?!”

“Mom said that clothes are cheaper during this time. They’ll become more expensive once it’s close to the new year.”


Taking out the three external hard drives from the delivery package, Chen Yu returned to his room and fell into deep thought.

Editing videos was indeed a very lucrative job. However, now that he had Little Peach generating income for him, the money he could make from editing videos was no longer as enticing as before.

Moreover, now that his family was no longer under challenging times like before, there was even less need to continue editing videos for money.

Thinking up to this point, Chen Yu toyed around with one of the hard discs as he picked up his phone and messaged Blooming Clouds.

[Chen Yu: “You there?”]

[Blooming Clouds: “I’m here. Did you receive the hard drives?”]

[Chen Yu: “I did.”]

[Blooming Clouds: “There are slightly more materials this time, so I ended up sending three hard drives. How long will it take you to edit them?”]

[Chen Yu: “Let’s break up.”]

[Blooming Clouds: “???”]

[Chen Yu: “I’m not editing anymore. Let’s end our partnership.”]

[Blooming Clouds: “...Brother, don’t joke with me, alright?”]

[Chen Yu: “I’m not joking. I’m earning too little, so I decided to stop. So, that’s it.”]

[Blooming Clouds: “A ploy! I knew you would use this ploy! Alright, we can raise the price. I understand.”]

[Chen Yu: “I don’t care how much of a raise you give me. My studio’s closing shop. Bye-bye.”]

[Blooming Clouds: “Brother! Big Brother! Don’t do this!”]

[Chen Yu: “I have plenty of little sisters already.”]

[Blooming Clouds: “Daddy!”]

[Chen Yu: “...”]

[Blooming Clouds: “Daddy, let’s not mess around anymore, alright? We can negotiate the price. I’ve already accepted so many jobs. If you don’t edit them, I’ll drown in losses.”]

[Chen Yu: “Not doing it. I’m tired.”]

[Blooming Clouds: “No way! How can you stop just like that?! Do you still have any spirit of contract?!”

[Chen Yu: “Hah... Seeing as you’re such a pitiful little girl, I’ll edit one last time for you. Send the money over first.”]

[Blooming Clouds transferred 30,000 yuan to you.]

[Chen Yu: “OK. Just wait for me.”]

Exiting the conversation and looking at his WeChat wallet, Chen Yu saw that there was indeed an additional 30,000 yuan. At this time, he also suddenly thought about Little Peach.

“I guess leaving her alone in the warehouse is a little too cruel. After all, she is merely an infant robot. I shouldn’t take offense at a child’s blabberings...”

Sighing, Chen Yu walked up to the Interstellar Portal and established a spatial link to the suburban warehouse. As he pushed open the door, he immediately noticed Little Peach, who had reverted to her previous form, squatting in a corner and drawing circles on the ground.

“Mr. Chen!”

Like a warm light shining down from heaven, the portal’s light instantly melted Little Peach’s cold mood. Slowly standing up, Little Peach’s eyes reddened as she said, “I... I knew it. Mr. Chen, I knew you wouldn’t-”


Clack, clack, clack...

Before Little Peach could finish speaking, Chen Yu tossed a laptop and three hard drives across the portal and said, “Edit the videos in these hard drives using Transdimensional Marketing’s software. Afterward, focus on coding.”

Little Peach”...let me off the hook...”


Shutting down the Interstellar Portal, the guilt in Chen Yu’s heart promptly disappeared.

“It won’t be cruel if I leave her with a laptop.”


At the same time, on a certain deserted highway outside Jinzhou City, a Chevrolet Enjoy slowly stopped at the side of the road.


The doors to the car opened simultaneously, and a total of 14 people walked out of the vehicle.

Among these 14 people, there was one white man, one black man, and the rest were Asians. The group had both males and females, and their ages ranged between 17 to 40.

“We can finally take action after hiding for half a month,” the white man, who acted as the team leader, said as he adjusted his ruffled coat. In unskilled Chinese, he said, “The environment here is quite good. There are quite a few hiding spots.”

“Did every other team respond?” an Asian woman asked.

“They did, but it’s not easy to maintain contact with everyone,” the white man said in a low tone. “There are many open and secret security posts, both inside and outside the city. While everything looks calm, almost every household is under surveillance. Jinzhou City is basically a city under martial law right now.”

“That will be difficult for us to operate, then.”

“However, it is precisely because of this point that the higher-ups have judged that Transdimensional Review’s uploader is in this city.”

“Is there any possibility of it being a smokescreen?”

“It’s possible, but we can’t do anything about it,” the white man said, shrugging. “The moment that uploader tossed those boxes to the various countries’ governments this morning, the situation had already changed. The cabinet has already issued orders that we cannot let even the slightest of opportunities get away.”

“That is to say...” At this moment, the black man of the group squinted and guessed, “The materials used to make those boxes really came from the future?”

“That’s right. At the very least, those boxes cannot be reproduced with our current technology.”

Upon receiving the white man’s confirmation, silence fell over the group. Every group member wore complex expressions on their faces as they felt their world view nearing collapse.

“Moreover, every box contained a letter. These letters have caused the entire world to tense up.”

“What was written inside those letters?”

“How would I know?” Pulling out a cap from his coat and putting it on, the white man said, “Just focus on performing your respective tasks. Split up and take action. Also, get rid of that driver.”


Everyone answered. They then split into groups of two and split up from each other.

The white group leader’s partner was the black man. While hiding themselves within the farmland beside the highway, the two covertly advanced.

“Leader, our task on the surface is only to wait for information and snipe the target. What are the tasks of the other six groups?”

“I don’t know.” Shaking his head, the white man said, “Every group has a different task. We might even have conflicting tasks.”

“Is that so...”

“That’s right.” Revealing a mysterious smile, the white man turned to the black man and said, “Moreover, who knows? We might even have different individual tasks. Ain’t that right? My partner?”

“...Maybe you’re right. However, there remains one question.” After saying so, the black man lowered his head and looked at his own skin color, muttering, “Is our true task to become prisoners?”



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