Transcendent Dawn

Chapter 401: 0401: Method (7000 added, request for monthly pass)

Chapter 401: Chapter 0401: Method (7000 added, request for monthly pass)

The Volcano Range.

A group of people were nervously waiting at the edge.

Time passed in suspense until a stealthy ‘Thief’ climbed up from the volcano, suppressing his excitement, “It’s indeed the ‘Destruction Dragon’!”

“Excellent, my young friend, thank you very much.”

The president of the War God Guild heartily said to Su Lu, tossing over a pouch, “Here’s the other half of your reward!”

“Thank you!”

Su Lu readily accepted it.

This was his hard-earned reward. He took it without guilt.

“Good … Discovering the ‘Destruction Dragon’ first is our biggest advantage. This BOSS will undoubtedly have negative status effects after the last battle… As long as we seize the opportunity, we can kill it in one strike and claim the first kill!”

The president of the War God Guild said excitedly.

He immediately began plotting.

Su Lu bid farewell and left, without paying attention to the few greedy gazes lingering on his back.

This game lacked ‘oaths’ and ‘contracts’. Discretion was entirely dependent on a person’s ethics.

Even within the War God Guild, plenty of people coveted his possessions.

Although players could resurrect after being killed, due to some lame features of this game – i.e., lack of equipment binding and no vault space, once killed, all the items on one’s person would be ‘exploded out’.

Even the highly reputable War God Guild sometimes had a few greedy members. That was perfectly normal.

“Humph …”

Su Lu internally huffed disinterestedly, wanting nothing to do with these people, and promptly vanished.

“Eh? This kid is lying… He runs so fast! Is this a newbie? Even I, as a thief, can’t run as fast!”

A lean, tall figure watched the quickly receding silhouette of Su Lu and fell into despair.

“No wonder…”

“His fellow man nodded in agreement: “It’s reasonable to think that without any stealth abilities, how could he not be discovered by the Destruction Dragon?”

Main City.

“If it weren’t for wanting to blend in, why would I go through this effort?”

Su Lu tossed the bag of Crystal Cores in his hand with a sigh.

Since the entire Inner World might be under the oversight of that Divine Artifact, he didn’t want to do anything too conspicuous and expose the existence of his clone.

He could only use the old-fashioned method to slowly accumulate some resources.

“Here we are.”

His steps suddenly halted, looking at the largest building in the city ahead of him.

The high dome, solid walls, the glow of light filtering through the windows, forming an abstract sun pattern. It evoked a deep religious atmosphere.

At the end of the hall was an eerie statue.

It was of Gemini, two different figures leaning back to back with their bodies partially fused.

One was an angel with feathered wings, and the other was a demon with bat-like leather wings.

Light and Dark!

Demons and Angels!

This was the City’s only official building, amongst players it had a more fitting name – the ‘Job Introduction Office’!

Here, players could choose the profession they wanted, learn skills, and increase their professional level.

Of course, the only universally accepted currency was Crystal Cores!

“‘Warrior’, ‘Mage’, ‘Thief’, ‘Archer’…”

Su Lu watched the players at large taking on professions, observing various clues, “Hmm, the consumption for a profession is roughly ten first-class Crystals Cores. However, to form a complete force, this is far from enough. After getting a profession, you still need to acquire ‘skills,’ improve proficiency… and later ‘level up’… All of these require Crystal Cores to be bought.”

“This professional system is certainly not an inherent feature of this world, but comes from that Marvel…”

After observing several ‘Occupational Persons,’ Su Lu made a judgment: “And… actually, players only have one profession, that is [Player], the rest of the skills, professional levels, etc., are just ‘plug-ins’ purchased with Crystal Cores that can be taken back with a single thought by the Puppet Master.”

“The first-tier [Player] is relatively easy to get, but the more advanced it gets, the more it consumes, not just in quantity, but also in quality!”

This means that if a player wants to advance to the second tier, he not only needs a large number of first-tier Crystal Cores but also at least one second-tier core.

Even the last Warmonster’s siege included very few truly high-level Warmonsters, let alone that not every Warmonster could produce Crystal Cores.

Of course, the higher the rank and the stronger the Warmonster, the higher the probability of producing Crystal Cores. Additionally, bosses always dropped exquisite items, this was a common understanding developed by the players.

“Damn … The reason there are no fifth-level players is that they haven’t gotten a fifth-level Crystal Core yet? Thinking about it, my main body has a lot of pressure…”

Su Lu had a sudden realization, no wonder when his main form of the Destruction Dragon descended, the players swarmed over like mad, they saw hope for advancement.

“In that case… the curse of this Inner World is just ‘large in quantity,’ it hasn’t yet birthed a truly terrifying being? I am becoming more and more interested in this Outer World.”

He had no intention of ‘taking the profession,’ so he turned around and left.

Shadow clones and other game characters were not of the same system so how could he install the ‘plug-ins’ of professions and skills?

If he tried to forcibly take on a profession, he would only expose himself in the process.

“There’s a representation of me in the Inner World already, I might as well go to the Outer World… After all, that little fellow with the Divine Artifact is in the Outer World.”

“The ‘Player’ career path he’s designed is quite interesting, perhaps even he has opted for a profession, disguising himself as a ‘Pro Gamer’ in the game? My main body must be careful, in the leaderboard of pros in this game, there may be a big fish lurking…”

Su Lu arrived at the Resurrection Plaza, took a few Crystal Cores from his pocket, and with a light force, they turned into powder.

Powder that belonged to this world’s energy, turned into colorful lights, appeared in his palm, and disappeared into the bricks on the ground.

Over this period of time, he had thought through the way to go to the Outer World.

‘First… it’s unlikely that there could be a direct break through the Spirit World Lock… or rather, that would be too dramatic… You would have to forcibly break a Main City’s defenses in order to let the main form through to the real world…’

‘Other than that, the only option is a detour, directly sneaking into a player’s Mental Secret Realm, connecting to the Outer World through their body…’

Such a method was akin to parasitism, as though handing a player a ‘grandfather’ Golden Finger.

‘That’s how you can sneak around, get to know that world, and investigate the whereabouts of the Puppet Master…’

Su Lu’s lips curled into a slight smile and his figure disappeared in an instant.

“Eh? That player’s actions were strange. A hidden profession maybe?… Why did he log out?”

Some players who were about to come over and introduce themselves couldn’t help expressing their regret.


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