Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 102: Power of Creation (1)

Chapter 102: Power of Creation (1)

Chapter 102 – Power of Creation (1)

“Greetings, friends in the livestream rooms.”

After taking a look at the total viewer count displayed on his watch, Chen Yu looked at the camera and loudly said, “This is Transdimensional Review’s third official livestream! Thank you for the continued support you’ve shown me. The product to be evaluated today is slightly special, so I cannot conduct an unboxing session.

“Why? It’s because it is too big.

“How big is it?”

Raising his wrist, Chen Yu controlled the camera to slowly ascend.

Ten meters.

Thirty meters.

Fifty meters.

One hundred meters!

As the camera flew higher and higher into the air, the ship’s entirety entered the view of the 200,000 viewers.

At the same time, the initially crowded bullet comment section suddenly became sparse.

Everyone was shocked by the image displayed before them...

Five seconds later, though, another raging tide of bullet comments appeared with even greater intensity!

[My! Freaking! God!]

[What the hell?!]

[An aircraft carrier?!]





[My ‘crap’ is a little different because I broke my screen.]

[I got too excited and chopped off my hand.]

[All of you are trash! I got too excited that I pulled my ** off!]


[UP, don’t tell me you’re going to review an aircraft carrier...]

[Is that cannon at the back used to launch a Big Ivan?]

[I’m getting a heart attack!]

[This has already gone beyond just burning funds, right?]

[The military budget is burning...]

[Things are getting more and more exaggerated. Will you be reviewing a flying saucer in the next episode?]

[I won’t believe this is true even if it kills me!]

[I got pulled here by my student. As a teacher, I only have one thing I wish to say. Is the world of youngsters nowadays so wonderful?]

[I am seriously suspecting that the host is an alien.]

[What a domineering carrier...]


At the same time...

Silence filled the special situation team’s conference room in Beijing.

Even the technical staff typing away at their keyboards had frozen.

Everyone’s brains were muddled as they idly stared at the massive carrier displayed on the screen before them.


After some time had passed, the middle-aged team leader was the first to recover from his shock. Lifting his trembling left arm, he wiped the cold sweat on his forehead with his sleeve. He then picked up his satellite phone from the table and passed it to Xiao Li before hoarsely saying, “Quick... Quickly... Quickly inform the higher-ups.”

“Huh? Ah! Yes, sir!”

After receiving the phone, Xiao Li still remained at a loss. Only after a few seconds had gone by did he realize what he had to do. While holding onto the phone tightly, he dashed out of the conference room.


“This isn’t possible...”

Meanwhile, the face of one of the elderly experts seated to the left of the middle-aged team leader suddenly flushed red. The elderly man’s lips also turned purple, and he gripped his chest tightly as he gasped for air. “Th-This is...impossible...”

“Old Cheng? What’s wrong with you?”

“Me-Medical staff! Where’s the medical staff? Old Cheng has a heart attack!”

“Someone come quickly!”

The conference room instantly fell into chaos.

Some were rendering first-aid, some conducting data calculation, some having discussions, and some even subconsciously uttering various emotion-filled words. The noise gave the middle-aged team leader a splitting headache.

“Quiet, please.

“Everyone be quiet!”


Slamming the table, the middle-aged team leader shouted, “Quiet!”

The noise in the room suddenly came to an abrupt halt.

“Cough. Cough, cough, cough...” Taking a deep breath, the middle-aged team leader pulled out a medication box from his breast pocket and took out three beta-blockers. After downing the three pills, he continued, “I don’t wish to waste time maintaining order. Cough. Don’t do useless things. Focus your attention on keeping records and making analyses.”

After saying so, the middle-aged man returned his attention to the screen on the wall.

Currently, the camera was rapidly closing in on the carrier again...


After controlling the flying camera back to himself, Chen Yu said, “I’ve given you a one-minute panoramic view. Did everyone enjoy it? This is the product to be reviewed today, a ship.

“It’s a huge, bona fide ship.”

Crouching down, Chen Yu pulled out a small metal hammer from his breast pocket and tapped it on the deck.


“‘The deck is pure metal, but I don’t know what kind of metal it is made of. It is tough and doesn’t produce an echo, so it should be solid to the core.”

Afterward, he walked to the deck’s port side and used his hammer to tap on the metallic arm hanging there.


“This is also metal.”

Spreading his hands, Chen Yu said, “Looking from up close and afar, the deck, hull, and tools onboard are all made out of metal. Everything from inside to outside is real. I don’t think I need to tell you whether this ship is a special effect or not. This ship will be our protagonist for today.

“In reality, before nine o’clock, even I was unaware that today’s review product would be an aircraft carrier. I was close by when this thing landed on the ocean, and I can say I was far more surprised than you.”

Accompanied by the camera, Chen Yu walked up to the table found in the middle of the deck. Stroking the crystal ball on the table, he continued, “Thus far, the only thing I have done after receiving this ship was to register myself as its captain. I still don’t know much about his ship, so let’s have the ship’s AI give us a detailed introduction.”

After saying so, Chen Yu turned to the crystal ball and said, “Dimwit, start the guided introduction.”

“Yes, Captain.”

A crisp, electronic sound came from the crystal ball and spread into the ears of over 300,000 viewers.

[Artificial intelligence? The type found in the movies?]

[It’s clearly AI-chan.][1]

[Are you looking down on my Siri?]

[I just want to know how this carrier got there.]

[I have a feeling the host is going to ignore your question.]

[By the way, why aren’t any of you paying attention to the ship’s name?]

[Host, stop showing off. I’ll kneel, alright? I’ll kneel while watching.]

“Entering introduction mode.”

The blurry figure inside the crystal ball transformed into a triangular-shaped object once more, and a mechanical sound came from within.

“Thank you for using the Ocean Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.’s product. The model of this ship is IAI03 (islands and islets) Island-building Ship. It is manufactured in 2176. It is a flagship-class island construction ship capable of efficiently constructing cofferdams, land reclamation, foundation treatment, and revetment. It is possible to rapidly construct an island from a maximum depth of 500 meters below sea level.”

“An island-building ship?” Chen Yu was taken aback when he heard the introduction. “This isn’t an aircraft carrier?”

“This ship is the IAI03 Island-building Ship,” Dimwit repeated mechanically.

“W-What is that cannon back there for, then?”

“It is a Colossal Sandblaster used for land reclamation.”

“...So, you’re only an island builder?”

As if it was incapable of having a more in-depth conversation, Dimwit mechanically repeated, “This ship is the IAI03 Island-building Ship.”

Turning around, Chen Yu looked at Little Peach and said, “It turns out that it’s just an industrial ship.”

“That’s right. I’ve previously said it already. This type of artificial intelligence is generally used as a processing center for large machinery. It is mainly used for civilian and industrial purposes. Military units rarely rely on vessels that are fully operated by AIs. Instead, most of them stick to human-operated models. After all, once electronic warfare occurs, it is very easy for vessels fully operated by AI to lose the ability to counterattack and move.”

“Fine, then. Why did it have to be so big? It even came with a cannon. I can’t help but link it with an aircraft carrier,” Chen Yu said as he awkwardly reached into his mask and scratched his eyebrows.

[Are you kidding me? That huge thing is an island-building ship?]

[Maybe it’s a continent-builder...]

[I knew it! How could the UP possibly get his hands on an aircraft carrier?]

[I think a ship capable of independently constructing an island is far better than an aircraft carrier, right?]

[One is a weapon, while the other is a tool. Which one is more awesome?]

[Tools can become weapons as well.]

[Truthfully, that massive sandblaster is simply the perfect weapon to bury people alive!]

[That’s right! One spray towards a port city is all that’s needed! Moreover, unlike nuclear weapons, there won’t be any pollution!]

[If it can build islands, then it can dismantle them as well. It is entirely reasonable for such a large ship to be capable of dismantling an island.]

[Humans indeed are terrifying! You guys actually managed to twist an island-building ship into a weapon of mass destruction!]

[I’ve been looking at the female assistant all this time. I have no clue what you guys are talking about.]

TL Notes:

[1]AI-chan: This is referring to the virtual youtuber Kizuna AI.


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