Tori Transmigrated

Chapter 61: This is Some Fairy Tale Sh*t

Chapter 61: This is Some Fairy Tale Sh*t

So, he did. Piers didnt sound surprised. It was more as if he were agreeing with her observation.

Tori narrowed her eyes. She didnt expect Alessa to be there. Most students who werent locals arrived one or two weeks before school started. In addition, for Alessa to be there now, she mustve either only remained in Chetterswickshire for a few days or came directly to Horizon from Kings Harbor.

But there were about two months before school started; where would Alessa stay? Was the Baron there, as well? And with what money would they pay for the stay in Horizon?

Tori lowered her eyes and shut them. This wasnt the time to worry about Alessa. She was there for Piers.

We should wait until your mother is finished talking, so as not to crowd her, Tori said as she opened her eyes. Her fingers subconsciously squeezed Piers arm and a moment later, a warm hand covered them.

She looked up and Piers nodded. We can wait.

As Tori observed the Empress, she smiled a bit. You know, you look like your mother.

Just in hair color, Piers said. Mother says I look like a von Schwert. She is very proud of it.

They lingered along the side of the ballroom, waiting for his brother to finish what looked like introducing Alessa to the Emperor. Tori couldnt hear what Gideon was saying, but from the empty smile on the Empress face, it wasnt anything engaging. Her lips were curled up and the corners of her brown eyes were crinkled, but her smile didnt reach them.

Alessa seemed to stand there and nod, agreeing with whatever Gideon was rambling about. Her dress was quite beautiful: warm colors that went well with her skin tone and set off a nice rosy glow. There were bits that seemed to sparkle under the light of the light crystals when she moved. Her wavy blonde hair was pinned up to reveal her slender neck and sloping shoulders. There were even crystal ornamental hair pins in her updo.

Her gold tone jewelry had yellow gemstones and looked expensive. Tori chalked it up to a family heirloom.

Despite Alessas finery, she seemed a bit distracted. Her eyes kept darting around and she was clinging to Gideons arm more than she had at Siobhans succession ceremony celebration. Perhaps she was nervous being in the imperial palace. It was an intimidating place.

When Tori arrived, she had tried her best not to gawk at the gate house. Each step inside, she was slapped in the face with signs of wealth. That was saying something considering Victoria also came from money and privilege. Such a show shouldnt have been so stunning, but Tori found herself unsure of what to admire first.

She only managed to reign in her awe when she reached the room she was assigned and was faced with a small army of servants to get her ready for the banquet.

Tori looked back at the Empress. She was giving Gideon a small nod and seemed much more restrained than Tori remembered seeing her, both in Moss Hill and at the tournament. She kept her hands in front of her and didnt seem to talk much. Tori only saw her nod at Alessa. The topic couldnt have been dry; Gideon looked energetic and almost proud.

As Tori scrutinized the meeting in front of her, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around and a wide smile filled her face. She released Piers arm and reached up.

Sebby! Congratulations on winning! She shut her eyes as she squeezed her brother in a tight embrace, hoping to relay her pride in him through it. Sebastians arms wrapped around her shoulders and he squeezed her back.

Thank you, Tori. Didnt I say Id win it? She giggled and looked up.

I didnt doubt you!

Master, Piers said, taking a small step towards them. Congratulations.

Instead of the warm smile he showered on Tori, Sebastians eyes narrowed and he gave Piers a cold glare.

I know you were cheering for your brother.

I wasnt.

Sebby, he was a neutral party. Tori vouched for Piers as she stepped back and released her brother. It doesnt matter, anyway. You pretty much dominated the match.

The corner of his lip curled into a slight smirk. I did...but, Im still annoyed that Armando dedicated the championship to Istvan.

Tori resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Its Armandos team.

But I was the one who won the match for them. I decimated the central district.

Tori puffed up her chest and looked at Piers. Didnt I tell you my brother can do anything?

Piers didnt appear impressed at all. He turned his head back towards his parents. Mother is calling, he said instead.

Tori and Sebastian turned towards the Empress, who seemed to have stepped around her second son and his escort, in order to greet them. She had on a bright, welcoming smile as she raised her arms, as if beckoning them to come.

Before Tori could take a step forward, a bent arm appeared on either side of her. On her left, her brother. On the right, Piers. Sebastian shot Piers another glare and Piers avoided his eyes, but didnt lower his arm.

Tori took a deep breath. She raised both hands and put them around the crooks of their arms before she walked forward. She caught Piers' slight smile as her brother let out a small snort, but didnt shake off her hand. The trio approached the Empress and Emperor, who seemed to turn his attention towards them as well.

Beside him, Gideon looked over his shoulder and, upon seeing his brother again, stepped back to give his parents space to greet them. He kept looking at Piers, but didnt open his mouth, likely because of Tori and Sebastian. When Tori was just two steps away, she released her brother and Piers, and pinched the sides of her dress to give the imperial couple a greeting.

Sebastian stopped beside her and moved his arm over his torso as he bent his knee and bowed.

Good evening, Your Majesty, Emperor Matthieu-Philippe, and Your Majesty, Empress Monica. I, Sebastian de Guevera, and my sister, Victoria de Guevera, greet you and wish the Empress a joyful birthday. Sebastians voice was low and polite. It was a formal greeting and it sounded foreign in Toris ears.

Im just used to him being a giant dork most of the time. Tori thought to herself. Axton was the same. Whenever he addressed Tori and Piers, he was always informal, if not playful. It was only when he was speaking to strangers that his voice, tone, and overall bearing changed to fit the formality of the event.

Lord Sebastian, Lady Tori, thank you, the Empress said with an affectionate expression. Im happy you both were able to make it.

Lord Sebastian, its good to see you again, the Emperor said with a curt nod. He motioned a hand towards Gideon. Hed been quiet since they arrived and seemed to be pretending they werent there. She supposed that was better than glaring at her. I trust you remember my youngest, Gideon.

Tori tried to hold back a shudder. The air on her left suddenly felt a bit cold. She glanced towards her brother and found him smiling, but his green eyes were anything but.

Yes, I remember.

And this is his escort for tonight: Lady Alessa Hart. Lady Hart, this is Lord Sebastian de Guevera; you are already familiar with his sister, Lady Tori, and I believe this is the first time youve met my eldest son, Piers.

Her left side felt even colder and Tori reached up to loop her arm around Sebastians to try to calm him. Her entire family now knew what had happened between her, Alessa, and her love interests, though she didnt call them that at the time. Obviously, Sebastian now knew as well.

Lady Alessa Hart. He said her name with a slight edge. He tilted his head and gave her an icy smile. Ive heard of you.

Tori almost didnt catch Piers eyes narrow just a bit. He didnt say anything in greeting.

Alessa lowered her head to give him a bow, but she didnt look back up. Gideon seemed to gently pull her closer to his side and also greeted Sebastian.

Its good to see you again, Lord Sebastian. There was some hesitancy in his voice and Tori wondered if Gideon was intimidated by her brother.

As he should be.

Your Majesty, how did you find the match this morning? The look on her brothers face warmed up as he looked back towards the Emperor.

Ah, I suppose congratulations are in order, the Emperor let out a low chuckle. Congratulations on winning the match, Lord Sebastian. I had hope that our central district would come out on top again, but we didnt expect you to play and control the match.

Sebastian gave him a small, amused nod. I had assured my friend, Captain St. John, and promised my sister that I would win.

The Empress nodded in agreement. As expected of Tonis eldest.

Sebastian gave her a thankful nod in return. He then looked back at Gideon. Good game, Your Highness.

Yes...good game, Lord Sebastian. Gideon almost seemed pained to say it. I didnt know you were such a talented player.

I learned from my mother.

Hmm...Toni was the best player when we were in Horizon. I remember one summer, your father caught a cold and couldnt play in the tournament. He asked Toni to take his place, the Empress said, thoughtfully.

The Emperor let out a defeated sigh. That was the first time in three decades that the central districts polo team won a championship....

The Empress looked back at Tori and lifted her hand to take Toris free one. Lady Tori, I havent complimented you yet on your dress. You look beautiful. Her eyes flickered over to Piers and her smile deepened. By any chance, did my son get his suit to match?

Piers nodded once. Tori said we should match for such an event.

The Empress let out a small, pleased laugh and squeezed Toris hand approvingly. And were the stylists and maids I sent to your taste?

Ah, yes! Tori almost winced at her own rudeness. She almost forgot to thank the Empress. They did an amazing job! For them to come on such short notice and do such an elaborate job...Im very grateful.

Think nothing of it, my dear, the Empress said fondly. You are Tonis little girl, after all.

Mother, Piers said across from her.

The Empress satisfied look didnt leave her face. She didnt look at Piers. What?

Let go of her hand.

The Empress looked down and Tori smiled weakly. The Empress not only hadnt let go, but was petting the back of her hand as if she were a cat. The woman let out a laugh and dropped Toris hand at once.

Oh my! She gave her hand back. Well, I am very happy you came and that you are escorting my son. I do hope you enjoy your time at the banquet.

Tori gave her a nod. Then, we will see you at dinner, Your Majesty. She and Sebastian stepped back and gave the imperial couple another subtle bow before stepping away. For propriety, she also gave a small nod of her head towards Gideon, but she had to force herself to hold back a sneer.

Piers offered his arm once more and Tori took it. Her brother leaned towards her when they were several paces away. Is that her?

Thats her, Tori replied in a low voice. I didnt know shed be here.

Sebastian let out a low snort. Ill find out.

After the banquet.

He nodded and followed them around the room. Tori watched as he greeted other guests and was only a little surprised that so many people recognized him. Then again, he had spent eight years of his life in Horizon and seemed the type to have a formidable network of acquaintances. Sebastian was very comfortable in his role as the marquis heir and had no problem starting and carrying conversations.

Tori found herself a bit more relaxed with her brother present. Piers also did his greetings, but with Sebastian there, the attention focused solely on him was lessened. As a result, he also moved through the crowds, greeting, and chatting up others with relative ease.

Lord Sebastian, is this your sister? She heard someone ask and she turned to see a guest speaking with her brother.

Yes, this is Victoria, Sebastian said. Shes...accompanying the first prince this evening. My visit to Horizon was unplanned, so I am accompanying him as well.

What he had against the word escort was beyond her, but his explanation made it seem as if they came as a group instead of her coming with Piers and then Sebastian meeting them there.

They were able to make it a round and a half around the massive ballroom before the banquet portion of the night was announced and everyone was ushered through several red and gilded wooden sets of double doors to one side of the ballroom. They led into a banquet room decorated and furnished in similar style with long tables lined up in rows.

The main table was wider than the others. It was able to have two chairs at its head: one for the Emperor and one for the Empress. As guests walked through, a series of valets would greet them, take their name, and escort them to their seat.

Sebastian was about to stop and tell a valet his name when Piers spoke up.

Master, this way.

Her brother raised a brow, looking intrigued as he followed behind them. Piers led them to the main table and motioned towards the third chair on the left-hand side of the Empress. A small, rectangular piece of cardstock with a gilded border was placed on the plate setting with his name on it.

You know I am just Marquis Gueveras son and not the actual Marquis Guevera, dont you? Sebastian asked with a look of suspicion.

Master is my guest, Piers said as a servant pulled out the seat between his and Sebastians for Tori. Once Tori was seated, he took his own seat.

Across from Piers, another chair was pulled back and Gideon sat down. Tori held her breath and fixed her eyes on the seat across from her, expecting Alessa to appear.

Instead, a woman with olive skin and graying black hair took a seat. Tori furrowed her brows, but said nothing. She glanced back at Gideon and noted the annoyed expression on his face as everyone was seated.

The imperial couple arrived and the Empress welcomed everyone, thanked them for coming, and to enjoy the meal, which would include some delicacies from her home region of Osten. Everyone raised their wine glasses to toast her before she sat down.

As soon as she was seated, servants seemed to melt from the shadows with golden platters bearing mouthwatering dishes.

That reminds me, Tori said as she leaned towards Piers. You left the delta before you could try it, but I brought back a lot of cured pork and beef from Karap. When Ilyanas back, Im going to make them for brunch at Auntie Lucias. Do you think youll be able to come?

He nodded once and seemed to have a small smile on his face as food was served on to his plate by a server. I will come.

I need to remember to tell Axton when he gets back, Tori said, more to herself than to him. Piers let out a small hum. On her other side, Sebastian was talking to the Emperor.

Then, before you leave, we should get together to discuss. Id like another opinion before I send it to the marches, the Emperor said with a crease across his brow. His wife patted his arm.

Yes, but not now, the Empress told him. We are in the middle of dinner.

I will arrange it in a few days. Will you have time, Lord Sebastian?

Yes, Your Majesty. Please send word to the Cosora Delta.

Tori quietly ate the food she was given while nodding as the Empress told her what the dishes were. Piers looked across at Gideon and cocked his head to the side.

Where is your escort?

Tori clenched her jaw to keep from swallowing her food and sending it down the wrong pipe. Her eyes shot to Gideon who tensed in his seat.

Due to the amount of high ranked nobility tonight, we were unable to seat Lady Hart at the table, the Empress said with a pleasant smile. She is seated with the Prime Minister and his family.

Tori looked around. She didnt even know the Guthrys were present, but found them halfway down, one table over. She made a mental note to greet them later.

That's too bad, Sebastian said as he lifted a wine glass to his lips. He gave a smile to the brown-haired woman across from Tori. Duchess Tetri, have you met my sister yet?

The womans green eyes moved over to Tori and raised a brow before giving her a small smile. The famed Lady Guevera. Unfortunately, no, but everyone has heard of her. She gave Tori a small nod of her head. Ive heard of your project, Lady Guevera. If you are in need of investors, please dont hesitate to reach out to me. The Tetri Duchy is always looking for new opportunities.

Your Grace, we hope to welcome visitors for preliminary tours next spring to show our progress. I will keep you in mind for an invitation. If you are still interested then, we can discuss opportunities, Tori said evenly. I dont make promises I cant keep.

The Duchess nodded her head with approval. As expected of Ice Queen Sophos girl. Cold and pragmatic. Exactly who Id do business with.

Now, wait a moment, Delilah, a mans voice from beside her said. A gray-haired man with dark eyes shot the duchess an annoyed look. I am also interested in any business opportunities at the Cosora Delta.

The dark-haired woman on Sebastians other side let out a scoff and sneered at the gray-haired man. If anyone should be given the opportunity, it is my Fekete Duchy, which is adjacent to the delta, Duke Sinan.

Tori tried to contain her surprise that three duchies were interested. Thank you for your consideration. I will make sure to invite all of you.

Duchess Fekete leaned forward to look at Tori. Is Duke Alvere already involved?

Tori knit her brows and tilted her head to the side. Duke Alvere? Why would he be involved?

Youre confusing her, Vanessa, Duchess Tetri said with a dismissive look. She turned to Tori and gave her a smile. When we refer to Duke Alvere, we are referring to Duke Axton Sherez de Alvere. Not that imposter loitering in Sun Garden. She said the last sentence with disgust. If Axtons fathers standing wasnt clear before, it was now.

Toris brows shot up and nodded. In that case, yes. Axton has already discussed a joint enterprise with me.

Duchess Fekete scowled. That boy beat me to it again.... Their small section of the table chuckled and Tori didnt mention that it was she who approached Axton for help.

The rest of the meal went smoothly, though Tori thought Gideon was suspiciously quiet. Because of his presence, Tori answered any questions pertaining to the delta and her project in much more general terms. She also chatted about Lions Gate and how she hoped to utilize it for her project.

After the meal, the imperial couple led the party back into the ballroom, where they took their seats on an elevated stage at the far end of the room. Two massive, gilded chairs had been positioned to give them a view of the entire room. The Emperor took his wifes hand and escorted her to her seat before taking the one next to her and giving a nod of his head to a valet to the side.

It seemed to be a signal and somewhere, trumpets sounded. Tori stood to the side of the thrones, on the Emperors side, with Piers. On the Empress side, Gideon had reunited with Alessa and was smiling once more.

Before the ball continues, His Majesty Emperor Matthieu-Philippe, presents to his beloved wife, Her Majesty Empress Monica Helga, a gift on the celebration of her day of birth! The chamberlain announced as two servants unraveled a massive scroll that would easily hit Toris chest.

The crowds gasped and clapped as the image of the barque was revealed. This is the Queen of Spades and it is currently docked in Mezzaluna, ready for a cruise around the gulf at any time!

Tori clapped with the crowd as she watched the Empress face light up before she reached over to grasp her husbands hand. Tori liked that the imperial family in the game were good to each other. She recalled that in many such stories, the royal or imperial family were many levels of fucked up.

Then again, perhaps since this was a world based on an otome game, the imperial couple was sweet on each other to set a precedent for Gideon.

The Empress stood up and thanked her husband before they stepped down to have the first dance. Music filled the air once more and everyone watched as the imperial couple glided along the dance floor with their eyes locked.

I will practice and get better. A strained voice reached her ears and she looked up. Piers hand squeezed hers. His eyes were on his parents, but he had a look of solemn determination on his face. When I am better, I will dance with you there.

She drew her lips inward and looked back at the dance floor. When the imperial couple completed their dance, everyone clapped. They returned to their seats to watch as various couples began to wander out to dance to the next song.

Tori, do you want to dance? her brother asked from her right.

Tori gave him a small shake of his head. I cant. Im on a mission tonight. Sebastian raised a brow and looked at Piers, whose eyes were smiling.

Then, Im going to get a drink. Do you want one?

No, Im not thirsty yet. Probably later, though.

Ill be back soon, Sebastian said as he stepped away. As he disappeared through the crowds, Tori looked back at Piers.

How are you holding up?

They were a bit further back from the rest of the crowd and almost hiding behind a pillar. Im fine. No one has come to talk to me here. He furrowed his brows. I need to greet more people.

Do you want to go to the garden to take a break for a moment before continuing? Tori asked. It was stuffy when we were eating and there were a lot of people.

Piers nodded wordlessly and Tori led him back to the door they had entered from. A knight opened it for them and they stepped out. The hallway was cooler than the ballroom and when they walked out into the garden, it was even cooler.

Tori took a deep breath, welcoming the fresh air.

That particular ballroom tends to overheat, but its the largest one, Piers said. He pointed to windows high above the building that were all open. The windows have been opened to let in the breeze.

Tori wrinkled her nose. They dont seem to be doing much. You can tell its much cooler out here. She narrowed her eyes. I wonder if Instructor Ignatius and I could sell our air cooler to the palace...?

Do you want to swing? She turned her head towards Piers, who had stepped away and walked deeper into the garden. She walked towards him and he turned around, pointing to a large tree with a swing similar to the one hed set up in the delta.

Tori looked at the small wooden plank and then at her dress.

I dont think I can fit right now. She wouldnt mind swinging, but there was no way she was going to be able to fit on that seat. Piers looked just as disappointed as she was.

Tori patted his shoulder and walked around him, exploring the garden as the faint sound of music wafted through.

Wait a second.... She came to a stop and looked around. Moonlit night, fancy white marble fountain, perfectly manicured English garden...just enough trees around for some privacy, and we can hear the music.

Tori? Piers looked at her, as if asking what was wrong.

This is some fairy tale shit. We should dance! Tori whirled around and beamed at Piers. She brought one arm behind her and extended the other. Your Highness, it has come to my attention that we can still hear the music. There is no one around who will bump into you and its just light enough that we can see where were going, she said as her eyes rose to meet his. She extended her hand towards him again. May I have this dance?

Her would-be partner appeared stunned. Piers nodded and shakily took her hand. Tori giggled to herself as she shortened the distance between them and put her other hand on his upper arm and aligned herself with him. His large, warm hand rested on her hip and as Tori looked up at his face, his eyes dropped.

Piers began to move and Tori matched his careful steps. His eyes were fixed on their feet. He seemed to focus on making sure he was doing the right steps. Tori smiled softly. Youre doing very well.

I practiced with Axton.

She muffled her chuckle. Well, you both did a good job. Youre very fluid. She watched his pale cheeks redden.

Thank you. She almost didnt hear him whisper. The dance itself was very simple, the most basic of waltzes. Piers didnt make a mistake, but she felt a bit helpless that he was so focused on the right steps that he wasnt exactly enjoying the dance itself.

At least, thats what she thought. The music ended and they could hear the faint sound of applause coming from within the ballroom. Tori released her hold on him so she could clap as well. She looked towards her partner and found Piers smiling as if the world had been handed to him on a platter.

He looked happy and she was happy for him.

The applause died down as another song began. Are we going to dance again? Piers asked with a hopeful voice.

Tori gave him a nod. She put her hand back on his and placed the other on his arm before taking a step back to begin. Once more, Piers looked down at their feet, but he was smiling. When youre more comfortable in small crowds, you can try folk dances. Youve probably seen them in plazas during festivals.

Piers smile faltered a bit. I dont go out during festivals. There are too many people.

She forgot about that. Tori nodded. What if its just a small group, like at Henriks birthday party?

Piers thought for a moment before nodding. I can do that.

Tori gave him a sympathetic look. You dont have to force yourself and it is not an urgent matter. We are here if you want to try.

He smiled once more and there was a glint of joy in his eyes. Thank you for coming.

She patted his arm. Im happy to come. They circled the garden, moving a bit more smoothly than their first dance. The song came to an end and before Tori could step away, Piers squeezed her hand. She turned to look at him.

Can we have another dance?

He looked so eager and hopeful, she almost winced. We need to go back inside. Sebby might be looking for us. In fact, knowing her brother, she was sure of it.

His face filled with disappointment and he lowered his eyes once more. His hand dangled in hers. His voice was quiet. I like dancing with you.

For a moment, Tori could almost hear her mothers voice telling her not to be lured in by sweet words and a handsome face.

Mama, youre right. Im sorry I disregarded your warning. I was arrogant.

Everyone likes dancing with Tori; shes an excellent dancer! An irritated voice cut through the peace and quiet of the garden and Tori turned her head in the direction of the ballroom to find her brother walking towards them with an annoyed frown.

Is Sebby a bloodhound? How does he always find me?

I dont recall you telling me that you were going to the garden, Sebastian said, looking directly at her.

She sighed as her shoulders slumped forward. It was getting hot and stuffy, so we came out for some fresh air. We were just about to go back inside.

Sebastian nodded approvingly. Good. We were, too.

Tori furrowed her brows. Her brother came out alone. We?

Sebastian looked past her and glared at some trimmed bushes on the other side of the fountain. After a moment of silence, a heavy, defeated breath was heard and a figure in a military uniform stepped out.

Axton! Tori smiled and threw out her arms. Welcome back! What are you doing here? I thought you were coming back in a few weeks? She grabbed the sides of her skirt and shuffled towards him.

He cracked a smile and raised his hand, carefully patting her hair as she stopped beside him. I came with the General. He came to see his sister for his birthday before he returned to the front. We got to the delta this morning from a port in Osten. I had called Instructor Ignatius to let him know. It takes a few days off the trip when we dont have to go through the mountains.

Sebastian and Piers spoke at the same time.

Master is here?

Uncle has arrived?

Tori ignored both of them. I havent met the General before.

Youve met him, Sebastian said. But you were a baby the last time you met.

Tori rolled her eyes. It doesnt count if I was a baby.

Lets go back inside. We should greet Master, Sebastian said. He offered his arm to Tori, who took it without thinking. They marched towards the ballroom and Tori looked over her shoulder. Piers almost appeared to sulk as he followed behind them. Axton was right beside him, chatting away, but he didnt pay attention.

The four sneaked back into the ballroom just as a song came to an end. As the crowd began to clap once more, the trumpets blared to make an announcement. Curious to see the General, Tori released her brothers arm and wormed her way closer to the thrones, where shed have a good view.

The double doors at the other end of the ballroom were open and the chamberlain appeared beside them.

Announcing General Marquis Oliver von Schwert!

Tori heard someone gasp and looked towards the thrones. The Empress had shot out of her seat and took a step forward. The Emperor smiled as a tall man with broad shoulders walked through the ballroom to kneel before them.

Greetings to His Majesty Emperor Matthieu-Philippe and happy birthday to my sister, Monica. He lifted his head up and Tori sucked in her breath.

The mans thick, short hair was brown and starting to pepper with gray, matching the neatly trimmed beard around his angular jaw. Light brown eyes were shining as he rose to his feet to welcome his sisters embrace.

Tori felt her mouth open as she stared at the most gorgeous middle-aged man shed seen since she woke up in Presidio.

It is Uncle.... She snapped her head to the side and found Piers standing beside her. Toris eyes swept over his face critically before looking back at the General.

She thought Piers looked like his mother, with his brown hair, as opposed to the Emperor and Gideons silver hair, but she took that back. Except for his violet eyes, which seemed to be a trait of the imperial family, Piers resembled his uncle, just like her mother told her.

His height, his broad shoulders, the angles of his face that would only grow sharper with time.

Oh my God...Piers is going to get even hotter.... Toris shoulders slumped down and she let out a defeated breath. Life isnt fair.


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