Transcendence Due To A System Error

Chapter 113: The Gate

< Chapter 113: The Gate (2) >

My ability… well, it’s a stretch to even call it an ability.

Anyway, my power is not affected by the rules of the system. It’s a very unique power with both pros and cons.

Well, even though the pros and cons are clear-cut, the pros far outweigh the cons.

Starting from ignoring item wear restrictions to acquiring racial traits, and even fully assimilating those traits.

The major disadvantage of not being able to use the convenient power of the system seems trivial compared to the enormous benefits.

Of course, it’s not all good. My power is a kind of bug that exploits the vulnerabilities in the ‘system error’.

If it’s detected by the system, a corrective action is naturally triggered to fix the bug.

The result of that corrective action was the appearance of the expulsion-type gate with 1.28 million magic power, ‘The Vaccine Program’. Without exaggeration, it was a crisis of world destruction.

So, it’s a high-risk, high-reward power, you could say.

I have been making relentless efforts to understand this power. It would be problematic if something like the Vaccine Program incident were to happen again.

So far, I haven’t discovered much.

Ah, there is one thing.

I can effortlessly bypass and disable security machines based on the system.

I’ve done things like unlock the collar-type restraints of White Tiger in Monster Park (which required researcher authentication), and not long ago, I also broke the seal on Rena (which required contact with someone from her tribe). So, it’s probably certain.

But this felt like an extension of the rule that allows me to ignore item restrictions, and it didn’t seem like a wholly new way of using the power or any cautionary advice.

So, I was half-confident that there probably weren’t any new rules, and that adhering to existing precautions would suffice.

“Ah, this is driving me crazy.”

However, today, I discovered an unexpected new rule, and it’s very specifically related to gates.

“…What now.”

I sat down with a heavy sigh.

Just a moment ago, upon entering the gate, I saw the forest area and thought, ‘Ah, this gate has a random entry setting.’

I had heard many reports about such gates, so I thought it was only natural.

However, that was my mistake.

I took a deep breath and looked around.

“Hmm. So the gate isn’t the problem after all.”

Instructor Pi Jin Ho is having a very serious conversation with the researchers.


It’s the instructors and the researchers.

“Yes. The magical power wave is normal, and there’s no problem to be found.”

“Then why is it that only Cadet Kang Seo-yul couldn’t enter?”

“Honestly, I’m not sure either. This is the first time something like this has happened… As you know, the field of gates hasn’t been fully analyzed yet.”

“…I see.”

Scattered entries, my ass.

It was just me who couldn’t enter the gate.

I was left all alone in the forest because I got bounced off the gate and fell into the middle of the woods, far from the entry point.

When I encountered the instructor while searching the forest, you can’t imagine how surprised I was.

Then it clicked for me.

‘Ah, it’s not that we all got scattered in the gate; it’s just that I failed to enter.’

Until then, I hadn’t been too worried.

I thought a variable had simply arisen due to the researchers’ mistake.

Considering that the analysis of the gate isn’t perfect, it seemed plausible.

“Shall we attempt the fourth entry?”

But that was just my misconception.

The first failure could be chalked up to chance.

But if that failure repeats a second or third time?

It’s not chance; it’s inevitability.

“To be honest, I wouldn’t recommend it. Opening the gate costs money. We kept trying because we initially thought it might be our fault…”

The researchers’ gaze focused on me.

“If it failed three times, it’s less likely to be our fault and more likely that this cadet is unique.”

“Unique, you say?”

“Well, there could be many possibilities, but perhaps they possess some very unique characteristic that makes it impossible for them to enter the gate. Or maybe there’s something interfering with dimensional transition. Could it be something like that?”

The researcher is right.

The reason I couldn’t enter the gate is not their fault; it’s mine.

Either the systemic element of the gate is rejecting me, who lacks such a system, or it’s not even recognizing me.

I’m guessing that’s what’s happening.

“Fine. We won’t attempt the fourth entry.”

“Good decision.”

Instructor Pi Jin Ho, who had been holding his breath, came up to me.

“Kang Seo-yul, it’s unfortunate, but it seems difficult for you to participate in this training.”

“Yes. I understand.”

And so, my gate experience training came to an empty end.

“As for the score… the instructor will somehow provide you with a makeup opportunity, so don’t worry too much.”

Perhaps it’s because my expression is quite gloomy. Instructor Pi Jin Ho patted my back as he comforted me.

“Yes. Thank you.”

But the reason I’m gloomy now isn’t because of the score.

There are plenty of ways to earn points.

What I’m concerned about now is how to overcome the upcoming episode that’s about to unfold.

This is driving me crazy.

The next major episode is a gate outburst.

Realizing I can’t enter the gate just before that episode is about to happen…

What the hell am I supposed to do now?

It was the moment my entire plan was thrown off.

* * *

That night.

「Shin Jia」

[So, you can’t enter the gate, Ancestor?]

I was chatting with Jia and Si-yeon in a group chat.

[Ah. Probably.]

I still need to confirm it, but there’s a high chance that I can’t enter the gate.

「Ha Si-yeon」

[But why can’t you go in?]

Why, you ask?

Because the system has an error and the gate rejects me, that’s why.

[Well, I wonder if it could be the after-effects of a seal.]

Of course, I can’t say that straightforwardly, so I’m beating around the bush.

「Shin Jia」

[(Rabbit emoticon with eyes sparkling like light bulbs)]

[Ah, I see! The seal that the Ancestor is currently using is a kind of concealment technique to hide from demons or evil spirits….]

I had casually thrown it out there, but Jia started to structure my lie and even began to flesh it out.

[It’s the Ancestor’s ultimate sealing technique that even conceals from divine beings, so it’s natural that the gate can’t recognize it!]

[Well, yes.]

Goodness, not only did she flesh it out, but she even dressed it up and coordinated it as well.

[By the way, how did the gate raid go today?]

I quickly changed the subject.

The longer the lie, the more likely you’ll trip up later. It’s best to avoid elaborating on such things.

「Shin Jia」

[Hmm? No, nothing special happened.]

[How hard could a gate reconstructed by researchers for training purposes be, anyway?]

[(Bear emoticon exuding confidence)]

It seems it was easier than expected. Granted, every year there are casualties in these trainings, but it’s usually because of carelessness rather than difficulty.

「Ha Si-yeon」


[Seo-yul, that’s all a lie.]

[Jia was initially really flustered when you weren’t there, and ended up walking into a trap and made a fool of herself.]

[It was hilarious.]

Upon hearing this, Jia immediately reacted.

[Hey! That was supposed to be a secret!]

[Eh, who cares. Nothing happened anyway.]

[But still, in front of the Ancestor, saying such things…]

[It was cute. The way you were struggling only with your head submerged in the swamp.]

[If you do that, the mirror ahhhhhhhhhhhhh]

The final flurry of texts summed up her panic.

The string of characters Jia had hastily typed out clearly showed his state of fluster. I can almost see her rolling about on her bed, her face red with embarrassment.

[Si-yeon, you also slipped and fell during our duel last time because you got caught in my frost trap!]

[Wow, bringing that up is really low.]

[Then can I also talk about that time you failed your multi-shot and ended up doing something completely pointless?]

Suddenly, the conversation turned into an exposé fest. As the atmosphere seemed to heat up, I quietly flipped my phone over.

“Is your work finished, my dear?”

The princess, who had been lying on the sofa with her head propped on my thigh and fidgeting with her necklace, looked up and asked me.

“For now?”


At my answer, the princess sat up, set her necklace down on the sofa, and rose from her seat.

“Then let’s start the training immediately.”

Lately, the princess has been more enthusiastic than me. She says she also learns new things by teaching me. Thanks to that, though it’s hard to say it’s because of me, she is getting stronger.

I’m getting stronger, and so is the princess. It’s a win-win, but…

“Sorry, I have a lot to think about today. Let’s train tomorrow.”

Today, there’s something far more important than magical training.

“Is that so? Then it can’t be helped.”

The princess seemed a bit disappointed. But what can I do? Now that I know I can’t enter the gate, finding another way becomes the top priority.

In plain terms, no matter how strong I get, if I can’t enter the gate, it’s meaningless. The strategy won’t work at all.

“How about we go out on Saturday? Staying home all the time is stifling, isn’t it?”

“Going out, with you?”

The princess looked up at me with a worried expression.

“With Goldie and White Tiger. The four of us.”


A flower seemed to bloom on the princess’s face. However, she immediately closed her mouth and cleared her throat.

“Hmm. I’m looking forward to it.”

A stern, yet not stern expression. It’s a strange look.

Clearly, she’s very happy but doing her best not to show it.

“Then work hard. I will quietly read the Korean textbook you gave me.”

The princess sat down on the sofa again and opened the Korean book that was on the table. I glanced at her as she quickly got engrossed in the book, then quietly rose from my seat and headed to my room.

I need to plan again how to handle the runaway gate.

* * *

Time flew by quickly.

From the moment I realized that I couldn’t enter the gate, I spent around 3 to 4 days seated at my desk, re-planning the strategy. After finalizing all the plans, I focused solely on training.

Before I knew it, the gate catastrophe was looming close.

The original story didn’t give a definite date, so I couldn’t be sure. But today, I gained certainty.

Exactly 4 days were left.

How was I so certain? Because the precursor phenomena to the gate catastrophe occurred just now.

“Princess, stay at home, understood?”

“Hmm, I will.”

The princess nodded her head.

“White Tiger, you stay put too.”


White Tiger also reluctantly nodded. Probably because she instinctively knows that her existence should not be revealed to the world.

“Alright, Goldie, let’s go.”

At my words, Goldie jumped and nestled in my arms.

“I’ll be back.”

I double-checked my equipment and headed for the front door.

“Take care.”

The princess, whose pronunciation had considerably improved, saw me off in Korean.

As I stepped out, the first thing I saw was the ash-gray sky.

It’s 1 PM on a Saturday; a time when the sky should be blue. But it was shining in monochrome.

“The more I look, the more eerie it gets.”

This is one of the precursor phenomena to the gate catastrophe.

“Gray Out”

It’s a phenomenon where space turns grayish. And the occurrence of Gray Out means that the second precursor phenomenon will soon happen. My objective is to prevent that second phenomenon.

“Goldie, keep an eye on your big brother today. I’m not using my ultimate weapon, so I’ll be weaker in close combat.”


Today, I’m wearing ‘Mana’s Grace’ instead of ‘The Ultimate of Weapons.’

The reason is simple.

Today, I plan to use only magic.

< Chapter 113: The Gate (2) > The end


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