Transcendence Due To A System Error

Chapter 80: Gift

< Chapter 80: Gift (2) >

In a department store in Gangnam, I was playing the role of mannequin.

“Great. Perfect. How does it look to you, Hwa?”

Maiden, playing the role of mannequin B, asked Yu Hwa.

“It looks like something I saw at DDP Fashion Week.” (Dongdaemun Design Plaza)

“What about you, kiddo?”

I spoke while looking at my reflection in the mirror.

“Uh … It seems to suit me, but isn’t it too overwhelming?”

Maiden put her hand to her forehead.

“Forget it. What can I expect from fashion ignoramuses?”

Yu Hwa’s and my outfits had changed dramatically in 30 minutes.

Yu Hwa was wearing a bright dress, not a stiff suit.

I was dressed as dazzlingly as a pop idol might be.

I think I liked my previous clothes better.

This outfit is too overwhelming.


Looking to the side, I saw Yu Hwa gazing at her outfit with a trembling expression.

Her face seemed to read, ‘A suit seems more neat and pretty, doesn’t it?’

“What do you think, miss clerk?”

Maiden spoke to the store clerk, who had been observing us. The clerk responded,

“I think it’s the best coordination, reflecting 120% of this year’s trend. Truly Maiden Creativeness. I was amazed.”

Maiden’s lips curved into a smile.

“This is a normal person’s reaction. Got it? You fashion ignoramuses.”

Maiden snapped her fingers and clicked her tongue.

“Even so, to call us fashion ignoramuses…”

I was still doubtful.

Can we trust the clerk? They would even package clothes that don’t suit us as if they did, just to sell them.

… At this point, we have no choice but to seek the opinion of an impartial third party who can make a fair assessment.


I took a picture of my reflection in the mirror.

“What are you doing?”

“I’ll ask my friends if it suits me.”

“Good idea.”

“Ah. I should do the same.”

Yu Hwa, thinking of consulting her friends, also took a picture of herself.

Maiden crossed her arms, a confident smile on her face.

I uploaded the photo to the [Master and Disciples!] chat room.

[Photo attached]

[What do you think of this outfit?]

The response was immediate.

[Shin Jia: Wow! Grandmaster, what’s that outfit? It suits you really well!]

[Ha Si-yeon: Amazing! Totally stylish!]


[Really? Is it that good?]

[Shin Jia: Yes! It seems well put together with non-contrasting colors to highlight your face. Plus, tone-on-tone! You should always dress like this.]

[Ha Si-yeon: Is this outfit something you chose yourself, Seo-yul?]

No, well, yes, but…

[… Why do you think so?]

[Ha Si-yeon: Well, you love black, Seo-yul. Did someone choose it for you?]

“Black color lover.”

“Black addict.”

… So that’s how it appeared to those around me.

Looking to the side, I saw Yu Hwa looking stunned as well.

Her expression seemed to say she had been scolded by her friends with comments like, ‘Why is the suit lover wearing such bright clothes? Did you get a lover? Who is it? Are they sick? Where will the wedding be?’

“What did your friends say?”

Maiden asked, looking at me and smirking.

“… They said it suits me well.”

“Again? Didn’t they ask who chose it for you?”


How did she know?

“Anyway, you see now? You’re a fashion ignoramus.”

“… Yes.”

Seeing the dramatic reactions from Jia and Si-yeon, it seems I really didn’t know how to dress myself.

“Alright. If you understand, let’s move to the next store.”

Maiden said, handing her card to the clerk.


Yu Hwa and I widened our eyes and asked in unison.

“Isn’t this the end?”

“Sister, one outfit each would have been enough.”

At that, Maiden chuckled.

“Looking at your sense of style, I feel I need to prepare at least 4 to 5 outfits for each of you to feel at ease. Then you’ll have enough to wear comfortably.”

Maiden smiled, like a mother looking at her mischievous children.

* * *

That took about 5 hours.

We did our best in our role as mannequins for Maiden Critines.

“Good. It’s perfect.”

Having perfectly arranged even our hair, we were now sitting at a restaurant for dinner.

“If you guys always paid this much attention to your appearance, wouldn’t it be nice?”



I don’t think we could ever keep this up. It’s exhausting.

“Especially you, little one. Your attire with that face is almost a sin. You understand?”

“… Yes.”

I decided to obediently admit to it.

After following her around for 5 hours, I understood completely. Just changing clothes and hairstyle made people’s gazes shift.

An excellent face that needs no improvement, a physique honed through rigorous training with Pi Jin Ho.

When Maiden Critines’s touch was added, it created a truly explosive synergy.

Honestly, if I had been walking around alone today, I would have been dashed at by at least 10 women.

No, really.

I’m not praising myself; there were at least 10 people shooting heart beams from their eyes.

“Anyway, even superhumans are human. Not just equipment; you should pay attention to regular fashion too.”

Maiden said, handing me a steak and smiling faintly.

“Especially you, little one. Take some breaks. From what I heard from Jin Ho, you’re like a training machine.”

“I like doing it, though.”

Come to think of it, Maiden was the same age as Instructor Pi Jin Ho.

“Little one, do you have any hobbies?”

“Hobbies… I don’t really have any.”

“Have you watched any movies recently, or gone out with someone?”

“I don’t think so.”

On my days off, I usually trained or planned to minimize future variables.

“… Is that so?”

Maiden looked at me with eyes filled with something akin to sorrow.

Then she briefly locked eyes with Yu Hwa and turned back to me.

“Let’s eat. We have an appointment at 7.”

“Ah. Yes.”

She had said that she made a reservation with the Blacksmith Association of Korea for 7 o’clock.

* * *

6 PM. After a quick dinner, we were on our way to the headquarters of the Blacksmith Association of Korea in Maiden’s car.

“Come to think of it, what happened to the ancient relics?”

I had forgotten about the most important thing due to the chaos.

Maiden looked at me through the rearview mirror and said,

“What do you mean, ‘what happened?’ They’re safely stored in the trunk.”

“This car’s trunk?”

“Yeah. I brought them to give them to you later when I drop you off at home. Why? Are you curious about what relic is inside?”

Maiden switched to autopilot and turned her body to look at me, wearing a playful smile.

It felt like she wouldn’t tell me even if I asked.

“… I am curious.”

However, I couldn’t suppress my curiosity. What kind of ancient relic it was, from which race? How many relics were there?

I was too concerned about it.

“I’m not telling.”

I suspected as much, and she confirmed it.

Maiden laughed heartily and continued,

“Come on. It wouldn’t be fun if I told you in advance.”

Maiden reached out and playfully tousled my hair, laughing.

A fragrant perfume wafted from her wrist, mixing with her body heat.

“For now, think about what equipment you want to request from Blacksmith. Focus on that.”

“… Yes.”

We drove for about 30 minutes and arrived at the Blacksmith’s Korean branch.


We were guided by an employee to the innermost part of the building. I thought we were headed to an office or meeting room, but it turned out to be a workshop.

“Please wait inside.”

“Thank you.”

Maiden gave a small wave of her hand.

The employee bowed slightly and returned to his original place.

Knock, knock-

“Old man, shall we come in?”

Maiden opened the door without waiting for a reply. The moment she did, the warm air from inside brushed against my face. The very hot heat of the furnace.

Bang- Bang- Bang-

Inside that hot room, an old man was hammering away at the metal.

His white hair was neatly tied back, and his white beard was neatly arranged. He looked like an old sage.

“You’re as impolite as ever.”

The old sage spoke nonchalantly without even looking our way.

Bang, bang; the sound of metal clashing against metal rhythmically resounded.

“Why bother with such formalities between us?”

“What is ‘between us’?”

“Like a father and daughter relationship?”

“It seems nonsense is in abundance this year.”

The old sage chuckled.

“Anyway, wait a bit. I’m almost finished. Go eat something in the office.”

“Yes, yes.”

Maiden replied offhandedly.

But she seemed in no hurry to leave the workshop, simply gazing at the old sage as he hammered the metal.

I too found myself staring at the old sage. His hammering was neither flashy nor extraordinary, just plain and simple, but for some reason, I couldn’t take my eyes off it.

“It’s impressive, isn’t it?”

Maiden remarked nonchalantly.

“Our old man. His skill is the best in the world.”

Maiden’s eyes were filled with an unmistakable pride.

“That’s Mr. Jung Il-yong.”

Yu Hwa, who was standing next to me, whispered in my ear.

“… Ah.”

Jung Il-yong, the greatest blacksmith in China.

So this was the man.

His name had been mentioned a few times in the original work, but he never made a direct appearance.

Indeed, it seemed he had some connection to Maiden Critines.

“…You’re Chinese, right?”


“You speak Korean very well.”

“I know all the basic languages. Studying is a hobby of mine.”


An impressive person indeed.

We continued to watch Master Jung Il-yong’s hammering.

The more we watched, the more entranced we became.

About 10 minutes must have passed.

“What’s so fascinating about an old man hammering away that you all stare so intently?”

The old master put down all his hammers and approached us.

“Ah, my apologies.”

“We’re sorry.”

Yu Hwa and I bowed slightly, and Maiden spoke.

“It’s okay. It’s just embarrassing, that’s why I looked around. This old man may not look like it, but he’s actually very introverted.”

“Stop talking nonsense, you brat.”

Jung Il-yong looked down at Maiden, clicking his tongue.

“What? You grumpy old man.”

Looking up at Jung Il-yong, Maiden bared her teeth and smiled.

“It’s been a long time. I see some gray hair starting to show on you.”

“You’re starting to lose some, it seems.”

“Looks like some wrinkles are starting to form too.”

“On you, the wrinkles have all but disappeared. Turning into a skeleton, are you?”

Though their words were harsh, both were smiling at the corners of their mouths.

“I’m glad to see you’re as brash as ever. It’s been a long time.”

“Yeah, long time. But first, let me introduce these kids. You know Yu Hwa, right? You’ve seen her a few times.”

Yu Hwa bowed her head.

“And this is the kid who’s applying for equipment today, Kang Seo-yul.”

Jung Il-yong’s gaze fixed on me.

I felt a sudden tension from his deep, experienced eyes.

“Kang Seo-yul.”

“Jung Il-yong.”

The old master extended his hand.

I grabbed it and shook it lightly. It was indeed a very rough hand, befitting a blacksmith.

“I hear you’re Jin Ho’s disciple?”

“Yes, I am.”

He seems to have a connection with Instructor Pi Jin Ho as well.

“Not bad.”

Jung Il-yong smiled.

“Right? The kid’s good.”

“Yeah. I might not trust your judgment, but I trust Jin Ho’s.”

“…This old man’s words are always disappointing.”

Jung Il-yong glanced at Maiden and chuckled again, his face feigning indifference.

“Anyway, I’m to make this kid’s equipment, right?”

“Yeah? Yeah.”


Jung Il-yong seemed to be considering it, rubbing his chin.

“If it seems too difficult, just introduce me to another craftsman. Someone discreet and skilled—”

“Alright. I accept.”


Maiden’s eyes widened at his ready acceptance.


“Why? Are you unhappy with me taking it?”

“No. Of course, I’m happy. It’s just surprising. Old man, you ran away to Korea, refusing to take orders for equipment, didn’t you? Saying it’s annoying.”


So that’s why the top craftsman Jung Il-yong was acting as the Korean branch head.

“Honestly, I didn’t have high expectations. What’s gotten into you?”

“There’s no special reason. The kid is liked by both you and Jin Ho.”

Jung Il-yong looked at my chest with a faint smile, his eyes a dreamy shade of purple.

“He seems like an interesting kid.”

His eyes were fixed precisely on the [Extreme of Weapons] I had tucked inside my clothes.

…Does he know about the [Extreme of Weapons]?


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