Touch of Flame

Chapter 198 Darker Sky

Ares quickly pulled himself together. He didn't want to make this uncomfortable stay here in Malachi's kingdom worse and more problematic. Nazneen had an unpredictable temperament and he didn't want to cause any problems for Ravina. Besides, he didn't owe her an explanation. He wasn't planning on pursuing a relationship with her.

"I didn't notice," he said, and he wasn't lying.

He had known she was there, and he had seen her dance with Malachi, but he tried his best not to pay her any attention. There was no reason to torture himself over this.

Nazneen seemed thoughtful as she nodded. "Perhaps because you are human too. It must be difficult to be the only human here."

It probably was. He had thick skin, but even he wouldn't want to be the only one of his kind in a place.

Ares remained quiet, not wanting to lie even though he could lie without batting an eye.

"But if she is looking at you for other reasons, then..."

Ares chuckled. "Why would she? She has the dragon king by her side."

Nazneen scoffed. "She does."

"You really don't like him," Ares noted.

"Well he is a Katharos who got his position simply because he is male while I was..." she clenched her jaw.

It was about her father.

"Not that I want his position. I just think it is unfair." She explained.

"He has the largest and most purebred clan. Wouldn't that still make him king even if you were a man?" Ares wondered.

"Not necessarily. If I was male then we would have a fair fight because he has the clan and I have the purer blood, although him having six other purebred siblings would put me at a power disadvantage. He would most likely win." She shrugged. "I guess being a woman just saved me the trouble." She then realized.

Her shoulders sank, and she smiled with acceptance as they walked over the bridge.

"Many men would be disappointed if you were a man." He pointed.

That made her chuckle. "It might seem that way, but not many men appreciate real beauty."

Ares was struck by her words. She could say wise things sometimes. Behind the tantrums and temperament, there was more. He refused to believe that there was nothing more to someone who had lived for so long. Besides, his gut feeling was never wrong, and from the beginning, he hadn't sensed anything malicious in her.

They came to the other side of the river. It was darker, empty, and quieter. They could still hear the music from the festival on the other side, but the sound of the river and the trees swaying in the wind was more prominent.

Nazneen went ahead of him, walking a bit faster, stepping on the stones and hopping from one to another all the way into the river. Then she took off her shoes, balancing only on one leg, and tossed them back where he stood outside the river.

"Oh, I really miss all of this." She sighed.

Ares thought she was probably feeling like she was back home here and enjoying the freedom.

"The dance, the food, the people. Everything." She hopped on the next stone despite the distance.

He didn't know about real beauty, but at that moment, the genuine happiness and serenity on her face made her look the most beautiful.


Nazneen felt truly happy as she played with the water using her feet. There were many things in life she had taken for granted before and since her release she had still been focused on the things she could have had instead of what she got back.

Then slowly she got sad thinking of all the good relationships she could have built instead of allowing her father to ruin her. She thought of her mother, whom she could have saved. She should have gotten away to find her own path but now it was a little too late to do that with her mother. Her mother was gone. Dead.

A touch on her arm made her look down. "Are you alright?" Ares asked who got into the water.

"Yes," she forced herself to smile but he looked at her skeptically.

She jumped down and got into the water with him, which covered up to her calves. "I am fine," she assured, just as the thought of him being an orphan hit her as well. She wouldn't have any in-laws either. Both he nor she had a family.

His mesmerizing green eyes searched hers.

"So maybe you can show me how humans dance..." she said, trying to distract him. "I learn fast."

He looked at her for a long moment before taking her hand. He placed it on his shoulder before taking her other hand. Then he put one on the small of her back. "Like this," he said, starting off slowly. "Step back, step forward and then turn a little with each step."

She collided with him a few times, taking steps in the wrong direction, but that only made them chuckle, and then they were dancing.

"Just like this?" She asked, surprised by how easy it was.

"It is not that easy."

"It is easy for me. See, I am dancing with you."

He smiled. "I can see. Now, whirl..."

He whirled her with one hand before pulling her in again. It was a whole other feeling to dance in the water with him under the moonlight. She was captivated by him, by his emerald eyes and his subtle smile. His aura was like the night breeze, soft and soothing, and his gaze was dark and mysterious like the night sky.

He looked back into her eyes, drawing her in, their bodies moving closer until his scent surrounded her. She wondered if he would kiss her. She could simply lean in and kiss him, but somehow she wanted him to do it. What had gotten into her? Her heart was beating like a girl's.

"Nazneen." He said her name softly, and she almost shivered.

"Yes," she breathed.

"I usually leave once I get what I want."

"I know." He would give her what she wanted and get what he wanted in return but now she wanted more and she planned to change his mind as well.

"Good." He said, releasing her. "Let's go home."

She felt suddenly cold when she wasn't in his arms anymore. He must have felt the tension between them. Why would he stop otherwise?

"Wait!" She hurried to catch up with him. "Let's rest here for a while."

"It is late." He said but she ignored him and ran to the grass field nearby to lie down. "Oh... this is so nice, and we can watch the stars."

He loomed over her with a frown.

"Come on." She patted beside her. "Don't be boring, pirate."

With a sigh, he lay beside her, and then they watched the sky in silence. After a while, she heard his breathing change and noticed that he had fallen asleep. She pushed herself up on an elbow and watched him with a smile. She had exhausted him with all the shopping and dressing up. He was so patient with her. She really didn't want to lose him and she grew more afraid each day.

Reaching for his face, she only touched a strand and he opened his eyes. He was truly a light sleeper, as he said. "It is just me," she assured. It must be exhausting to always be on guard. "Sleep and don't worry. I will be here." She told him.

He blinked a few times and then closed his eyes again. Nazneen watched him for a little more while until she fell asleep as well while hugging one of his arms.

Somewhere in her sleep as she turned, she felt something odd. Opening her eyes, she found that Ares was gone. Sitting up, she looked around quickly.


She couldn't sense him anywhere nearby. He wouldn't just leave her here, would he? She recalled what he said about leaving once he got what he wanted. Was he perhaps talking about something else?

No. Stop. She was getting ahead of herself.

Getting up on her feet she called his name again but he was nowhere to be seen. To find him quickly, she shifted and flew over the area, seeing people still enjoying the festival on the other side, but she couldn't find Ares among them. Panic settled in her chest. He couldn't get far on his own so she flew further and still found nothing.

Getting back she went to Malachi and Ravina. "Have you seen Ares?"

The brothers were also there, and the one who was the clown had to speak. "Oh. Is he already in trouble?"

Nazneen cast him one glance that assured him she would feed him his tongue if he spoke again before turning to Malachi. "I haven't seen him."

​ To her surprise, Ravina looked more concerned than any of them. "Did you lose him?" She asked.

In a normal situation, she would ask why the woman sounded worried, but right now she just wanted to find Ares.

"Listen King Malachi. I hope none of your people are making a mistake here." Or I will turn this festival into a bloodbath, she finished in her head.

Malachi remained calm as he looked at her. "He is human. You know you should keep an eye on him."

Her face burned. Not because she was angry with him but with herself. How could this happen?

"People know he is a guest here," Saul assured. "They won't kill him but fights are inevitable. You know how it works."

"I know very well." She said that, hinting at the possibility of a fight between them in which she would dislocate his jaw. He just smirked at her.

The youngest stood up. "I will help you look," he offered.

Malachi wore a deep frown as if suspecting something. His eyes searched around, and Nazneen tilted her head questioningly. "You have enemies now that you are fighting for the throne."

Nazneen stiffened. Oh no. He couldn't mean that...


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