Transcendence Due To A System Error

Chapter 96: Four Divine Beasts

< Chapter 96: Four Divine Beasts (6) >

The Black Tortoise and Hermit were engaged in an intense battle.

The laboratory was already in ruins, losing its original shape, and the trees were shattered like corn stalks.

They had been crushed under the Black Tortoise’s massive body.

With each swing of its serpent-like tail, the terrain changed, and with each step, the heavens and the earth shook.

Such a being was being overpowered by Hermit alone.

“It’s nothing.”

The rampaging of the Black Tortoise, in its incomplete state, was honestly not a big deal.

Just an intimidating brat.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Of course, this is by Hermit’s standards.

‘The compatibility is indeed good.’

The signal interference, which blocks all surrounding signals as soon as it appears, is not a disadvantage but an advantage for the unseen Hermit.

The Black Tortoise’s unique defense had lost its meaning due to Hermit’s characteristic, ‘Sword of Mist’.

The Black Tortoise’s tail rushed toward Hermit like a snake.

Weight is power.

Naturally, its might was strong. But the speed was pathetic.

In Hermit’s eyes, it looked like slow motion.

Hermit easily dodged the attack and swung his sword.


The sword became foggy and cut through the Black Tortoise’s tough skin like butter.

Sword of Mist.

A characteristic that, true to its name, acts like a misty sword, completely ignoring the opponent’s defense.

Having lost these two advantages, all that remained was tenacious vitality.

However, even that vitality now seemed like a flickering candle.

Struggling to even stand, its four legs were shaking.

Hermit’s successive attacks had pushed it to its limit.

“Then, let’s wrap this up…”

As Hermit was about to strike the final blow, dozens of weapons rained down from the sky.


“…What’s this?”

Weapons of various shapes and colors, glowing with blue magical light, rushed towards the Black Tortoise as if to tear it apart.

Bang! Clang! Whoosh!

Some weapons bounced off the armor, some grazed it, and some pierced through the gaps in the armor and stuck in the skin.

Watching this, Hermit muttered,

“Is this… the Guild Master Bihon’s manifestation?”

Firing magically created weapons was one of Guild Master Bihon’s special abilities.


the Black Tortoise let out a loud scream.

Had it been in good shape, it would have simply scoffed at the attack.

But now, it lacked the strength to withstand it.


Constantly hit by the rain of blades, the Black Tortoise fell to its knees and began to collapse.


Its solid armor struck the ground, causing a great tremor.

the Black Tortoise moved no more.

It was a hollow end.

As someone approached Hermit, who was looking at the lifeless Black Tortoise, a voice said,

“I never thought the mysterious superhuman fighting the Black Tortoise would be you.”

Maiden Critines.

“Nice to see you. We’re old acquaintances, right?”

She spoke coldly and angrily.

“…Yes. It’s been a long time.”

Hermit gave a twisted smile.

Of all the people, he had met the one he least wanted to see.

“After my brother’s funeral. Roughly 10 years, I guess.”

He took off his mask and smiled faintly.


Seeing his revealed face, Maiden smiled fiercely.

“Exactly 11 years, you bastard.”

* * *

Right after the Vermilion Bird was extinguished.

Suddenly revealing himself, the Beast Master launched a furious attack at me without asking or hesitating.

…No, he is actually questioning.

“The world is wrong!”

The Beast Master shouted, swinging his fist.

“Everyone is obsessed with superhumans! No one cares about the researchers or craftsmen who work behind the scenes for the world!”

On his back are the wings of the Vermilion Bird.

On both legs, the legs of the White Tiger.

His eyes are those of the Blue Dragon.

And his entire skin is darkened like the carapace of the Black Tortoise.

“I tried to understand! It’s natural for the audience to cheer at the actor and not care what the staff is doing behind the scenes!”

The deformed Beast Master drooled and raved.

“But the superhumans should not have done that! They should have respected us at least!”

His eyes, slit like a reptile’s, were filled with bloody tears.

“At least! They should not have packaged the efforts of the researchers as their own achievements and claimed them!!”

The explosive strength from the legs of the White Tiger gives tremendous speed.

The light flowing from the eyes of the Blue Dragon grants near-future insight.

The flames flickering from the wings of the Vermilion Bird give all-around combat ability.

The Black Tortoise’s skin embedded all over provides a formidable defense.

“So I became a superhuman.”

Gathering the advantages of the Four Symbols, this monstrous existence, seemingly downgraded, is doing everything to kill me with fierce intent.

“I reached S-rank! Through the results of my research!”

Originally, the Beast Master’s power was as feeble as a D-rank superhuman. He had no talent.

The reason he could climb to the upper ranks of the S-rank superhumans was thanks to his monstrous ability to handle creatures as if they were his limbs.

With the power to handle up to 100 monsters that could contend with an S-rank superhuman, the Beast Master climbed to a high ranker in S-rank.

“But the world’s perception did not change. Witch of Fire. Knight of Ice. Thunder Emperor. Midnight Wanderer. The damned world where flashy and cool superhumans dominate remained the same!”

The Beast Master yelled.

“Even when I reached the rank of S-rank superhuman, I was still just a researcher. Everyone still ignored me.”

Operators who back up the superhumans.

Craftsmen who make their weapons.

Scientists and researchers study monsters and create devices to detect crises, enabling superhumans to perform better in their environment.

Their treatment can never be said to be good.

The Beast Master wanted their treatment to change.

He wanted others to recognize the research he was proud of.

“15 years ago, a hero died in an incident. The world cried!”

The Beast Master roared.

“More than a hundred scientists, operators, my family, and my master died in that incident, but it was only a single line in the news! The mourning for the hero lasted for a whole year!”

His attack was fast and strong, but not threatening.

Although his body was enhanced by the deity’s benevolence, his skill in handling it was pathetic.

The only reason I, a mere D-rank nobody, have endured this far is thanks to that.

I barely dodged the fist brushing my skin, flying away.

“So I decided to change this rotten world!”

The reason Beast Master delved into the deity research.

“A beautiful world that functions without superhumans!”

He dreamed.

“A society where everyone can live peacefully through my research results!”

A dream nearly delusional.

But a beautiful dream if realized.

“The day to achieve that dream was not far away! It was within arm’s reach!”

His appearance became more grotesque. Almost no human form remained, becoming a strange chimera mixed with the Divine Beasts.

“Damn it! Damn it all!”

Such a being entrusted himself to his instincts, throwing a punch.

The red trajectory suggested by the wind is unusually thick.

It must be holding immense power.


But no matter how strong the attack, it means nothing if it doesn’t hit.

The Beast Master is a researcher and ruler, not a warrior.

An utter novice, who in his 72 years, had never properly held a sword or a fist.

If he moved unpredictably like a monster, it would be different.

But dodging his attacks, moving like an amateur, was not difficult.

“I am! I ammmmm!”

I’ve been annoyed by that noise for a while now.


I can’t take it anymore.

“What, what do you want?”

I said, panting.

“Your dream, society. Why should I care?”


The Beast Master’s movement stopped abruptly. His face was rigid, his eyes sparkling.

His rage amplified.

“A beautiful world maintaining peace without superhumans. Fine. Great.”

What’s the big deal looking at it that way?

“A 3-year-old could dream that. If you wanted respect, you should’ve shown results.”

I was just starting to catch my breath, that’s good. Thanks for giving me time to rest.

“If the result of that dream is the rampage of Divine Beasts, who would acknowledge it? The efforts of researchers? You’d be lucky if the negative views didn’t deepen.”

“You, you···!”

Doing something for the world’s sake is good.

But if the result of that action is death on the scale of tens of millions?

A disaster called a monster’s rampage?

“You’re just trash. For a peaceful world? Nonsense.”

I snorted.

“You just hated being ignored by others.”

Pitiful pride.

“You didn’t want to admit your selfishness. So you made the excuse that it’s for the world, right?”

He’s trash.


A great evil that must be cut out.

“You, you you you! What do you know to babble like that!”

“I don’t know. How would I know your feelings?”

I slowly began to catch my breath. And slowly, it’s time.

“If I understand the heart of a sociopath like you, wouldn’t that make me a sociopath?”

It’s time for the ‘insurance’ I asked Maiden for to arrive.

“You, you! This greenhorn, this piece of garbageeee!”

Spouting some third-rate villain lines, the Beast Master roared.

That moment, many monsters around revealed themselves.

“Heh heh heh.”

The Beast Master’s ability was not in fighting, but in controlling.

The ability that raised him to the position of an S-rank superhuman showed its teeth to me.

“That’s right. I wasn’t wrong. What’s wrong is the world. Yes. That’s all there is.”

“You’re crazy.”

Is the deity implanted in his body going berserk? His body began to deform even more grotesquely.

Crack, crunch!

With the sound of twisting bones, his body grew larger.

The pressure became more intense.


At the same time, the encircling monsters began to growl at me.

The Beast Master became stronger.

Other monsters joined in.

It was truly a life-and-death crisis.

“In this world, the strong are the truth! You’re weak! I’m strong! I’m right! Hahaha!”

The Beast Master seemed assured of victory too.


I smiled.

I told you earlier.

It’s about time.

For the ‘insurance’ I had prepared to arrive.


From a distance, something tore through the air and flew.

“What… what’s that sound?”

Like a missile, it flew towards us, spewing fierce flames.

“What sound? The sound of a bomb coming to kill you.”

The ‘insurance’ I prepared for when I couldn’t deal with the phoenix. That’s what was coming.


I shrugged my shoulders.

“I requested a shot in this direction earlier. Since it’s Maiden’s creation, the power will be quite strong.”

The Beast Master’s face hardened. Is it really hard? It’s hard to tell since it changes like a blue dragon.

“What nonsense are you talking about! If that’s one of Maiden’s bombs, you won’t be safe either!”

“I know.”

I looked up at the object that was gradually growing larger.

“But isn’t it a good deal if I can take down a villain like you by dying?”

I looked at the Beast Master and smiled.

“To die for peace. That’s the role of a superhuman.”

“Yo-you brat!”

“If you can, run away. It’ll be a wasteland within a 1km radius, so you should run farther than that.”

I even folded my arms leisurely.

“Kuk! You guys! Protect me!”

The Beast Master ordered the monsters surrounding me to gather around him.

Then, using the wings of a mythical bird, he covered his body and had the gathered monsters surround him.


I admired it genuinely.

“Keuk. With this, I’ll be safe even if a nuclear bomb goes off!”


I hadn’t thought of that.

“You’ll die a dog’s death! Your death will be a dog’s death! Euhahaha!”


The sound of the approaching object grew louder.

It would collide with the ground in 5 seconds now.



“Thank you.”

I smiled at the Beast Master.




It was a very wicked smile.





The next moment, something hit the ground with a loud bang.


A shockwave spread from the ground.

The violent wind blew all the hairs on my body sideways.

“It… didn’t explode?”

But that was all that happened.

There was no explosion or anything from the mysterious object.

“Of course.”

It had just landed next to me, throwing up a cloud of dust from the impact.

“Why would it explode if it’s not a bomb?”

I raised my arm from the center of the dust cloud.

I felt the cold touch of a machine.

[User, Kang Seo-yul’s biometric code authentication has been completed.]


A mechanical sound rang out from the mysterious object.

A sound like seals being released.

“Dying for peace like a superhuman is cool, but…”

Soon all the sounds stopped as if all the seals had been removed.

Beyond the dust cloud, I faintly saw a small sword.

“I don’t intend to do that at all.”

I grabbed the sword.

[Emergency transport drone MK-3.]

[Weapon, ‘Cheonbyeon’ has been delivered to the target, ‘Kang Seo-yul’.]

The unique, ever-changing weapon born for its owner, ‘Cheonbyeon.’

It resonated in my hand with a clear sound.

Resonating with it, the [Extreme of Weapons] around my neck shone even brighter.

It shone a very bright light as if guiding me in how to use Cheonbyeon.

A smile tugged at my lips.

I swung the sword.


My ‘Cheonbyeon,’ which I swung without any emotion, cutting through the dust.



It precisely slashed the Beast Master’s body, 20 meters away.

“This… is?”


An intangible weapon that transforms into a thousand forms depending on the user’s will and control.

It had transformed into a 20-meter-long sword.

“Too short. It was a little short.”

From the center of the dust cloud that was scattering in half, I twisted the corner of my mouth.

< Chapter 96: Four Divine Beasts (6) > End


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