Touch of Flame

Chapter 154 Who are you?

Ares woke up from another strange dream where he was drowning. He did not die. He had drowned so many times as a young boy, and even as he became older he had survived many storms that destroyed the ships he was on, killing everyone except for him. He would always find himself safe on shore.

How did she know? Did her vision also show her that? He didn’t have dragon blood back then, so did she mean that there was something else different about him beyond the blood experiment?

Getting out of bed he went outside to pick up his clothes that had dried under the sun. Although the vest was comfortable, he wanted to wear his own clothes to be able to carry his weapons. Priests or not, he was a pirate and always on guard.

Once he got dressed and reattached his weapons, he went to the temple. Ankine was seated outside on the other side, facing the view outside. She had her legs crossed and her palms pressed together while. Her back and neck were straight and the wind blew her hair as she kept her eyes closed. It looked like she was praying.

Leaning against the wall of the temple, he waited for her. She opened her eyes slowly, her hands coming down; a smile curved her lips. She stood up ever so elegantly.

“Good morning, My Lord. I was just about to come with breakfast.”

He watched her carefully then pushed himself away from the wall.

“How old are you?” He asked.

“I am near two-thousand years old.”

Two-thousand? He tried not to look surprised.

He stepped closer to her. “And you have been a priestess all that time?”

“No. I found my vision when I was around three hundred years old. Then I went on a journey to find where I belong and what my mission in life is. We all have a mission. A purpose.”

She had been a priestess long enough. He continued to step closer and could see the change in her eyes. She kept her ground. “So is a priestess like a nun or … can you be with a man?”

He studied her carefully. Her eyes widened a little and he could see the faint color on her cheeks. “My Lord,” she began the softness disappearing from her voice. “I do not dwell in the pleasures of life. I am only here to complete my purpose so I can find peace.”

“This place looks peaceful.”

“Not that kind of peace. The goal is to not be reborn again. Until we have completed what is in our destiny, we will return to this world. We can not escape our destiny.”

“Hmm…” he nodded. At least from the way she was flustered and angry, she was a priestess and had abstained from the pleasures of being with a man at least.

He went and sat at the stairs. Last night he had contemplated whether to stay or leave, but his curiosity made him want to stay and explore this option. There had been more attacks on their people and he wanted to know if there was a more efficient way he could help.

He also wondered about this breedmate thing. He worried for Ravina and wanted to know how these dragons would treat a breedmate. Unfortunately, he hadn’t read much about how female dragons behaved toward their breedmate.

“This ancient language that you wish for me to unlock, does every dragon tamer possess it?”

He was thinking about Ravina.

“No. From my experience, not all dragon tamers can speak the ancient language.”

“You have worked with dragon tamers before?”

“Yes. It is my duty here on earth.”

“To help bring peace?”


“Your clan has been attacking humans lately.”

“I know. Why do you think you are here? Tamers are sent to the most rebellious clans. The white dragons are known for their hatred toward humans. Together with the black dragons, they have been the most vicious.”

Black dragons? The terrorizers.

“Tamers come in times of need and come to the clans that need them the most. They are special people. Brave, focused, passionate and intelligent. They usually have a certain talent that will serve their purpose. They are people often willing to sacrifice themselves for others.”

Her tone became a little sad as she spoke the last sentence and her face hardened to conceal whatever emotion was coming to the surface.

“They are people who stand up against wrong, and fight for what is right.”

“That doesn’t sound like me,” he said. He had lived the wrong way most of his life, stolen, plundered, taken without asking.

“You do not see what I see then,” she said eyes looking straight into his soul. He felt exposed in an odd way.

She sat down on the rock near the cliff’s edge, staring back at him.

“If I unlock this ancient language, can I command you?”

She chuckled for the first time. “Yes. Now you wonder why I would want you to learn it?”

He nodded.

“Because you are a tamer. You won’t misuse your power. You are given the gift to protect your people.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure if I were you,” he smirked.

“Then I guess I need to observe you the way you are observing me.” She tilted her head with a smile. “Let’s have breakfast,” she said standing up just when he heard chatter behind him.

The other priests came with trays of food and placed them on small tables. They sat on the ground to eat.

“If the real queen is locked, who is ruling?” Ares wondered.

“It is our cruel King, Tural. He does not have a queen yet.”

“Whoever he is, he wouldn’t be happy to find out I am here. Is this not dangerous for you?”

“It is my duty so it is worth the risk. Only priests know about dragon tamers to keep you safe. If someone comes here, you will be a slave who helps us clean the place. It will be easier if you look the part.” She said pointing at his jacket and all the belts and weaponry.

“Well, I think I should at least keep those for the meeting of your queen.”

A female dragon, of royal blood; and he knew what royal blood meant. Purebred dragons, closest alive to their ancestors which gave them the right to the throne, because the purer the blood, the stronger the dragon was. In other words, she was dangerous.

“Why does the king not just kill her?” He wondered.

“The curse seemed to not only lock her away but protect her as well. None of us can reach her even if we know where she is. It is said only her breedmate can.”

“How can you be sure I am the one for her?”

“I am not. Only she can know, but from my experience, all dragon tamers have been the breedmate of a Katharos. The only female Katharos in our clan is her so I am almost certain.”

“Well, I don’t have all the time in the world. I should see her quickly to be certain and know what to do further.” He said.

He didn’t like wasting too much time.

After breakfast, Ankine took him to the cave where she thought the Katharos queen was chained. “This is the place,” she said.

He looked at the entrance. It was pitch dark inside. Well, it was time to get this over with. He took the burning torch from Ankine and walked toward the entrance.

“Wait!” She called.

he looked over his shoulder.

“Don’t just walk in,” she said worriedly. “There is a spell blocking the entrance. Try to get your hand inside first.”


He reached out. There was nothing blocking him. He walked further and further in with a hand stretched out and when he thought he walked a good bit inside without anything blocking him, he looked back.

Ankine watched him with a hopeful look. “Good luck,” she called. “And be careful.”

Clearly, she didn’t know that danger was his thing. It gave him an addictive rush. One he had missed and enjoyed during his days as a pirate. The thrill of not knowing what was going to happen next.

He followed the path inside that narrowed and then expanded. he could see bats hanging above, some of them flying away upon his arrival. The slowly became humid, and then water dripped on him from above. As he looked up for a moment he stepped into a pool of water that made a splashing sound. That was when he heard a threatening low growl coming from the darkness ahead.

His eyes focused, bringing the torch forward to see what was ahead. He turned, lighting the torch around him to find any threat while his other hand was ready to pull his pistol.

Suddenly, fire burned everywhere around him, lighting the place up. Ares looked around startled when his eyes caught a strange figure rising up. A body covered in long hair, slowly stretched its limbs, standing up to show a female figure.

She was barely clad, but still covered in dirt. Her long dark hair was tousled and dirty falling all the way down to below her waist. He couldn’t say much about her face, it was covered in dirt but her eyes were like torches burning brighter than the fire around him.

They were wild as they fell on him, then threatening, suspicious, and at last curious. Regardless, they held him bound.

She stepped closer, her eyes turning more hostile the closer she came then she stopped a good distance away. Her face tensed, lips pressed into a thin line. “Who are you?”


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