Touch of Flame

Chapter 158 She will be alright

Malachi held Ravina in his arms, listening to her breathing calm down and she slowly fell into a deep slumber. With his senses still on high alert because of the healing, it wasn’t easy to have her this close and keep himself in this form. But she had asked him to hold her and comfort her. He knew how difficult it was for her to allow herself such things, let alone express them so he wanted to do his best to be there for her.

It was the least he could do, after everything he put her through. The fury inside was like flames refusing to die, even with her in his arms. His mind could not erase those scars. Even knowing that once they mated, the magic they shared would help her heal, it didn’t subdue his anger.

Ravina was chased by nightmares again and his chest tightened even more. She had been healing and he brought back all the pain. She turned around disturbed, mumbling things and shivering. He pulled her closer and caressed her. She calmed down and slept only to be disturbed by another nightmare. This time, tears wet her face and he could hear the fast beating of her heart.

She was scared. He shook her gently awake from it, assuring her she was alright, and then calmed her into another try of slumber. He prayed she would get some sleep now.

In the last few hours left, she managed to sleep without disturbance. In the morning he carefully removed his arm from underneath her and covered her up before going downstairs. He could already hear and smell the coffee brewing as he made his way to the kitchen.

His brothers just stepped into when he was about to go into the kitchen. “Finally awake,” Saul said, with a subtle smile.

“Too bad he didn’t die,” Joel pretended to only mean for Kenan to hear.

Kenan looked at him still worried. He seemed to have a lot to say but he kept quiet, either saving the scolding or skipping it.

“Good morning,” Mara came to the door. “Shall I prepare breakfast for all?”

“No, they are leaving!” Malachi said. “Prepare something good for Ravina.”

Mara went back into the kitchen with a faint smile. His brothers sat down on the sofas in the hall. Malachi went to sit with them and made himself comfortable on the couch. He kept one ear open to listen after Ravina if she woke up.

“Who were they?” Saul demanded to know with a serious expression now.

Malachi was glad his brother did nothing while he was gone. Very unusual for Saul to stay calm.

“They said nothing but they knew I was injured. We have enemies here as well, someone not far away who knew I came home injured.”

Saul frowned. “You will have to keep guards from now on and some in secret to watch out for whoever is spying on you.”

“What should we do about the X clan?” Kenan asked.

Malachi became thoughtful. If those white dragons attacked him recklessly he doubted King Tural didn’t have a second plan in case things didn’t go his way and now he even had time to perfect his plan. Or maybe, it wasn’t king Tural at all. It seemed too reckless as if they didn’t mind being exposed because the blame would fall on the obvious person.

“Let’s invite King Tural over,” Malachi said.

“And do what? Do you think after what happened he will just walk into the enemy’s land? He will think we put some traps.” Saul argued.

“He will have no choice. He comes here or we go there. Send a direct message. Not peaceful or threatening.”

“You don’t think it is him?” Saul asked.

“I want to find the real culprit. As King, I am sure he has enemies as well who want to be rid of him.”

Saul became thoughtful. So did Malachi and began to think of other ways.

“Or you know what, I don’t like either way so perhaps, this will be a good excuse. Once I get rid of him, his enemies will show themselves.” He changed his mind.

“He has no sons. Who could want the throne?”

“We will find out in time,” Malachi replied. He heard Ravina waking up in the background.

“Alright, leave now!” He said standing up.

He didn’t wait for them to leave and went to the kitchen to take breakfast upstairs to Ravina. Mara had prepared everything on a tray. “It is good to see you back,” she smiled.

“Thank you. How has Ravina been doing?”

“Well, she was very sick when you two were saved. She had a fever for five days and struggled with a lot of nightmares. She was in a very bad condition.”

Malachi frowned. She was that sick.

“It was difficult to tend to her wounds since she was bedridden. But things got better later. Saul brought a human physician to see her,” she continued.

Malachi smiled a little. His rude brother taking care of things in his absence.

“When she got better, she never left your side,” Mara added with a little smile. “Wait.”

She went to look threw the cabinet and came back with two small boxes. “These are some medicine she made for her scars,” she told him and placed them on the tray.

“Has she been eating?” He asked.

Mara forced a smile. “Not much. She had been throwing up most of it and therefore only eating a little. I am concerned for her.”

Malachi grabbed the tray, his hold on it tightening. “She will be alright,” he said not sure who he was assuring.

He took the tray and went upstairs. She sat on the bed, her head hanging down a little. She was still tired, her eyes closing again and when she began to fall sideways she woke up to stop herself.

She looked ahead, her gaze falling on him. A yawn made her mouth open and she placed her hand to cover it.

“Good morning,” he greeted walking over.

“Good morning,” she said rubbing her eyes and running her fingers through her hair.

He put the tray with breakfast in front of her. He could see from the way she looked at the food that she wasn’t thrilled. Malachi sat down to encourage her to eat.

“I know it is nothing special, but if I feed you it will taste better,” he joked.

She looked at him smiling faintly.

“What would you like to start with?” He asked.

“I will just have the egg,” she said.

He cut the cooked egg for her and placed them on a slide of bread, just to have her eat more. She didn’t complain. He held out the bread and she chuckled when she realized he was serious about feeding her.

She had told him she let him in last night. She would give him the chance he asked for, so he was going to do better.

She bit off a piece of the bread and began to chew. “Doesn’t it taste better?” He asked.

She tried not to smile while chewing. “Can I be honest?” She said having that look when she teased him.

“No. It is alright to lie sometimes.”

She chuckled. “It tastes awful,” she said surprisingly.


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