Touch of Flame

Chapter 156 Unwanted mate *

Nazneen was confused. How did he command her? What were those tools in his hands and why wasn’t she healing? The pain was excruciating. She tried to stand up again, but her leg gave in.

Ares put the tool away as more dragons came flying. He would kill her. He lied!

They landed, shifting to human form and she recognized the priests. Once they saw the priestess bleeding on the ground they prepared for an attack.

“Leave her!” Ares said when she tried to force herself up again to fight. She would not die before she got her revenge.

He came forward. “Just take care of Ankine,” he told them and continued to approach her. She watched him carefully as he came to stop in front of her. He held out his hand. She looked at him confused.

“I understand you are angry, but I told you I am not here to hurt you,” he promised.

“Why am I not healing then?” She asked, glancing over at Ankine who already managed to get up despite her neck injury. She should have healed faster than her.

“I will help you heal,” he spoke in a softer tone.

Her heart clenched. She shouldn’t believe him. She stared at his hand that he held out still, waiting patiently. With hesitance, she placed her hand in his and he helped her up. She stumbled forward, her leg paining, and walked into him. He put an arm around her waist.

“I will carry you,” he told her.

Without waiting for her reply, he picked her up. She grimaced in pain again, this time the wound in her stomach hurting. His scent enveloped her once more, drew her in and she found herself cursing inwardly. He said he wanted to help her in exchange for her help. She wanted to laugh hysterically. If he had been a dragon, he would have done anything for her without asking for something in return. This man was here for a bargain and she hated him.

“Where are you taking me,” she asked.

“I wish I could say home,” he smirked. “But don’t worry. It is somewhere safe.”

“You trust these priests?” She spat.

“I trust no one,” he drawled.

She took notice of the small house he was taking her to. He kicked the door open and carried her into the darkness. Soon after he placed her on a bed. “Wait here!” He told her.

She was truly baffled. He couldn’t be human to command her around like that. She pushed herself up on her elbows, and the pain caused her to fall back again.

Ares went about to light some candles and put fire in the hearth. She watched him carefully, finding the way he dressed oddly but… he was… he looked…good. She wanted to scream again out of sheer frustration.

He turned around and walked back to her. “I shot you with a bullet that is inside your body. That is why you are not healing,” he explained.

A bullet? What was that? Inside her body?

“I will use a dagger to remove it so you can heal, but it will be painful for a while.”

“Can’t you just do whatever spell you did?”

“I am not a magician. These are tools I invented. They are called pistols. Humans are not completely defenseless anymore.” He said pulling out a dagger.


“You can just hurt dragons like that?” She wondered.

He smirked. “Yes. Not all humans can do that of course.” he stepped closer, his emerald eyes gleaming. “Only a few have the talent to invent these weapons and I invent the best pistols I assure you.”

Humans had something that could hurt even a Katharos dragon like her? What happened to the world while she was gone?

He looked at the dagger he pulled out. “Are you ready?” He asked.

“Go ahead.” She told him.

He came forward, leaning over her where she lay on the bed. He first looked at the wound on her thigh then she felt his cold hand on her skin. Her heart faltered for a moment. “Alright,” he said, and then she felt the stabbing pain of the dagger.

She grabbed the sheets, pressing her lips into a thin line to stop herself from making any sound. “Just a little,” he said feeling him twist the dagger. “It’s out.,” he then said and she breathed out as the pain subdued.

He showed her what a bullet looked like. “That was inside my leg?” She asked.

“Yes. Now onto the next one.”

This part was more painful. “A little more.” He said as he remained focused, twisting the dagger back and forth. “You are doing well,” he praised her and for a moment she forgot about the pain, and her senses focused on his hand resting on her hip.

She turned her head to watch his face. He had hair so luscious she wanted to reach for it. Brown and silky. His face was even more alluring from the side. Utterly masculine with a strong jaw, now tight from being focused.

Then his expression relaxed and he looked up meeting her gaze. A smile crossed his lips, “you have a high tolerance.” He said.

She blinked, coming back to reality. “Are you done?”

“Yes.” A knowing smile curved his lips. “I am glad I could be a good distraction.”

She shot up to sit upright, anger making her ignore the pain.”Is this fun to you?!” She snapped.

He raised a brow and she got out of bed, frustration gnawing at her. “You must think this is fun, knowing you are my breedmate.”

“Why would I think it is fun?”

“Why would you not?” She yelled pacing forward and then stopping to glare at him. “You are here to bargain:”

“Oh, darling. When I try to bargain, it is something good. Usually, I don’t. I just barge inside and take whatever I want. Consider yourself lucky.”


“How am I lucky?” She asked her voice menacing as she stepped closer. This man only fueled her anger. She would slap that ugly smirk out of his face and those teeth would fall out.

Although she stepped closer, he didn’t show any fear. He just made his hands somehow disappear into his pants.

“Well, I released you. I am willing to bargain. My offer is not bad. You have seen what my weapons can do and what I can do when you are in your dragon form. Wouldn’t I be a powerful ally?”

What he did was impressive and if he could command dragons then… he was indeed a powerful ally. But… more than an ally right now she needed… she needed…

“I don’t want an ally!! I just need my BREEDMATE!!” She yelled, losing it. “Ughh!!” She growled. Grabbing her hair, she began to pace again to stop herself from strangling him.

“You don’t even feel it. The strong need to protect me. To-to care for me. To want to embrace me, comfort me, feel my anger and pain, and want to avenge me. You feel NOTHING!” She kept pacing. “I am stuck with you! After waiting all those years, YOU are what I get!” She spat with disgust as she stopped to look at him.

He watched her with slightly raised brows.

“I have waited so long for you. Well, not you but…” she clenched her jaw, tears burning her eyes. “Why you? WHY?!”

A frown settled between his eyebrows and his eyes swirled with some unknown emotion. “I am sorry to disappoint,” he said sounding sincere. “I’ll see if you can get a bath and some clothes.” Turning around, he left.

Was that all? He was an odd man.

She sat back down on the bed, broken in pain and heartache. Torn between her instinct and what her mind knew. Ares came back shortly after.

“A bath and clothes are prepared here,” he told her pointing at a door.

Defeated she just stood up and went to take the bath. She walked past him, not glancing his way, but she did not miss his scent. She held her breath until she disappeared from his sight. She locked the door behind her, seeing the wooden tub in the small room.

She looked at her arms. It was time to shed skin. There was no other way she could get rid of all this dirt. She got into the tub, soaking herself to prepare for the shedding.


Ares sipped on the tea that Neroken served while waiting for Nazneen to finish her bath. She had almost killed her. She didn’t hesitate. He didn’t like knowing that. That would mean these dragons could do such a thing in a moment of anger and he wondered if Ravina was safe. Guilt filled his chest. If anything happened to her, he would be responsible for encouraging her and letting her go.

He truly hoped things were different. He hoped that Nazneen just got very emotional for a moment. She had after all been locked for so long. She was deeply hurt, confused, and disappointed. He really hoped it was a one-time thing and she wouldn’t try again.

The creaking sound of a door opening made him look up from his cup. His gaze fell on a pair of feet then followed a silky coppery garment wrapped around exquisitely shaped hips. He was surprised to catch sight of a bare flat stomach with skin glowing the color of honey. Her chest was covered with a sleeveless blouse the same color as the garment around her hips and hid a pair of lush breasts. A long slender neck held up a head of long dark hair, falling in shining waves all the way down to her hips.

He cursed inwardly, all his male parts rising to attention. He had enjoyed a life of promiscuity but he had never seen such a body. He didn’t even reach her face yet, those ripe round lips set in a strong jaw and eyes so bewitching, adorned with the darkest thickest lashes he had ever seen. It made them seem like she wore a dark linger around her eyes which only made the amber in her eyes pop out.

He put the cup in his hand away before he spilled the hot tea on himself. This reaction of his was ridiculous. He was past the age where only a glance at a woman would get him excited. Perhaps he had abstained for too long.

She walked over and he noticed the predatory walk she had, like a cat slinking forward. “Do you like what you see,” she asked, sounding a little amused.

He gazed up, unsure of how she went from dirty to such glowing skin. And that hair… it couldn’t be possible. If not for her eyes and voice, he would have thought she was someone else.

“What is there not to like?” He drawled. She must already know she was exquisite.

Her gaze changed to something hot, stirring him up again. With a smirk, as if knowing the effect she had on him, she walked over to the bed and sat down. Her smoldering gaze caught his again. “So what is it I should help you with in return.”

“I help you get back your throne and you keep peace with my people. That is it.”

She chuckled amused. “You think it is that simple?”

“Only things that have no value are simple in life.”

She tilted her head, watching him carefully. “How old are you?” She asked.

“Thirty-five. Why do you ask?”

“I just want to know how long experience you have.”

“How long does not matter or your people would have learned a few things after living for so long.”

One side of her lips curved up and she nodded faintly. “I am four hundred and sixteen years old.” She told him.

“Lucky you don’t look like it.”

A genuine smile painted her lips. She was beautiful.

After that, she continued to ask questions about him. What he did, where he lived, where he came from, and what he was. Again, she didn’t think he was just human. He didn’t tell her about the experiment. Instead, he told her about what the world looked like today, preparing her for what was to come. How things looked between humans and dragons, and how the world had evolved in certain aspects.

She listened carefully, without tearing her gaze away from him. Then he stopped, wondering if she was tired. “It might be too much for today,” he said.

“So much has changed,” she said thoughtfully, her eyes holding a hint of sadness, fear, and confusion.

He felt bad for her. He didn’t know why she was cursed and locked but he didn’t get a bad feeling about her and he was never wrong about people.

The priests came by and this time there was a more civil encounter. Still, he could tell she didn’t trust them and was guarded. He couldn’t blame her. She got something to eat, which she devoured, and then fell asleep on his bed. He watched her fascinated, still wondering how she got her hair and skin glowing after being locked in a cave for so long. Perhaps it was a dragon, a healing thing.

Leaving her behind, he went to sleep in another bed he was provided with, in the room next. He put his pistol under his pillow, sleeping yet being awake. Sometime during the night, he felt a presence. He reached for his pistol carefully and turned around. He found Nazneen looming over him.

Her eyes seemed wet as if she had been crying. “Can I… sleep with you?”

Ares needed a moment to let the words sink in.

“I hate it but I can’t help myself,” she admitted, her voice breaking a little.

Well, well. He had only shared a bed with a woman once without doing anything because he cared about her. But was he supposed to keep this utterly appetizing woman in this small bed that barely had a place for him, and do nothing?

Not that he wanted to. She was emotionally attached because of the pull and he didn’t want to complicate things further. But he couldn’t find himself saying no either. He thought of her earlier outburst, how she had waited for him. Waited for warmth. She had been deprived of contact for so long.

He sympathized with her.

Ares made space for her and she snuck under the covers. She wasn’t careful not to brush against him. In fact, she seemed to seek him out. He couldn’t just ignore her so he gave her the comfort she sought.

Nazneen sighed and after a moment, he felt like she was crying. He didn’t need to ask why. He understood. Perhaps he was weak for broken people. He couldn’t explain this otherwise.


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