Tori Transmigrated

Chapter 95: Not Conducive to Our Fun

Chapter 95: Not Conducive to Our Fun

There is a shop in the fifth district that is closing. Guild Master Skuldsen sat with Tori out on the lounge chairs, just past the deck where another surprisingly tense game of bingo was happening. It may fit your needs.

We will need quite a bit of storage space, as well as open areas for the machines, Tori said. The fifth district was a good location for shops, but perhaps not necessarily for everything else. This is a rather unique venture that will work as both a factory of sorts for our Lions Gate Duel games and a standard print shop.

Henriks father raised his hand and rubbed his chin thoughtfully. How much space will you require?

A large work area in the back, a store front, and an upper floor for storage and game tables, she said.

It may take some time, but I will look for venues that will accommodate what youre looking for, he replied. When you said print shop, I didnt think it was going to be that big.

My familys print shop isnt made for producing the games were developing. The Guevera print shop in Horizon was small and usually only handled making invitations, announcements, and menus for private events. Tori used them when she could, but there were limitations, and she didnt want to take up their time with her projects.

After discussing with Henrik and Ilyana, they decided to open their own print and gaming store. The fine details had yet to be worked out, but they had a general idea of what they wanted. The various games they often played proved popular, not only at the festival event, but Ewan said that dungeon crawl was extremely popular in La Garda.

It was brought over by Sir Navarro and his friends who sparred with Ewan. Rumors had it that some knights who were training La Garda students had also been caught up with it. There was a good potential for sales and Lions Gate wanted to develop it and corner the market while they could.

She needed to call her family to discuss assistance in procuring the supplies they needed and perhaps getting an experienced print shop manager and designer from one of the existing shops around the empire.

12! she heard Henriks voice call out further behind them.

Thats me! I got the bingo! Duchess Fekete raised her arm at once. Lady Agafonova, please check my card!

Ugh...thats her second time tonight. Duchess Tetri scowled.

What can I say? Duchess Fekete smirked smugly. Im simply lucky.

Ilyana went to check her card. That nights prizes were all-inclusive, two summer night stays in Viclya. Theyd spend the night in luxurious tents, play and explore during the day, and eat and drink for free.

Once her card was confirmed, Duchess Fekete scheduled another two nights next to her first two nights.

Well done, Dear, her husband said in his stern voice beside her. If we are able to win one more, we can make a week of it.

Tori chuckled and leaned back, sipping on fruit juice as the warm delta breeze swept over her.

Compared to Ewans birthday, there were only about a half dozen families invited for the overnight portion. The Prime Minister and his wife had played a round of bingo and after winning a stay over the summer, they had gone off to walk up and down the promenade.

After dinner and fireworks, the majority of the guests returned to Horizon. Many were envious that several groups were able to stay. It was almost a sign of prestige to be invited to spend the night, though Tori had tried to describe it modestly and not really worth being envious of.

The plaza was still open and there were local musicians. Villagers had taken over for their evening walks and dancing. The atmosphere was very relaxed and amongst the villagers were off duty knights, workers, and employees of Lions Gate.

Many guests were interested in the delta now and Tori hoped to open it to a few people for overnight reservations over the summer. While it was hotter than in Horizon, there was also the breeze off the water and calm atmosphere. It was an ideal place to unwind and if this event did its job, then news would spread about the delta and others would inquire to stay.

Albert, Ewan, and Constantine were on hammocks along the shore, along with Prince Emil and Alberts grandfather. Prince Emil and Alberts grandfather were friends from their Lyce days, and it was Alberts grandfather who introduced Prince Emil to Princess Vivian, who was his neighbor. Tori always admired such long-lasting friendships and hoped that one day, when they were old and gray, shed also be in a row of hammocks with her friends.

Tori stretched out and pushed herself up. Im going to take a walk by the water. If you need anything, just raise your arm, Guild Master.

Thank you, Lady Tori.

Tori took off her sandals and walked towards the water's edge. Everything was going well. The stores and restaurants were very popular. Theyd made so many sales with the new styles of clothing. Interest in the delta was high and they even managed to get all the kittens save one or two adopted.

She was still trying to coax Armando into agreeing to adopt a tuxedo kitten. Baby Istvan had patted the painting earnestly, but Armando held out. Csilla was interested in the kitten and Tori planned to take the kitten to their home next weekend to introduce them.

She, Instructor Ignatius, and Lady Idunn also managed to start a relationship with the Tetri Duchy. Tori made a mental note to prepare crystals for her trip and wrinkled her nose. She couldnt keep carrying them all in a sack. It wasnt efficient and shed have to dump all the contents out to find the right crystals.

Huh, looks like its back to the drawing board. Should I make a bag or a box?

She decided to discuss with Master Ramos and instinctively reached for her comcry. Tori paused her hand over the device before taking it out and looking at it. She didnt know how long her brothers work would take, but she usually spoke to Kasen twice a week. She couldnt remember when she didnt, and they werent together. Piers was even worse.

She spoke to him nearly every night. Hed missed their usual game calls. Piers had a specific time he called and was never late. She knew he was busy, but it was strange not to stare at an open comcry with frustration as she walked him through an adventure.

Tori waded into the water, holding the straps of her sandals in one hand and her comcry in the other. She almost expected it to light up.

A flash filled the crystal and Kasens name appeared. Oh, shit, I manifested it. A surge of relief swept through her, and she eagerly slid her finger across. Kasey? Is everything all right? Are you done?

No, but I wanted to check in on you, her brother said. How are you?

Good! The event is going well, Tori said. She narrowed her eyes, hesitant. Are you free to call?

I can afford to take a moment, he said with a slight chuckle. Are you worried?

No. She lowered her eyes. Kind of.

Its mainly paperwork, he told her. Dont worry, were not engaging in any serious battle.

Oh...okay. She had to admit, hearing it was mainly paperwork was a relief. Is it very involved?

Yes, quite a bit. Were almost done with this particular portion and will make the final move soon, he told her. However, there are some things I need to deal with after this, so I wont be able to go back and have dinner with you when its done.

Her shoulders sank. Thats okay. This should come first. Your work is important.

I will have Axton take you to Three Queens in my stead, Kasen said. She could hear a slight smile in his voice and heard a faint voice in the background shouting not to take advantage of him. This job is longer than I thought, so I may not be able to see you for a few months.

Tori stood up straight and frowned. She wanted to ask what it was, but held back. She told herself it was important and classified. Are you going to be safe?

Perhaps a few paper cuts. I have to travel to collect various records and cross-check documents. He let out a tired sigh. Its very time consuming, but not dangerous.

Id rather that be the case, Tori said. She continued to wade through the water. I was going to ask if you wanted to spend some time at the delta this summer.

If Im able to get the information we need, Ill come. Sebastian wants to come for a visit, though. He hasnt seen Lady Idunn for some time, and he seems restless.

Tori let out a small snort. That reminds me, we were invited to the Tetri Duchy to exchange research on irrigation and look into their aquamarines. Instructor Ignatius and I plan to go. Lady Idunn is also making arrangements to join us.

When do you plan to go? Dont tell Sebastian.

Tori snickered. Likely just before Ewan leaves for the La Garda exam. The trip shouldnt take longer than two or three weeks and well be back before Ewan gets his results.

Let Mama and Papa know.

I will. Im still waiting for word from Cousin Siobhan to see if the kids can visit this summer. Apparently, it depends on the results of their studies.

Kasen chuckled. Well, good luck to them, then. I need to go. I will call you again soon.

Tori let out a hum and ended the call. She was looking forward to having dinner with her brother, but at least he didnt seem to be involved in anything too dangerous. Still, a small part of her acknowledged that if he was, he wouldnt tell her.

She headed back towards the deck just as the game was finishing up. Tonight, she would stay in one of the tents on the beach, in case any issues arose that needed to be dealt with. She stuck silence charms on the thick canvas walls before she went to wash up. Tori reviewed the summer reservation list and sales records before her eyes grew heavy.

She climbed onto her bed and just as she sank into the cushion, she caught her comcry glowing from the nightstand beside her. She raised a brow and reached over to flip it open.

Its late. Shouldnt you be sleeping? she asked as she brought the comcry beside her head.

Your brother keeps me busy. I havent been able to call you, Piers replied in a matter-of-fact voice.

Are you allowed to call me? Tori almost grinned as she rolled on her side and put her arm under her head.

I call when I want to call, he said, with a bit of defiance. Next weekend, are you going to the delta again?

Yes, since the weekend after that is just before final exams, Tori said. Why?

I need you to invite my brother.

Tori frowned at once and sat up. Why?

So he can bring Fabian, Piers told her. I need you to keep Fabian away from Horizon next weekend.

She was quiet for a moment and clutched the comcry. Her stomach twisted. Does this have something to do with my brothers work?


Tori bit her lips. Does my brother know that youre asking me?

No. Fabian would normally go train with the cadets, but I dont want him in Horizon that weekend, Piers told her. Can you do this?

There is nowhere else von Dorn and your brother can go? Tori asked, reluctant.

Viclya is the best option. Take them whale watching.

Toris frown deepened. That was a very specific request. Do you want to keep him from using his comcry?

For several hours in the morning, Piers told her. Is this possible?

Yes, as long as he comes. I can distract him, Tori answered. What....

I will answer your questions when its over. I cannot tell you now; your brother threatened me.

Tori let out a small huff. I understand. Take care of yourself.

Tori, Im sorry to get you involved, but after considering the options, this works out best, Piers said, with a hint of regret in his quiet voice. I will compensate you when I return.

You dont have to compensate me. This...this is important, she said. Im a marquis daughter, after all. I have responsibilities.

I called to ask you for help because I trust you, Piers said. Not only because you are a marquis daughter. It is late now. Goodnight, Tori. He hung up and Tori pulled her head back. She let out a low breath.

She stared at her comcry for a moment and then lifted a hand and ran it down her face. She needed to bring both Gideon and Fabian to Viclya. Well...back to getting an ulcer.

Before I do this, I want you all to know that its not something I want to do, but have been ordered to do, Tori said as her friends looked at her with confusion and horror. Im not going to force you to come next weekend. If you dont want to come, as planned, I understand. The company is not...conducive to our fun.

Tori.... Ilyana looked upset and avoided her eyes. They came together for a group dinner at Cafe Fortuna and Tori broke the news.

Are you really going to do this? Sonia asked, as if unable to believe what she heard. Tori nodded.

I have my reasons.

Is it just those two? Sonia continued, squinting.

I thought they could spend the morning whale watching and then we do a boat race. Both activities would force Fabian to be without his comcry. First, he wouldnt be able to use it out on the water. Second, hed have to put his comcry away so as not to drop it into the water when they were paddling.

Piers didnt give her a set timeline; only that she needed to keep Fabian busy in the morning. The additional activity of the boat race was a precaution.

Wait. Sonia sat up straight and narrowed her eyes. Boat race?

Yes. Ill have the outriggers prepared and get some imperial knights to volunteer to help. A few have told me they were interested in racing, as well. I thought it would also be a good opportunity for some off-duty knights to participate, Tori said. What she really wanted to do was to make the event longer and keep Fabian away from his comcry.

In that case, I want to go. Id like to paddle against the second prince and von Dorn, Sonia said with some fire in her eyes.

What about his other friends? JP asked. Like Guthry and Hart?

Guthry didnt even come with his parents, Ilyana said, scowling. She leaned back against her chair and crossed her arms over her chest. He snubbed us first. Why should he be invited again?

There were various nods of agreement.

The invitation was for the entire family, Constantine said. Considering how many people were interested in coming, but were not invited to the event, I would think he wouldve come.

He clearly doesnt want to, Henrik said with a scoff.

I dont think hes going to invite them. Tori thought for a moment. But Ill make it clear that only he and Fabian are invited.

Can I invite Miss Claire? Sonia asked.

Tori raised a brow and Ilyana leaned closer. She elbowed Sonia with a gleeful expression. I thought you said you didnt accept her confession?

Sonia smiled a bit, but shook her head. Considering that Im still in Lyce and focused on riding and shes going to start her business administration training soon, we decided it would be too difficult. However, I think shes very nice and we have similar interests in riding. We decided to keep in touch as friends.

Thats very thoughtful of you, Sonia, Tori said with a nod. Ill leave it to you to contact her and invite her. She can join us in the carriage.

Thanks, Tori.

Anyone else have a prospective love interest or friend they would like to invite? Tori asked, her eyes sweeping across the remaining people as she tried to hold back a smirk.

JP rolled his eyes and Albert let out a low groan. Im going to join a club next year.

Join the Sword Association. Ewan encouraged him as he slapped Albert on the back. Swordsmen are very popular. Gael and the others from La Garda have a lot of admirers. Not to mention Master and His Highness.

Ewan, you cant compare normal people to Sir Nassaun and His Highness, JP said.

There are many single people in the Sword Association! Ewan sat up straight and defended his suggestion with a sulk. Thats where my brother met his girlfriend.

Hold on, Tori said with a hint of disbelief. Whos Captain Patricks girlfriend? If she was in the Sword Association, then Tori wouldve known her.

Ewans eyes widened and he shrank back. He shook his head. Iyanas curious eyes were already boring into him. Its too late! You cant not tell us now.

Do we know her? Henrik asked.

Ewan nodded and averted his eyes. happened on my birthday.

Tori let out a gasp. If it was a Sword Association member and a woman the former captain knew, there was only one person. And she had been sitting close to Captain Patrick during bingo. Is it Captain Messer?

Ewan grimaced and nodded. She had dinner at our house at the start of the Spring Festival and my brother told us.

I always thought Captain Messer was interested in GG, Albert said.

Tori and Ilyana shook their heads. No. And GG is interested in Tiff, Tori told them with a dismissive flick of her wrist. Hes very awkward around her.

Thats not like GG at all. Ilyanas eyes widened with surprise. He usually seems so confident.

Sonia nodded. Hes tall, strong, and has a good personality. Hes not bad looking, either.

Tiff likes pretty boys, though. Ilyana sighed with some pity. Like Mr. Zisos. Constantine jerked his head back, as if it were the first time hed been called such a thing and didnt know how to react.

Speaking of pretty boys! Tori sat up straight and looked at them with wide eyes. Did I tell you about Instructor Ignatius?

No one seemed to believe her, and Tori made a point to tell Instructor Ignatius to assist with the boat race that weekend so she could prove it. However, first she needed to secure the second prince and Fabian.

Tori imagined numerous ways to invite them and in the end, settled for simply approaching them in their metacrystals class the next day, when Dimitri and Alessa were not present to overhear and casually invite themselves.

Your Highness, a word, Tori said as she walked towards where he sat in the front of the class. Gideon had just arrived with Fabian and placed their things on the table. Gideon looked a bit suspicious of her approach, but Fabian kept his eyes down.

Can I help you, Lady Guevera? Gideon asked.

Tori took a deep breath. My friends and I are going back to the delta this weekend and when I told Piers, he suggested that I invite you to join us as you seemed to have enjoyed yourself last time. We will be going out to look at whales again and then do a boat race in the afternoon.

Gideons eyes widened and Tori wondered if he thought it was a trap. It was, but he didnt need to know that.

You...are inviting me? he asked.

Its more that Im challenging you, Tori said. My friends and I are going to be racing, I recalled that I beat you quite badly in the unofficial heat. Perhaps if you paddle with Sir von Dorn, you may actually cross the finish line less than a boat length after mine.

A flash of irritation crossed Gideons face. He narrowed his eyes and his lips tightened into a line. You got lucky last time with your nanny.

I do have the best nanny, Tori said, confident. What do you say? Imperial carriages and knights accompany us, anyway. We will meet at the front gate at the end of the week. Bring an overnight bag. We will be staying in the same tents as last time.

Gideon scoffed and looked over at Fabian. Are you able to come?

Fabians red eyes flickered to Toris and he turned his head away. Yes. I will inform the knight cadets.

Gideon gave Tori an arrogant look. Then we have a rematch, Lady Guevera.

She gave him a curt nod. I look forward to welcoming you back after you lose. She turned around and walked back to her desk in the back of the room. Success! All I had to do was challenge him. Good job, Tori.

She wanted to report to Piers that shed lured his brother and Fabian to the delta, but hesitated to contact him in case it interfered with his work with her brother. Instead, she focused on the arrangements.

At the end of the week, the group met at the front gates of Lyce. Tori was only mildly surprised that Alessa didnt appear. However, the two she needed to bring to the delta were present. Gideon wore a haughty look, as if he was guaranteed to beat her. Tori almost rolled her eyes.

Claire also arrived, excited. Sonia introduced her to everyone.

Tori didnt know why she felt a bit nervous. All she had to do was keep Fabian from being able to use his comcry. She didnt even have to explain it, and no matter what happened, this was an order from someone above both her and Fabian. Fabian couldnt retaliate against her, not that she thought he could.

A small entourage of familiar imperial knights and three imperial carriages arrived. Tori let her friends pick which of the first two carriages to sit in, as the smaller one at the back, which was the most luxurious of the trio, would carry Gideon and Fabian. Before Tori could direct them to take it, the footman jumped down and opened the door to reveal a woman already seated within.

Hello! I heard you are racing boats this weekend!

Toris jaw dropped. Your Majesty?

Shhh! The Empress winked and held her finger to her lips. Im Auntie Nika.

Why are you doing this to me? Tori took a deep breath and put her hand over her stomach.

Dont worry, its just me this time, the Empress said, far too upbeat for Tori. The older woman turned towards her son and waved him forward. Come inside! Youll need to rest as much as possible for tomorrow.

Gideons face reddened and he trudged forward, gripping a small overnight bag with him as Fabian followed, trying to appear as if he werent surprised that the Empress had decided to come with them.

The footman closed the door once they entered, and Tori turned around. She shut her eyes and took a deep breath. No one knew the Empress was coming. It was fine. There were plenty of knights.

Tori whimpered as she climbed into the carriage with Ilyana and Nanny Rey. Are you all right? Ilyana asked.

Auntie Nika is joining us this weekend, too.

Ilyanas eyes widened and across from them, Sonia jerked her head back. Claire looked amused. Your aunt, Lady Guevera?

Tori swallowed hard and nodded. Yes, shes very...enthusiastic about boat racing.

I am curious, as well, Claire said. Im excited to go. Will the shops that were open for the Spring Festival be opened?

The shops are open, but no shoppers are expected, Tori said. They are open as the craftsmen are working, though. You will be able to visit the shops.

Wonderful! Claire beamed. Thank you for inviting me!

Tori forced a bright smile as she pressed against her stomach. This was all Piers fault. If she didnt have to lure Gideon and Fabian using activities to keep them on the water, then the Empress wouldnt have come. Now, Tori had to be concerned about security and a possible stress-induced ulcer, as well.

I will watch over your Auntie Nika, Nanny Rey said as her rough hand gently patted Toris. Do not worry, my angel. I have experience.

Tori nodded. Thank you, Nanny.

How she was able to get some sleep on the ride down to the delta was a surprise to her. She vaguely remembered walking to her usual tent before she went to sleep. She hoisted the duty of host to Albert, as she, Ilyana, Henrik, and Constantine all had some work to take care of for their projects.

Ewan helped arrange for the boat race and a few knights and villagers who had assisted the last time were called on to set up the buoys, check the boats, and be timers. At least a dozen off-duty knights who were stationed at the delta had come to participate in the race after hearing that they were welcomed to try.

Tori attended the usual meeting, though it was longer than normal with reports from the Spring Festival event. The villagers had a very positive reception of it and were looking forward to opening up and welcoming more tourists during the summer. There were a few kinks to work out, but they were minor.

Tori continued to keep a close eye on the time. The whale watching boat ride was supposed to take longer than normal, as after the trip, they would circle the shoreline and islands to take in the scenery. They were also scheduled to have lunch on the boat.

As a precaution to avoid losing their comcrys, Tori told everyone to leave their devices in their tents. Once it was dropped in the water, the chances of finding it were small. No one wanted to lose their comcry.

Well past lunch, Tori, Ilyana, Henrik, and Constantine arrived on the shore by the deck where they all had breakfast that morning. Smaller boats were bringing in their friends and Gideon and Fabian from the larger boat that had taken them out. The Empress had been relaxing in a hammock most of the morning, and when the out-riggers were brought out, she did some trial heats with her personal aide.

She seemed confident. Piers told Tori that his mother had been practicing and waiting for a chance to return.

All right, everyone! Welcome back! Tori said. It was warmer than she thought it would be and so she and Ilyana had changed into Lions Gate swimwear along with Henrik, Constantine, and Ewan.

Tori went with cerulean while Ilyana was in dusty pink. Both were two pieces; short swim pants with matching-colored tops that gave the illusion of wrapping around their chests, but were actually held together by metal clasps. Ilyanas went around the back of her neck and Toris had thin straps over her shoulders.

When she had put it on, she had looked at her chest. Lately, it was aching a bit, but it didnt appear to have much growth. Disappointing.

Is this the new line of swimwear? Claire nearly flew off the small boat to look at the clothes. I heard that Lions Gate came out with a delta collection that included swimwear.

This is indeed some samples from our delta collection, Tori said. She held out her arms and turned around to show it off. She normally didnt like to show her belly, but this was the style of swimwear in Soleil. When in Rome.... We are currently testing different fabrics for comfort and mobility in water.

Knowing that we will likely be getting wet, we have prepared samples of our delta collection swimwear for everyone today! Ilyana said, motioning to the deck, where two clothing racks and a half dozen changing booths had been set up. Please feel free to try them and tell us what you think.

If you like them, you can purchase them today or put in an order for customized pieces, Henrik added.

Always thinking about making money. Sonia clicked her tongue as she passed Henrik. She was grinning as she went towards the rack of womens swimwear.

Can we pick anyone? JP asked.

Yes! All the styles are there as well as color samples, Ilyana said. If you need help finding the right size or color, let our shop assistants know. She motioned her hand towards the two women standing by each rack.

Gideon seemed to be going through the swim pants and bumped into someone. He turned and jerked his head back as he saw his mother. He gave her a confused look as she continued to go through the rack of mens swim pants.

Im trying to find one for your father, she said in a distracted, quiet voice. He spends so much time indoors and hes so pale...perhaps a bright color? I cant see him in a pattern. Can you, Gideon? Gideon shook his head and seemed to try to concentrate on finding something to wear. He looked at Fabian next to him. Fabian, what are you staring at?

Tori turned her head and met Fabians gaze just as he snapped his head back and began violently rummaging through the rack of samples. She knit her brows together and looked back towards the water. She felt someones eyes on her earlier. Was it Fabian? She shuddered.

Does he suspect something? Tori frowned. Perhaps she celebrated her success at luring them to the delta too early. If she really thought about it, no matter how much she wanted to beat Gideon in a boat race again, she likely would not invite him back unless told to and with good reason.

Did Fabian realize that something was wrong with the situation? Tori didnt know how Fabian was involved in her brothers work. For all she knew, Fabian mightve had a clue. However, he didnt protest coming. He didnt complain and he didnt hesitate to get on the boat that morning to go whale watching. He didnt show any signs that he did not want to be there or was bothered that he left his comcry in his tent.

But why did he look at her now? Did she appear guilty?

Tori pursed her lips and tried to think if she acted out of the ordinary.

Tori, how do you want to organize the heats? Henrik asked. He handed her a notebook with the names of the pairs. Tori circled them arbitrarily, with the exception of her and Ewan against Gideon and Fabian. Nanny Rey was watching the Empress carefully, so she could not pair with Tori this time.

Lets go with this and then do heats with the winners of each until we get to the last race, Tori said. Continue to time everyone for comparison later.

Henrik nodded and began to call out the names of who would go first. A few off-duty knights were eager to try while on-duty knights looked on with envy, having watched the race during Ewans birthday.

Tori called out the first heat between two pairs of knights and watched as they shot out into the water. Behind her, people began to come out of the changing booths in swimwear and while the knights were racing, Tori and Ilyana showed Sonia, Claire, and the Empress the elegant cover-ups made by the villagers Ilyana was working with for her project.

Claire was the first to put in an order, selecting colors that went with her. After the race, you can go and visit the stores on the promenade, Tori told her. In case you wish to get something for your parents.

Claire nodded, excited. Lady Guevera, please let me know if you are looking for employees for business administrative work for Lions Gate.

Are you looking for a position? Tori asked. Claire nodded.

Yes, I have some experience working with my familys business and will be taking some training on the finer points. I should be done within half a year. If more training is required, I can study more, Claire said. I can prepare a resume and references.

Tori gave her a nod. Then, please contact me when you finish your training. If there is a position available, which is likely, as Lions Gate is expanding, we will keep you in mind.

Claire looked relieved to hear it. Thank you, my lady.

Tori turned back towards the water. The knights were approaching quickly, and she looked around. Instructor Ignatius was supposed to be there to help call the races.

Dont tell me that crystal fanatic forgot.... Tori let out a tired breath.

Lady Tori! a voice shouted from the pathway that led across the creek, to the promenade. Instructor Ignatius was wearing the same outfit he wore during the Spring Festival event.

Instructor, you need to change into swimwear, Tori said, looking him up and down. Youll be going into the water.

I will? He looked confused and looked down at his clothing. I dont have swimwear.

She was not surprised. She motioned to the racks on the deck. Please feel free to pick from those racks and change quickly. The next heat will start soon.

Instructor Ignatius ran straight for the racks and seemed to grab the first pair of swim pants he saw before rushing into a changing booth. He popped out just moments later, trying to tie the shaggy hair that normally fell over his eyes back.

Ah. Albert said as several of them looked towards the instructors revealed face. You were right.

I told you, Tori said, lifting her chin. Didnt I say he had that frail, pretty boy look?

He is indeed a pretty boy, Sonia agreed with a nod. A frail one.

I owe Tori a cake, JP said with a resigned sigh.

Instructor Ignatius looked up and furrowed his brows. Tori wasnt sure if he heard them or not, but quickly changed the subject. Instructor, please head out into the water, to the starting line. Once you shout and drop your arm, the paddlers start paddling.

He nodded, appearing to take his task seriously. I understand!

Tori! Henrik shouted. You and Ewan are up next. Get ready!

Who are we up against? Ewan asked, rushing forward from where he was laying on one of the lounge chairs.

Who else? Tori said. She looked past him and towards the deck. Fabian was standing at the edge, with his eyes fixed on the knights who were on their way to the finish line. Gideon came out of the changing booth in lavender colored swim pants and stood beside him.

Ewan looked at Tori. von Dorn and the second prince?

Tori looked at him and nodded. von Dorn is always prodding you for a fight...why dont we give him one?


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