Touch of Flame

Chapter 184 Encounters (part 2)

Ravina looked up to see what people were staring at when she spotted a white dragon flying toward them. Her heartbeat accelerated and fear prickled her skin, reminding her of all the terror she went through recently. It had taken her time to overcome her fear of shadows and fire but the fear of attack was still raw and the wounds kept being reopened every time she tried to heal. It was like having your broken pieces kicked out of your reach whenever you tried to pick them up and then you had to crawl to find them, acquiring new wounds on the way.

She watched the dragon near. It was only one so she relaxed a bit when she noticed someone riding the dragon. A face too familiar that changed the rhythm of her heartbeat. Her entire body tensed as the dragon descended and she got a more clear view of the person on top.

It couldn’t be. Fear twisted her stomach, especially when she sensed other dragons gathering around what they perceived to be a threat.


What was he doing here? She looked around fearing for his safety but her gaze quickly returned to him, not wanting to miss him for a second. He swung one leg over and then jumped off the dragon’s back. Despite the height and distance, he landed gracefully.

He was dressed as usual, with long heavy velvet coat of royal blue adorned with an array of golden buttons down the entire length of the front and wide cuffs buttoned back. Under the coat, she could see some weapons tied to his belt and she knew others were hidden behind or inside his long leather boots.

He looked just like in her latest dream. His rich green eyes shifted between emerald and a wet teal blue. His dark brown hair was let loose, resting just above his shoulders and the lines of his face were as sharp as she remembered.

He still had the cunning look and didn’t display a hint of fear or worry. Not even when someone shifted to their dragon form beside Malachi and growled at him, causing his hair to blow back.

Ravina shivered but Ares only grimaced and turned his face away slightly without stepping back. Once the dragon was done with his intimidation, Ares turned his head back with an expression of disgust. “You have bad breath,” he told the dragon.

Ravina took notice of the female beside him, dressed in orange and red like Chanan. She stood remaining calm as well. Who was she and what was Ares doing here?

Her heart skipped when his gaze fell on her. His eyes swirled with different greens and blues reminding him of oceans and seas. It gave her a strange feeling. He looked slightly different but still very much the same.

Ravina could only stare at him. She knew it hadn’t been long since she left him but it felt that way. His eyebrows moved a little as he watched her and then his gaze swiftly shifted to Malachi and his expression changed.

He took a few steps forward and she felt a thick tension in the air. All of Malachi’s brothers were present now and she didn’t like it one bit. One wrong move and everything could turn fatal. Her heart kept beating as the animosity displayed by the others filled the atmosphere. She stepped forward a little, just in case something happened to get in between them.

Ares came to a halt, standing straight in front of them and a subtle smile curving his lips. But his eyes were different from his smile. They remained cold and sharp.

“We meet again King Malachi.” He spoke.

Saul stepped forward almost blocking her view. “Who are you?” He asked before Malachi could speak.

“I am Ares Steele. You don’t know me but King Malachi does.” He said simply.

Malachi motioned for his brother to step back. He wore a frown and his gaze was fixed on Ares. “What brings you here?” He asked unable to conceal the disapproval in his tone.

Ares tilted his head, the smile still remaining but his eyes hardening. “I came to free someone who is wrongly accused and held hostage.”

The hostage? How did he know her?

“And how do you know her?”

“Well, I am her breedmate.” He smiled.

Her breedmate? She felt that strange sting in her heart again.

“I am the one who freed her so whatever you are accusing her of is untrue.” He added.

He came here for the prisoner. Ravina felt her heart sink. For a moment she thought he had come for her and while she was worried and scared, she was a little happy too. Now…

She swallowed the heavy lump in her throat.

Both men glared at each other for a moment.

“Why should I take your word for it?” Malachi asked.

“Why should you not? Does she hold a grudge against you or do you think I do?”

“I am not sure. We are in no position to be friends.”

“We are certainly not, but if I wanted to kill you, don’t you think I had enough chances while you were chained in a cave?”

Saul became angry instead of Malachi. Jumping forward he grabbed Ares by the collar. “So you are the one who tortured my brother?”

Ravina tensed.

“Let him go, Saul!” Malachi ordered.

Ares remained unfazed and didn’t pull his weapons which she was grateful for. Saul refused to let him go until Malachi repeated his order.

Saul pushed back Ares and then glared at him with a look of disgust. Ares simply adjusted his shirt and jacket. The woman who came with him looked worried.

“It seems like you didn’t tell your brother that you are here because I saved you,” Ares added.

Malachi didn’t look happy about it. Before things spiraled out of control, Ravina reached for Malachi. He turned his head with annoyance.

“Maybe we should all sit and talk calmly,” she suggested.

Now she felt Ares’ gaze on her and she glanced his way. His expression revealed nothing. Malachi turned to him, “why don’t you come inside to talk.”

“After he removes his weapons,” Saul added, standing in Ares’ way.

“And give them to who exactly?” Ares raised a brow.

“Just let him go!” Malachi told his brother.

“I am not letting him near you with bullets,” Saul refused.

The woman behind Ares stepped forward. “The pistols are for his protection and he needs it more than your brother.” She spoke in a soft tone.

Kenan put his hand on Saul’s shoulder and removed him gently out of the way. Saul was still not convinced and followed Ares who followed them. Ravina felt uneasy being in this situation. She became suddenly cautious of the way she was dressed and then remembered her clawed back, hoping her long hair was covering the scars well.

They arrived at the parlor and she sat beside Malachi on one couch and Ares sat on the other, with the unknown lady. Malachi’s brothers were all there standing spread out in the room.

Ares met her gaze for a brief moment yet she read a million things in his eyes. All the moments they shared together flashed through her mind. From the moment he walked into the party hall, danced with her, took off her glove and kissed her wrist, came behind her to help her with the firearm, to when he first kissed her on their picnic, saved her life, and hugged her to sleep and then their last goodbye kiss.

Ares looked away as if recalling those memories as well. “Where is Nazneen?” He asked with a tone that lacked patience and humor this time.

Nazneen. So that was her name?

“Locked away,” Malachi replied.

“She has been locked for so long and you lock her away again with no evidence. Is this how you rule, King Malachi?”

Oh, was he angry? She couldn’t tell clearly. He was good at keeping his composure but she guessed he was annoyed at least.

“That is how I gather my evidence,” now it was Malachi’s turn to have some humor in his tone. “Now you give me the evidence I need.”

Ares titled his head. “I have no physical evidence for you. Since I released Nazneen she has been with me every day and she isn’t in contact with any dragons. Even her clan doesn’t know about her.”

The woman beside him nodded.

“It is too much of a coincidence. Her release and King Tural’s death.” Malachi pointed.

Ares smiled amused. “Since you don’t seem to know Nazneen let me tell you that she isn’t much of a planner. If she wanted king Tural dead, she would kill him and not bother hiding it.”

Malachi nodded calmly. “But you are a planner.”

Ares frowned.

“You released her. I am sure you didn’t do it out of love or kindness.”

Ares chuckled, displaying a smile known to her. His teeth looked slightly different with a little longer and sharper canines. He looked even more sly with his teeth bared.

She ignored the strange look. Maybe she just forgot his smile. Instead, she focused on what Malachi said. He had a point and now Ravina wondered how Ares ended up with Nazneen.

“You are right, but I promise you, if I planned something, you would never know,” Ares said. “I wouldn’t be so careless with my plan.”

“Then what are you carefully planning?” Malachi asked. “After all, the reason you saved me was that I was part of your plan.”


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