Trafford's Trading Club

Chapter 981

Volume 10 '“ Chapter 10: Chaos Brings Thy Damnation (Part 2)

Momo felt the pain from the lung lobe. Countless thoughts persuaded him to give up in his heart and even suggested that he better agree with these fellows. Wouldn'™t it be better to let everyone study the talisman together, find the cave manor, and obtain a fantastic opportunity?

Momo was in heavy encirclement now, facing almost half of the crazy Divine Land'™s cultivator circles and demon beasts. He couldn'™t change anything directly without his power alone.'œHmph! What a good rhetoric! You brought this kid to Mountain Tai personally, and you have a deep relationship with the kid. If he were to choose, he will only choose you! Momo, I think it is your Long Hushan Celestial Master'™s Way that wants to monopolize everything!' A young man in a white Tang suit [1] about the same age as Momo sneered and walked out at this time, 'œSeniors, brothers, he is at his limit. There'™s no point with the chatters! Since ancient times, those with fate obtain the treasure. Although the ignorant child got his hand on the treasure first, it was him who brought it to use. In other words, isn'™t the opportunity fated for us?'

'œHahaha! That'™s right! Momo is at his limit! There'™s nothing to be afraid of!'

'œGo! The Great Emperor'™s inheritance is right in front of you!'

The situation escalated further, but Momo laughed at this moment. Then, he coughed intensely and spewed a mouthful of blood. He coldly watched the people rushing toward him and those waiting in ambush at the back of the crowd. He muttered to himself, 'œThe coldest thing in the world is the human'™s heart.'

'œMomo! Just give up!'Along with another bellow, a strong wind hovered around Momo, trying to trap him in it. Momo spat out blood again at this time and poured it on the peach-wood sword in his hand!

The wooden sword made by the thousand-year peach wood burst into a dazzling golden brilliance at this time. Momo retorted, 'œZhan'™er'™s life is bounded with that talisman. If you want to take it away, it is equivalent to killing him! Such behaviors make you all robbers! If I give up Zhan'™er, I can never face Senior Yang Taizi in the future! Fellow daoists speak like a nobleman and appear uninterested in self-indulgence, but all of you live in your lies. Cowards that are afraid of death! Your wish for immortality and your desire to be worshipped are pitiful. Do you know why didn'™t the emperor'™s talisman choose you? I'™m afraid that even if you acquire the talisman, you can'™t get anything in the end. After all, your pursuits and goals are illusory! Look at what you are now! You'™re all the same as demons!'

Facing Momo'™s ridicule, the daoist crowd merely snorted. But, after seeing the peach-wood sword flashing in gold brilliance in Momo'™s hand, they all stopped their advances, seemingly intimidated!

'œBe careful. This guy is going for a suicide attack!'Feeling the shock from the peach-wood sword in Momo'™s hand, some of the more cowardly bunch couldn'™t help but become serious at this time!

Unexpectedly, Momo laughed again at this time. He suddenly drew a huge circle in front of him with the peach-wood sword in his hand!

An ice mirror with a diameter of about three meters suddenly appeared in front of Momo, blocking everyone! Everyone was surprised. But unexpectedly, Momo stuck his peach-wood sword on the ground at this time and thundered, 'œMy body shall be buried here, and I will not give up my promise! This is my dao! This sword and this mirror stand here with heaven and earth acknowledging it!'

After that, Momo gritted his teeth and took Zhan'™er into the abyss behind him!Zhan'™er'¦ Zhan'™er'¦ I can'™t see through our destiny. Today, I owe you a life. If there is an afterlife, I will pay you back!

Unexpectedly, this Momo was staunch. He jumped off the cliff. Each daoist was surprised, only felt that his chest was suffocated with turbid qi, very uncomfortable!

'œLook at that mirror'¦' Someone in the crowd said.

The mirror was shining with brilliance at this time, actually reflecting the appearance of the daoists. They look hideous, like a demon, so unbearable'¦

It was exactly what Momo said at the end: Each of them was worse than a demon!'œDarn it!'

Someone struck the ice mirror with a punch. He broke the mirror directly and snarled, 'œLet'™s go down to the valley to search for them! Find him no matter dead or alive!'

When the daoists began their searches on Momo and went down the mountain, a figure quietly came to this superb place.

The woman figure was in white clothes, spotless and elegant.

The woman looked at the peach-wood sword inserted here indifferently and reached out her hand to grab it, but the palm of her hand was bounced away by the peach-wood sword.

The woman sighed, 'œWhat a pure mind. This Long Hushan generation has a good heir. It'™s a pity that the moral of this world'¦'She shook her head and said indifferently, 'œChaos brings thy damnation.'

Looking at the abyss, the woman stepped out and slowly fell into it.

Caroline did not intend to use her soul as capital for trading.

Of course, she felt that her soul should be more important. Even though the other party said that the soul would not be taken away until her lifespan had reached the end, she still felt that the soul was more important.

Caroline did not want to give up the many other options, such as various emotions and even memories.In the end, Caroline made a choice optimal for her and directly signed a contract with Luo Qiu.

Purchase Service: Solve this matter safely for her.

Payment: Her fertility as a woman.

The parchment roll of the contract was unfolded in front of Caroline, but Boss Luo suddenly said, 'œMiss Caroline, are you planning to use your fertility to pay for it?'

'œWhat? Isn'™t that enough?' Caroline frowned for fear that the other party would increase the price at this time.Luo Qiu shook his head, 'œNo, no, but in my opinion, fertility is a noble ability. Its price is even higher than your other options'¦ For example, emotional memory.'

'œNoble?' Caroline shook her head and said calmly, 'œHave you never heard of surrogacy? The idea is that even the uterus can be sold. Is there anything noble to it?'

Luo Qiu was silent for a while and then said calmly, 'œIn light of what the customer is willing to pay, the payment value exceeds the customer'™s needs. Therefore, I intend to make some small compensation for the additional value you have paid.'

'œWhat compensation?' Caroline suddenly became a little expectant. 'œIf it can be converted into cash, that'™s the best.''œOf course, it can be converted into cash. But I would suggest to you, Miss Caroline, to change your choice to something else. For example, your liver is not so good because of staying up late frequently. Don'™t you want to make it healthier? 'œ

'œI want money!'

'œAll right'¦' Boss Luo nodded, 'œAs you wish.'


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