Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 48: Trouble Is Here…

Chapter 48: Trouble Is Here...

Chapter 48 – Trouble Is Here...

Seeing the video come to an end, Chen Yu breathed out a sigh of relief before exiting Bilibili’s platform.

The video was 15 minutes long. From its upload until now, the number of views it accumulated had already exceeded 20,000.

Moreover, based on the audience’s bullet comments, the quality of the review video this time seemed to be very high. How many more new subscribers he would gain from this video would now depend on how Bilibili advertised his video for him.

Raising his head, Chen Yu checked the empty schoolyard before him. After pondering for some time, he entered WeChat and sent a message to Transdimensional Marketing’s female staff.

[Chen Yu: “You there?”]

[Transdimensional Marketing: “...I beg of you, Mr. Chen, please stop asking whether I’m here or not.”]

[Chen Yu: “Sure. I want to ask you something.”]

[Transdimensional Marketing: “Please ask away, Mr. Chen.”]

[Chen Yu: “Next week’s episode is going to be the last. Will my subscriber count break the 50,000 threshold?”]

[Transdimensional Marketing: “It’s possible. The chances are very high.”]

[Chen Yu: “Can you give me a more precise answer? How high is the percentage?”]

[Transdimensional Marketing: “The market is not mathematics. It is very difficult for me to give you a precise percentage. I can only say that your chances are very high.”]

[Chen Yu: “Alright, then. For next week’s review, try to get me something spectacular that will cause a sensation on Bilibili.”]

[Transdimensional Marketing: “Please rest assured, Mr. Chen. Our goals are aligned. Our team will strive hard to apply for a good product for you. However, as you are still in your probation period, we can apply for only small and ordinary products. Oh, right, there’s still one small problem. I’ll use this opportunity to tell you, Mr. Chen.”]

[Chen Yu: “A small problem? What is it?”]

[Transdimensional Marketing: “At 10:37 P.M. last night, Bilibili’s platform attempted to block your account and remove your videos.”]


Startled by this situation, Chen Yu hurriedly asked a question.

[Chen Yu: “They blocked me? Why?”]

[Transdimensional Marketing: “We don’t know the exact reason, but through our team’s analysis, it is very likely that Bilibili received orders from a higher regulatory authority to remove your videos and block your account.”]

“Higher regulatory authority...”

Chen Yu frowned at these words. Very quickly, he realized something.

[Chen Yu: “Is it because of the first episode’s Nuclear Energy Laboratory? That thing contained illegal materials. Did they decide to block my account because they couldn’t locate my person for now?”]

[Transdimensional Marketing: “We are not sure, but isn’t it very normal for children to construct toy nuclear bombs at home as a puzzle game?”]

Chen Yu no longer had the energy to retort to those words.

[Chen Yu: “You’re talking about making a nuclear bomb at home! How is that normal?!”]

[Transdimensional Marketing: “Wouldn’t everything have been fine if you had just publicized your identity back then? You wouldn’t have these problems now if you had done so.”]

[Chen Yu: “Big Sis, are we on the same page? Can you align your thoughts with mine? If I had publicized my identity back then, I might’ve already been dissected by now! OK?”]

[Transdimensional Marketing: “It’s not certain that you’d meet such a tragic end. At most, you’d be imprisoned and closely observed.”]

[Chen Yu: “Stop saying unnecessary things. How did my account recover after that?”]

[Transdimensional Marketing: “Bilibili failed to block your account.”]

[Chen Yu: “?”]

[Transdimensional Marketing: “Mr. Chen, your review videos represent the benefits of Transdimensional Marketing Company and the various products’ respective companies. We definitely will not tolerate your account getting blocked. Any acts that serve to harm our legal benefits will not be allowed to succeed. Hence, whether it is on Bilibili’s platform or other media platforms, none have the authority to prohibit you from publishing your review articles, updates, videos, and livestreams.”]

[Chen Yu: “...Tyrannical...”]

[Transdimensional Marketing: “Hence, I said this was only a small problem. You do not need to worry about this, Mr. Chen. You can just proceed with your work as usual. The Transdimensional Marketing Company will deal with any external forces that try to interfere with your work.”]

[Chen Yu: “...Mighty...”]

[Transdimensional Marketing: “Moreover, due to Bilibili’s platform violating the Earth Alliance’s Unfair Competition Law, as compensation to our company, we now have the authority to utilize a portion of Bilibili’s resources to promote your videos manually without notice. Your third review video has now been pushed to Bilibili’s front page.”]

[Chen Yu: “...Amazing...”]

[Transdimensional Marketing: “Mr. Chen, do you still have any questions?”]

[Chen Yu: “None. Let’s chat some other time.”]

[Transdimensional Marketing: “Very well, Mr. Chen. Goodbye.”]

After exiting WeChat, Chen Yu opened Bilibili’s app on his phone, and sure enough, he saw his video on the app’s front page!

“Nice! This assist is truly beautiful! With this, it seems my odds of reaching 50,000 subscribers are truly great.”


At the same time...

Sichuan City, Beicheng Technology Park, Bilibili’s headquarters, seventh-floor technology department:

“Director Yu, Transdimensional Review’s video has been recommended to the front page,” reported a programmer with dark circles under his eyes as he approached Director Yu.

“Who pushed it there?! Didn’t the operation side get the notice?!” Director Yu shouted angrily upon hearing the programmer’s words.

“Op-Operations said that we were the ones that did it.”


“But the operations department guarantees that they weren’t the ones that pinned it to the front page.” The programmer suggested hesitantly, “Ma-Maybe that Transdimensional Review is the one that pinned it there.”

Director Yu fell silent upon hearing his subordinate’s conjecture, feeling stifled by some unknown dread.

He wasn’t afraid that he would be fired for failing to ban Transdimensional Review’s account. Rather, he was afraid of Transdimensional Review’s programming skills.

Transdimensional Review’s videos were stored on their servers.

Transdimensional Review’s account held only common user rights.

Nevertheless, they actually couldn’t block this account and delete its videos!

They had tried deleting the relevant resource files numerous times. They had even restarted their servers. However, no matter what they did, they failed to delete any content relating to Transdimensional Review’s account.

In fact, they couldn’t even delete the comments left by viewers on Transdimensional Review’s videos.

This was no longer something that could be explained with “skills.”

Everything they had witnessed thoroughly shattered their views as programmers.

Currently, the shock Director Yu felt in this situation was no different from what an ordinary person might feel if one were to go into outer space only to find out that Earth was being carried on an elephant’s back.

When he thought back to the content of Transdimensional Review’s past two episodes and the technology department’s analysis reports on those videos, he could not help a sense of insecurity and fear.

“Di-Director, what should we do now?”

“Send someone to report the latest progress to President Zhang. We’ll continue deleting!”

“We’ve tried deleting the account and videos several hundred times already. It’s useless.”

“Then, prevent all user accounts from searching for Transdimensional Review’s account!”

“We tried that before; it’s no use.”

“What else can we do, then?! Tell me!” Director Yu bellowed in rage.

Shuddering slightly, the programmer lowered his head before turning around and leaving.

“Hah...” Breathing out a deep sigh, Director Yu shut his eyes and covered his face with both his hands.


Maybe all of this is real...


Meanwhile, over at Jinzhou City’s train station, a row of five people alighted from a high-speed train and made their way to a hidden office via the train station’s internal staff passage.


The leader of the five was a middle-aged man. After he finished watching Transdimensional Review’s third episode on his phone, he breathed out a heavy sigh.

“By analyzing the natural light source in the previous videos, as well as the UP’s accent, we have narrowed his location to Jinzhou. Does anyone have anything to add for the following search operation?” the middle-aged man asked.

In response, the sole female on the team flipped open the documents in her hands and said, “I’m sure everyone has seen the psychological profile already, so I won’t repeat it. Based on current information, we have determined that the target is no more than 20 years of age. The studio’s background, his attire, as well as his posture and actions, all indicate that his family conditions are average. During the second video, the books used were old and of low standards. This also goes to prove that the target’s educational standard isn’t excellent. Going by these points, we should start our search from Jinzhou City’s several third-rate high schools.”


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