Transcendence Due To A System Error

Chapter 90: Field Trip

< Chapter 90: Field Trip (5) >

“It’s easy, so easy.”

Given that the monsters were weakened by the Beast Master and we had grown stronger through resonance, there was no chance of a crisis.

After all, we even caught the decently-named monster, Iron Spider. Enough said.

“Is it because it’s not a pro superhuman course? It’s really, really easy.”

Ha Si-yeon’s words seemed right; perhaps it was so easy because it was a low-difficulty course intended for officer cadets.


Goldie asserted his presence, as if demanding praise.

“Yes. It’s also because our Goldie fought well.”

I gently patted Goldie’s head.

“By the way, Seo-yul, your magic power has increased a lot, hasn’t it? What’s your rank now?”

“About 2 ranks up, so roughly C-rank now?”

He had reached D-rank by fully embodying the Mongma race, and resonance had brought him up to C-rank.

“Huh? Only C? That seems very strong for just C-rank.”

“Maybe it’s a difference in control.”

I smiled with a regrettable expression.

“Right, right.”

However, the innocent Ha Si-yeon seemed not to understand my intention and simply admired it.

“But can you keep unsealing like that? What if the enemies find out?”

“It’s okay. I haven’t unsealed it, I’ve improved it, so it won’t be detected.”

Of course, there’s no such thing as a seal, but I must say it like this.

I have been lying all along. It’s a continuation of that.

“I see.”

Ha Si-yeon nodded as if convinced.

“Ha Si-yeon, it seems like you’re slowly adapting to A-rank magic power, aren’t you?”

“Me? Uh. A little?”

Ha Si-yeon giggled.

“I didn’t know there would be such a difference between B-rank and A-rank. It’s so hard to control.”

“S-rank is even more so.”

Ha Si-yeon’s trait, Sanctuary of Ice, is short-ranged as a penalty but has strong output.

Add the gap between A-rank and B-rank, and the output is literally exploding.

“When we separate later, I’ll have to go back to B-rank. You’ll have to adapt well then.”


“Don’t worry, you’re adapting at an unbelievable speed, so don’t be too impatient.”

“Of course~ Thankfully, you seem to have lost your habit of being impatient. You’ve gone from being unable to control magic to the most promising user of attribute magic, so why would you be impatient?”

“Then shall we start again?”


“Let’s go, Goldie.”


We got up.

“Ah, by the way, how many points have we gathered?”

“Just a second.”

I checked the terminal we were given.

“Roughly 2000 points?”

“Huh? So we can get a 2-tier reward, right?”

“Yes. The Iron Spider gave more points than expected.”

It’s certainly a named monster.

“If we find one more named monster, a 1-tier reward is possible, right?”

“Amazing. They say getting a 1-tier reward in an officer cadet course is like plucking a star from the sky.”

“We are not ordinary officer cadets, are we?”

I tousled Goldie’s head as he yawned next to me.

“We even have Goldie.”


Goldie lifted his head as if to say he only trusted me. Despite growing in size, he was still cute. I petted Goldie and said,

“Let’s really get going now.”

“Yeah. It would be nice to find one more named monster.”

* * *

Meanwhile, Seoul, South Korea.

“Ah, that’s right. I forgot to say this. Congratulations on your discharge.”

“Thank you.”

Shin Jia and Yu Hwa were having a conversation in Shin Jia’s home meeting room.

“Anyway, that settles the matter with Vagabond.”

Shin Jia said, organizing the documents.

“Yes. It has been forgotten by the public, and I see no more benefit to gain from it.”

Yu Hwa, likewise organizing her papers, took out another document from her bag.

“This is the report on the ghost sword and dark sword attack incident.”

“Ah, thank you.”

Shin Jia checked the documents she received. There were parts she was seeing for the first time, and parts she already knew.

“…Where did the information come from that Yu Hwa is the target of the Savior of Truth?”

This seemed premature.

Shin Jia herself had almost been kidnapped.

“It came from Seo-yul.”

“Seo… Yul?”

Momentarily surprised, she nearly said Seo-yul but quickly corrected it to Seo-yul.

“Yes. He told me during a call yesterday. He’s convinced I’m the mastermind behind the Vagabond affair.”

“What’s the reason?”

“Hmm, where should I start?”

Yu Hwa recounted what she heard from Kang Seo-yul exactly to Shin Jia.

Describing Maestro’s personality and how he would move, credible explanations were reconstructed through Yu Hwa’s words, omitting anything unfavorable to Kang Seo-yul.

“I see.”

Shin Jia was convinced right away.

Though it was all circumstantial, if Kang Seo-yul said it, it was 90% sure.

“Of course, that doesn’t mean you’re safe, Shin Jia. You know that, right?”

“Yes, I know.”

Yu Hwa was the main target, but that didn’t mean Shin Jia wasn’t one.

“Seo-yul was really sorry. He said he felt guilty for making us targets.”

“…That’s just like Seo-yul.”

The two women chuckled.

“So I told him not to talk nonsense.”

“You did well.”

“Anyway, that’s all I have to tell you.”

“Thank you.”

Shin Jia bowed her head.

She had bothered to come all the way to her home and even gave her necessary reports on the ghost sword and dark sword incidents. Regardless of personal feelings, gratitude was a matter of course, both as a human and as the heir to the Shinwa Group.

“By the way, you must be disappointed about not going on the field trip.”


Shin Jia bit her lip.

Because of this, she had fallen to the second rank. It hurt.

“You’re second now.”

Yu Hwa, who knew this fact better than anyone, smiled slyly.

It was a clear mockery.

Shin Jia was irritated.

“…I’ll get it back soon, so it doesn’t matter.”

“The difference of one practical exam is quite significant. Can you do it?”

“Of course. Oh, if it were Yu Hwa from your cadet days, it might have been tough for you.”

Clearly, these two did not get along.

“By the way, Seo-yul. He said he was going to Monster Park today with Ha Si-yeon. I wonder if they’re having fun.”


Shin Jia’s eyes widened.

“You didn’t know? He said he’s going to Monster Park with Ha Si-yeon. You must not be that close to him?”


Shin Jia pursed her lips.

‘He kept it a secret from me…’

The fact that two close friends went to a famous tourist spot in Australia without saying a word felt bitter somehow.

Her clear change of expression surprised Yu Hwa.

Shin Jia was not one to show such varied expressions.

‘…She must really like Seo-yul.’

According to Kang Seo-yul, Shin Jia didn’t know anything about his past.

She just knew him as a peculiar cadet who was hiding his power, so don’t say anything weird, he had requested.

‘She must have fallen for him during the Piarle Alo incident. After all, he helped her get revenge.’

Yu Hwa was convinced.

On the other hand, Shin Jia had her own thoughts.

‘Yu Hwa seems closer to Seo-yul than I thought.’

She glanced at Yu Hwa with a sulky expression.

Seo-yul had told her that Yu Hwa knew nothing about his true identity.

He’d said she just knew him as a peculiar cadet who hid his power, so don’t mention anything strange, and that they got close due to helping the Bihon Guild in the Doppleganger incident.

‘The possibility that Seo-yul is involved in Secretary Kim Shin-Woo case is increasing.’

Shin Jia was convinced of that.

* * *

“Ugh~ Was it too much to hope for one more Named monster?”

Ha Si-yeon slumped down and spoke.

“Finding even one was a miracle, wasn’t it?”


Now, there’s only about 30 minutes left until Monster Park closes.

Our total score is around 2500 points. Regular monsters indeed give low scores.

“I don’t expect a Golden Named, but it would be nice if at least a Golden Monster would appear.”

“Do you think it will?”

Named Monsters are rare, Golden Monsters are even rarer, and Golden Named are rarer than that. The odds are said to be similar to winning the lottery.

…But somehow, I felt I could find one. It seems it was indeed too much to hope for.

Well, everyone thinks this way when buying a lottery ticket, and then fails.

“What’s wrong, we have the 2nd tier prize.”

I decided to think positively.

A 2nd tier prize in Monster Park is an A-rank equipment.

If you calculate it in market price, it’s at least 1 billion.

“Still, it feels somewhat disappointing.”

Ha Si-yeon spoke with a glum expression.

“You’re not satisfied with a 2nd tier prize? I didn’t think you were like that, Si Yeon. You’re a little greedy, aren’t you?”

I smirked.


Ha Si-yeon tilted her head.

“Why should I be satisfied? Aren’t you taking the prize, Seo-yul?”


Something seems off in our understanding.

“Didn’t I say? I was just going to give the prize to you as a gift.”

Ha Si-yeon was flustered.

“…This is the first I’m hearing of this.”

…Is it?

“Then I’m saying it now. You take the prize.”

I smiled mischievously.

“Why would I take it? You got the tickets, Seo-yul, so you should take it.”

Ha Si-yeon shook her head firmly.

“No, it’s fine. There’s no attractive prize anyway.”

All the prizes in Monster Park are weapons, and weapons are useless to me.

When I go back to Korea, ‘Cheonbyeon’ will be completed, so what use are weapons?

“Even if there’s nothing you desire! Seo-yul should take the prize―”

“There’s a white sword called Baek Cheong among the 2nd tier prizes. It has an ice attribute boost.”

“―Of course, huh?”

Ha Si-yeon’s eyes widened.

“Baek… Cheong?”

“Yeah, it’s a Korean-style longsword, and it looked pretty good.”

“No, more importantly… did you say it has an ice attribute boost?”

“Yeah, I did.”

“One of the few attribute-boosting weapons in the world?”


“And it’s an ice attribute on a sword?”


“…Why is such a high-grade piece of equipment in the 2nd tier?”

“Well, not many people have the ice attribute, right? And it’s on a sword. Demand is low, so it’s in the 2nd tier.”


A tremor went through Ha Si-yeon’s pupils. She stuttered, unable to continue speaking.

Her expression is somewhat amusing.

Her greed and conscience are probably having an intense battle in her mind.

If it were me, I would have gladly accepted what was offered, but Si Yeon is too kind-hearted.

“I don’t really need it, so you take it, Siyeon. Even with money, you can’t buy something like Baekcheong, a weapon you can’t obtain.”

“But still…”

“And it’s not just a gift. It’s a bribe to later cut off the heads of those demon brats.”


I jokingly smiled and tapped Ha Si-yeon’s head.

“Well, you can think of it as a gift from your master.”

I stood up from my seat.

“It’s not polite to keep refusing when I said I would give it to you, right? In this case, just smile and say you’ll use it well!”

At my playful laugh, Ha Si-yeon smiled bitterly but then,


Soon, her face transformed into a bright smile.

“I will use it well!”

It was indeed a clear and innocent smile, typical of Ha Si-yeon. I snickered.


Beside me, Goldie tilted his head, not understanding the situation.

“Then we have about 20 minutes left. Let’s sprint for the last stretch…”

That’s when it happened.



I felt a tremendous presence behind me, a heavy momentum like I’d never felt before.

Whether it was bloodlust or hostility, it was of a different class altogether.

I hadn’t felt like this even when I met with Hermit in battle stance, or faced Vagabond one-on-one.

I was too afraid to even turn around, but I had to check.

I swallowed my saliva and slowly turned my body.


Very slowly.

After what felt like ten minutes but was only a second, I could confirm the appearance of the entity emitting that tremendous momentum.

White fur covering like a blanket, with prominent black patterns.

Red eyes, like valor solidified into jewels, and yet a noble stance.

“White… tiger…?”

Next to me, Ha Si-yeon mumbled in a trembling voice.

My lips were trembling as well.

…Why is the White Tiger here now?

My entire body bristled with the primal bloodlust that I’d never felt, even when I’d faced Drake.

A horrifying feeling, like sticking my face into a monster’s mouth.



It was death in the shape of a tiger.

I shakily used ‘Craftsman’s Miniature Smithy’.

I intended to pull out Lucifer’s Lance. There was no time to think about side effects like murderous impulses. Even using Lucifer’s Lance, I had no faith that I could win, but it was better than dying doing nothing.



But Goldie stopped my action.

He let out a small cry as if there was nothing to worry about.


With the same noble stride of a king of beasts like the White Tiger, he stepped forward.

One step. Two steps.


I snapped to my senses.

No matter how strong Goldie was, the White Tiger was on another level.

If it continued like this, Goldie would!


I moved my mana again to draw Lucifer’s Lance.

But its movement was faster than mine.


In the blink of an eye, the White Tiger was positioned between me, Ha Si-yeon, and Goldie.

Death felt imminent.

I clenched my teeth and shut my eyes.

…Is this how I die?


A proud meow was heard.

…Did I hear wrong?


This time a short meow.

Not Goldie’s cry, as far as I remembered.

I cracked one eye open.


And was astonished.

The wild king that made me feel death was…

“…Excuse me?”

Rubbing its face affectionately on Goldie’s body.

All of a sudden, the tremendous momentum that was emanating from its body disappeared.


Even as the White Tiger continued its affectionate advances, Goldie snorted derisively, turning its head away with an extremely haughty look.

The White Tiger seemed to like even this attitude and rubbed its face even more eagerly.

I stood there, my mouth agape. I could hear Ha Si-yeon licking her lips next to me.


…Was that tremendous momentum a wave of courtship?

No, more importantly, why is the White Tiger here?

There’s still about a year left until the Monster Mass Rampage Episode.

This isn’t the time for the White Tiger to appear.

< Episode 90: Field Trip (5) > End.


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