Trafford's Trading Club

Chapter 860

For the first time, Mo Xiaofei felt that the so-called not to look at the full moon was related to what the mad Haru Narukami blurted randomly.

As soon as this thought came to his mind, Mo Xiaofei asked solemnly, “Axiu, has Master Saburo’s wife mentioned why can’t she look at the full moon?”

Axiu shook her head. This handmaid was indeed loyal. Over the years, she remembered Haru Narukami’s instructions and never let Chizuko Nagato look at the full moon.

“Sir, do you think this has something to do with Miss Tsuruko’s body abnormality?” Axiu looked nervously at this time.

Mo Xiaofei had no choice but to say, “I don’t know precisely what the situation is. But if I can, I hope to check Miss Tsuruko’s condition personally. After all, I only saw it from a distance. I can’t discern it directly. “

Axiu was now in a panic. At the same time, she had a strange feeling to this sir who cared for her… an intimate feeling.

She was a family servant, so she did not dare to have a fantasy. She just wanted to take good care of her master, especially after so many years. This was the first time someone said that Miss Tsuruko had some physiological problems. Haru Narukami’s instructions before her death. It had always been a secret Axiu kept.

In fact, she was confused about such an order. She even thought about what would happen if Miss Tsuruko looked at the full moon once. It was just that her loyalty quickly suppressed such an idea.

It was precise because of this loyalty that Axiu would treat Mo Xiaofei as a lifesaver when he noticed Chizuko had a physiological problem.

This is probably her eagerness to protect her master. Mo Xiaofei never thought that there would be such a significant discovery this time.

“In a few days, it will be the full moon.” Axiu was counting the time at this time, “Sir, will you stay here then?”

Tsukihime Kondo claimed that he was only traveling and passing by. She did not specify how long she would stay at Nagato’s house. Axiu naturally seemed a little uneasy, for fear that the ‘sir’ who could notice that Miss Tsuruko had a physiological problem would leave soon.

In a few days?

I’m not sure whether I can survive the three days this time. Mo Xiaofei smiled bitterly in his heart. Axiu’s anticipation and trust made him subconsciously dodge this topic.

“I don’t know. It depends on Miss Tsukihime’s instructions.” Mo Xiaofei shook his head but finally could not bear to disappoint Axiu and then said with a serious tone, “However, as long as I am here, I will find a way to figure this out.”

“Sir, Axiu will trouble you for your care!”

Axiu knelt on the ground. Her grand gesture made Mo Xiaofei’s breathing become a little turbid. He suddenly wanted to escape from Axiu.

“Rest assured!”

He finally escaped from this woodshed. Before he left, he learned where Chizuko Nagato was from Axiu. I wonder if Zixing has discovered anything at the site where the demon beast was killed. Mo Xiaofei decided to get in touch with Chizuko Nagato personally.

“Right, how do I address you?” Liang Tian rubbed his hands.

Zixing said calmly, “Liang Tian-san, ​​call me Azi.”

“Miss Azi!” Liang Tian raised his eyebrows. When he was about to continue complimenting, he saw that Zixing stopped suddenly.

Of course, the site where the demon beast was killed at the time would not be in Nagato’s house, so Liang Tian led her all the way here. At this time, in the distance, a few male villagers were walking toward their side carrying many things on their shoulders.

“What are they doing?” asked Zixing directly.

“Oh, it is for the ritual a few days later.” Liang Tian said casually, “Although the demon beast is slain, the ancestors are afraid that the demon beast will turn into a demon and return from the Yellow Springs to do evil deeds. Every year on the day of the demon beast’s death, we will hold a ritual for it.

This is probably the ritual where Chizuko Nagato will die in the movie plot mentioned by Mo Xiaofei. It’s just that he can’t reach the ritual day.

Zixing silently watched these men carry things on their shoulders and walked past her. She was the Greedy Wolf Clan Priest. When she looked at these so-called tributes, she subconsciously felt the ritual was too crude. But considering this was a poor and remote area, it was normal.

The two continued to move forward. Liang Tian introduced the Unripe Rice Village along the way. Soon after, they came directly to the place where the ruins were.

At this time, of course, she saw the man who was carrying the tribute again. Besides, many villagers came here early. They were responsible for building the altar on the ritual day. It appeared like a shelf built of wood and straw ropes.

Zixing looked around and found that there was no grass growing in this area. She grabbed a handful of dirt from the ground and kneaded the mud directly into dust. It appeared that only this piece of land was the case, but the surrounding soil was fertile.

Liang Tian mentioned that the demon beast’s blood had stained this land. Since then, it had been impossible to cultivate anything.

“Is that statue built by you too?” Zixing pointed to a badly damaged statue in front of the altar.

It was described as a badly damaged statue because the statue had a crack starting from the center. Due to the erosion of wind and rain, this statue’s original face was no longer discernible. But from the appearance of the statue, it seemed to be a female.

The crack split from the middle and diverged. If it were intact, it should be apparent to be a woman’s statue. Of course, it was only applicable after ignoring the back of this “female,” which had many tails.

“Fox demon beast?” Zixing narrowed her eyes. There was also a fox demon beast on the plateau. She had few interactions with her. So from some subtle features, she had some guesses about the statue itself.

She subconsciously counted the number of tails behind the statue.

Liang Tian said directly, “Yes, a powerful demon beast who inherited the name of Mae. According to the folks, the crusade that year directly lost hundreds of samurai and monks. Even the onmyoji invited by the Kondo family’s patriarch was also seriously injured. In the end, they slew the demon beast. Well, the fox demon beast made the folks build the statue. They said that onmyouji cracked the statue with a hurl of lightning back then!”

Five tails… Zixing finally finished counting.

She did not know what sort of demon beast Mae was. However, there were a few five-tailed fox demon beasts on the plateau ruled by Greedy Wolf Clan. Strictly speaking, the power difference between the greater demon beast and the intermediate demon beast was not extensive. Though, they could charm the opponent.

Having heard that the sea surrounds the Yan Wuyue world, is there no land on the sea’s opposite side? Is there any connection between this place and Divine Land?

Unlike Mo Xiaofei, she knew more secrets. Of course, she had more things to consider.

Through observations during this period, Zixing was almost certain that this was related to the ‘fragmental world’ mentioned in some ancient secret scrolls of the Greedy Wolf Clan. It could even be a fragmentary world directly.

A piece of fragment intercepted from the long river of history would not affect history’s original inheritance. However, this fragment could be artificially intercepted at a point in time and then undergo a different evolution. When the fragmented world developed into a truly complete world, that would be the time when the fragmented world’s master detached itself from the massive cage of heaven and earth.

“Can I go to this statue to take a closer look?” Zixing asked suddenly.

Liang Tian said indifferently, “Of course, there is no problem with this. But it is best not to touch it because it will be inauspicious!”

Zixing did not take this advice into her heart at all. She was the Greedy Wolf Clan’s young master, Yin Greedy Wolf’s successor. Would she be afraid of the five-tailed fox demon beast? Even if Yin Greedy Wolf was seriously injured and unable to come out, her soul was not a minor five-tailed fox demon beast could offend.

Passing by the altar, Zixing came to the statue and looked at it carefully. The more she looked at it, the more Zixing’s brows furrowed.

The costume on this statue seems to be from a particular dynasty in the ancient Divine Land continent.


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