Transcendence Due To A System Error

Chapter 93: Four Divine Beasts

< Chapter 93: Four Divine Beasts (3) >

After finishing the second day’s schedule of the school trip and arriving at the lodging, I quickly finished dinner and went outside.

Hermit handed over a copy of the report at lunch and quickly disappeared, leaving a message that he would come back when he had some free time. By tomorrow, I should be able to see an article that Siren’s tears have disappeared.

―Getting cooperation from the Australian government or the World Superhuman Federation will be difficult.

I’m currently having a conversation with Maiden.

―This. The situation is bigger than expected. The Monster Military Development Plan. There may be many collaborators in the World Superhuman Federation, including the Australian government.

“…That would be the case. Military development is one of the high-ranking desires in any world.”

―Damn. This is a crappy situation.

Maiden seemed genuinely annoyed.

―I read the experimental report you sent, too. Even if we publicize this, there’s a high chance of backlash against us.

“…Right. The main objective is to modify monsters and use them as guards for the world’s safety.”

Many countries are still tormented by monsters, and there are not enough superhumans. If a method is created that can fend off the danger without superhumans, everyone would welcome it.

―Probably everyone except the life organizations claiming that monsters are living beings will like it.


The problem is perhaps the research into the Four Divine Beasts. Even if this gets revealed, it’s fifty-fifty. No, the possibility of a backlash against us is higher.

―Honestly, I don’t think it’s bad research either. That’s all I have to say.

“…Because the research purpose is correct.”

If the Beast Master had been a bad guy, it would have been easier. Keeping delicate neutrality is the problem.

“But we must stop it no matter what.”

―…If left alone, the reborn Four Divine Beasts will start rampaging?


A predetermined future. The result of this experiment, starting with a correct purpose, is a monster rampage. A global crisis.

―How can you be so sure?

“The Four Divine Beasts are not something humans can control.”

The idea itself is wrong. If we can’t control monsters, creating even stronger monsters, the Four Divine Beasts, from birth to tame them is absurd.

It’s like saying you can’t tame a cat, so you’ll raise a tiger from its cub stage and tame it. A malicious tiger that is hungry for human blood from birth.

―So how do you know that?

“I heard it. In the orphanage.”

It’s not difficult to convince Maiden.

“The time when they were bidding for the equipment of the Four Divine Beasts coincided with when I was experimented on as a test subject. Those bastard Saviors experimented with the factor of the Four Divine Beasts, too. They determined it was futile and abandoned it, though.”

―…I see.

My past as a Sunlight Orphanage graduate makes my lie more credible.

“It’s an experiment that even the Saviors of Truth gave up on. Beast Master is doing an experiment that those who succeeded in fusing me with a different species’ factor, abandoned. How likely do you think success is?”

―Yeah, I see what you mean. It’s certainly dangerous.

Maiden’s voice became serious.

―But then, what’s the White Tiger next to you?

“…This one? It’s a bit of an oddball.”

I looked at the White Tiger playing and rolling around with Gold Tiger. The more I look, the less I think this one is the same individual as the original White Tiger. Since it went missing 5 years ago, perhaps they are creating a new White Tiger. No, according to the experimental report that Hermit brought, there must be another White Tiger.

― “Hmm. Alright, I understand. Let’s look for a way then.”

“Yes, please do.”

― “It’s okay to share information with Hwarang, right?”

“Of course. You can share information with those who Miss Maiden trusts without any problem.”

― “Okay. Thanks for believing in me. Contact me again tomorrow. Take care.”

“Yes, you too, Miss Maiden.”

With those words, the call ended.

I took my smartphone away from my ear and looked up at the sky.

“Sigh. It’s beautiful.”

The Australian sky is beautiful today, and the wind is still cold.

It’s peaceful around here today.

I found myself lost in thought as I watched Goldie and White Tiger playing around.

“…The butterfly effect.”

Just as a butterfly’s flapping wings can turn into a typhoon on the other side of the Earth, the change initiated by my existence is growing more intense.

Although it’s still within the framework of the original work, there will come a time when that framework is completely destroyed, and the knowledge of the original work I possess will lose its meaning.

But it can’t be helped.

I cannot simply follow the path taken by the overpowered protagonist of the original work.

Since the future will change anyway, I’ll do my best now.

I’ve been doing my best within my current capabilities.

I’ve connected with all the key characters from the original work, obtained items that the hostile forces from the original work should have, and as a result, many changes have occurred.

All those variables have led to who I am now.

Despite many crises, I’m managing well.

I was right.

But today, I had a thought.

Just because the present has changed for the better doesn’t mean the future is changing for the better too.

Perhaps the changes in the present are leading to a more terrible future.

Maybe, as a heretic, I’m ruining this world even more.

Perhaps coming to a foreign land has made me more emotional, and a vague anxiety began to gnaw at my mind.


Perhaps sensing my anxiety, Goldie, who had been tormented by White Tiger, approached me with a worried face.


I gently stroked Goldie and smiled.


In hindsight, meeting Goldie was one of the biggest variables that never occurred in the original work. Meeting Goldie is one of the best things that has ever happened to me, both before and after my reincarnation.

Goldie’s existence is proof that I’m not wrong.

“Thank you.”

I tenderly stroked Goldie’s head. I would die without Goldie.


White Tiger glared at me with her usual jealous gaze, a look I’ve become accustomed to.

“Why, jealous?”

At my smug smile, White Tiger ground her teeth angrily, showing an expression so vivid that it was hard to tell if she was a human or an animal.

“Anyway, thanks to you being infatuated with Goldie, things have been easier. Thank you.”

So far, the butterfly effect had led to negative changes.

Unexpected variables turned planned events into unforeseen crises.

But this time, it’s undoubtedly a positive change.

I’ve received a government commendation for doing something different from the original work, changing my travel destination to Australia. I could enter Monster Park because of my connection with Maiden. I met Goldie and White Tiger because of it.

The harmony of all these variables and the butterfly effect provided an opportunity to prevent the worst disaster.

This is surely a good thing.

“Did I catch nostalgia?”

Being pessimistic in the face of such an optimistic situation isn’t like me.

I closed my eyes and took deep breaths, steadying myself.


How much time had passed? I was back to my usual self.



Perhaps pleased by my brightened expression, Goldie cried out cheerfully.

From behind, White Tiger turned her head with a slightly sulky expression that seemed to say ‘at least it’s better now.’

Their appearance matched so well that I laughed again.

I stroked Goldie’s head once more, then reached out to White Tiger’s head-



-But didn’t make it.

“Is it something like not letting other men touch your head?”

White Tiger nodded with her mouth firmly closed.


You have some principles, kitty.

Next to him, Goldie was looking at White Tiger with a cold, disdainful eye.

The more I looked at them, the more I thought they were a perfect pair.

* * *

The next day.

On the 11th day since arriving in Australia, today is the day of exchange with the cadets of the Australian military academy.

But rather than calling it an exchange, it feels more like a pride match between the Korean superhuman military academy and the Australian superhuman military academy.

“Winner! Kang Seo-yul!”

Of course, the dominating side was Korea. To begin with, this first-year class is called the golden generation, as it’s filled with exceptionally talented cadets.

There was no way they could lose to other first-year students.

“Wow. That’s him, right? The one with dual attributes.”

“He’s already won four times in a row.”

“He barely ranks within the top 100 in terms of abilities, but his skills are insane.”

“Is he a specialized character?”

I’m on a 4-win streak.

It wasn’t that difficult.

With the 2-rank increase in magic power, stability in combat has significantly improved.

I realized once again how overpowered the free control of strong energy is.

“Stop! Winner! Ha Si-yeon!”

“Oh. They also have a 4-win streak.”

“Ah. That hurts my pride.”

“Can’t we win just once?”

Like me, Ha Si-yeon, whose magic power has also increased by 1 rank through ‘sympathy,’ is on a winning streak.

And the single-digit ones are all winning as well.

“It seems that the talk about this first-year being the golden generation is true.”

“You flatter us.”

Around me, the Australian instructor and Instructor Pi Jin Ho were conversing.

Both are fluent in English.

…Well, I understand it all too, since English is one of my few special skills.

But I haven’t heard from Maiden yet. Is the situation not good?

I was lost in thought when it happened.

“Next! Cadet Kang Seo-yul! You are chosen again!”

“…Me again?”

Woken by the instructor’s call, I sighed and slowly walked into the arena.

* * *

That night.

It was past 10 o’clock Australian time when Maiden finally contacted me.

―Sorry. I’ve looked into it in various ways, but it seems difficult to stop that experiment.

Maiden said, grinding her teeth.

―There are more people involved than I thought. If we carelessly make a fuss, we could be in danger too.

“Is it that serious?”

―Yes. I can handle most of them through my connections, but….

Maiden clicked her tongue softly.

―I can’t do anything about that Black guy.

My eyes widened.

“The third-ranked individual is involved in this experiment?”

―Yes. Should I say he’s involved? He’s a sponsor. He’s contracted to receive the White Tiger in exchange for support.

The world’s third-ranked superhuman.

Outer Black.

Superhuman name: ‘Iron-Blooded Knight’

A superhuman whose symbol is a full-plate armor made of the world’s strongest metal, Ollenicon, and his steed, Pegasus.

If that superhuman is sponsoring the experiment, it was only natural that Maiden was pushed back in a power struggle among the higher-ups.

Outer Black is an OB among OBs who jumped into the superhuman world around the same time as Jung Il-yong. His eloquence is no exaggeration to call him the world’s top-ranked.

“…Then, of course, mobilizing the alliance and using the media would be impossible too.”

―Yeah. The opponent is too strong.

Maiden sighed.

One after another.

Her frustration was fully conveyed.

“Then there’s nothing we can do.”

If we can’t stop the experiment peacefully, we have no choice but to use a more aggressive method.

“I will take a more forceful approach.”

My eyes shone sharply.

―Are you planning to actually raid?

“No. Attacking a group individually is foolish.”

―…You know well.

“Of course.”

―So what are you going to do?

“It’s simple. Just make the sponsor turn his back on the Beast Master.”

―How? That’s not as easy as it sounds.

“It’s not that difficult.”

As long as I have Hermit with me, it’s a simple task.

“I will make the Blue Dragon rampage tomorrow at lunch.”

Tomorrow is also the day to return home. Perfect.

* * *

The next day at lunch.

The Beast Master was immersed in his usual research in the laboratory, trying to reproduce and control the Four Symbols.

“The obedience level of the Vermilion Bird has been dropping lately.”

This was Laboratory No. 4, where research on the Vermilion Bird was conducted.

“…Tsk. The more it grows, the more troublesome it becomes. Administer CH-4374 or EDD-202.”


The Beast Master, Edith, has been working on this research for about 10 years.

Despite the abundant funds and grand beginning, the experiment has yet to yield significant results.

The only achievement, perhaps, was the successful birth of the Four Symbols based on genetics.

‘…If we don’t achieve results within a year, the project will be scrapped.’

A message from the sponsors came not long ago. The control of the Four Symbols is indeed attractive, but the time frame is becoming too prolonged.

They began to feel the money going into the experiment was being wasted.

They were ready to stop the project right away. The Beast Master, thinking it must be prevented at all costs, proposed a one-year grace period.

Fortunately, the sponsors accepted the proposal.

‘But if things continue this way, even after a year passes….’

The Beast Master gnawed at his nails. The plan to stimulate the growth of the Four Symbols and gather new data was turning out to be a double-edged sword.

‘Damn it. I can’t give up now!’

It’s no exaggeration to say that he devoted half of his life to this research.

He can’t just sit idly by.

‘Given the circumstances, even if it means using forceful methods….’

The Beast Master’s eyes glinted ominously.


That’s when one of the researchers came running breathlessly.

“What’s going on?”

“It’s, it’s a big problem!”

The researcher handed over his smartphone urgently. On the screen, a news announcer was reporting breaking news.

―Breaking news! A monster resembling the White Tiger has appeared at Australia’s international airport, and all airport lines have been halted!

The Beast Master’s eyes widened in shock.

“Could it be that the White Tiger has escaped the lab? Contact Laboratory No. 2!”

“I’ve already checked! The White Tiger is asleep!”

“What? Then what’s with that news report….”

The Beast Master didn’t even have time to gather his thoughts.


This time another researcher came running, his face pale.

“The, Blue Dragon is rampaging in Laboratory No. 3!”


* * *

Laboratory No. 3.

In a secret research facility erected on an empty plot of land, a man was smiling.

“Making the Four Symbols in a lab located where there would be no human casualties, go on a rampage, exposing the danger and escalating it into an international issue. It’s a brilliant plan, even thinking about it again.”

The man who had infiltrated the lab and caused the Blue Dragon to rampage, Hermit, was toying with a sparkling blue gem, ‘Siren’s Tear,’ in one hand, smiling all the while.

“But to think that was an incomplete Blue Dragon. If it had gone on a rampage in a complete state….”

It would have been quite a horrific event.

Hermit muttered, smiling at the thought.

“But I never heard anything about the White Tiger attacking the airport.”

Had some variable occurred?

Muttering thus, Hermit took his phone out of his pocket and checked the news. It was a news program reporting a special bulletin about the airport.

“What is this…?”

On the screen, a white tiger resembling the White Tiger and a golden tiger, the Golden Tiger, were facing each other.

There was no more cold crimson to be found in the White Tiger’s eyes.


Its eyes were tinged with a muddy reddish-brown.

< Chapter 93: Four Divine Beasts (3) > End.


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