Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 128: Courting Death (2)

Chapter 128: Courting Death (2)

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Chapter 128 – Courting Death (2)

Above Yiyuan County, a streak of white light suddenly flashed past the cloudless sky!


Roughly six seconds later, a sonic boom followed, the sound startling the county’s residents.

“What just whooshed by?”

“It looked like a meteor...”

“N-No! Isn’t that a fighter jet?!”

At this time, a man with keen eyesight pointed to the west and jumped up excitedly, “Fighter jets! Two of them!”


Accompanied by the loud roaring sound of engines, two fighter jets “slowly” made their appearance in Yiyuan County. The jets flew from west to east, leaving behind two long trails of smoke behind their fiery tails as they chased after the white flash.

“Command, this is J2. Target is too fast. We will soon lose its position. I repeat. This is J2. Target is too fast. We will soon lose its position.”

Inside the cockpit of one of the fighter jets, the jet’s pilot maintained a standard posture as he solemnly reported his analysis based on the data displayed on his helmet’s visor.

“Adjourn the mission and return to base.”

“Yes, sir.”

After giving a response, the pilot raised his head and angrily pulled down his oxygen supply mask. He then altered the aircraft’s pitch and lowered its speed before turning back toward the route it came from.



Three minutes later, Qingdao City:

On top of a high-rise in the city center, many university students stood there, gazing to the west. Nobody spoke a word as they fully engrossed themselves in staring at empty space.

Shortly afterward, a faint white light appeared in their vision. Upon seeing this light, everyone instantly broke into cheers. The female students bounced up and down happily, while the male students roared and screamed in excitement.

“He’s here! The UP is here!”

“Goddammit! Amazing! This UP is too amazing!”

“I see him, I see him...”

A slightly chubby student held up his phone with shaking hands and quickly typed a comment in the livestream.

[The UP is here! I’m at Qingdao! I see the UP flying over! I’m going crazy!]


Despite the piercing sound of the protective suit’s armor plating rubbing against the air, the students continued waving their hands in excitement, hoping that Chen Yu would see them.

Meanwhile, inside the protective suit, Chen Yu lowered the engine’s pressure. Immediately, the jet of blue flames coming out of his backplate weakened.

Due to inertia, Chen Yu continued flying forward for several more kilometers before he came to a stop in mid-air.

“Brothers! I have arrived!”

Turning around and facing the camera, Chen Yu pointed at the east’s horizon and said, “Can you see the beach? It took me less than six minutes to fly from Mount Tai to Qingdao. Now, we can be sure that, under atmospheric pressure, this protective suit’s flight speed can indeed reach more than twice the speed of sound.”

[Amazing! Amazing! Amazing!]

[I’m so goddamned envious! I want to fly in a power armor as well!]

[Host, you’re awesome! (Voice cracking)]

[Host, you’re awesome! (Voice cracking)]

[I just watched a first-person Superman film.]

[Is nobody paying attention to the cameraman?]

[UP! The Century Tower’s roof! Can you see us?]

[Visit Sword Island! Strongly request that you visit Sword Island!]

[I’m at Yiyuan County. I just saw many fighter jets chasing after the UP...]

[I’m at Qingdao. I can see the host just by raising my head.]

After finishing his short speech, Chen Yu removed his left glove and took a look at the bullet comments displayed on his watch. He then put his glove back on and lowered his head to look around. He quickly noticed that a group of youngsters was currently frantically waving their arms above a tall building.

“Hehe, can you see them? Those are my fans.”

Chen Yu triumphantly raised his head at the camera. He then stretched out his hand and waved back at the crowd below.


“UP, you’re awesome!”

“Look over here!”


The youngsters on the roof grew even more excited at Chen Yu’s actions, with some seemingly wanting to leap at Chen Yu.

“I just read the comments and someone suggested to visit Sword Island. Just what I wanted.”

After greeting his fans, Chen Yu started revving up the engine once more and raised his altitude. He then started flying eastward.

If, by the end of today’s livestream, these university students still remained atop of that building, he planned to meet them face-to-face.

For now, though, his priority still remained in reviewing his product.

After reaching an altitude of 5,000 meters, Chen Yu hovered in the air for a moment before breaking through the sound barrier with a “boom” once more. He also weaved his way around the clouds, flying freely through the sky and giving his audience a performance.

[Dammit! I’m dying of envy! When will 2305 arrive?]

[I’m an UP as well, yet why is there such a vast gap between us?]

[After circling around the world, do you plan on going to space, host?]

[That’s for sure. Now, I’m just going to silently lay on my bed and watch how the host is going to show off...]

Sword Island wasn’t located far away from Qingdao City. At maximum flight speed, it took Chen Yu less than a minute to reach it.

Looking down at Sword Island, he found that the island’s “mystical” shape remained dazzling even from the sky...

After descending to 3,000 meters, Chen Yu lowered his head and closely observed the island. Quickly, he noticed that barracks and airfields had already been constructed on the once-deserted island.

“As expected of Chinese efficiency. This construction ability can practically rival the island-building ship’s.”

Smiling, Chen Yu gestured a thumbs up at the island. However, just as he was about to turn around and fly away, a siren sound suddenly came from below him.


“Do you see it? Our compatriots are greeting me.”

[Are you sure it’s not a warning?]

[Greeting my ass! They’re clearly telling you that they’re going to shoot your ass down if you don’t scram.]

[Hahaha, I’m laughing to death...]

As Chen Yu remained inside the protective suit, he naturally couldn’t see his audience’s bullet comments.

After silently pondering in the air for a moment, Chen Yu flew toward the ocean. While flying, he said, “For current humans, the ocean is as difficult of a place to conquer as space. The parts we have explored are pitifully small.

“Meanwhile, according to my knowledge, the deepest point of Earth’s ocean is the Mariana Trench located near the Pacific Ocean, reaching a depth of more than 11,000 meters. You can toss Mount Everest into it and still have room to spare.

“So, taking advantage of today’s review, I am going to dive beyond a depth of 10,000 meters and let everyone in the livestream rooms witness how cold and dark the world there is. Friends who are afraid of the deep sea, prepare yourselves.”

After saying so, Chen Yu raised his altitude once more and entered Earth’s stratosphere. He then set the protective suit’s engine to a high-pressure state.


The blue flames coming out of the backplate flared abruptly, pushing Chen Yu forward at an extreme speed.

Three thousand kilometers per hour.

Three thousand five hundred kilometers per hour.

Four thousand kilometers per hour...

Without a dense atmosphere to hinder him, Chen Yu’s flight speed continuously increased.

The livestream broadcasted to the hundreds of thousands of viewers also suddenly fell silent.

At this time, not even sound could keep up with Chen Yu’s and the camera’s speed...

Twenty minutes later.

The protective suit’s positioning system sounded a reminder.

Chen Yu reduced his speed of descent without hesitation.

Whoosh— Whoosh—

As Chen Yu’s flight speed fell below supersonic speed, the noisy sound of air friction appeared in the livestream rooms once more.

Shortly afterward, Chen Yu landed directly on the ocean’s surface. With half his feet submerged in seawater, he faced the camera and said, “We’re here. Below me is the Mariana Trench. Up till this date, there should’ve been many people that have dived to the bottom of this trench. However, I am certain that nobody can move about there as freely as-”


Before Chen Yu could finish his sentence, the distant ocean bulged, and a huge whale emerged from the water. At the same time, a massive pillar of water jetted out of its blowhole.

“That’s...a blue whale?!”

Chen Yu’s eyes glowed upon spotting the blue whale. He then lowered his head and looked at the protective suit.

“I suddenly have a bold idea...”


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